DBWG :: Volume #20

#1988: Supreme wolf clan

The time passes by day-by-day, Mo Xiao Lang gets up to pass very comfortable day in this piece of boundless grassland. 时间一天天过去,莫小狼在这片茫茫草原上过着十分舒服的日子。 On the prairie the cool breeze blows gently, pleasant weather. 草原上凉风习习,气候宜人。 The race on this piece of prairie, majority know Mo Xiao Lang, after all he is Monster Clan, moreover often helps other people. 这片草原上的种族,大多数都认识莫小狼,毕竟他是妖族,而且也经常帮助他人。 Mo Xiao Lang thorough melted during here life, carefree, sometimes he can think that perhaps here was treating considering as finished for a lifetime. 莫小狼彻底的融进了这里的生活当中,无忧无虑,有时候他会想,或许一辈子就在这里待着算了。 Although said that here is carrying on Star Lord Hegemony War, but at least currently for it, does not have the slight sound. 虽然说这里正在进行星主争霸战,但至少目前为之,没有丝毫的动静。 Mo Xiao Lang had inquired, has qualifications to carry on Star Lord Hegemony War, altogether three races, two Shining Star jumbos, one of them is Dream Immortal Clan, Dream Immortal Clan has very long history, handed down them once is the Shining Star master, but that time Shining Star named illusion star, afterward the Star Lord body of Dream Immortal Clan died, Star Lord died, illusion star changed from one dynasty to another, but still nobody can control here, here name turned into Shining Star, but Dream Immortal Clan these time competed for the Star Lord position, in fact had already been ready, they staged a comeback, only for once again turned into the illusion star Shining Star. 莫小狼曾经打听过,有资格进行星主争霸战的,一共有三个种族,其中两个正是璀璨星辰的巨无霸,其中之一为梦幻仙族,梦幻仙族拥有非常悠长的历史,相传他们曾经就是璀璨星辰的主人,而那时候的璀璨星辰名为梦幻星,后来梦幻仙族星主身死,星主一死,梦幻星改朝换代,但至今没人能够重新掌控这里,这里的名字变成璀璨星辰,而梦幻仙族这一次争夺星主的位置,实际上早就做好了准备,他们卷土重来,只为将璀璨星辰再度变成梦幻星。 Dream Immortal Clan has huge fame in Chaos Star Domain, in the clan Cultivator and Human Clan Spirit Clan look are similar, are skilled in the imaginary technique, in imaginary technique domain almost unmatched in the world, some hearsay said Dream Immortal Clan Spirit Clan one. Dream Immortal Clan strength terror, what is most unusual was each newborn was born, smoke cloud beast associated, side each Dream Immortal Clan smoke cloud beast, Mo Xiao Lang, although has not seen this smoke cloud beast, but heard that was very strange. 梦幻仙族混乱星域拥有巨大的名气,族中者和人族灵族相貌相似,精通幻术,在幻术这个领域几乎天下无敌,也有传闻说梦幻仙族正是灵族的一支。梦幻仙族实力恐怖,最奇特的是他们每个新生儿出生,都会有一头烟云兽伴生,每一位梦幻仙族身边都有一头烟云兽,莫小狼虽然没见过这烟云兽,但听说很诡异。 Besides Dream Immortal Clan, on Shining Star also the jumbo, that is Golden War God Clan! 除了梦幻仙族,璀璨星辰上还有一个巨无霸,那就是黄金战神族 Golden War God Clan, is in the middle of the starry sky the extremely terrifying fight race, they did not belong to Shining Star, is within several thousand years arrives at Shining Star, but the Golden War God Clan single body strength is quite formidable, how long has not come, the strength that develops enough contends with Dream Immortal Clan. 黄金战神族,是星空当中极度恐怖的战斗种族,他们本来不属于璀璨星辰,是数万年之内来到璀璨星辰的,不过黄金战神族单体实力相当强大,没来多久,发展起来的实力就足够和梦幻仙族抗衡。 Golden War God Clan is steel and iron race, all clansman whole bodies comprised of the steel and iron, is the rare steel and iron life, Eight Buddha Dragon is especially similar to Long Chen had fought. Their bodies endure compared with firmest [say / way], lethality strong, if not for Dream Immortal Clan is skilled in the imaginary technique, can aim at them exactly, this Shining Star already was the Golden War God Clan world. 黄金战神族乃是钢铁种族,所有的族人浑身都由钢铁组成,是罕见的钢铁生命,与龙辰曾经战斗过的八部浮屠龙尤其相似。他们的身体堪比最坚固的道器,杀伤力超强,若不是梦幻仙族精通幻术,恰好可以针对他们,这璀璨星辰早就是黄金战神族的天下了。 This Star Lord Hegemony War, is the contention of established Dream Immortal Clan and external Golden War God Clan, but there is the qualifications participate in Star Lord Hegemony War also a side, that is Nightmare Clan, Nightmare Clan is also the ancient race on Shining Star, even before Dream Immortal Clan presents Star Lord, they are resisting with Dream Immortal Clan. 这一场星主争霸战,是老牌的梦幻仙族和外来的黄金战神族的角逐,不过有资格参加星主争霸战的还有一方,那就是梦魇族,梦魇族也是璀璨星辰上的古老种族,甚至梦幻仙族出现星主之前,他们就和梦幻仙族在对抗着。 The body of Nightmare Clan is very small, is less than half meter, has one to open the black head of sheep's horn, only then the upper part and two arms, the lower part comprised of the black fog, mysteriously appears and disappears, is quite mystical, but Nightmare Clan has is a nightmare, is very fearful, because of this, Nightmare Clan has the qualifications of striving for hegemony. 梦魇族的身体很小,只有不到半米,有着一个张着羊角的黑色头颅,只有上半身和两只手臂,下半身则由黑色的云雾组成,神出鬼没,相当神秘,但梦魇族有更是更是一场噩梦,十分可怕,也正因为如此,梦魇族才有争霸的资格。 Dream Immortal Clan or Golden War God Clan, in fact are cruel Expert, among whose no matter they most Expert become Star Lord, to the resident on prairie, is not the good deed. 无论是梦幻仙族还是黄金战神族,实际上都是残暴的强者,不管他们谁当中的最强者当上星主,对草原上的住民来说,都不是好事。 Saw that Star Lord Hegemony War is getting more and more close, the residents on prairie were getting more and more sad, that has stuck together the Mo Xiao Lang azure green grass, the words has also been short. 眼看着星主争霸战越来越接近,草原上的住民们越来越忧愁了,那一直黏着莫小狼的青青草,话也少了许多。 Mo Xiao Lang decided that if when the time comes able, can help them slightly. 莫小狼决定,如果到时候自己有能力的话,可以稍微帮助一下他们。 In order to let everybody forgets to worry, is happy, the residents on prairie gather, starts to give the performance wait / etc., looks at these strange races during the people surround the funny performance, everybody cheerful has smiled. 为了让大家都忘记烦恼,开心起来,草原上的住民们聚集在一起,开始表演节目等等,看着那些奇奇怪怪的种族在众人包围当中滑稽的表演,大家都乐呵呵的笑了起来。 Brother Xiao Lang, we also come!” 小狼哥哥,我们也来!” Su Yan is holding his hand, arrived at that by the center that over a thousand people surround, everybody shouted, Su Yan complexion micro red, but was still very bold, is leading Mo Xiao Lang, dances lightly in the people field of vision, Su Yan naturally is full of the aesthetic sense, but Mo Xiao Lang is more awful. 素妍拉着他的手,来到了那被上千人包围的中心,大家都叫嚷了起来,素妍脸色微红,但仍然十分大胆,带动着莫小狼,在众人视野当中翩翩起舞,素妍自然是充满美感的,而莫小狼就糟糕多了。 His that poverty-stricken appearance, making the people on prairie laugh. 他那窘迫的样子,让草原上的人们哄笑了起来。 This happy meeting, attracted the increasing number of people appearance, far apart here rapidly became the friend from person, because of the specialness of Mo Xiao Lang, many people also and Mo Xiao Lang talked. 这一场欢乐的聚会,吸引了越来越多的人到场,来自天南地北的人在这里迅速成为了朋友,因为莫小狼的特殊,很多人也都和莫小狼搭话。 Small Younger Brother, do you come from Immortal God Domain, Monster God Domain?” “小兄弟,你来自永生神域,妖神域吗?” Mo Xiao Lang nods, shakes the head, said: „It is not, but more remote place.” 莫小狼点点头,又摇摇头,道:“不是,而是更加遥远的地方。” „......” “哦……” The people nod. 众人点点头。 When this meeting will soon end, the Mo Xiao Lang actually somewhat absolutely terrified strength gets up, he felt the fatal crisis, after arriving at Shining Star, he has not felt so the danger of degree, this fearful threat made him separate for one month, returned to that warm-blooded battle condition once again. 就在这场聚会即将结束的时候,莫小狼却有些毛骨悚然的战力起来,他感觉到了致命的危机,来到璀璨星辰后,他从来没感受到如此程度的危险,这种可怕的威胁让他隔了一个多月,再度回到了那种热血的战斗状态。 Su Yan also anxious stands, asked: Brother Xiao Lang, how......” 素妍也紧张的站立起来,问道:“小狼哥哥,怎么了……” The surrounding person looks at each other in blank diamay, does not know why Mo Xiao Lang suddenly will have this change. 周围的人面面相觑,也不知道莫小狼为什么突然会有这种变化。 We walk.” “我们走。” His complexion is serious, a pulling Su Yan, was running out of the crowd, leaves behind several thousand people of over ten thousand people incomparably astonished, dull looks at Mo Xiao Lang, azure green grass several people are very fuzzy, runs over with Mo Xiao Lang. 他脸色沉重,一把拉着素妍,冲出了人群,留下数千人上万人无比惊愕,呆呆的看着莫小狼,其中青青草几人很是模糊,也跟着莫小狼跑过来。 However, has not left far, Mo Xiao Lang can only have no alternative stopped the footsteps, he stared, who although does not know is, but cannot implicate the friends on prairie absolutely, therefore Mo Xiao Lang said to them hastily: You walk quickly, my a little matter needs to process.” 不过,还没离开多远,莫小狼只能无可奈何的停下了脚步,他被盯上了,虽然不知道是谁,但自己绝对不能连累到草原上的朋友们,于是莫小狼连忙对他们说道:“你们快走,我有点事需要处理一下。” The azure green grass they were bewildered, retroceded several steps, but has not left completely, but worried looks at Mo Xiao Lang, and other people also happened to obtain somebody's favor come, encircled in the azure green grass behind. 青青草他们莫名其妙,后退了几步,但没有完全离开,而是担忧的看着莫小狼,并且其他人也都靠上前来,围在青青草身后。 Brother Xiao Lang, how?” The azure green grass asked anxiously. 小狼哥哥,到底怎么了?”青青草紧张问道。 At this time, the entire world suddenly probably changed, Mo Xiao Lang vigilant looks at the surroundings, the quick about sky had the strange phenomenon, the upper left spatial warping, presented together the Golden ray suddenly, the ray expansion of that Golden, turns into one round to burn Sun of Golden flame, that Sun has the infinite temperature, burns on the prairie, immediately, the massive flowers and plants have burnt, on the prairie turned into a sea of fire immediately. 就在这时候,整个世界忽然间好像变化了,莫小狼警惕的看着周围,很快左右上空出现了奇怪的现象,左上方空间扭曲了起来,骤然间出现一道金色的光芒,那金色的光芒扩大,化成一轮燃烧着金色火焰的太阳,那太阳拥有无穷的温度,烧灼在草原上,顿时之间,大量的花草燃烧了起来,草原上顿时变成了一片火海。 But in the upper right, then presented a round silver moon, on that moon fills the massive cold air, has seized the sky of half instantaneously, faces each other across a great distance with the left Golden hot sun, the strength of twofold gets together, has had the impact of terror, but these small and weak prairie races, bear the brunt. 而在右上方,则出现了一轮银色的月亮,那月亮上弥漫出大量的寒气,瞬间占领了半边的天空,和左边的金色烈日遥遥相对,两重的力量聚合到一起,产生了恐怖的冲击,而那些弱小的草原种族,更是首当其冲。 Do not injure them!” “别伤害他们!” Mo Xiao Lang clenches the teeth, whooshes one, the time Crazy Wind courage, has blown off the surrounding hot sun and cold air, he is just about to change into the beast shape to protect them, meaning that fortunately the future has not killed people probably, that Golden hot sun and silver moon, although terror, but Aura slowly has actually restrained. 莫小狼咬紧牙关,嘶吼一声,顿时间狂风勇气,将周围的烈日和寒气都吹散了,他正要化为兽形来保护他们,所幸来者好像也没有杀人的意思,那金色烈日和银色月亮虽然恐怖,但气息却慢慢收敛了起来。 The prairie finally returned to normal. 草原终于恢复了正常。 However so, the surroundings have the big piece lawn promptly, turned into the paint black land. 但是及时如此,周围还是有大片的草地,变成了漆黑色的土地。 Prairie race dull looks at this, they felt running away that the profound fear, suddenly most people have wasted, but also the remaining more than 1000 people care about the Mo Xiao Lang safety, has not left immediately. 草原种族呆呆的看着这一幕,他们感觉到了深刻的恐惧,一时间大部分人都浪费的逃窜,还剩下1000多人顾及莫小狼的安危,没有马上离开。 Their lives were too frail, Mo Xiao Lang cannot implicate them, he said fierce: This is my private affair, you walk first, you are extremely small and weak, if were affected, only then died.” 他们的生命实在太脆弱了,莫小狼不能连累他们,他厉声道:“这是我的私事,你们都先走,你们太过弱小,若是被波及,只有死亡。” He is usually very friendly, little has the so serious time. 他平时都很和气,很少有如此严肃的时候。 Hears his words, although everybody does not abandon very much, but fear that has feared or defeated all, they obeyed the Mo Xiao Lang words, starts to run away, and is slightly round as for the azure green grass they, although is worried about Mo Xiao Lang very much, does not want to leave, but still made their parents drag away. 听到他的话,虽然大家都很不舍,但恐惧还是战胜了一切,他们听从了莫小狼的话,开始逃窜,至于青青草和小圆圆他们,虽然很担心莫小狼,不想离开,但却仍然让他们的父母拖走了。 Because their parents know that these Expert to them mean anything, they casually blow the tone, can let the prairie race destruction, the formidable and small and weak between disparity like this is always desperate. 因为他们父母知道,这些强者对他们而言意味着什么,他们就是随便吹口气,也能让草原种族覆灭,强大和弱小之间的差距总是这样让人绝望的。 It seems like, you are the loving care small and weak good person.” “看来,你还是个爱护弱小的好人。” Suddenly, on that silver moon has the wonderful sound to transmit. 忽然间,那银色月亮上有美妙的声音传来。 Mo Xiao Lang looked at the past, saw only in the middle of that silver moon, dozens silver pure monster wolves crawled, crawled in the middle of the silver ice-cold mist, an attire exposed, only put on the armor of silvery bright, blocked from the key place, revealed the mature graceful bearing woman of big piece snow white flesh to walk from the silver moon/month, these silver wolves behind built the silver comfortable deck chair in her, making her depend gently above. 莫小狼看过去,只见那银色月亮当中,有数十头银色纯净的妖狼从中爬了出来,匍匐在银色冰冷雾气当中,一位衣着暴露,只穿着银亮的铠甲,遮住关键部位,露出大片雪白肌肤的成熟风韵女人从银月当中走了出来,那些银色的狼群在她身后搭建出了银色舒适的躺椅,让她轻轻靠在上面。 Moreover one side, in the middle of that Golden hot sun, dozens Golden monster wolves walked, on that monster wolf has the Golden flame, is not big, but the vigorous capable golden hair man walks from the Golden hot sun, the makings of scalding hot flame and that overwhelming power looking disdainfully world, crush all living things. 另外一边,那金色的烈日当中,也有数十头金色的妖狼从中走了出来,那妖狼身上有着金色的火焰,一位并不高大,但矫健精壮的金发男子从金色烈日当中走出来,一身灼热的火焰和那威猛睥睨天下的气质,压倒众生。 Golden pack of wolves or silver pack of wolves, that golden hair man or the silver armor woman, are very fearful, Mo Xiao Lang has seen Nine Tail Heaven Fox very formidable one group of people, but they add, feared that is inferior to these two. 无论是金色狼群还是银色狼群,无论是那金发男子还是银甲女人,都十分可怕,莫小狼见过九尾天狐很强大的一群人,但他们加起来,怕是都不如这两位。 That golden hair man pair of Golden burns the eye of flame to size up Mo Xiao Lang up and down, the sinking sound track: Child, you are the person who we must find. Does not need to be anxious, we will not injure you.” 那金发男子一双金色燃烧着火焰的眼睛上下打量莫小狼,沉声道:“孩子,你是我们要找的人。不必紧张,我们不会伤害你。” Although the opposite party said that but Mo Xiao Lang does not dare to relax vigilantly. 虽然对方这么说,但是莫小狼不敢放松警惕。 He protected Su Yan, the sinking sound asked: Two look for me, what has to tell?” 他保护住了素妍,沉声问道:“两位找我,有什么吩咐?” In Shining Star, can actually see in the middle of the Monster Clan wolf clan, really stemmed from the expectation of Mo Xiao Lang. He has not thought that here will have Monster Clan Expert, he has conceived, if these two formidable have occurring together to the abnormal wolf clan and Nine Tail Heaven Fox, that today did trouble? 璀璨星辰,竟然能够看到妖族当中的狼族,实在太出乎莫小狼的预料了。他怎么也没想到,这里会有妖族强者,他设想了一下,如果这两位强大到变态的狼族和九尾天狐有交集的话,那今日自己岂不是麻烦了? Therefore, his is sad. 所以,他的心情十分沉重。 Saw this tense appearance, the silver armor woman chuckle, she said with a smile tenderly: First introduced oneself. We are one of the wolf clan three big supreme bloodlines, Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, I am a Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan wolf Lord.” 看到他这紧张的样子,银甲女人轻笑了一声,她娇笑道:“先自我介绍一下吧。我们是狼族三大至尊血脉之一,蚀月狼族,我是蚀月狼族的一位狼主。” Silver monster wolf that these she sits down, in fact is her clansman. 那些她坐下的银色妖狼,实际上都是她的族人。
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