DBWG :: Volume #20

#1987: The demon of swallowing

The Chaos Star Domain center, is a length and breadth boundless region. 混乱星域的中央,是一片广袤无垠的区域。 Long Chen takes a broad view to look, that is very at present obvious like the gem equally radiant stars, that was Shining Star of Chaos Star Domain most surrounding, Mo Xiao Lang arrived here. 龙辰放眼望去,眼前那如宝石一样璀璨的星辰十分明显,那是混乱星域最外围的璀璨星辰,莫小狼就到了这里。 Here is also the Long Chen destination. 这里也是龙辰的目的地。 After Chaos Star Domain, can see temporarily, 67 stars, ponder star these as for the chaos emperor star and life, because the distance is too far, the itself volume is not specially huge, therefore cannot see temporarily. 混乱星域之后,暂时能看见的,还有67个星辰,至于混沌皇星和命运神星这些,因为距离太远,本身体积又不是特别巨大,所以暂时看不见。 Demon Star is the Chaos Star Domain core, even entire Chaos Star Domain revolves the Demon Star rotation, is hiding what kind of secret as for this, that nobody knew. 魔星则是混乱星域的核心,甚至整个混乱星域都围绕着魔星转动,至于这里面到底隐藏着怎样的秘密,那就沒人知道了。 Has rested the period of time, soon will once again start, Long Chen had actually discovered an accident, he looks following the Shining Star direction that has studied the period of time, asked: Xiao Xi, do you have to think that probably these super stars, must continually become a straight line immediately.” 休息了一阵子,即将再度启程的时候,龙辰却发现了一个意外,他顺着璀璨星辰的方向看去,研究了一阵子,问道:“小曦,你有沒有觉得,好像这几个超级星球,马上就要连成一条直线了。” Lingxi looked curiously, somewhat pleasantly surprised said: Truly is this, almost continually became a straight line, does not know that the chaos emperor star and life of deep place pondered the star, as well as Heaven Dragon Star, can also in this straight line.” 灵曦好奇的看了看,有些惊喜说道:“确实是这样啊,几乎都连成一条直线了,就是不知道深处的混沌皇星和命运神星、以及天龙星,会不会也在这条直线上。” About all of central core region, is Long Chen inquires to that Luan Tree Clan, present he knows on the whole the influence branch of this central region, knows five super stars do not have the master, but the chaos emperor star and life ponder the star, the demons star and Asura star make Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family and life clan and have the demons clan and Ashura God Clan of relations with the demon clan separately occupy, on these four super stars has four stars, but Heaven Dragon Star of most deep place makes one crowd be occupied by Five Great Dragon City exile Dragon Warrior. 关于中央核心区域的一切,都是龙辰向那栾树族打听到的,如今的他大体上知道这中央区域的势力分部,知道其中五颗超级星球是沒有主人的,而混沌皇星、命运神星、罗刹星和修罗星分别让混沌皇族、命族、与夜叉族有关系的罗刹族和阿修罗神族占据,这四颗超级星球上存在四个星球,而最深处的天龙星则让一群被五大龙城放逐的龙武者占据。 First time hears the Heaven Dragon Star news, Long Chen is accidental, has not thought that Chaos Star Domain really has so numerous Dragon Warrior, moreover was sent into exile by Five Great Dragon City, this crowd of Long Clan are very mystical, Luan Tree Clan knows not many, as if they quietly arrived there in some time, they are very formidable, the demon clan is that crowd of Dragon Warrior destroys. 第一次听到天龙星的消息,龙辰非常意外,沒想到混乱星域竟然有如此众多的龙武者,而且还是被五大龙城放逐的,这一群龙族十分神秘,栾树族知道得也不多,似乎在某个时刻他们就悄然到了那里,他们十分强大,夜叉族就是那一群龙武者毁灭的。 Since is Long Clan that Five Great Dragon City sends into exile, then should also be similar to Five Great Dragon City, my present strength is insufficient, thinks my father to rectify names insufficient, few provokes these arrogant Long Clan is good.” “既然是五大龙城放逐出來的龙族,那么也应该和五大龙城差不多,我现在实力不够,不足以为我父亲正名,还是少去招惹这些高傲的龙族为好。” Listened to Luan Tree Clan saying that Long Chen can feel, this crowd of Dragon Warrior were very arrogant, they should also be Five Great Dragon City part, but Long Chen so far, with the relations of Five Great Dragon City, was still very troublesome. 栾树族所说,龙辰能感觉出來,这群龙武者是很孤傲的,他们应该还算是五大龙城的一部分,而龙辰目前为止,和五大龙城的关系,仍然很麻烦。 Therefore, he has neglected the Heaven Dragon Star news temporarily, but if in the future has the opportunity, certainly will have a look at the outcome. 所以,他暂时忽略了天龙星的消息,但往后若是有机会,一定会看看究竟。 If ten super stars continually become a line, in addition Demon Star, does not know that will have any out of phase to appear.” “如果十颗超级星球连成一条线,再加上魔星的话,不知道会有什么异相出现呢。” Lingxi is winking the bright eye, guessed in a soft voice. 灵曦眨着明亮的眼睛,轻声猜测道。 Long Chen said with a smile: Who knows that waits, as it concerns us, what now is most critical, goes to Shining Star to settle a family, then here wanderer.” 龙辰笑道:“谁知道呢,拭目以待吧,对我们而言,现在最紧要的是,去璀璨星辰安一个家,然后在这里闯荡。” The life of fervor, started. 激情的生活,又开始了。 Warm-blooded, fight, chase, powerful, all these are the life of Long Chen hobby. 热血,战斗,追逐,强盛,这一切都是龙辰爱好的生活。 With Lingxi together, they in the middle of the gem toward starry sky, Shining Star flush away. 灵曦一起,两人朝着星空当中的宝石,璀璨星辰冲去。 .................. ……………… Meanwhile, on the Shining Star other aspect, has the Blue long hair and Blue eye, the stature beautiful fascinating'winsome, is full of the acme enticement, can let any man for the it crazy outstandingly beautiful woman, is supporting a pair of snow white clear Yufeng, float above Shining Star. 与此同时,在璀璨星辰的另外一面上,正有一位有着蓝色长发和蓝色眼睛,身材婀娜,充满极致诱惑,可以让任何一个男人为之疯狂的绝色女人,挺着一双雪白圆润的玉峰,悬浮在璀璨星辰之上。 Her facial features carve, fair tender and delicate, the eye or fine jade nose that fresh-faced lip, is perfect, ** the stature, very curls upwards the perfectly round buttocks to send out is enticing Aura. 她的面容精雕细琢,白皙娇嫩,无论是眼睛还是琼鼻还是那粉嫩的嘴唇,都是完美至极的,**的身材,挺翘浑圆的臀部等都散发着诱惑气息 This is a ghosts and demons woman. 这是个鬼魅般的女人。 If Long Chen sees her, he can certainly recognize, she is the heart of Tragic Death City Lord, is a woman of spirit of clan that life, after leaving Long Chen, she returns to Immortal God Domain, but Chaos Star Domain these small race survivals places. 如果龙辰看见她,他一定能够认出來,她就是枉死城主的心脏,也是那个生命之灵一族的女人,离开龙辰后,她就返回永生神域,而混乱星域正是这些小种族生存的地方。 But this sent the woman and past blue compares, has many were different, she was still charming, but that water Blue look deep place, was actually hiding a piece of black abyss, only then deep was staring at her eye, can feel the terror of that most deep place. 但这蓝发女人和从前比起來,有着许多的不同了,她仍然娇媚无比,但那水蓝色的眼神深处,却藏着一片黑色的深渊,只有深深的盯着她的眼睛,才能够感觉到那最深处的恐怖。 She is selecting the finger lightly, the bright red bilabial raised slightly, reveals the charming smiling face, muttered in a soft voice: It...... To here.” 她轻挑着手指,艳红双唇微微扬起,流露出了迷人的笑容,轻声喃喃自语道:“它……到了这里呢。” Mentioned it time, sent in the female human eye to reveal the excitement of acme blue, she used that pink moist tongue, licked the bilabial lightly, charming [say / way]: Demon main guesses will not be wrong, he is the demon of swallowing, is our different numbers, is our hopes, I may probably find it...... This is the only turning point that I and other people of freedom extricate, I cannot be defeated absolutely......” 说起‘它’的时候,蓝发女人眼中流露出了极致的兴奋,她用那粉色的湿润舌头,轻舔双唇,妩媚道:“魔主们猜得是不会错的,他就是吞噬之魔,是我们的异数,也是我们的希望,我可一定要找到它啊……这是我等自由之人解脱的唯一契机,我绝对不能失败……” For this time duty, she has prepared sufficient. 为了这次的任务,她已经做好了充足的准备。 Demon main had been imprisoned the too long time, they cannot work as the prisoner again, this world life under the serious Heavenly Dao rule, limited the life to transform into the Spiritual God the possibility, they must rescue the common people, must let this destruction Long Ji Continent, gave full play to the vitality......” “魔主们已经被囚禁太长的时间了,他们不能再当囚犯了,这个世界生活在惨重的天道规则之下,限制了生灵蜕变成为神灵的可能,他们要解救苍生,要让这毁灭的龙祭大陆,重新焕发生机……” The so significant mission, lets send the woman to be excited the whole body to shiver blue. 如此重大的使命,让蓝发女人兴奋得浑身颤抖。 „The demon of swallowing...... The demon of swallowing, I came......” “吞噬之魔……吞噬之魔,我來了……” Her both eyes are excited, throws toward that huge Shining Star. 她双眼激动,朝着那巨大的璀璨星辰扑去。 The star in eye, is enlarging unceasingly, gradually turned into the entire world in her at present, mentioned the demon of swallowing, in fact sent the woman to be curious blue, she still remembers one in two young matches who on Long Ji Continent ran into, that was two person who she almost killed, she was fortunately intelligent, making her deceive. 眼中的星球,正在不断的放大,逐渐在她眼前变成了整个世界,说起吞噬之魔,实际上蓝发女人非常好奇,她仍然记得自己在龙祭大陆上遇到的两个小对手,那是两个将她几乎杀死的人,还好她聪明,让她骗过去了。 Among that two people, the wolf clan, can actually swallow the flame to promote itself, this method quite goes against heaven's will, naturally, that wolf clan was impossible becomes the demon, therefore she to this new demon, moreover shoulders is saving the common people destiny the demon, is very curious. 那两个人当中,其中就有一名狼族,竟然能够吞噬火焰提升自己,这种手段相当逆天,当然了,那个狼族不可能会成为魔,所以她对这新的魔,而且还肩负着拯救苍生命运的魔,十分好奇。 He can be what kind of fellow.” “他到底会是怎样的家伙呢。” Sends the woman like this to think blue, has crashed in the middle of Shining Star, was quicker than much Long Chen. 蓝发女人就这样想着,冲进了璀璨星辰当中,比龙辰快了不少。 .................. ……………… Heaven Dragon Star. 天龙星 To all non- Dragon Warrior, Heaven Dragon Star without doubt is a fearful place, because there is Five Great Dragon City the place of exile, fellow who dares to defy Five Great Dragon City this peak influence, in fact the temperament is poor, once some people of not long eyes run in Heaven Dragon Star secretly, if were held, light then imprisons life-long, heavy at the scene kills. 对所有非龙武者而言,天龙星无疑是一个可怕的地方,因为那里是五大龙城的放逐之地,胆敢违抗五大龙城这种顶峰势力的家伙,实际上脾气都不怎么好,一旦有人不长眼睛偷偷跑进天龙星,若是被抓住,轻则囚禁终生,重则当场杀死。 Does not keep eyes open as for such as demon clan type, then almost exterminated the clan. 至于如夜叉族这种不长眼的,则是几乎被灭族。 Therefore, to today, has caught up with Heaven Dragon Star person almost nobody. 所以,到了今日,赶來天龙星的人几乎沒人。 Sky over Heaven Dragon Star, is one huge black eddy currents, looks like a mouth, has heard the countless person pitiful demented cries. 天龙星上空,是一片巨大的黑色漩涡,就像是一张嘴巴,其中传來了无数人凄惨癫狂的叫声。 These shriek and howl wildly, Divine Dragon already heard to be used. 那些鬼哭狼嚎,神龙们早就听得习惯了。 On Heaven Dragon Star, has not presented such grand occasion. 天龙星上,从來沒有出现过这样的盛况。 In the middle of one boundless black hills, above the group dragon dances in the air, entire Heaven Dragon Star Divine Dragon, the quantity approaches 100,000, this 100,000 Divine Dragon flies unexpectedly toward that piece of black hills, each Divine Dragon expression, is excited, they are even deeply moved. 在一片茫茫的黑色群山当中,其上群龙飞舞,整个天龙星神龙,数量足足接近十万,这十万神龙竟然都朝着那一片黑色的群山飞去,每一头神龙的表情,都是激动的,他们甚至激动得说不出话來。 Their looks, are very warm, look at that black hills the direction. 他们的眼神,无比热烈,看着那黑色群山的方向。 There has black, but the straight butte, rushes to the clouds, covers in the middle of the fog. 那里有着一座黑色而笔直的孤峰,冲上云霄,笼罩在云雾当中。 The surroundings black air/Qi surrounds. 周围黑气环绕。 In bright Dragon Eye is full of the tears, they are almost shivering during the entire flight, is unable in the spoken language to describe that their excitements at this moment, carved at this time, all people gathered one, they gathered at the black hills, then changed into the human form, near 100,000 Dragon Warrior partly knelt in the hills on the ground, both eyes were reverent, look above that butte. 所有神龙眼中都饱含着泪水,他们在飞行过程当中几乎在颤抖,无法用言语形容他们此刻的激动,在这时刻,所有人都汇聚到了一起,他们聚集在黑色群山当中,然后化为人形,近十万龙武者在群山当中半跪在地上,双眼虔诚,看着那孤峰之上。 This 100,000 Dragon Warrior, even has to surmount Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm, surmounts existence of god boundary, that is stands erect truly in the Immortal God Domain peak person, such character, dreaded including Five Great Dragon City Dragon Emperor. 十万龙武者,其中甚至有超越七星轮回劫境,超越通神境界的存在,那是真正屹立在永生神域巅峰的人,这样的人物,连五大龙城龙帝们都非常忌惮。 But at this moment, such character, is actually leading 100,000 Divine Dragon, partly kneels before the butte. 但此时此刻,这样的人物,却领着十万神龙,半跪在孤峰之前。 All people can see, on the butte is standing a person's shadow, that person wears the black long gown, covers including the head, Crazy Wind has welled up, the long gown flap flap makes noise. 所有人能够看到,孤峰上站着一个人影,那人穿着黑色的长袍,连脑袋也笼罩在其中,狂风涌过,长袍猎猎作响。 All Divine Dragon under the leadership of that most Expert, to that black person's shadow line of worshipping on bended knees rituals, they are very peaceful, but is actually not able to suppress the excitement in heart, several thousand years of waiting, must extricate today finally, this terrifying Divine Dragon army, must start to rally the strong wind. 所有神龙在那最强者的带领下,对着那黑色的人影行跪拜礼,他们很安静,但却无法抑制心中的激动,数万年的等待,终于要在今天解脱了吗,这一支恐怖的神龙军队,又要开始重整雄风了吗。 Thinks that the waiting eventually ended, all Divine Dragon are excited. 一想到等待终于结束,所有的神龙激动不已。 Welcomed Eternal Dragon Emperor to return.” “恭迎永恒龙帝回归。” The leader is ultimate Divine Dragon, is in society knows how things stand Expert, he kneels down on the ground. 领头者乃终极神龙,乃世间有数强者,他跪倒在地上。 Other Divine Dragon echo with one voice, kneels down in abundance on the ground. 其他神龙齐声附和,纷纷跪倒在地上。 The King anything sound on butte, he has not been looking at this stretch of boundless land, for a very long time did not speak, but these Divine Dragon were also maintaining the posture of worshipping on bended knees, motionless. 孤峰上的王者沒什么动静,他在看着这一片苍茫大地,久久不语,而那些神龙们也保持着跪拜的姿势,一动不动。 Finally, the man on that butte spoke. 终于,那孤峰上的男子说话了。 He uses ordinary, very gentle sound to say very much: Our goals, are Shining Star.” 他用很普通,很温柔的声音道:“我们的目标,是璀璨星辰。” All Divine Dragon gained ground, they naturally do not know that Shining Star makes anything, but they not excessively, because in their eyes, the decision of this man, will be never wrong. 所有的神龙抬起头來,他们自然不知道去璀璨星辰做什么,但他们不会过分,因为在他们心目当中,这个男人的决定,是永远都不会错的。 Yes.” “是。” All Divine Dragon nod. 所有神龙点头。 Above the butte, male bird's eye view world common people, said once again: Ten star continuous dates, must arrive immediately, when the time comes Heaven and Earth Society is born the heavy treasure that in history always presents, that is our Long Clan thing, the date and time are not many, we must attain.” 孤峰之上,男子俯瞰天下苍生,再度说道:“十星连珠之日,马上就要降临了,到时候天地会诞生有史以來从來出现的重宝,那是属于我们龙族的东西,时日不多,我们一定要拿到。” This news, deeply has shocked all Divine Dragon, they know certainly that ten star continuous dates will be very special, but actually do not know that Eternal Dragon Emperor will have the so high appraisal to that thing, after he returns to the first matter, for ten star continuous dates. 这个消息,将所有的神龙深深震撼了,他们当然知道十星连珠之日会很特殊,但却不知道永恒龙帝会对那东西有如此高的评价,他回归后的第一件事情,就是为了十星连珠之日。 But no matter how, they will only follow, their present people have the matchless wisdom, he does not need to question that only needs to obey. 但不管如何,他们只会追随,他们眼前的人拥有举世无双的智慧,他不需要质疑,只需要服从。 The people thought that if goes to Shining Star, whether said that that so-called Long Clan heavy treasure, will appear in Shining Star. 众人心想,如果前往璀璨星辰的话,是否是说,那所谓的龙族重宝,会出现在璀璨星辰么。 Nobody inquired about. 沒人过问。 They naturally do not know, Long Chen also in Shining Star. 他们自然也不知道,龙辰也在璀璨星辰 [
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