DBWG :: Volume #20

#1986: Destiny

Pitiful Nine Tail Heaven Fox, but also thinks really wolf clan the wolf hosts of two supreme blood relationships, will help them. 可怜九尾天狐,还真以为狼族的两位至尊血统的狼主,会帮助他们呢。 To two wolves main, Mo Xiao Lang means that mysterious and miracle, as for the fascinated this matter, they do not regard as important, because they did not fear. 对两位狼主而言,莫小狼意味着神奇和奇迹,至于入魔这件事情,他们并不看重,因为他们不怕。 Can swallow the flame to promote, does not have Reincarnation Calamity? Words that so goes against heaven's will, so long as makes this child grow, absolutely is the myth of my wolf clan, since he can defeat Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, at least currently speaking, has the huge use to us, even if he went to other star, must look immediately to me!” “能够吞噬火焰升级,没有轮回劫?真如此逆天的话,只要让这小孩成长起来,绝对是我狼族的神话,他既然能够打败五行轮回劫境者,至少在目前来说,对我们有巨大的用处,就算他去了别的星球,也要马上给我找回来!” Clear Sun Wolf Clan starts to order. 昊日狼族开始命令。 At this time, in the middle of that endless black abyss, suddenly has heard the fricative of steel and iron, dingdong, is very grating. 就在这时候,那无尽的黑色深渊当中,忽然传来了钢铁的摩擦声,叮叮当当,十分刺耳。 Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan peaceful. 昊日狼族蚀月狼族都安静了下来。 Endless starts the sound dark such terrifying sound, indistinct middle, the Golden giant object stands in the darkness, partly visible, that Golden steel and iron is very ancient, above has covered entirely from the antique strange mark, is swaying from side to side gently. 无尽黑暗开始响动着这样恐怖的声音,隐约当中,有一副金色的巨大物体在黑暗当中站立起来,若隐若现,那金色的钢铁很是古老,其上布满了来自太古的诡异符号,轻轻扭动着。 Two wolf hosts, look peacefully that in the steel and iron that in the middle of the darkness regains consciousness. 两位狼主,安静看着那在黑暗当中苏醒的钢铁。 „The old friends of two allied armies, what good deed are, making you awaken together me?” Suddenly, on that giant steel and iron object, has made the machinery equally indifferent sound, that sound is especially grating, except for two wolf hosts, other wolf clans called, protected itself with Golden silver brilliance. “两位盟军的老朋友,到底是什么好事,让你们一起把我唤醒过来呢?”忽然之间,那巨大的钢铁物体上,发出了机械一样冷漠的声音,那声音尤其刺耳,除了两位狼主,其他的狼族都嗷嗷叫,用金色银色光华保护自己。 Hao date wolf Lord said with a smile: Naturally was meddlesome, if were true, in the middle of the Star Lord Hegemony War first war, our having confidence made your Golden War God Clan percentage hundred be won.” 昊日狼主笑道:“当然是好事了,如果属实的话,星主争霸战当中的第一战,我们有把握让你们黄金战神族百分百得到胜利。” „?” That giant steel and iron machinery is very curious, he asked: Is what kind of existence, making you have so grasps?” “哦?”那巨大的钢铁机械十分好奇,他问道:“到底是怎样的存在,让你有如此把握呢?” Hao date wolf Lord said with a smile: This you leave alone, relieved have prepared other fights, when you become Golden War God Clan first Star Lord, our Monster Clan will be also huger in the Chaos Star Domain influence, our cooperation are win-win, together diligently.” 昊日狼主笑道:“这你就别管了,安心准备其他的战斗吧,等你成为黄金战神族第一位星主,我们妖族混乱星域的势力也会更加庞大,我们的合作是双赢,一起努力吧。” That steel and iron machinery with not having the sentimental mechanical sound said: „The Star Lord Hegemony War first war, is the war of talent, thinks that two had found Expert of Golden War God Clan allied armies talent, is young Monster Clan of your wolf clan three big supreme bloodlines?” 那钢铁机械用没有感情的机械声音道:“星主争霸战第一战,是天才之战,想必两位已经找到了黄金战神族盟军天才的强者,是你们狼族三大至尊血脉的年轻妖族吗?” Two wolf hosts look at each other one, that eclipse month wolf main road: We went to look for him, you knew. You relieved dive to cultivate, on this day war, gives us the wolf clan.” 两位狼主对视一眼,那蚀月狼主道:“等我们去把他找回来,你就知道了。你就安心潜修,这天才之战,就交给我们狼族吧。” The steel and iron machinery said: Good, first thanked two old friends, I waited.” 钢铁机械道:“好,先感谢两位老朋友了,我拭目以待。” Hao date wolf main road: This time, no matter Dream Immortal Clan leaves what kind of talent Expert, even if please come the Human Clan Five Great Dragon City first talents, I can also make them cry going back. This Shining Star, is belongs to Golden War God Clan and Monster Clan!” 昊日狼主道:“这一次,不管梦幻仙族出怎样的天才强者,哪怕是把人族五大龙城的第一天才们请过来,我也能让他们哭着回去。这璀璨星辰,是属于黄金战神族妖族的!” The steel and iron machinery said: Naturally, cannot underestimate Nightmare Clan, after all their allied armies are Chaos Star Domain tyrant Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family. Assigns the clan to be stirless all year long, Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior is never in charge, this Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family in, their talent Expert, is very terrorist......” 钢铁机械道:“当然,也不能太小看梦魇族,毕竟他们的盟军是混乱星域的霸者混沌皇族。命族终年无动静,天龙星龙武者从来不管事,这混沌皇族就在附近,他们的天才强者,也很恐怖啊……” The machinery echo, reverberates in this dark space. 机械回音,在这黑暗空间当中回荡。 .............................. ………………………… On this boundless grassland, has to count the 100,000 life, after they mostly are the hometown was invaded, migrates to Shining Star. The Chaos Star Domain ten thousand clans strive for hegemony, but most races are the weak ones, for example green grass clan, for example Luan Tree Clan, for example crag clan, crag clan individual, although is formidable, but how the quantity too to be really few, on entire prairie, the quantity of crag clan less than 200. 这茫茫草原上,有着数十万的生灵,他们大多是家乡被侵占之后,迁移到璀璨星辰当中来的。混乱星域万族争霸,但大多数的种族都是弱者,比如说碧草族,比如说栾树族,比如说岩族,岩族个体虽然强大,但是奈何数量实在太少了,整个草原上,岩族的数量不足200。 Since many years, they have migrated the excessively innumerable homelands, on the boundless grassland that finally in this piece of most nobody regards as important lives, they do not have the battle, is together with harmoniously joyfully, because this piece of prairie is abegging, in fact had long has not presented the disturbance and casualties. 多年以来,他们迁移过无数的家园,最终在这片最没人看重的茫茫草原上居住下来,他们没有争斗,只有和谐相处和快乐,因为这片草原无人问津,实际上已经有很久没有出现过骚乱和伤亡了。 In this prairie one month of life, Mo Xiao Lang thorough melted here, he had many friends, this life made his incomparable relaxed happy, he liked here everyone, they were such freedom and purity, their souls as if did not have any magazine. 在这草原的一个多月的生活当中,莫小狼彻底的融进了这里,他有了不少的朋友,这种生活让他无比的轻松愉快,他喜欢这里的每个人,他们是如此的自由和纯净,他们的灵魂仿佛没有任何的杂志。 Mo Xiao Lang can call the names of many people, then to the outside world very curious azure green grass, follows daily side him, making Mo Xiao Lang narrate that the story of outside world, in fact Mo Xiao Lang also understands not many. 莫小狼能叫出许多人的名字,而那对外面世界十分好奇的青青草,更是天天跟随在他身边,让莫小狼讲述外面世界的故事,实际上莫小狼也懂得不多。 He starts to immerse in such life, Martial Demon Seed gradually vanishes in his whole body, could not seek again. Even forgot including Mo Xiao Lang. 他开始沉醉在这样的生活当中,武魔种逐渐在他全身消失,再也寻找不到了。甚至连莫小狼自己都忘记了。 Brother Xiao Lang, you told me quickly, your Dragon Warrior Elder Brother, was he is fierce, was you are fierce?” The azure green grass is bringing several his good Younger Brother, eager looks at Mo Xiao Lang, is waiting for the reply of Mo Xiao Lang. 小狼哥哥,你快告诉我,你那位龙武者大哥,是他厉害呢,还是你厉害?”青青草带着几位他的好兄弟,眼巴巴的看着莫小狼,等待着莫小狼的回答。 They yearn for Expert very much, they listened to Elder saying that Mo Xiao Lang was very possibly formidable, therefore asked similar question daily. 他们都很向往强者,他们听长辈莫小狼可能很强大,所以天天问类似的问题。 Mo Xiao Lang very much happily the reply they, he had still not said that who is more formidable, this does not have the significance, but reorganizes slightly, mentioned their two Younger Brother journeys. 莫小狼仍然很愉快的回答他们,他没说谁更强大,这没有意义,而是稍微改编一下,说起他们两兄弟的旅程。 The azure green grass does not omit a single word remembered him speak any words that the expression was very earnest. 青青草一字不漏的记住他说的任何话,表情十分认真。 After a while, they create a disturbance in side, Mo Xiao Lang Yang Tang on this boundless grassland, the surroundings is the happy talks and laughters, his brow actually slightly wrinkled, he has remembered several days ago he and azure green grass the dialog. 一会儿之后,他们在旁边打闹,莫小狼仰躺在这茫茫草原上,周围都是欢声笑语,他的眉头却微微皱了起来,他想起了几天前他和青青草的对话。 On that day, the azure green grass expression was sad, looks at this piece of boundless prairie, said: I liked here, I here was born, here was my family, I thought here incomparable joy.” 那一天,青青草表情忧伤,看着这片茫茫的草原,道:“我太喜欢这里了,我就是在这里出生的,这里是我的家,我觉得这里无比的快乐。” They truly live very with ease. 他们确实活得很轻松。 He was still sad, said: If in this world does not have that many ** was good. All people peaceful in same place, resembles on this prairie all friends to be the same.” 他却仍然忧伤着,道:“如果这个世界上没有那么多的**就好了。所有人都安乐的在一起,就好像这草原上所有的朋友一样。” Mo Xiao Lang sees his look anxiety, asked: What happened?” 莫小狼见他神色愁苦,问道:“发生什么事情了吗?” The azure green grass is shaking tiny neck, looks at Mo Xiao Lang, said: „Don't you know? Shining Star Star Lord Hegemony War must start, possibly one year later, here will appear has Star Lord of sweep of power, free Shining Star, soon will be controlled.” 青青草晃悠着细小的脖子,看着莫小狼,道:“你不知道吗?璀璨星辰星主争霸战要开始了,可能一年之后,这里就会出现拥有绝对权力的星主,自由的璀璨星辰,即将被主宰。” Mo Xiao Lang does not know really also will have this matter, he chooses Shining Star, but is not Asura star and demons star, because here does not have Star Lord, if knows ahead of time, he not arrived here to join in the fun, knew after this news, his first thought immediately left here, but his some did not give up this prairie suddenly. 莫小狼真不知道还会有这事,他选择来璀璨星辰,而不是修罗星、罗刹星,正是因为这里没有星主,如果提前知道的话,他就不会的来到这里凑热闹了,得知这个消息后,他第一个念头就是马上离开这里,但他忽然有些不舍得这个草原了。 The azure green grass lowered the head, is playing with the green grass of ground, sobbed: My mother said that if Shining Star has Star Lord, then all people must live under his rule, listens to his verbal command, our prairie also will lose when the time comes the freedom, our green grass clan talent is too low, if Star Lord is unsatisfied to us, completely will possibly expel Shining Star us, even likely completely massacres us, because the small and weak race will make the person look down upon, making the person not spare a glance. But we inborn small and weak......” 青青草低下头,玩弄着地上的青草,哽咽道:“我娘亲说了,如果璀璨星辰星主的话,那么所有人都要生活在他的统治之下,听他的号令,到时候我们草原也会失去自由,我们碧草族天赋太低,如果星主对我们不满意的话,很可能会将我们全部逐出璀璨星辰,甚至很可能将我们全部杀掉,因为弱小的种族是会让人看不起,让人不屑一顾的。但我们天生就弱小……” Young he fills confusedly, cannot help but shed tears, Mo Xiao Lang does not know how one should comfort him, his innermost feelings looked like are stopping up a stone. 年少的他充满迷茫,不由得流出了眼泪,莫小狼不知道自己该怎么去安慰他,他内心就像是堵着了一块石头。 The azure green grass crawls on the ground, is kissing this stretch of earth, he said in a soft voice: I love this place, I have not left here, I am afraid other places, is afraid to flow lang, listening to Elder saying that we developed to tens of thousands people with great difficulty, if went to the starry sky to flow lang, we were extremely small and weak, nobody will admit us, when the time comes will be very possible all of us dead in the starry sky, if produced Star Lord, we can only implore this Star Lord not to shut out us, will allow us to live on this prairie......” 青青草匍匐在地上,亲吻着这一片大地,他轻声道:“我爱这个地方,我至今没有离开过这里,我害怕去其他地方,害怕去流lang,听长辈们说,我们好不容易才发展到几万人,如果去星空流lang,我们太过弱小,没人会接纳我们,到时候很可能我们所有人都会死在星空当中,如果真的产生星主的话,我们只能祈求这个星主不会太嫌弃我们,会允许我们在这草原上住下去了……” He has gotten hold of both hands, in pray silently, but he has burst quickly into tears, his shoulders shiver, said: But, this possibility only then 1%, our green grass clan, all small and weak races, could not have escaped the destiny of death.” 他握紧了双手,在默默的祈祷,但他很快又流泪了,他双肩颤抖,说道:“可是,这个可能只有1,我们碧草族,还有所有弱小的种族,都逃脱不了死亡的命运。” He also very young, but actually to these time so sensitive, actually such being incapable, on the body of this azure green grass, Mo Xiao Lang felt that a sorrow of weak one, they are only inborn small and weak, was doomed from the birth has not become the Expert opportunity, before probably 16 -year-old Long Chen, he wallowed in degeneration, never has to think one will have one day of rising. 他还很年幼,但却对这一次如此的敏感,却又如此的无力,在这青青草的身上,莫小狼感觉到了一种弱者的悲哀,他们只是天生弱小,从出生就注定没有成为强者的机会,就好像16岁之前的龙辰,他自甘堕落,从来没想到自己也会有崛起的一天。 That period of time, without doubt is most unendurable. 那一段时光,无疑是最难熬的。 But young sad always passes on the quick, green mare plays to make with his partners, the only Mo Xiao Lang innermost feelings are very uncomfortable, he always thought one should make anything for the partners who on this prairie knows newly, but is not realized after troublesome will soon arrive, immediately departs. 但年少的忧伤总是过去很快,青青草马上就和他的伙伴们一起玩闹去了,唯独莫小狼内心很难受,他总觉得自己应该为这个草原上新认识的伙伴们做些什么,而不是意识到有麻烦即将降临后,马上离去。 Mo Xiao Lang has remembered a word suddenly, that is: Destiny. 莫小狼突然想起了一个词,那就是:命运。 He stands up, rushes to the clouds, bird's eye view this stretch of earth, he saw the innumerable small and weak races, actually plays on this piece of prairie happily, for instead these great strength ** battle continuous. 他站起身来,冲上云霄,俯瞰着这一片大地,他看到了无数弱小的种族,却在这片草原上嬉戏欢乐,反而那些强大者为了**争斗不休。 This peaceful time, looks like the toxicant is the same, is attracting his both feet, keeping him from leaving Shining Star. 这个安宁的时刻,就像是毒药一样,吸引着他的双脚,让他无法离开璀璨星辰 He returned to the prairie safely. 他安然回到了草原上。 „Does Brother Xiao Lang, you like here?” Su Yan sits on a shoulder of crag clan, that crag clan looks like like together the big stone of round, is simple and honest, is a child, saw after Mo Xiao Lang, he is somewhat anxious, keeps laughing foolishly. 小狼哥哥,你喜欢这里么?”素妍坐在一位岩族的肩膀上,那岩族看起来就像一块圆滚滚的大石头,性格憨厚,也是个孩子,看到莫小狼后他有些紧张,不停憨笑着。 Likes.” Mo Xiao Lang infects for her smiling face. “喜欢。”莫小狼为她的笑容所感染。 That forever treats here, is slightly round with the azure green grass they in the same place.” Su Yan happy [say / way]. “那就永远待在这里吧,和青青草、小圆圆他们在一起。”素妍开心道。 I am not small round, my name was Mark.” The crag clan argued said. “我不是小圆圆,我叫马可。”岩族辩解说道。 But I thought that small is roundly more lovable.” Su Yan grinning saying. “可我觉得小圆圆可爱一些。”素妍笑嘻嘻的说道。 Is this, Mo Xiao Lang thought one more were this place could not separate, the reason will tell him Star Lord Hegemony War likely to affect him, but he is unable to submit to sane, in his bone thought that this place was fills happily, such as Su Yan smiling face. 越是这样,莫小狼就觉得自己越是和这个地方分不开了,理智告诉他星主争霸战很可能会影响到他,但他无法屈服于理智,他骨子里觉得这个地方是充满美好的,就如素妍的笑容。 Therefore, he must protect here. 所以,他要守护这里。 Meanwhile, Long Chen arrived at the part of central star territory, so long as climbs mountains and crosses rivers again some time, he saw that gorgeous incomparable Shining Star in the middle of the starry sky. 与此同时,龙辰已经到达了中央星域的部分,只要再跋涉一段时间,他就看到那在星空当中绚丽无比的璀璨星辰了。
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