DBWG :: Volume #20

#1985: Wolf host

Several day after Mo Xiao Lang Shining Star later, another group of people also arrived at Shining Star, they are the Nine Tail Heaven Fox key forces, they naturally to chase down Mo Xiao Lang come, but they not seeking one by one in the middle of entire Shining Star, because that is no different is dream of a fool. 莫小狼到底璀璨星辰之后的几天之后,另外一批人也到达了璀璨星辰,他们正是九尾天狐的核心力量,他们自然是为了追杀莫小狼而来的,但他们并没有在整个璀璨星辰当中逐一的寻找,因为那无异于是痴人说梦。 Must find Mo Xiao Lang in the middle of so huge Shining Star, is impossible. 要在如此巨大的璀璨星辰当中找到莫小狼,根本不可能。 After all, they are not the influences of Shining Star native place. 毕竟,他们不是璀璨星辰本土的势力。 Moreover, Mo Xiao Lang is also not necessarily able in this Shining Star. 而且,莫小狼也未必会在这璀璨星辰 These Nine Tail Heaven Fox are places the mysticalness on Shining Star to exist directly. 这几位九尾天狐是去直接摆放璀璨星辰上的神秘存在的。 And, if the irises and orchids are the Nine Tail Heaven Fox big senior statesman, in an entire Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan, has the status of superelevation, he is Nine Tail Heaven Fox several to one of the Expert, this time to revenge, Nine Tail Heaven Fox several big super Expert, can say that set out two directly, if the irises and orchids are one of them, another rushed to other star. 其中,若芝兰是九尾天狐的大元老,在整个九尾天狐一族当中,有着超高的地位,他是九尾天狐几位至强者之一,这次为了报仇,九尾天狐的几大超级强者,可以说直接出动了两位,若芝兰就是其中之一,另外一位则赶往另外的星球去了。 If irises and orchids name, although is feminine, but he truly out-and-out man . Moreover the Cultivate years were very already long, are Expert of Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan most older generation, his hair was gray, the body also starts the rickets, obviously under is unable to cross 1-layer Reincarnation Calamity, but for all this, his both eyes were still fiery, he is a Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan, one of the several Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator knowing how things stand, although is only the earlier period, but was also very formidable, must know that in Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm this level, must arrive at beforehand Cultivate to arrive at Late Stage in the millennium time limits, basically is impossible. 若芝兰这名字虽然是女性的,但他确实不折不扣的男人,而且修炼岁月已然很长,是九尾天狐一族最老一辈的强者,他的头发已经花白,身体也开始佝偻,显然无法渡过下一重轮回劫了,但尽管如此,他的双眼仍然炯炯有神,他是九尾天狐一族当中,有数的几个六道轮回劫境者之一,虽然只是前期,但也很强大了,要知道在六道轮回劫境这种层次,要在千年时限到来之前修炼后期,基本上不可能。 Only then minority crossed the person of Seven Star tribulation hopefully, has this possibility. 只有少数有希望渡过七星劫的人,才有这种可能。 This does not affect, if irises and orchids in an authority of Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan. 这并不影响若芝兰在九尾天狐一族的权威。 But he is earthshaking in a Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan, today actually also has to be careful that entry of spirit to dark void, qualifications that Nine Tail Heaven Fox that he accompanies, does not have. 但他在九尾天狐一族叱咤风云,今日却也不得不小心精神的进入到一片黑暗的虚空当中,他随行的九尾天狐,都没有进去的资格。 He endless void middle goes forward in this piece, the surroundings are the darkness without limits, he is no doubt formidable, but goes to this place, the complexion somewhat was still pale, periphery glance that an eye keeps, seems seeking for anything. 他在这片无尽虚空当中前进,周围是无止境的黑暗,他固然强大,但是来到这个地方,脸色仍然有些苍白,一双眼睛不停的扫视周围,似乎在寻找什么。 The peripheral that darkness without limits, somewhat is really scary. 周边那无止境的黑暗,实在有些骇人。 After the moment, he has anchored the footsteps in the middle of void, respectful looks at present place above, said: „A threatening Nine Tail Heaven Fox clan big senior statesman two wolf hosts, if the irises and orchids, visit two big wolf clan supreme blood relationships today, two wolves main whether to reveal the body?” 片刻后,他才在虚空当中停住了脚步,恭敬的看着眼前上方,道:“逼人九尾天狐一族大元老若芝兰,今日来拜访两大狼族至尊血统的两位狼主,两位狼主可否显身?” In the middle of Monster God Domain, although Nine Tail Heaven Fox in the fox clan is the top bloodlines, but in entire Monster God Domain, most and exceedingly high mice quite, is not anything, in the middle of entire Monster Clan, has several strong races, the ordinary bloodlines possibly have covered Nine Tail Heaven Fox, that is in the middle of the antique god beast extremely the Expert descendant. 妖神域当中,尽管九尾天狐在狐族算是顶尖的血脉,但在整个妖神域,最多和通天鼠相当,不算什么,整个妖族当中,有着好几个的超强种族,其中普通血脉都可能盖过九尾天狐,那是太古神兽当中极强者的后裔。 The wolf clan universal tenacious is also cruelly and earnest rigid, the talent superelevation, in the middle of entire Monster God Domain, the huge wolf tribal group physical ability suffices to arrange the overall strength first five, some Monster Clan quantities are scarce, but especially is powerful, actually was still inferior to the wolf clan. 狼族普遍坚韧暴戾、又认真执着,天赋超高,整个妖神域当中,庞大的狼族群体能够排进总体实力前五,有部分妖族数量稀少但却尤其强盛,却仍然不如狼族。 The wolf clan, has three big supreme bloodlines. 狼族,拥有三大至尊血脉。 Wolf Lord, only then wolf clan Expert of three big supreme bloodlines, can be called the wolf hosts, if in the middle of the irises and orchids words, disclosed that here actually has three big supreme bloodlines his two wolf hosts. 狼主,只有三大至尊血脉的狼族强者,才能被称为狼主,而若芝兰话语当中,却透露出这里竟然存在着三大至尊血脉其二的狼主。 Each wolf Lord, is in the middle of the wolf clan super top character. 每一个狼主,都是狼族当中的超级顶尖人物。 If after the irises and orchids spoke, has closed the mouth, relieved waiting. 若芝兰说完话之后,就闭上了嘴巴,安心等待。 Suddenly, in the middle of this black space flashes through two rays, together is Golden, together is the silver, two rays, if the irises and orchids place above gather at present, that Golden ray expands suddenly, transforms into the Golden hot sun, in that hot sun is burning the Golden flame, the temperature of its superelevation, lets, if on the irises and orchids face became ruddy. 忽然之间,这黑色的空间当中闪过两道光芒,一道是金色,一道是银色,两道光芒在若芝兰眼前上方汇聚,那金色的光芒猛然扩大,幻化成为金色的烈日,那烈日上燃烧着金色的火焰,其超高的温度,让若芝兰脸上都变得红润了起来。 The broad hot sun, appear here dark space suddenly, what is strange, that boundless raging fire, has not illuminated this space unexpectedly. 恢宏的烈日,骤然间出现在这黑暗空间当中,古怪的是,那磅礴的烈火,竟然没有照亮这个空间。 Moreover the silver ray, in other one side, turned into a round silver only beautiful moon together, the size and Golden of Sun silver moon/month quite, that fearful cold air releases, the blazing mix with that hot sun together, has taken, if irises and orchids ice hot twofold day suffering. 另外一道银色的光芒,则在另外一边,化成了一轮银色唯美的月亮,银月的大小和金色太阳相当,那可怕的寒气释放出来,与那烈日的炽热混合一起,带给了若芝兰一种冰火两重天的折磨。 By his Six Dao Reincarnation strength, in that Golden Sun and silver moon at present, somewhat pants unexpectedly, he is resisting with the Nine Tail Heaven Fox strength. 以他六道轮回的实力,在那金色太阳和银色月亮眼前,竟然有些气喘吁吁,他正在用九尾天狐的力量在抵抗着。 [gold/metal] Ri and silver moon/month are getting bigger and bigger, gradually evolve the entire world, if the irises and orchids look, in the middle of that Golden Sun, dozens Golden Xiao Lang crawl unexpectedly, their hair [gold/metal] Liang, the blood relationship is noble, keeps aloof, looks at Nine Tail Heaven Fox by a vision of despising. 那金日和银月越来越大,逐渐衍化出整个世界,若芝兰看去,那金色太阳当中,竟然有数十头金色小狼匍匐在其中,他们毛发金亮,血统高贵,高高在上,以一种藐视的目光看着九尾天狐 But that side the silver moon/month, dozens silver Xiao Lang crawl similarly there, the profound silver eye pupil is staring at Nine Tail Heaven Fox proud. 而银月那边,同样有数十头的银色小狼匍匐在那里,深邃的银色眼眸骄傲的凝视着九尾天狐 If the irises and orchids are very easy, in the middle of the two sides wolves, found that two wolf hosts. 若芝兰很容易,就在两边的狼群当中,找到那两位狼主。 He knows that the opposite party dominates above oneself, although the opposite party has given itself demonstration of authority, but he still very much respectfully said: I, if the irises and orchids, have seen Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan two wolf hosts.” 他知道对方凌驾在自己之上,虽然对方给了自己一个下马威,但他仍然很恭敬道:“鄙人若芝兰,见过昊日狼族蚀月狼族的两位狼主。” Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, are the wolf clan three big supreme blood relationship two types, handed down them is the descendants of antiquity god beast date Queen of night wolf, inherited day Queen of night wolf 50% strengths respectively. 昊日狼族蚀月狼族,就是狼族三大至尊血统其中两种,相传他们都是上古神兽日月神狼的后裔,各自继承了日月神狼一半的力量。 Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, are in the middle of Monster Clan the most well-known individual are powerful, the quantity also numerous races, have the huge fame, making other races be panic at the news. 昊日狼族蚀月狼族,是妖族当中最知名的个体实力强大,数量又众多的种族,拥有巨大的名气,让其他种族闻风丧胆。 At this time, in the middle of that crowd of Golden Xiao Lang, especially different Xiao Lang step in other wolf clans, occupies a commanding position to look at Nine Tail Heaven Fox, during that round silver moon/month, strongest Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan lift the proud head. 此时,那一群金色小狼当中,有一头格外不同的小狼踩在其他狼族身上,居高临下看着九尾天狐,那一轮银月当中,也有一位最强的蚀月狼族抬起骄傲的头颅。 These two, obviously are the wolf hosts. 这两位,显然是狼主。 Clear Sun Wolf Clan wolf main road: Nine Tail Heaven Fox, you look for us, what matter has?” 昊日狼族的狼主道:“九尾天狐,你来找我们,有什么事?” If irises and orchids calm, said: Two wolf hosts, my this coming, want to make two help my Nine Tail Heaven Fox one slightly busy, to thank two, we will pay the corresponding reward.” 若芝兰冷静了下来,道:“两位狼主,我这次前来,想让两位帮助我九尾天狐一个小忙,为了感谢两位,我们会付出相应的报酬。” That Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan wolf Lord is a female wolf, she said with a smile in a soft voice: Your can Nine Tail Heaven Fox, what put out to let me and others the thing that moved?” 蚀月狼族的狼主是个雌狼,她轻声笑道:“你九尾天狐,能拿出什么让我等动心的东西呢?” If the irises and orchids said hastily: Returns to two wolf hosts, is not the important matter, but wants to draw support from two wolves main in the Shining Star influence, helping us to find young Monster Clan. However, Nine Tail Heaven Fox will still offer 300 Dao Mark [say / way], as thanks.” 若芝兰连忙道:“回两位狼主,并不是什么大事,只是想借助两位狼主在璀璨星辰的势力,帮忙我们找到一个年轻妖族而已。不过,九尾天狐仍然会奉上一份300条道纹的道器,作为感谢。” 300 Dao Mark [say / way], were very precious, but these two wolf hosts only need to use their strength slightly. 300条道纹的道器,已经很珍贵了,而这两位狼主只需要稍微动用一下他们的力量。 Two wolves main lost the interest immediately, [gold/metal] Langdao: If the irises and orchids, you were also too senseless, this grade of minor matter, comes to trouble us. Told that the following person did was good, moreover made Golden War God Clan help.” 两位狼主顿时失去了兴趣,那金狼道:“若芝兰,你也太无趣了,这等小事,也来麻烦我们。吩咐下面的人去做就行了,另外让黄金战神族帮忙也可以。” If the irises and orchids clench teeth saying: This year light Monster Clan has affronted my Nine Tail Heaven Fox, ran away Chaos Star Domain to come, was quite huge to the attack of my Nine Tail Heaven Fox, therefore as it concerns us this was an important matter, hopes that two can look in is in the shares of Monster Clan compatriot, helped our one slightly busy, in the future is deeply grateful!” 若芝兰咬牙道:“这年轻妖族冒犯了我九尾天狐,逃到了混乱星域来,对我九尾天狐的打击相当巨大,所以对我们而言这就是一件大事了,希望两位能够看在同为妖族同胞的份上,帮助我们一个小忙,将来感激不尽!” Is deeply grateful?” Two wolf hosts look at each other one. “感激不尽?”两位狼主对视一眼。 To them, in fact 300 Dao Mark [say / way] at all are not anything, but if can obtain a Nine Tail Heaven Fox favour, that is also very good, after all Nine Tail Heaven Fox also has Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert, is not small and weak. 对他们而言,实际上300条道纹的道器根本不算什么,但如果能得到九尾天狐一个人情,那也很不错,毕竟九尾天狐也有七星轮回劫境强者,不算弱小。 A that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan eye revolution, said: You the matter reason, tell us, we do not want to act unreasonably, offend other people.” 蚀月狼族眼睛一转,道:“你把事情缘由,跟我们讲讲吧,我们不想乱来,得罪其他人。” They are careful. 他们还是很小心谨慎的。 This is wolf clan always style. 这是狼族向来的风格。 If the irises and orchids do not want to say too, but must obtain the help of opposite party, he also has no alternative, does not have these two strengths of wolf clans, they can say difficult in Shining Star. 若芝兰原本不想说太多,但是要得到对方的帮助,他也无可奈何,没有这两种狼族的力量,他们在璀璨星辰可以说寸步难行。 Therefore if irises and orchids before Mo Xiao Lang all that has, told two wolf hosts, includes Mo Xiao Lang likely became the news of demon, the matter that on Mo Xiao Lang this character has, attracted two wolf main attention completely. 于是若芝兰就把和莫小狼之前发生的一切,都告诉了两位狼主,其中就包括莫小狼很可能已经成为魔的消息,莫小狼这个人物身上发生的事情,完全吸引了两位狼主的注意。 Said for quite a while, if the irises and orchids delivered the words, he asked: Two, under intent how? If two can help my Nine Tail Heaven Fox, in the future will have anything to tell that my Nine Tail Heaven Fox will be unambiguous.” 说了半天,若芝兰才把话讲完,他问道:“两位,意下如何?两位若是能帮助到我九尾天狐,往后有什么吩咐,我九尾天狐也不会含糊。” The formidable race, will not reject others' potency. 强大的种族,不会拒绝别人的效力。 After two wolf hosts listen, has looked at each other one, the wolf main decision of that Clear Sun Wolf Clan said: Such troublesome words, truly should remove, so as to avoid has ruined the reputation of my wolf clan, if the irises and orchids, this are busy at us helping your, as for that 300 Dao Mark [say / way], you first walked, according to our Monster Clan and Golden War God Clan agreement, you should better a bit faster leave Shining Star, if there is a news, I naturally will inform you by Star Rune.” 两位狼主听完之后,对视了一眼,其中那昊日狼族的狼主决定道:“这么一个麻烦的话,确实应该除掉,免得败坏了我狼族的名声,若芝兰,这个忙我们会帮助你们的,至于那300条道纹的道器就算了,你先走吧,按照我们妖族黄金战神族的协议,你们最好快点离开璀璨星辰,若是有消息,我自然会以星符通知你。” If the irises and orchids relaxed finally, he said sincerely: Incomparably thanked two, I asked to be excused in advance.” 若芝兰终于松了一口气,他诚恳道:“无比感谢两位,鄙人先行告退。” Then, he then withdraws from this space. 说罢,他便退出这个空间。 This kid, how also to know that my Monster Clan also has own influence in Chaos Star Domain! Has them to help, you run away to the ends of the earth, cannot escape from my Nine Tail Heaven Fox palm, shortly after your date of death!” “这个小家伙,又怎么知道我妖族混乱星域也有自己的势力!有他们帮助,你就是逃到天涯海角,也逃不出我九尾天狐的手掌心,你的死亡之日不久矣!” Dying of Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, was disappearance of day fox fire, to Nine Tail Heaven Fox was very huge attack, Nine Tail Heaven Fox is too ashamed or embarrassed to show oneself to people. 无论是五行轮回劫境者的身亡,还是天狐妖火的消失,对九尾天狐来说都是非常巨大的打击,九尾天狐无脸见人。 When that if after the irises and orchids leave, Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan gloomy have smiled, in the middle of the Golden Sun and silver moon, two wolf hosts were talking. 等那若芝兰离开后,昊日狼族蚀月狼族才阴沉笑了起来,金色太阳和银色月亮当中,两位狼主交谈着。 This fellow was really delivers a huge good news...... Clear Sun Wolf Clan to say for us. “这家伙真是为我们送好了一个天大的好消息啊……”昊日狼族道。 Said right, a fascinated wolf clan? It is not the supreme blood relationship, is less than 1000 years old, even is less than 100 years old, can actually kill Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, but can also swallow the flame strengthen, and did not need to cross Reincarnation Calamity, such wolf clan, was not we need?” “说得对,一头入魔的狼族么?不是至尊血统,不到1000岁,甚至不到100岁,竟然能够杀死五行轮回劫境者,还能够吞噬火焰变强,并且不用渡过轮回劫,这样的狼族,不就是我们需要的么?” The Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan wolf advocated giggled to smile, extremely cloudy and cold. 蚀月狼族的狼主咯咯笑了起来,极为阴冷。 That Clear Sun Wolf Clan said: This young people are the different number of my wolf clan, even is fascinated, I must have a look at him to have terror but how actually. Such child, if utilizes well, will create the terrifying value, he had not been given to kill by Nine Tail Heaven Fox this group of idiots fortunately, even might also run away Shining Star here, we may probably use all strengths to seek for this child.” 昊日狼族道:“这一年轻人是我狼族的异数,甚至入魔,我倒要看看他到底有多么的恐怖。这样的孩子,如果运用得好的话,将会创造恐怖的价值,还好他没有被九尾天狐这群蠢货给杀死,甚至还有可能逃到了璀璨星辰这里来,我们可要动用所有的力量来寻找这个孩子了。” Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan sneers saying: Yes, the talent of our wolf clan, although is fascinated, but is not one's turn Nine Tail Heaven Fox to come about his life. I must have a look but actually, anything is fascinated, even if fascinated, I did not fear that I can make this child submit!” 蚀月狼族冷笑道:“是啊,我们狼族的天才,虽然入魔,但也轮不到九尾天狐来左右他的性命。我倒要看看,什么是入魔,就算入魔,我也不怕,我能让这小孩屈服!” They will certainly not give Nine Tail Heaven Fox Mo Xiao Lang. 他们当然不会把莫小狼交给九尾天狐
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