DBWG :: Volume #20

#1984: Radiant stars

The romance passes through the book renewal first round, you only come 151 + reading nets 言情穿越书更新首发,你只来151+看书网 Luan Tree Star this is one lets the Long Chen memory very profound place 栾树星这是一个让龙辰记忆非常深刻的地方 From now on the future he will understand Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon the true meaning of Cultivate rule 从今往后他更加的了解太古血灵龙修炼规则的真谛 Although he very leisurely and carefree, but also only then side Mo Xiao Lang can feel at ease truly, therefore he after Luan Tree Clan has solved the matter basically has not stayed too many immediately leaves Luan Tree Star to set out toward the starry sky deep place 他虽然很悠闲但也只有到了莫小狼身边才能够真正安心下來所以当他为栾树族解决了事情后基本上沒有停留太多就马上离开了栾树星朝着星空的深处进发 There is Chaos Star Domain 那里是混乱星域 The Chaos Star Domain ten big super stars rotate around a center 混乱星域十大超级星球围绕着一个中心而转动 „The place that the Xiao Lang present goes to named Shining Star is the star but volume of core region most surrounding is almost above maximum three one of the has myriad races to multiply its area is the Luan Tree Star non- several fold is equal to Dragon God Domain ten god old city area size Shining Star does not have Star Lord to hide in this place obviously is quite safe Xiao Lang, since chose here that certainly to have his truth we also to go to Shining Star 小狼现在到的地方名为‘璀璨星辰’是核心区域最外围的星球但体积几乎是最大的三个之一其上有万千种族在繁衍其疆域是栾树星的无数倍相当于龙神域十个神裔古城疆域大小不过璀璨星辰并沒有星主显然在这种地方藏身还是相当安全的小狼既然选择了这里那就一定有他的道理我们也前往璀璨星辰 Long Chen and Lingxi in the middle of the endless starry sky hurried along their speed fast to delimit illusory images in the middle of the starry sky fast have just liked the meteor are equally radiant that starry sky most deep place are their goals 在无尽星空当中龙辰灵曦快速的赶路他们速度飞快在星空当中划过了一道道的幻影恍如流星一样璀璨那星空的最深处就是他们的目标 First Heavenly Dao method her cultivating of Lingxi more time during the vanguard process strongest rank in research field Lord God Technique and Misty Immortal Sect to not need own Cultivate also to stiffen fast can also take to the Long Chen very big help 灵曦在前行过程当中更多的时间是在研究界主神术飘渺仙宗最强级别的先天道法她的修为就算不用自身修炼也能快速的变强同时也能带给龙辰很大帮助 Prepared the sufficient grain ration it to wait in the middle of the god country often to nip river of the netherworld War Halberd for him as for Behead Divine Sword small skeleton Long Chen likely to be getting more and more weak on river of the netherworld War Halberd , but above Behead Divine Sword was getting stronger and stronger Dao Mark in rapidly was increasing Behead Divine Sword powerful also means the Long Chen future power 至于斩神剑的小骷髅龙辰像是为他准备了充足的口粮它待在神国当中不时在冥河战戟上咬上一口冥河战戟越來越虚弱而斩神剑却越來越强其上的道纹在迅速的增加着斩神剑的强盛也意味着龙辰将來的强盛 Does not know can encounter anything really in Chaos Star Domain “真不知道在混乱星域又会遭遇什么呢” Long Chen became anticipated got up there, since were the thing that the most chaotic place will certainly have itself unable to imagine exists 龙辰变得期待了起來那里既然是最混乱的地方一定会有自己想象不到的东西存在 Before leaving Luan Tree Star Long Chen inquired to Luan Tree King some materials of Chaos Star Domain central core region he knew Shining Star knew demons clan and Ashura God Clan wait / etc. Chaos Star Domain surging and go far beyond his imagination Luan Tree Star splendidly are only in the middle of Chaos Star Domain a very tiny place tiny star 在离开栾树星之前龙辰栾树王询问了混乱星域中央核心区域的部分资料他知道了‘璀璨星辰’知道了罗刹族和阿修罗神族等等混乱星域的激荡和精彩远远超过他的想象栾树星只是混乱星域当中一个非常渺小的地方一个渺小的星球罢了 When Long Chen and Lingxi go to the central core region arrived at Shining Star they to look that in the middle of the starry sky after climbing mountains and crossing rivers Mo Xiao Lang and Su Yan of long time in finally that giant star eye has been full of the vibration, because that was too huge in their present Shining Star is too attractive 就在龙辰灵曦前往中央核心区域的时候经过漫长时间的跋涉莫小狼素妍终于到达了璀璨星辰他们在星空当中看着那一颗巨大的星球眼中充满了震动因为那在他们眼前的璀璨星辰实在太巨大太漂亮了 That is one just likes the gem same star glitters the hazy white gentle ray to sparkle to shine in the middle of the starry sky purely and no wonder will naturally have Shining Star this name 那是一个恍如宝石一样的星球闪烁着迷蒙的白色柔和光芒在星空当中闪闪发亮纯净而自然怪不得会有璀璨星辰这个名称 This is Mo Xiao Lang has seen most greatly the most beautiful star all the way 这是莫小狼一路上看到过最大最美丽的星球 If Luan Tree Star most can accommodate 1 million people survived the life estimate that this Shining Star can hold to have 1 billion regarding is the ten big super stars of star and central region of central region the Immortal God Domain five large clans Chaos Star Domain in their mouth in fact said compares several other hundred stars too to be small 如果说栾树星最多能够容纳1000000人在其中生存的话那这璀璨星辰所能容纳的生灵估计有1000000000吧对于永生神域的五大族來说他们口中的混乱星域实际上说的就是中央区域的星球和中央区域的十大超级星球比较起來其他数百颗星球都太小了 Good attractive Shining Star......” “好漂亮的璀璨星辰……” Su Yan held the cheek to reveal the pleasantly surprised smiling face with both hands 素妍用双手捧着脸蛋流露出了惊喜的笑容 „After Brother Xiao Lang us, treats here asking of Su Yan anticipation 小狼哥哥我们以后就待在这里吗”素妍期待的问道 Mo Xiao Lang said: Here was Shining Star Nine Tail Heaven Fox of central region most surrounding pursues to here comes to below find me simply not possibly moreover they estimated that can think I to insure will certainly go to the most dangerous place toward deep place several stars in fact am also safest place beautiful from now on the future we will conceal identity to live the stable life to be possible in this Shining Star to be good 莫小狼道:“这里是中央区域最外围的璀璨星辰九尾天狐们就算追到这里來要在下面找到我根本沒有可能而且他们估计会认为我为了保险一定会朝着深处几颗星球而去吧最危险的地方实际上也是最安全的地方妍儿从今往后我们就在这璀璨星辰当中隐姓埋名过着安定的生活可好” In Su Yan layer on layer nod eye filled had yearned 素妍重重点头眼中充满了向往 Mo Xiao Lang pulled her hand he to start to enter Shining Star Shining Star to have mist that same glistened like White Jade is like the crystal equally translucent thing entire Shining Star surrounds got up like is the mist but is more like is surrounding the entire Shining Star crystal gravel , to enter Shining Star first across the mist level that this quartz glistened 莫小狼牵着她的手他开始进入璀璨星辰璀璨星辰拥有如白玉一样闪亮的雾气那是如水晶一样透亮的东西将整个璀璨星辰都包围了起來又像是雾气但更像是环绕着整颗璀璨星辰的水晶沙砾要想进入璀璨星辰首先得穿过这一层水晶一样闪亮的雾气层 The under is the Shining Star genuine landscape 其下才是璀璨星辰真正的江山 Other Shining Star and star huge differences have not been only outside include a crystal gem shape gravel to make him look like so beautiful 璀璨星辰和其他的星球并沒有巨大区别只是外面包括着一层水晶宝石状的沙砾让其看起來如此美丽 Mo Xiao Lang passed through here them to release very much with ease truly came, when they across that crystal gravel also has to feel that for below grand mountains and rivers shocked Immortal God Domain, although complete, but more places were wilderness but this Shining Star actually fill the place that the vitality field of vision has been able to touch are Luye and rivers and streams grand landscape get a panoramic view 莫小狼很轻松的穿过了这里两人真正的释放了开來当他们穿过那水晶沙砾的时候也不得不为下方的壮丽山河而感觉到震撼永生神域虽然完整但更多的地方是荒漠但这璀璨星辰却充满了生机视野所能触及的地方都是绿野和江河壮阔江山尽收眼底 They fall from the upper air toward a prairie oasis go 两人从高空落下朝着一片草原绿洲而去 Every day had to be true the person of 100,000 idea to pass and out Shining Star naturally, if in the Shining Star locally born race did not arrive above 5-layer Nirvana Calamity Realm is very opposeless Shining Star they of attraction does not have to leave the Shining Star ability 每天都有属实十万计的人进出璀璨星辰当然了假如是在璀璨星辰土生土长的种族不到五重涅槃劫境以上是很难抵抗璀璨星辰的吸引力的他们并不具备离开璀璨星辰的能力 Su Yan has not arrived at this standard however her to have Mo Xiao Lang to bring to arrive at Shining Star not to have the issue calmly and steadily 素妍也还沒到达这个标准但是她有莫小狼带着安稳來到璀璨星辰也并沒有问題 That grand land enlarges the thing fewer and fewer field of vision scopes that they can see to be also getting fewer and fewer in the eye unceasingly experiences the less than half double-hour probably time Mo Xiao Lang and Su Yan finally declines from the day empty space to this piece of inexhaustible Luye above 那壮阔的陆地在眼中不断的放大两人能看到的东西越來越少视野的范围也越來越少大概经历小半个时辰的时间莫小狼素妍才终于从天空当中落到这一片无穷无尽的绿野之上 The surroundings is a piece of endless prairie thick patch of grass have the high enough over a hundred meters high, but low only arrives at the ankle area 周围是一片无尽的草原草丛有高有地高的足足有上百米而低的只到脚踝 This prairie should almost big or medium on the prairie have many races as if to be able with the Monster God Domain sounds of nature prairie we first to treat at beautiful harmoniously together in the future is here good “这个草原应该跟妖神域的天籁草原差不多大小吧草原上有着不少的种族似乎能够和谐的处在一起妍儿我们往后就先待在这里好了” On Mo Xiao Lang absolutely did not have the demonity of demon his look purely blissful to look that the surrounding this sad feeling has not made him very enjoyable 莫小狼身上已经完全沒有了魔的魔性他的眼神纯净充满喜悦的看着周围这种沒有忧愁的感觉让他十分的舒心 Good where, no matter you go to follow to arrive at where to me “好不管你去到哪里我就跟到哪里” Su Yan already in the middle of the prairie that impatiently in this breeze surges forgets kindnesses waved to get up her slender and powerful snake waist is extremely charming she to dance inborn is being the prairie of elf that and world blended in her bell laughter on has many housing lives here to make her attract slowly 素妍已经迫不及待在这微风涌动的草原当中忘情的舞动了起來她那纤细而有力的蛇腰极其迷人她天生就是舞着就是和天地交融的精灵在她银铃儿似的笑声当中草原上有许多居住在这里的生灵都让她慢慢吸引了过來 Mo Xiao Lang saw many unusual races 莫小狼看到了许多奇特的种族 Has the thin and tall skin to be above the green to have the leaf trace race 有高高瘦瘦皮肤呈绿色其上有叶子纹路的种族 Some whole bodies are really a rock but have the mouth nose grotesque race 有浑身竟然是一块岩石但却有嘴巴鼻子奇形怪状的种族 He then thinks that Chaos Star Domain is world here Monster Clan Human Clan of ten thousand clans wait / etc. is quite rare in other words in this place Su Yan half monster status at is not anything 他这才想起來混乱星域是万族的天下这里妖族人族等等才比较少见呢也就是说在这种地方素妍的半妖身份根本不算什么 What in the eyes of these races flashes is the curious ray they do not have slight malicious this to make Mo Xiao Lang relax 这些种族的眼睛里闪动的是好奇的光芒他们沒有丝毫的恶意这让莫小狼松了一口气 And what are most was that skin is similar to the green leaf same race they have arrived around Mo Xiao Lang asking cautiously: You quite welcome to our prairies we are the green grass clan we and crag clans, bright moonlight clan, stellar population wait / etc. life know how things stand the 100,000 year here we are hospitality you must live on this piece of prairie 其中最多的还是那种皮肤如同绿叶一样的种族他们走到了莫小狼跟前小心翼翼的问道:“你好欢迎來到我们的草原我们是碧草族我们和岩族、明月族、星族等等生活在这里有数十万年了我们是热情好客的你也要住在这一片草原上吗” Green grass clan...... No wonder and grass of ground is so similar 碧草族……怪不得和地上的草如此相似呢 Luan Tree Clan that this green grass clan and Long Chen meet in fact is one of the tree clan 这碧草族和龙辰遇到的栾树族实际上都是树族的一种 Mo Xiao Lang looked forward to be occupied by him then happily to talk with here indigenous people here got up the race disposition on this prairie to be good to have the battle they to be basically friendly rarely basically does not have any manipulating strategically 莫小狼巴不得可以住在这里他便和这里的原住民愉快的交谈了起來这草原上的种族性格都非常好很少发生争斗他们基本上和和气气基本上沒有任何的勾心斗角 Green grass clan, Chinese scholartree clan, bright moonlight clan, crag clan and black day clan wait / etc. 碧草族、槐树族、明月族、岩族和黑天族等等 They in the middle of Chaos Star Domain are small and weak race prairie vegetation, although exuberant, but Nirvana Spirit Qi actually slightly obviously thin, therefore nobody regarded as important this place they to survive peacefully 他们在混乱星域当中算是弱小的种族这一片草原草木虽然旺盛但涅槃灵气却稍显稀薄所以沒人看重这种地方他们才能安乐的生存了下來 Within the short time Mo Xiao Lang and Su Yan melted in the middle of their collective 短短时间之内莫小狼素妍就融进了他们的集体当中 The race too big race idea on this prairie has not had the friend in their eyes 这草原上的种族沒有太大的种族观念在他们眼中只有朋友 Here lives is without doubt carefree 在这里生活无疑是无忧无虑的 Here Mo Xiao Lang returned to primitive condition he to calm the mind, whenever this time Martial Demon Seed vanished on him without a trace 在这里莫小狼回归了原始的状态他可以静下心來每当这个时候武魔种就在他身上消失得无影无踪 Perhaps such life suits my “也许这样的生活才是适合我的” Mo Xiao Lang thought 莫小狼心想 Brother Xiao Lang quick dances together 小狼哥哥快來一起跳舞吧” The Su Yan dancer's posture attracted many children her noisily has become with other races children one group of nobody haggles over her is half monster can reveal that in this place Su Yan the snake tail came these children to see her snake tail transformed the color to be glad giggled to smile 素妍的舞姿吸引了许多孩子们她和其他种族的孩子们闹成一团沒人去计较她是半妖在这个地方素妍可以显露出蛇尾來那些孩子们看到她的蛇尾变换着颜色乐得咯咯直笑 Mo Xiao Lang was drawn by Su Yan is joining the breeze front surface sways to come that to their communities is the delicate fragrance of flowers and plants looks up that crystal gravel to proliferate sky entire Shining Star forever not to have the dark night is the light and bright on such as the Mo Xiao Lang present innermost feelings 莫小狼素妍拉着加入到他们的群体当中微风迎面吹拂而來那是花草的清香抬头一看那水晶沙砾遍布天空整个璀璨星辰永远也不会有黑夜就如莫小狼现在的内心是光明而敞亮的 When he and all people are together happily he discovered that he as if has defeated the heart demon 当他和所有人愉快相处的时候他发现自己似乎已经战胜了心魔 The green grass clansman counts in the middle of many these days being together is called azure green grass the green grass clan children most to like entangling Mo Xiao Lang to make Mo Xiao Lang perform the flame to him to look that simultaneously Mo Xiao Lang can also obtain the information about Shining Star not to look from his mouth the azure green grass is young the thing that but he knows are many 碧草族人数最多在这段时间的相处当中一个叫做‘青青草’的碧草族小孩最喜欢缠着莫小狼莫小狼表演火焰给他看同时莫小狼也可以从他口中得到更多关于璀璨星辰的信息别看青青草年纪小但他知道的东西却不少 Brother Xiao Lang you thought that our prairies were amusing azure green grass to lie down on the ground extend one to stretch comfortably 小狼哥哥你觉得我们这草原好玩吗”青青草躺在地上舒服的伸了一个懒腰 Mo Xiao Lang looks that Su Yan is happy at present joyfully says with a smile lightly: Naturally good I to have been honored to come here world very much 莫小狼看着素妍在眼前开心快乐轻笑道:“当然好了我很荣幸能來到这里的世界” The azure green grass actually became sad 青青草却变得忧伤了起來
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