DBWG :: Volume #20

#1983: The sword kills the demon king

This sword is finally a sword that Long Chen goes all out 这一剑是龙辰拼命的最终一剑 All people stubbornly are staring at him, because he was the Luan Tree Clan final hope is the demon clans is also frightened to fear from the beginning Long Chen completely suppressed in demon king their hearts to worry the demon king will make Long Chen tearing into shreds 所有人都死死的盯着他因为他是栾树族最终的希望就算是夜叉族们也被吓怕了从一开始龙辰就完全压制夜叉王他们心中担忧夜叉王会让龙辰给撕碎 However demon clan most undesired the matter under all person noses has that to make the demon king of eye of frightening Hell be under delay condition condition she is unable to protect that river of the netherworld War Halberd automatically to protect completely finally main in keeps off in a front of Long Chen that riot sword finally frequently 但是就在所有人眼皮底下夜叉族最不希望发生的事情还是发生了那让地狱之眼震慑的夜叉王完全处在呆滞的状态这种状态下她根本无法防护最终还是那冥河战戟自动护主在最终时刻挡在龙辰那暴乱一剑的面前 Terrorist Ash Grey Sword Qi tore the sky of half to carry the potential of world to divide and on that river of the netherworld War Halberd confrontation river of the netherworld War Halberd loudly Ash Grey Aura fills the air to form in the middle of Ash Grey rivers rivers to have the deep river water monster rush, but that was the river of the netherworld War Halberd [say / way] spirit 恐怖的灰色剑气撕裂了半边的天空携带天地之势轰然劈下和那冥河战戟交锋冥河战戟灰色气息弥漫形成一道灰色的河流河流当中有冥河水妖冲杀而出那是冥河战戟的道灵 The deep river water monster keeps off in Long Chen that finally in front of a sword 冥河水妖挡在龙辰那最终一剑面前 My little darling “我的乖乖” Behead Divine Sword endless Sword Qi explodes to shoot to congeal skeleton that skeleton that slaughtering Sword Qi comprised to glitter the green vision to throw two big evil spirits along with Behead Divine Sword toward that deep river water monster completely in the airborne crazy confrontation 斩神剑无尽剑气爆射凝结成一个完全由杀戮剑气组成的骷髅那骷髅闪烁着绿色的目光随着斩神剑朝着那冥河水妖扑去两大妖物在空中疯狂交锋 Long Chen falls in torrents all green strengths terror if it can be imagined the small skeleton has not resisted the deep river water monster the strength to be possible the green strength to expand it under normal circumstances completely, but in deep river water monster one person alone fighting bravely short time thorough rout 龙辰将所有绿界力量倾泻出來其中恐怖可想而知若在正常情况下小骷髅完全沒有抵抗冥河水妖的实力可绿界的力量壮大了它而冥河水妖孤身奋战短暂时间内彻底溃败 Bites one to me “给我咬一口” Small skeleton excited rush 小骷髅兴奋的冲杀上去 Behead Divine Sword divided to chop on river of the netherworld War Halberd to send out the earthshaking incisive report people incredible to see that enough more than 300 Dao Mark [say / way] before its War Halberd is also the halberd sharp part unexpectedly makes Behead Divine Sword chopping one presented a giant gap 斩神剑劈砍在冥河战戟上发出了惊天动地的尖锐爆裂声众人不可置信的看见那足足300多条道纹的道器它的战戟前端也就是戟尖的部分竟然让斩神剑给砍下了一块出现了一个巨大的缺口 That that before the deep river water monster sent out earthshaking neighing to shrink in the middle of river of the netherworld War Halberd that river of the netherworld War Halberd to encounter the wound suddenly actually the ray gloomily absolutely not to have , the rampant arrogance it has broken hastily to be embezzled boundless strength to let the Behead Divine Sword as if one had found a treasure small skeleton by Behead Divine Sword excited strength that slurps on river of the netherworld War Halberd to transmit 冥河水妖发出惊天动地的嘶叫连忙缩进了冥河战戟当中那冥河战戟遭遇了创伤一时间竟然光芒暗淡完全沒有了之前嚣张的气焰它断裂的那一块已经被斩神剑吞沒磅礴的力量让斩神剑如获至宝小骷髅兴奋的吸食着冥河战戟上传來的力量 Behead Divine Sword has defeated river of the netherworld War Halberd unexpectedly 斩神剑竟然打败了冥河战戟 Naturally this was the support of green energy has accomplished so magnificent Battle Technique 当然这是绿界能量的支持才造就了如此辉煌的战技 Not “不” Then was awakened by the short confused demon king under the eye of attack Hell, but river of the netherworld War Halberd in hand had been shaken to fly her battle efficiency to pelt by Long Chen but this time Long Chen that sword officially raided to cover the demon king in his sword shade completely the opposite party does not have the crevice that the least bit escaped 那在地狱之眼攻击之下被短暂错乱的夜叉王惊醒过來但手中的冥河战戟已经被龙辰震飞出去她战斗力大降而这时候龙辰的那一剑才正式袭來将夜叉王完全笼罩在他的剑影当中对方沒有半点逃脱的空隙 Under has heard the giant bellow, no matter the demon clan or Luan Tree Clan intense silently were praying to acme Luan Tree Clan 下方传來了巨大的轰鸣声不管是夜叉族还是栾树族都紧张到了极致栾树族们默默的祈祷着 Do not move my otherwise me to be able with you to perish together, since you want to protect Luan Tree Clan I to promise you to repulse the enemy immediately “你别动我否则我会和你同归于尽既然你想守护栾树族我可以答应你马上退兵” Demon Wang Huangran retroceded she to be afraid truly 夜叉王惶然后退她是真正害怕了 Fart “放屁吧” The Long Chen long-range raid comes him to be much calmer just likes has not fluctuated he to gather the whole body strength slightly slaughters Sword Art formidable to display the demon king to be in imminent danger along with Long Chen 龙辰奔袭而來他冷静得可怕恍如沒有丝毫的波动他汇聚浑身力量的杀戮剑诀更加的强大随着龙辰施展夜叉王岌岌可危 This is you compels my “这是你逼我的” Demon king both eyes reveal the tears of blood to shout sad and shrill 夜叉王双眼露出血泪凄厉喊道 Long Chen sneers saying: Too do not overestimate you they to make me kill you 龙辰冷笑道:“别太高估你自己了他们让我杀了你” They are the Luan Tree Clan ancestors 他们就是栾树族的先祖 What Long Chen inherits was their strength and will also inherited their hatred 龙辰继承的是他们的力量和意志也继承了他们的仇恨 That Behead Divine Sword has no complain and regret to kill demon Wang Jiang his mortal body and a Yuan god tears to make it explode into everywhere completely the blood light to slaughter under Sword Art not to be impossible to leave behind the means of livelihood Long Chen this sword of opposite party to be in front of people to kill the demon king in the demon Wang Juewang vision thoroughly 斩神剑无怨无悔杀中夜叉王将他的肉身和元神全部都撕裂让它爆炸成为漫天的血光杀戮剑诀之下不可能留下对方的活路龙辰这一剑在夜叉王绝望的目光当中当着众人的面彻底将夜叉王袭杀 Frightens Long Chen as for perishing together that she said 至于她说的同归于尽不过是吓唬龙辰罢了 Demon Wang body dies 夜叉王身死 The blood light that everywhere drops announced the death of demon king to all people 那漫天落下的血光向所有人宣告夜叉王的死亡 That grasps the youth of Ash Grey long sword near the spatial and vertical his complexion is faint, but lets person such fear he is the Luan Tree Clan liberator depends entirely on Long Chen to reverse war otherwise Luan Tree Clan today to die without doubt 那手持灰色长剑的少年临空而立他脸色淡漠但却让人如此的恐惧他是栾树族的救星今日全靠龙辰才能逆转战局否则栾树族必死无疑 The strength of green also only then Long Chen can withstand perfectly 绿界的力量也只有龙辰才能够完美承受 This picture makes all Luan Tree Clan be moved to tears 这个画面让所有的栾树族都热泪盈眶 But this was the nightmare they ambitiously wants to stage a comeback they actually to be killed the demon king regarding the demon clan simply to be finished at the first war for the big demon king thoroughly 而对于夜叉族來说这简直就是噩梦他们雄心勃勃想要东山再起他们为大的夜叉王却在第一战就被杀死夜叉王彻底完蛋了 Fell on the blood of demon king to the ground the time they have carried out becoming a fugitive 就在夜叉王的鲜血落到地上了时候他们开展了逃亡 Long Chen stared on under the green strength almost to exhaust him unable to achieve these two 100,000 demon clans gives to kill completely, but he can achieve this point that is copes in the middle of the demon clan that three four to look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator 龙辰凝视着下方身上绿界的力量几乎已经耗尽他无法做到将这二十万的夜叉族全部给杀了但他能够做到这一点那就是对付夜叉族当中那三个四象轮回劫境 Left and right general has tied down one separately 左相和右将军分别缠住了一个 Remaining also in not willingly slaughtering Luan Tree Clan 剩下一个还在不甘心的杀戮栾树族 Long Chen exhausted final strength to kill the high level of this demon clan under glare of the public eye, but another two also started to run away four 100,000 demon clans to come remaining is less than two 100,000 remnants frightened runs away vanishes in the line of sight of Luan Tree Clan thoroughly 龙辰在众目睽睽之下耗尽最后力量杀死了这位夜叉族的高层而另外两位也开始了逃窜四十万的夜叉族前來剩下不到二十万的残兵惶然逃窜彻底消失在栾树族的视线 But Luan Tree Clan did not have the strength to pursue 栾树族也沒有力气去追逐了 The demon king died only remaining two four to look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, but Luan Tree Clan, so long as Luan Tree King restores to come for at least more than ten years to suppress the demon clan 夜叉王已经死了只剩下两个四象轮回劫境者而栾树族只要栾树王恢复过來至少十多年之内还是能够镇压夜叉族 Experiences within the today's disastrous demon clan at least ten years the vitality to damage severely is not the Luan Tree Clan match 经历了今日的惨败夜叉族至少十年之内元气大伤不是栾树族的对手 Although Luan Tree Clan today lost green, but many death all battlefields have almost not been Long Chen are actually leading 栾树族今日虽然损失了绿界但却并沒有多少死亡所有的战场几乎都是龙辰在主导 After the demon clan all runs away Luan Tree King had the strength to stand, but he actually takes the lead in kneeling down Luan Tree King to take the lead all Luan Tree Clan reverent kneeling down toward Long Chen in Long Chen at present 当夜叉族全部逃窜后栾树王已经有力气站起來了但他却带头朝着龙辰跪下有栾树王带头所有的栾树族都虔诚的跪倒在龙辰眼前 Long Chen kills the demon king not to attempt any him to save their races he not to be familiar with this worshipping on bended knees for these pitiful Luan Tree Clan older generations 龙辰杀死夜叉王并不图什么他只是为了那些可怜的栾树族先辈去拯救他们的种族对这种跪拜他不太习惯 Gets up first “诸位先起來吧” The strength of green completely vanished Long Chen only remaining he 绿界的力量完全消失龙辰只剩下他自己了 Luan Tree King gains ground to shout loudly: You are my Luan Tree Clan benefactor are also my benefactor starting today the benefactor have any instruction I and others to be willing for you devotes life to all Luan Tree Clan to take orders from the benefactor any to tell that we must try hard to complete are he have saved our Luan Tree Clan today 栾树王抬起头高呼道:“你是我栾树族的恩人也是我的恩人从今日开始恩人有任何的吩咐我等都愿意为你效命所有栾树族听命恩人的任何吩咐我们都要努力完成今日是他拯救了我们栾树族 In the middle of Luan Tree Clan all people feel a heartfelt admiration 栾树族当中所有人都心悦诚服 And also includes that left 其中也包括那左相 Sees respect in their eyes facing this innumerable sincere eyes and thanks Long Chen to think when suddenly in fact good person when the Savior also especially had the sense of achievement he to have no complain and regret on the present date's matter absolutely 面对这无数真挚的眼睛看到他们眼中的崇敬和感谢龙辰骤然之间觉得实际上当个好人当个救世主也格外有成就感就如今日的事情他绝对无怨无悔 Doing mental arithmetic of ancestor tree obtained 祖树之心算是得到了 Father do not let river of the netherworld War Halberd run away “爹爹别让冥河战戟逃走了” The small skeleton reminded hastily 小骷髅连忙提醒道 Long Chen looked suddenly that river of the netherworld War Halberd was puncturing on the earth struggles the Long Chen long-range raid to run away beforehand to hold its injured river of the netherworld War Halberd in river of the netherworld War Halberd to lack a battle efficiency big drop in the past to add on him to be afraid Long Chen again, when Long Chen controlled it trembled does not dare to run away again 龙辰猛然看去那冥河战戟正刺在大地上挣扎着龙辰奔袭过去在冥河战戟逃走之前一把抓住了它受伤的冥河战戟缺少了一块战斗力大大下降再加上他会害怕龙辰龙辰掌控它的时候它瑟瑟发抖不敢再逃窜 Should better give me the clever point, otherwise I kill you “最好给我乖巧一点否则我就弄死你” The Long Chen threat said 龙辰恐吓说道 Whom the demon king died river of the netherworld War Halberd to belong to is only the heir of green strength in fact truly defeats the demon king came from the strength of Luan Tree Clan ancestor according to truth Long Chen 夜叉王已经死了冥河战戟归属谁呢按照道理龙辰只是绿界力量的承受者实际上真正打败夜叉王的还是來自栾树族先祖的力量 That Luan Tree King said hastily: River of the netherworld War Halberd our Luan Tree Clan has not affected this is the precious thing, but the benefactor rescued my Luan Tree Clan I and others not to think that report river of the netherworld War Halberd benefactor takes away seperately we also soon to offer the hearts of 1/10 ancestor trees freely 栾树王连忙道:“冥河战戟我们栾树族沒有丝毫作用此乃珍贵之物但恩人救了我栾树族我等无以为报这冥河战戟恩人尽管拿去另外我们也即将奉上1的祖树之心” In the middle of Luan Tree Clan nobody is not convinced 栾树族当中沒人不服气 , but the heart of ancestor tree is this river of the netherworld War Halberd that Long Chen earns in fact should also be his spoils of war 祖树之心是龙辰应得的而这冥河战戟实际上也应该是他的战利品 Luan Tree Clan has thought results of innumerable extermination have not actually thought can be this Human Clan young Cultivator strives to turn the tide to save entire Luan Tree Clan 栾树族想过无数灭绝的结局却从來沒想过会是这个人族的年轻者力挽狂澜拯救了整个栾树族 Many thanks Luan Tree King “多谢栾树王 Can obtain this river of the netherworld War Halberd is also because lucky green has chosen itself exactly 能得到这冥河战戟也是因为自己幸运绿界恰好选择了自己 This also very big a harvest to Long Chen after swallowing river of the netherworld War Halberd of scrap Behead Divine Sword grew more than 120 Dao Mark, if swallowed Behead Divine Sword to be definitely more formidable river of the netherworld War Halberd completely 这对龙辰而言也一个很大的收获在吞食了一小块的冥河战戟斩神剑已经成长到了120多条道纹假如把冥河战戟给全部吞了斩神剑肯定会更加强大 Then Luan Tree Clan cleans up the fight aftermath 接下來栾树族收拾战斗残局 Within in the future demon clan at least ten years could not pose the threat 往后的夜叉族至少十年之内已经构不成威胁 Naturally Luan Tree Clan experienced a transformation future power became because of their following effort Cultivate will be just round the corner 当然栾树族经历了一场蜕变将來的强盛会因为他们接下來的努力修炼而变得指日可待 These is also Long Chen entrusts with their them to have no reason not to thank Long Chen to the transformation of Expert from the weak one 这一场由弱者到强者的蜕变也是龙辰赋予他们的他们沒有理由不感谢龙辰 When under Luan Tree Clan reorganization battlefield just restored some Luan Tree King to bring Long Chen to arrive at the ancestor to set up he entered in the middle of that door to bring the intimacy of ancestor tree to give Long Chen 栾树族整理战场的时候刚刚恢复一些的栾树王带着龙辰來到了祖树之下他走进了那小门当中去取來祖树之心交给龙辰 After the quarter, Luan Tree King comes out 一刻钟后栾树王从中出來 In his old hand is holding a moment green heart, although has the branch wrong root complications just likes on the heart of blood vessel that ancestor tree releases the boundless life strength is just liking a life is beating the strength of this strength and green is the a common origin the green strength in the body completely vanishes, but the brand mark has not repelled Long Chen in the heart of ancestor tree completely 他苍老的手中捧着一刻绿色的心脏其中有枝条错根错节犹如血管那祖树之心上释放着磅礴的生命力量犹如一个生命正在跳动这股力量和绿界的力量是同源的虽然绿界的力量在身体内完全消失但是烙印还在祖树之心完全沒有排斥龙辰 This is only the hearts of 1/10 ancestor trees 这只是1的祖树之心 Looks at the urging that pays in the Long Chen hand Yiyi not to abandon said the heart of ancestor tree with Luan Tree King cautiously “望慎用”栾树王将祖树之心交付到龙辰手中依依不舍的叮嘱道 Certain “一定” Long Chen caught the heart of ancestor tree to put to the god country 龙辰接住了祖树之心放入到神国当中 He said: I delay in Luan Tree Star must at present also go to Chaos Star Domain some time, if did not have other matters I and Lingxi feared that must walk first 他道:“我在栾树星耽搁了一段时间目前还要前往混乱星域如果沒有其他事情的话我和灵曦怕是要先走了” Long Chen goes to intent to decide Luan Tree King to detain does not have the effect he to be only fluent a while: World not loose banquet has not made our Luan Tree Clan subjects deliver you if in the future has the opportunity at any time to be a guest of our Ancestral Tree City, although crude, but will also entertain two with the biggest enthusiasm 龙辰去意已决栾树王挽留一阵子却沒有效果他只能道:“天下沒有不散的筵席让我们栾树族的子民们都送送你将來若是有机会任何时候都可以來做客我们祖树城虽然简陋但也会以最大的热情招待两位” Long Chen leaves with a smile 龙辰笑着离开
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