DBWG :: Volume #20

#1982: Ancestor strength

Long Chen has not thought that these green luminous spots will gather to come this after oneself unexpectedly are green was shattered have formed the fragment, but green is hearing these ancient ballads that the Luan Tree Clan ancestor casts his in the heart can expect that approximately then what happened 龙辰怎么也沒想到这些绿色的光点竟然会朝着自己汇聚而來这是绿界破碎后形成了碎片而绿界是栾树族先祖铸就的当听到那些古老的歌谣后他心中大致能够料想到接下來会发生什么事情 The mutation that this comes suddenly attracted all vision lively battlefields became peaceful many people stopped slaughtering to look at that innumerable green luminous spot suddenly 这忽然而來的异变吸引了所有的目光原本热闹的战场忽然变得安静起來许多人都停止了厮杀看着那无数的绿色光点 Also stopped including the demon king has gotten down her vision becomes the incomparable heaviness 连夜叉王也停了下來她的目光变得无比的沉重 He has opened the eye in Luan Tree Clan of under that severe wound under the protections of some Luan Tree Clan Expert, when sees that innumerable green luminous spot toward the Long Chen gathering his unexpectedly tears 在下方那重伤的栾树族在部分栾树族强者的保护下他睁开了眼睛当看到那无数绿色光点朝着龙辰汇聚的时候他竟然老泪纵横 Ancestor...... Is my useless ancestor please save my Luan Tree Clan “先祖……是我沒用先祖请拯救我栾树族 That is strength that the ancestors leave behind 那是先祖们留下的力量 Perhaps initially they constructed green time has conceived today's matter 或许当初他们建造绿界的时候就设想过今日的事情 Long Chen has let innumerable green luminous spots surround gently his move that green luminous spot actually to discover that these luminous spots melted in the middle of their body simultaneously his within the body to present a very formidable green strength unexpectedly vital be continuous unceasingly 龙辰已经让无数的绿色光点包围他轻轻的去碰触那绿色的光点却发现那些光点竟然融进了自己的身体当中同时他的体内出现了一股很强大的绿色力量充满生机绵延不绝 This merely is only a strength of green luminous spot 这仅仅只是一个绿色光点的力量 It melted the body of Long Chen with the strength of his original primal chaos Nirvana to be independent to form the brand-new strength circulation in the middle of the Long Chen body in fact is new vein vein also wants complex to be thick compared with the Long Chen original vein 它融进了龙辰的身体在龙辰身体当中与他原來的太极涅槃之力独立开來形成全新的力量循环实际上就是新的脉络这脉络比起龙辰原來的脉络还要复杂还要粗大 Started the counted by the 100 million green luminous spot to integrate the strength that in the middle of his body that rushed to start from the first green luminous spot in own body strength to form the strength sea 从第一个绿色光点开始数以亿计的绿色光点融入进了他的身体当中那澎湃的力量开始在自己的身体力量形成了力量的海洋 The Long Chen whole person almost must be supported to explode him unable in the spoken language to describe this strength is formidable he only to know why this strength will be chosen by him uses, because middle his mortal body on the scene is strongest also only, only then he can use this strength 龙辰整个人几乎要被撑爆了他无法用言语來形容这股力量的强大他只知道为什么这股力量会选择由他來使用因为在场当中他的肉身是最强的也唯独只有他才能够使用这股力量 Vast strength in his body that brand-new green vein enormous and powerful walked is surmounting the Long Chen original strength non- several fold almost to achieve limit but these green luminous spots that his mortal body has been able to withstand still toward his body to flush away 浩瀚的力量在他身体那全新的绿色脉络当中浩浩荡荡的行走着超越了龙辰原來力量的无数倍几乎达到了他肉身所能承受的极限但那些绿色光点还在朝着他身体冲去 Long Chen in the people panic-stricken field of vision turned into a green person completely he has looked like a green Sun gathers the innumerable luminous spots his ray to sparkle that intense ray, in entire Luan Tree Star can see even in the middle of the starry sky to see 在众人惊骇的视野当中龙辰已经完全变成了一个绿色的人他就像是一个绿色的太阳汇聚了无数的光点他光芒闪耀那强烈的光芒在整个栾树星都能够看到甚至星空当中都能够看到 After all green luminous spot gatherings enter his body Long Chen discovered the own unprecedented formidable this strength is not certainly his him authority but promptly so he, only then uses this strength temporarily discovered that he can tear the world he not to experience so the strength of degree simply 当所有绿色光点汇聚进入他的身体之后龙辰发现自己前所未有的强大这股力量当然不属于他他只有暂时使用这股力量的权力但及时如此他发现自己简直能够撕裂天地他从來沒有体验过如此程度的力量 That just likes he of green Sun looked that has also controlled Yin Luan demon king that green strength to start the violent anger to sweep across the formidable light wave to that to sweep across countless crazily to flee his side, but that terror demon Wang did not have probably is so fearful...... 那恍如绿色太阳的他看向了那还掌控着尹鸾的夜叉王那绿色的力量开始暴怒疯狂席卷强大的光波席卷开去让无数人逃离他的身边而那原本恐怖至极的夜叉王好像沒这么可怕了…… Long Chen has to plant to feel him, if falls in torrents to fear that this strength completely can give to destroy this Luan Tree Star 龙辰有种感觉他要是将这股力量全部倾泻出來怕是能将这栾树星都给毁灭了 His ear has resounded Luan Tree Clan that ancient ballad 他的耳边响起了栾树族那古老的歌谣 In the Long Chen heart moves his load bearing at this moment the entire race strength also load bearing the hope and anger of entire race 龙辰心中十分感动此时此刻的他承载着整个种族的力量也承载着整个种族的希望和愤怒 Demon clan 夜叉族 They are the graciousness the devil of enmity report they bloody and heartless, but all these have displayed on the body of demon king incisively 他们是恩将仇报的魔鬼他们血腥而无情而这一切在夜叉王的身上淋漓尽致的表现了出來 The green ray joins in the body of demon king 绿色的光芒投身到夜叉王的身上 Strength this of one group of old codgers is not your time you died the innumerable years also to brave about the war to be laughable “一群老不死的力量这已经不是你们的时代你们死去了无数年也还想重新冒出來左右战局可笑可笑” The demon king wields river of the netherworld War Halberd her tooth tooth to grin that river of the netherworld War Halberd to cut toward the neck of Yin Luan 夜叉王挥动冥河战戟她齿牙咧嘴那冥河战戟朝着尹鸾的脖子斩去 How even if had accident her to set up the prestige to want Long Chen to be afraid her 就算发生了变故又怎样她要立威要龙辰害怕她 River of the netherworld War Halberd nobody may keep off 冥河战戟无人可挡 Luan Tree Clan clamored loudly got up panic-stricken looks at this 栾树族大声喧哗了起來惊恐的看着这一幕 Brushing Has extracted and river of the netherworld War Halberd similar attribute in instant Long Chen that demon king began but by far compared with river of the netherworld War Halberd small and weak Behead Divine Sword 就在夜叉王动手的刹那龙辰抽出了和冥河战戟同样属性但远远比冥河战戟弱小的斩神剑 My food......” “我的食物……” The small skeleton flowed out crash-bang saliva to look that river of the netherworld War Halberd vision is unable to put aside simply 小骷髅流出了哗啦啦的口水看着那冥河战戟的目光简直无法移开了 It such as small lion river of the netherworld War Halberd is the elephant 它就如一头小狮子冥河战戟则是大象 But the small skeleton was still unable to tolerate thirst and hunger 但小骷髅仍然饥渴难耐 What Long Chen load bearing is the strength of Luan Tree Clan ancestor 龙辰承载着的是栾树族先祖的力量 When all Luan Tree Clan were the Yin Luan safety is anxious river of the netherworld War Halberd to make a Ash Grey long sword intercept has gotten down, when a small skeleton sent out the pain pain pitiful yell it unable to eat up river of the netherworld War Halberd this ominous soldier, if were not that green strength that on Long Chen came is extremely formidable Behead Divine Sword almost to be destroyed 就在所有栾树族尹鸾的安危而紧张的时候冥河战戟却让一把灰色的长剑拦截了下來当的一声小骷髅发出痛疼的惨叫它无法吃下冥河战戟这凶兵如果不是龙辰身上而來的那绿色的力量太过强大的话斩神剑几乎要被毁灭了 Head confrontation 正面交锋 The people clamored 众人喧哗了起來 Long Chen brave and makes people admire him decisively especially not only will block river of the netherworld War Halberd is rapid snatches to come then from the hand of opposite party Yin Luan to throw in the Luan Tree King direction 龙辰的胆大和果断让众人尤其佩服他不但挡住了冥河战戟更是迅速将尹鸾从对方的手中抢了过來然后将之朝着栾树王的方向扔來 The strength that this green Sun has looks like the demon king is stronger than 这绿色的太阳所拥有的力量看起來比夜叉王强大 This belongs to the strength of Luan Tree Clan ancestor 这是属于栾树族先祖的力量 When the demon king was shaken withdraws Luan Tree Clan to be moved to tears them to understand that the Luan Tree Clan strength and demon king died to fight suddenly the load bearing all people to clamor got up is being Long Chen refuels 当夜叉王被震退后栾树族们热泪盈眶他们明白将承载着栾树族的力量和夜叉王死战一时间所有人都喧哗了起來为龙辰加油 Two the clan battlefield separates rapidly 两族战场迅速分开 That innumerable Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit still kept off in the demon clan that in front of Luan Tree Clan and these eye covetously looks at each other this demon clan to lose serious to exceed half majority distantly is Long Chen kills 那无数的泣血龙魂仍然挡在栾树族面前和那些虎视眈眈的夜叉族遥遥对视这一次夜叉族损失惨重死伤人数超过一半其中大部分是龙辰干掉的 But above Long Chen carries on the most intense battle with the demon 而上方龙辰则和夜叉进行最激烈的交战 This fight may is more intense than a lot demon Wang truly to be fiercer than Luan Tree King and fight of demon king, but the Long Chen fight style is fiercer than the machine that he inborn is slaughters after he inherited the green strength the battle efficiency rose suddenly suppressed the demon king in strength unexpectedly 这一场战斗可比栾树王和夜叉王的战斗要激烈得多夜叉王确实凶猛但是龙辰的战斗风格更加的凶猛他天生就是杀戮的机器当他继承了绿界的力量后战斗力暴涨竟然在力量方面上压制了夜叉王 But Long Chen knows the strength of green is with less, if cannot defeat the opposite party to be possible finally to disappoint the expectation of Luan Tree Clan 龙辰知道绿界的力量是越用越少的如果最终不能打败对方的话自己可就要辜负栾树族的期望了 He cannot defeat 他不能败 Long Chen stubbornly is nipping the tooth 龙辰死死的咬着牙齿 The strength of green rushed his load bearing the Luan Tree Clan ancestor's anger every time to get rid to make the demon king in his within the body retreat in defeat again and again 绿界的力量在他体内澎湃他承载了栾树族祖先的愤怒每一次出手都让夜叉王节节败退 What he uses slaughters Sword Art 他使用的是杀戮剑诀 All people saw clearly before that the invincible demon king's wind of rout massive blood in the Long Chen hand from her shoots on all fronts pitifully 所有人清楚的看到那之前无敌的夜叉王在龙辰手中全线溃败悲惨至极大量的鲜血从她身上飙射出來 „The damn Luan Tree Clan old ghost also has your this damn kid and others your strengths to exhaust you to know how the dead characters will write me to want the slaughter to extinguish Luan Tree Clan not to leave behind any living witness today inevitably “该死的栾树族老鬼还有你这该死的小家伙等你力量耗尽你就知道死字怎么写了今日我势必要屠灭栾树族不留下任何一个活口” Demon Wang Baonu clamored 夜叉王暴怒叫嚣 Her river of the netherworld War Halberd is quite fearful Behead Divine Sword appetite too but greatly must swallow this river of the netherworld War Halberd at all impossible Behead Divine Sword to differ more than 200 Dao Mark with it actually still by the disintegration has not been a miracle 她的冥河战戟还是相当可怕的斩神剑胃口太大但是要吞下这冥河战戟根本不可能斩神剑与之相差200多条道纹却仍然沒有被崩碎已经是个奇迹了 While the demon king was slaughtered Sword Art also to kill called the Behead Divine Sword small skeleton to call 在夜叉王被杀戮剑诀杀得嗷嗷叫的同时斩神剑的小骷髅也在嗷嗷叫 The attack of Long Chen can only after terror describe that unprecedented slaughters Sword Art to slaughter over a hundred swords truly displays the fatal strength from that although in the future the strength of green was almost still incapable of resisting Long Chen that wild attack in the consumption however demon king of telling 龙辰的攻击只能用恐怖來形容那一往无前的杀戮剑诀厮杀上百剑后真正发挥出致命的力量从那往后虽然绿界的力量仍然在告诉的消耗但是夜叉王几乎无力在抵抗龙辰那狂暴的进攻 Nobody can exterminate a race ability “沒有谁能拥有灭绝一个种族的能力” Your demon king does not have each race is the world accomplishes qualifications that the most precious life you have no right to control them to survive “你夜叉王也沒有每一个种族都是天地造就最宝贵的生命你无权左右他们生存的资格” „The 200 th sword “第200剑” Ash Grey Sword Qi and green that soars to the heavens mixed one to have the huge explosion to sweep across on the time demon king to explode the bunch of blood fog of she to exude from the body of demon king to call out pitifully by Long Chen are killed hit in the ground 那冲天的灰色剑气和绿色混合到了一起产生了巨大的爆炸从夜叉王的身上席卷了过去顿时间夜叉王身上爆炸出一团团的血雾她发出声声惨叫被龙辰杀得撞在地面上 You wait for your strength to exhaust “你等着你的力量会耗尽的” Demon Wang Langbei crawled got up she blood red both eyes to bear patiently waiting but her to discover that the Long Chen more and more terrifying his inheritance felt the true fear from the strength inexhaustible demon king of green simply 夜叉王狼狈的爬了起來她血红着双眼隐忍等待但她发现龙辰越來越恐怖的他那传承自绿界的力量简直无穷无尽夜叉王感觉到了真正的害怕 The low innumerable demon clan started the frightened demon king is the Spiritual God may this time Spiritual God in the frightened many people by so devastation their hearts once again be sprouted thought Long Chen these swords of escaping to puncture in their eyes simply unexpectedly, in the body of demon king also punctured on the heart of demon clan 低下无数的夜叉族开始惶然在他们眼中夜叉王简直就是神灵可这个时候神灵竟然被如此的蹂躏他们心中恐惧不少人再度萌生了逃跑的念头龙辰那些剑刺在夜叉王的身上也刺在了夜叉族的心上 Defeated the king to defeat “战败了王要战败了” Non- king was waiting for that boy exhausts strength “不王在等待着那小子耗尽力量” But these Luan Tree Clan can only grip tightly in both hands eye the tears twinkle is being the Long Chen pray is Luan Tree Clan prayed 而那些栾树族只能紧握着双手眼中泪光闪烁为龙辰祈祷为栾树族祈祷 To be honest the strength of green was truly similar 说实话绿界的力量确实差不多了 „The 300 th sword “第300剑” But at this time Long Chen slaughtered Sword Art also was almost close to his limit the time that 300 th sword to want the terror to enter 300 this levels compared with before to slaughter the Sword Art prestige without doubt to promote level that green Sword Qi to sweep across once again, but the time demon king incomparably painful whole body was torn becomes the torn to pieces flesh and blood explodes but her still not dead , but was laughing wildly 可这时候龙辰的杀戮剑诀也进行了几乎接近他极限的时刻那第300剑无疑是比起之前所有都要恐怖进入了300这个层次杀戮剑诀的威能再度提升一个层次那一道绿色剑气席卷而过的时候夜叉王无比痛苦浑身都被撕裂变得支离破碎血肉爆炸但她仍然沒有死而是在猖狂大笑 You were finished your strength to exhaust “你完蛋了你的力量要耗尽了” Her laughing makes the demon clan also make Luan Tree Clan anxious excitedly 她的大笑让夜叉族兴奋也让栾树族更加的揪心 The Luan Tree Clan innumerable eyes with tears look that green solar crucial time his both eyes were still even so calm like the water 栾树族无数含泪的眼睛看着那绿色的太阳即使如此关键的时刻他的双眼仍然冷静如水 Brother Chen......” 辰哥哥……” Lingxi is hopeful 灵曦却充满期待 She knows Long Chen waiting is this final moment he is the person of custom risk but every time take risks he in fact to have very big assurance 她知道龙辰等待的就是这最终的一刻他是个习惯冒险的人但每一次冒险他实际上都有很大的把握 Behead Divine Sword held up him to rush to the clouds high just likes the comet same drops that Behead Divine Sword from the sky to put the path of glistening 斩神剑高高举起他冲上云霄犹如彗星一样落下那斩神剑在空中划出了闪亮的轨迹 Demon Wang Tian the tongue she is having victory in the hand 夜叉王舔着舌头她胜券在握 But bestowed opposite party own killing to incur in this time Long Chen 可就在这时候龙辰赐给了对方自己的杀招 „The eye of Hell 地狱之眼” The cloud layer changes the eye of Hell to come to above that heaven the green eye that only then demon Wang Caineng sees presented that eye suddenly is similar to the endless abyss attracted the soul of demon king 云层变动地狱之眼现身那苍天之上只有夜叉王才能看见的绿色眼睛骤然出现那眼睛如同无尽的深渊将夜叉王的魂魄都吸引了进去 Mobilized the next sword in this moment Long Chen he falls in torrents the same place to kill along with a sword all surplus green strength and own strength 在这一刻龙辰发动了下一剑他将所有剩余的绿界力量和自己的力量倾泻到一起随着一剑砍杀下去
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