DBWG :: Volume #20

#1981: Unexpectedly finding a way out

In fact many Luan Tree Clan understand, although currently Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit and Luan Tree Clan almost crush demon clan in the frontal battlefield has the Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit main attack all demon clan elimination is only the issues of time 实际上很多的栾树族都明白尽管目前在正面战场上泣血龙魂栾树族几乎碾压夜叉族有泣血龙魂主攻将所有的夜叉族消灭都只是时间的问題 But if nobody can cope with the demon king so long as the demon king crashed in the middle of the battlefield to strike to kill words Luan Tree Clan Long Chen to obtain this short winning side to pass away finally 但是如果沒人可以对付夜叉王只要夜叉王冲进战场当中把龙辰击杀了话栾树族获得这短暂的上风终将逝去 Really many people discovered that the cut-throat demon king has wielded comes along with the demon king to wave Ash Grey rivers to twine the demon king toward Long Chen river of the netherworld War Halberd of that terror transmits endless Death Qi just likes has trillion resentful souls to exist in the middle of that river of the netherworld the wail makes person creepy feeling river of the netherworld War Halberd everywhere one visit all trees directly by the Ash Grey corrosion the tattered and torn green also completely vanishes does not see 果然许多人发现凶狠的夜叉王已经将那恐怖的冥河战戟朝着龙辰挥动而來随着夜叉王的舞动一条灰色的河流缠绕着夜叉王其中传來无尽的死气恍如有亿万的怨魂存在于那冥河当中哭嚎让人头皮发麻冥河战戟所到之处所有的树木都直接被灰色腐蚀变得千疮百孔绿色也完全消失不见 That Human Clan youth was dangerous “那人族的少年危险了” He died “他死定了” The Luan Tree Clan innermost feelings appeared short is scared they under the warm-blooded stimulation of Long Chen the absorbed fight, if Long Chen died...... 栾树族们内心出现了短暂的恐慌他们在龙辰的热血激发之下忘我战斗假如龙辰死去的话…… They cannot think the following consequence simply 他们简直不敢想接下來的后果 But the reality is unable to prevent 但现实是无法阻止的 What how demon Wang suddenly massacres to make demon Wang unable to think will be Lingxi will keep off at this time in her front unexpectedly she does not understand how the trivial two meter Reincarnation Calamity Realm young girl will have such guts 夜叉王暴乱杀來可让夜叉王怎么都想不到的是灵曦竟然会在这时候挡在她的面前她不明白区区一个两仪轮回劫境的少女怎么会有如此胆量 Naturally what was more terrifying does not arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm Long Chen 当然了更恐怖的还是不到轮回劫境龙辰 Shunt “闪开” Demon Wang Ke and Lingxi not politely almost meet Lingxi to kill to incur to raid 夜叉王可和灵曦不怎么客气几乎一遇上灵曦杀招就袭來 Lingxi allows the Crazy Wind dancing in the air long hair to flutter her both eyes to display quietly calmly 灵曦任随狂风飞舞长发飘扬她双眼沉静沉着施展 Of Star Shifter 斗转星移之阵” Short between she will prepare already good Formation to release the demon king on such as other Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator equally after first bitter experience such mysterious Lord God Technique he was shifted immediately exited to disappear in the people at present 短暂之间她将早就准备好的阵法释放出來夜叉王就如其他五行轮回劫境者一样在第一次遭遇这样神奇的界主神术之后他在第一时间被转移了出去消失在众人眼前 Demon king condition may frighten to fear all people 夜叉王这状况可把所有人都吓怕了 Why person in good condition will disappear baseless 好端端的人为什么会凭空消失 No matter the demon clan or Luan Tree Clan completely are airtight 不管是夜叉族还是栾树族都完全想不透 Demon king died has killed them to defeat quickly “夜叉王死了快杀啊他们已经战败了” Long Chen roared loudly got up he by the battlefield demon king who the body of sound Divine Dragon spread over instantaneously entire has slaughtered vanished baseless adds on his these words to give scared also gave Luan Tree Clan that again immediately greatly the demon the clan brought to bring strong war intent all Luan Tree Clan has looked like brings back to life to stimulate a more terrorist fighting spirit same 龙辰大声吼叫了起來他以神龙之躯声音瞬间传遍了整个厮杀的战场夜叉王的凭空消失再加上他这句话顿时给夜叉族带來的巨大的恐慌也给栾树族带來了超强的战意所有的栾树族就像是起死回生一样激发出了更加恐怖的斗志 They saw the dawn of hope 他们看到了希望的曙光 Everyone is very shocked they not to think that Lingxi can kill the demon Wang Dan demon king to vanish the fact to be placed in the front cannot allow all people not to believe 谁都很震惊他们根本沒想到灵曦能够杀死夜叉王但夜叉王已经消失了事实摆在面前容不得所有人不相信 After this matter occurred lost the fighting spirit retreats in defeat again and again they frightened also to be also afraid under the attack of Luan Tree Clan and Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit in the demon clan that under the attack of Long Chen will be utterly routed died they to compare to Luan Tree Clan not to fear death the demon clan that but did not fear death at this moment also started to retreat in the middle of frightened 当这件事情发生后原本在龙辰的进攻之下溃不成军的夜叉族更是丧失了斗志在栾树族泣血龙魂的攻击之下节节败退他们也会恐惧也会害怕死亡他们只是比起栾树族更加不怕死而已但此时此刻再不怕死的夜叉族也开始在惶然当中撤退 Killed demon clan to be killed to make them tumble out your homelands all evil thorough killing quickly “杀夜叉族快被杀完了将所有的余孽彻底杀死让他们滚出你们的家园” Long Chen carries on the psychological attack effect once again without doubt is quite good, although many demon clans command still in summon still in telling their demon kings has not died, but Long Chen has Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit to lead only then he can guarantee that disseminates his sound in the middle of this incomparably chaotic battlefield to all people 龙辰再度进行心理攻击效果无疑是相当好的尽管不少的夜叉族统领仍然在呼唤仍然在告诉他们夜叉王沒死但龙辰泣血龙魂可以主导只有他才能保证在这个无比混乱的战场当中将他的声音传播给所有人 If this fight does not have the demon clan presents all once again under his control 这一场战斗如果沒有夜叉族的再度出现一切都在他的掌控之下 The hope that although wins at present but the Long Chen innermost feelings is quite heavy that is because the demon king will be impossible he to approach in the neighbor perhaps next quarter, but she will approach once again definitely will again not make Lingxi succeed a time 虽然胜利的希望就在眼前但龙辰内心还是相当沉重的那是因为夜叉王不可能死他就在附近也许下一刻就会重新來临而当她再度來临的时候肯定不会再让灵曦成功一次了 He and Lingxi from the sky looked at each other to write all over reluctantly 他和灵曦在空中对视了一眼眼中写满了无奈 Of during this fight imagined him may be more difficult than much than the [say / way] of most major difficulty river of the netherworld War Halberd more than 300 Dao Mark from demon king caused the absolute crush to make Luan Tree King first defeat also nobody to divert her again 这次的战斗比他想象当中可要艰难得多了其中最大的困难來自夜叉王的冥河战戟300多条道纹的道器导致了绝对的碾压让栾树王首先战败再也沒人能够牵制住她 Brother Chen, if really the incorrect words we give up 辰哥哥如果实在不行的话我们放弃吧” Lingxi is not selfish she is only considers to speak the truth this basic and he for Long Chen relates him not to need to shoulder this hatred not greatly 灵曦并不是自私她只是为了龙辰着想说实话这根本和他关系不大他不用肩负这种仇恨 Waits again “再等等” The situation of time of short several quarter under the Long Chen fraud occurred greatly reverses the demon clan dies the death that to run away the running away enough four 100,000 demon clans that currently also has the battle efficiency less than two 100,000, moreover majority, because demon clan ‚during death was running away 短短几刻钟的时间在龙辰的骗局之下局势发生巨大的逆转夜叉族死的死逃的逃足足四十万的夜叉族现在还有战斗力的不足二十万而且其中大部分因为夜叉族的‘死亡’正在逃窜当中 Luan Tree Clan thinks that demon clan died on a large scale during the celebration 栾树族以为夜叉族已死正在大举庆祝当中 Once again raided in this time sense of crisis 就在这时候危机感再度袭來 Long Chen changes into the human form and Lingxi stands 2 million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit still in fight, but they face the West to shoot by the terror speed wind in that direction scarlet direction together 龙辰化为人形和灵曦站在一起2000000的泣血龙魂仍然在战斗而他们两人共同面对西方在那个方向一道血色的方向正在以恐怖的速度飙射而來 Damn “该死” Demon Wangjian sharp roaring nearly makes the entire battlefield shivering countless people look that to Western all people knows that Red point means any demon king has not died 夜叉王尖锐的咆哮近乎让整个战场都在颤抖无数人看向了西方所有人都知道那一个红色的点意味着什么夜叉王沒死 The Long Chen fraud also can only maintain the short time 龙辰的骗局也只能维持短短的时间 Demon king the attack of once again desperate shifted from the body of demon clan to the body of Luan Tree Clan they stops escaping becomes is more flagitious they to block Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit and Luan Tree Clan offensive almost must the battlefield form reversing 夜叉王的再度來袭把绝望从夜叉族的身上转移到栾树族的身上他们停止了逃跑变得更加的凶残他们挡住了泣血龙魂栾树族的攻势几乎又要将战场的形式给逆转开來 Two young bastards you angered me to be very good you to anger me “两个小混蛋你们惹怒我了很好你们惹怒我了” Demon Wang roared her goal is Long Chen and Lingxi 夜叉王咆哮起來她的目标是龙辰灵曦 Did not have the means really “真的沒办法了吗” Long Chen can only think that finally was a pity 龙辰最终只能觉得可惜了 If the demon king begins definitely unable by the loathsome appearance to spell to oneself, because that absolutely does not have to hope that he can only hide itself by Time Travel Dragon, but if this Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit will vanish Luan Tree Clan green to break they unable to escape the destiny of demise 夜叉王如果对自己动手的话自己肯定不能以死相拼因为那完全沒有希望他只能以时间游龙隐藏自己但如果这样的话泣血龙魂就会消失栾树族绿界已经破碎他们逃脱不了灭亡的命运 Kid, no matter you are everyone must pay price “小家伙不管你是谁都要付出代价” The demon king violent anger raids 夜叉王暴怒袭來 She most disliked is played 她最讨厌被耍了 On the Long Chen face does not have to be slightly startled he to sneer saying: You come freely, let alone will imprison me is moves my fine body hair my Elder also thoroughly to exterminate your this young demon clan will also skin the cramp to tear to shreds you you you to try the demon king you to try greatly 龙辰脸上沒有丝毫惊慌他冷笑道:“你尽管來吧别说囚禁我就是动我一根寒毛我长辈也会将你这小小夜叉族彻底灭绝也会将你剥皮抽筋将你碎尸万段你大可以试试夜叉王你來试试” Long Chen that proud appearance could not see that some slight fear his psychological quality far supernormal person many years of experience makes him calm such as the water demon king, although formidable and sly, but actually was still Long Chen this proud and scruple Long Chen displayed has looked like only then the person in Five Great Dragon City that place so will be supercilious so does not place in the eye her demon king 龙辰那骄傲的样子根本看不出有的丝毫的恐惧他的心理素质远超常人多年的经历让他心静如水夜叉王虽然强大而狡猾但却仍然为龙辰这种骄傲而迟疑龙辰表现得太像了只有五大龙城那种地方的人才会如此目中无人如此不将她夜叉王放在眼中 Demon Wang Tingliu clenches teeth to say in Long Chen at present: Kid you must with me do right my enduring patiently also has the limit 夜叉王停留在龙辰眼前咬牙道:“小家伙你一定要和我做对呢我的忍耐也是有限度的” Her incisive tooth dew is similar to the wild animal outside 她尖锐的牙齿露在外头如同野兽 Long Chen was still that proud appearance he revealed the relaxed smiling face: You tried one time to know I guaranteed did not move to forget told you me to say with my Elder perhaps here matter also tells the given name of their your demon king them to approach toward here next quarter them to appear in you you dares to move my words to believe firmly at present you can escape from Luan Tree Star to say again 龙辰仍然是那副骄傲的样子他流露出轻松笑容道:“你就试一次就知道了我保证不动弹忘记告诉你了我已经和我长辈说了这边的事情也告诉了他们你夜叉王的大名他们正在朝着这边靠近也许下一刻他们就会出现在你眼前你敢动我的话确信你能逃出栾树星再说” His pride and made in demon Wang Xin suppress the innumerable anger she to be daunted her vision to leave to fall the right general arbitrarily from Long Chen by Long Chen really left on the combat generals of these force to sneer at this moment to say suddenly: You succeeded I truly not to dare to move the opportunity that you however these frail Luan Tree Clan have not gone on living 他的骄傲和蛮横让夜叉王心中憋了无数的怒火她真的被龙辰吓住了此刻她的目光从龙辰身上离开落到了右将军左相这些强力的战将身上忽然冷笑起來道:“你成功了我确实不敢动你但是这些脆弱的栾树族可沒有活下去的机会了啊” She puts out a hand to grasp in the distant place battlefield a person's shadow to scream the whereabouts to her hand in instantaneously under she controls Luan Tree Clan princess Yin Luan 她伸手一抓远方战场上一个人影尖叫着落到她的手中瞬间在她掌控之下正是栾树族的公主尹鸾 She stretched out the evil clutches to hold the head incisive nail of Yin Luan almost to puncture the Yin Luan head instantaneous blood crossflow her complexion also became incomparably pale 她伸出魔爪抓住尹鸾的脑袋尖锐的指甲几乎都要刺进去了尹鸾的脑袋瞬间鲜血横流她的脸色也变得无比惨白 The demon king laughs she to overlook below battlefield to say with a smile incisively: Luan Tree Clan cowards your Wang almost die your princesses also soon to be killed your goldenrain tree green also to be destroyed you by me to be defeated in my hands the present to ask you by me to look thoroughly I your princesses little pouched my within the body 夜叉王大笑起來她俯视着下方的战场尖锐笑道:“栾树族的懦夫们你们的王几乎死在我手中你们的公主也即将被我弄死你们栾树绿界也被我毁灭你们已经彻底的失败了现在就请你们看着我将你们的公主一点点的吞进我的体内吧” She laughs crazily 她疯狂的大笑起來 The front two gigantic scarlet tremble the malignant influences to be astonishing 胸前两颗硕大的血色震颤着煞气惊人 Her these words defeated the Luan Tree Clan confidence also to encourage the demon clan rampant flame demon clan once again completely is a lunatic, so long as demon king they will not be not but actually afraid 她这句话再度打垮了栾树族的信心也助长了夜叉族嚣张的火焰夜叉族完全就是疯子只要夜叉王不倒他们就不会害怕 Below battlefield starts to turn defeat into victory by demon clan 下方的战场开始被夜叉族反败为胜 Demon Wang Daxiao looks that Long Chen is full of provocation saying: „The Human Clan kid I cannot move your but you my what 夜叉王大笑看着龙辰充满挑衅道:“人族的小家伙我是动不了你但你又奈我何” Was saying she does not attend to the pitiful yell of Yin Luan in the opposite party little putting in mouth 说着她不顾尹鸾的惨叫将对方一点点的放入口中 Yin Luan that desperate vision made the Long Chen moral nature burn dreadful anger type unable to help the feeling of side friend make him especially resentful, but he was too still young 尹鸾那绝望的目光让龙辰心底燃烧起了滔天的愤怒这种无法帮助到身边朋友的感觉让他格外的愤懑但他仍然太年轻了 He and Lingxi do not have this ability to be able in the demon king hand to rescue from her hand Yin Luan 他和灵曦都沒有这个能耐能在夜叉王手中将尹鸾从她手中救出來 The float green luminous spot that produces from destroyed green suddenly goes toward some direction gathering in all Luan Tree Clan most desperate time Ancestral Tree City sky these 就在所有栾树族最绝望的时刻祖树城上空那些从被毁灭的绿界当中产生的悬浮的绿色光点忽然朝着某一个方向汇聚而去 Trillion the luminous spot is similar to innumerable fireflies toward in the battlefield comes that luminous spot migration the time has the ancient music in the sound suddenly all Luan Tree Clan to enter the absorbed condition they cannot help but to start to hum 亿万的光点如同无数的萤火虫朝着战场上而來那光点移动的时候有着古老的乐曲在响动着一时间所有的栾树族都进入了忘我的状态他们不由得开始哼唱 The entire battlefield fills that ancient and eternal ballad 整个战场都充满那古老而永恒的歌谣 That is a race mark 那是一个种族的符号 Ancestors......” “先祖们……” Innumerable Luan Tree Clan shed tears they to feel that the spirit of ancestor was arriving 无数的栾树族流下了眼泪他们感觉到了先祖的魂灵正在降临 The direction of that green luminous spot gathering is Long Chen 那绿色光点汇聚的方向是龙辰
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