DBWG :: Volume #20

#1993: Emperors **

If shows the strength, how if to fear this person. 如果只是展示实力的话,如果又岂会怕这种人。 Mixes Immortal God Domain from Long Ji Continent, this person Long Chen saw, although said that just arrived at Shining Star, truly should restrain, but restrained is not accidental must violate own principle, the Long Chen principle was tit for tat is fair play, tit for tat is fair play. 龙祭大陆混到永生神域,这种人龙辰见多了,虽然说刚刚來到璀璨星辰,确实应该收敛,但收敛并不意外着就要违背自己的原则,龙辰的原则就是人不犯我,我不犯人。 When that guards from attending to were teasing the time, Long Chen shifted his side instantaneously, he stands in the opposite party at present less than half meter place, said: If I have the Reincarnation Calamity Realm strength.” 当那护卫们自顾着调笑时候,龙辰瞬间转移到了他的身边,他就站在对方眼前不到半米的地方,道:“假如我有轮回劫境的实力呢。” The Dream Alliance guards have been startled a while first, at once has laughed, they are Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, has the qualifications to be the guard here, at this time that was said by the person of Long Chen question: Is very good, is very good, a little guts, this, you, if can make me be sincerely convinced, I make you go, and does not haggle over with you.” 梦盟的护卫们先是怔了一会儿,旋即大笑了起來,他们都是轮回劫境者,才有资格在这里当护卫的,此时那被龙辰问话的人说道:“很好,很好,有点胆量啊,就这样吧,你若是能让我心服口服,我就让你进去,并且不与你计较。” Long Chen said with a smile lightly: Man real man, the speech may probably turn out as said.” 龙辰淡淡笑道:“男子汉大丈夫,说话可要算话哦。” The opposite party smiled hard, he to other humanity: Younger Brother, have a pleasure with great difficulty, I......” 对方笑得更加厉害了,他对其他人道:“兄弟们,好不容易有个乐子,我就……” His words spoke of here, did not have as follows. 他的话说到这里,就沒有下文了。 He incomparably panic-stricken looks at Long Chen, because he discovered that he is unable to move unexpectedly, his time as if stopped being same, the Reincarnation strength is unable to revolve, the mortal body is unable to move, even cannot shiver the eyelash, this death same condition was maintaining, but he at risk of life is actually not able to revolt. 他无比惊骇的看着龙辰,因为他发现自己竟然无法动弹,他身上的时间仿佛停止了一样,轮回力量无法运转,肉身无法动弹,甚至连睫毛都不能颤动,这种死亡一样的状态一直保持着,但他却拼死都无法反抗。 Long Chen stands in him at present, sinking sound track: You are Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, does not have the strength of revolt before me, if I must kill you, at this moment only needs gently a sword, now you thought whether I have to enter the qualifications of this Dream Alliance, told you a truth, the infinite universe, Expert were innumerable, do not despise these you to think that very possible was the person of weak one.” 龙辰就站在他眼前,沉声道:“你身为轮回劫境者,在我面前毫无反抗之力,我若是要杀你的话,此刻只需要轻轻一剑,现在你觉得我是否有进入这梦盟的资格呢,告诉你一个道理,大千世界,强者无数,别小看那些你觉得很可能是弱者的人。” These words said very for a long time. 这句话说了挺长时间。 His partners are shocked looks at this, the chin almost falls to the place came up, they were urging that person begins, but that person must worry a lot than them, not only he cannot move, the smoke cloud beast on face upper body is unable to move. 他的伙伴们震惊的看着这一幕,下巴都几乎掉到地上去了,他们催促着那人动手,但那人比他们还要着急得多了,不但他不能动弹,脸上身上的烟云兽都无法动弹。 Long Chen draws back two steps, control of Undo Eternal Flash to the opposite party, his vision cold Lidai the murderous intention, was asking: „, I can go in now.” 龙辰退开两步,解开刹那永恒对对方的控制,他目光冷厉带着杀机,问道:“诸位,现在我可以进去了吧。” The people look at each other in blank diamay, although is not convinced at heart, but the Long Chen beforehand prestige can be really unthinkable, they close tightly the tooth, can only nod, although to be honest they were used to it proud, but also had to bump into the experience of sheet iron, each fate was pitiful, this time they studied clever. 众人面面相觑,虽然心里不服气,但龙辰之前的威能实在匪夷所思,他们咬紧牙齿,只能点头,说实话他们虽然骄傲习惯了,但也有碰到铁板的经历,每一次下场都非常凄惨,这一次他们学乖了。 So, Long Chen entered this Dream Alliance frankly and uprightly, immediately, has the appearance to be beautiful, the attire brief Dream Immortal Clan female goes forward to serve, Dream Immortal Clan female the gently beautifulness of quite, the physique is also very outstanding, has the water tender feelings, that soft sound makes the person want to stop but cannot. 如此,龙辰光明正大的进入了这梦盟,马上,就有长相姣好,衣着简约的梦幻仙族女子上前伺候,梦幻仙族的女子的颇为柔美,身姿也很出众,有着似水柔情,那软软的声音让人欲罢不能。 Two, has the place that the need works.” “两位,请问有需要效劳的地方吗。” That Dream Immortal Clan female is very polite, said respectfully that her bowing time, the front two perfectly round bright soft meat rock in Long Chen at present, is very mischievous, that flesh is delicate like the water, plays musical instruments to break. 梦幻仙族的女子很有礼貌,恭敬说道,她鞠躬时候,胸前两颗浑圆剔透的软肉在龙辰眼前晃动,十分调皮,那肌肤如水般细嫩,吹弹可破。 This is in front of Lingxi, Long Chen also can only not look askance, treats as anything not to see, he said: We want the emperor **, here may have.” 这是在灵曦前面,龙辰也就只能目不斜视,当作什么都沒看见了,他道:“我们想要皇**,这里可有。” The Dream Immortal Clan female said: Only is the treasure that has, Dream Alliance is impossible not to have.” 梦幻仙族女子道:“只有是存在的宝物,梦盟不可能沒有。” She shows a faint smile, start is Long Chen guides, can come here is the honored guests, each guest basically has the special entertainment, the entire Dream Alliance interior such as dream is more imaginary, there are looks at not the clear thing innumerably, is following this Dream Immortal Clan female, they felt that floats in the middle of the fog likely, the surroundings are the dazzling precious commodity, even many antique Immortal Spirit are partly visible, releases rich Aura, making the person be refreshing, cultivates to unknowingly middle promote. 她微微一笑,开始为龙辰带路,能來这里的都是贵客,每一个客人基本上都有专门的招待,整个梦盟的内部更加如梦似幻,有无数看不真切的东西,跟随着这梦幻仙族的女子,两人感觉像是在云雾当中漂浮,周围是琳琅满目的珍贵商品,甚至有不少太古仙灵若隐若现,释放出浓郁气息,让人神清气爽,修为都在不知不觉当中提升着。 Finally reached the destination. 最终到达了目的地。 The surroundings are the precious material, mostly is used to refine, in the middle of this innumerable materials, looks like the precious emperor in the outside ** here actually a little common, Long Chen had determined that is an emperor **, does not have many idle talk, here or antique Immortal Spirit trades by, emperor ** marks Dao Mark or Immortal Mark that is needing to exchange, trivial emperor ** actually takes a Great Ancient Dao Artifact value, was too expensive. 周围都是珍贵的材料,大多是用來炼制道器的,在这无数材料当中,在外界看來珍贵至极的皇**在此处却一点儿都不起眼,龙辰确定了那就是皇**后,沒有过多废话,这里都是以道器或者太古仙灵來交易,皇**标记着需要兑换的道纹或者仙纹,区区皇**竟然要一把太古道器的价值,实在太贵了。 However, Long Chen can undertake. 不过,龙辰承担得起。 After trading, he is about to leave, the front surface actually walks a Dream Immortal Clan man, the Long Chen front surface looks that has to acknowledge this fellow and Snow Spirit King is a character of rank, is quite good by the makings look and talent, but the age of this Dream Immortal Clan man wanted on big some, it is estimated that has the liangsanqian-year-old practicing age, therefore his strength is also quite formidable, at least also has three Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage strength. 交易完毕后,他正准备离开,迎面却走來一位梦幻仙族的男子,龙辰迎面看去,不得不承认这家伙和雪灵王是一个级别的人物,论气质相貌和天赋都相当不错,不过这个梦幻仙族男子的年纪已经要大上一些,估计有两三千岁的修行年龄,所以他的实力也比较强大,至少也有三才轮回劫境后期的实力。 Looks looks like this, this Dream Immortal Clan man, is the fearful talent character. 找这样看,这个梦幻仙族男子,还是个可怕的天才人物。 He keeps aloof, the vision is deep, has one type is similar to Snow Spirit King same confuses the charm of all living things, after seeing this man, that Dream Immortal Clan young girl unexpectedly complexion micro red, said hastily: Has seen Young Master.” 他高高在上,目光深沉,拥有一种如同雪灵王一样迷惑众生的魅力,看到这个男子后,那梦幻仙族的少女竟然脸色微红,连忙道:“见过少东家。” Um.” “嗯。” The men nod slightly, then walked from Long Chen, submerges rapidly in the middle of the fog, vanishes does not see. 男子轻微点头,便从龙辰身边走了过去,迅速淹沒在云雾当中,消失不见。 Young Master, Young Master......” 少东家,少东家……” The females still look at direction that he leaves, her whole face has one's face flushed with drink red, the heartbeat accelerates, in the eye fills ** the mist, somewhat was hard to extricate oneself obviously. 女子仍然看着他离开的方向,她满脸酡红,心跳加速,眼睛里充满**的水雾,显然有些难以自拔了。 Lingxi holds on Long Chen gently, said: On this man has to plant to attract the strength, should be a talent, is big to the attraction of female, if not for I Cultivate Lord God Technique, has been able to resist his attracting, it is estimated that will also be confused by this man, such as this girl displays this.” 灵曦轻轻拉住龙辰,道:“这个男子身上有种魅惑力量,应该是一种天赋,对女子的吸引力非常大,我若不是修炼了界主神术,能抵抗他的魅惑,估计也会被这男子迷惑,就如这女孩表现得这样。” Such Ox Cha.” “这么牛叉。” Long Chen has to sigh with emotion, is really an ability of going against heaven's will, solely brushed past, can make a young girl be burning with impatience to devote, this ability went against heaven's will. 龙辰不得不感慨,真是一项逆天的能力,单单是擦肩而过,就能让一位少女心急火燎想要献身,这能力太逆天了。 First envies this ability.” The Long Chen to praise sighed. “先是羡慕这能力啊。”龙辰赞叹道。 Repugnant.” Lingxi is pinching his arm, said: I, do not think like this you is a womanizer.” “讨厌啦。”灵曦捏着他的手臂,道:“我才不要这样呢,不想你沾花惹草。” Long Chen naturally cracks a joke, emperor ** obtained, here is not any good place, hurries to leave Dream City to be good, therefore he sped up the footsteps, quick left Dream Alliance. 龙辰自然是开玩笑,皇**已经得到,这里并非是什么好地方,都赶紧离开梦幻城才行,所以他加快了脚步,很快就离开了梦盟 The Dream Immortal Clan female has packed off them, actually still the complexion had one's face flushed with drink red, ** the combustion, turns head to look, several sisters are also this, even some people could not bear stroke itself, sent out intoxicant light to recite the sound. 梦幻仙族的女子送走了他们,却仍然脸色酡红,**燃烧,回头一看,几个姐妹也都是这样子,甚至有人已经忍不住抚摸自己,发出醉人的轻吟声了。 You come with me.” “你跟我來。” Suddenly, that has Young Master of infinite charm, appears has entertained the Long Chen young girl in that at present. 忽然间,那拥有无穷魅力的少东家,出现在那招待过龙辰的少女眼前。 The female does not believe simply own ear, she is excited, passes through the numerous fog hastily, is following that Young Master, arrives in the middle of a close space, that perfect man back to her, the young girl heartbeat is accelerating, does not dare to move, but that man attraction was too big, she cannot bear must approach toward him. 那女子简直不相信自己的耳朵,她激动万分,连忙穿过重重云雾,跟随着那少东家,來到一个封闭的空间当中,那完美的男人正背对着她,少女心跳加速,不敢动弹,但那男子身上的吸引力太大了,她忍不住就要朝着他靠近。 Although you is a virgin, but the family background is too low, did not have the qualifications to obtain my favor, manages well your **.” That Young Master cold sound said. “虽然你是处子,但出身太低,还沒资格得到我的宠幸,管好你的**。”那少东家冷声说道。 Hears this saying, the female was similar to is irrigated the cold water, she knelt down hastily on the ground, extremely said panic-strickenly: Young Master, was I have made a mistake, I was certainly obedient......” 听到这话,女子如同被浇了冷水,她连忙跪倒在地上,惊骇万分说道:“少东家,是我错了,我一定听话……” That Young Master no longer talks too much, but asked: That two Human Clan, they took away any thing a moment ago.” 少东家不再多言,而是问道:“刚才那两个人族,他们拿走了什么东西。” The females are startled, originally summoned for that two Human Clan own, she does not dare to hesitate, said hastily: Is the emperor **.” 女子一怔,原來是为了那两个人族才召见自己的,她不敢迟疑,连忙道:“是皇**。” Emperor **.” Young Master beckons with the hand, hint makes that female leave, he stays here, in the profound eye is hiding the endless strangeness, he muttered: Emperor **, may fuse material, generally is used to patch, they are used to make anything.” “皇**。”少东家摆摆手,示意让那女子离开,他留在这里,深邃的眼睛里藏着无尽的诡异,他喃喃自语道:“皇**,可融合材料,一般用于修补道器,他们用來做什么。” Patching, with restoring Dao Mark, is two concepts, can patch, but Dao Mark must restore, that is almost impossible, the hearsay only then some races have the inherited method. 修补道器,和恢复道纹,是两种概念,道器可以修补,但道纹要恢复,那几乎不可能,传闻只有部分种族才有祖传的手段。 Reason that is interested in these two people, that is because he notes Long Chen and Lingxi age, the age is unable to conceal, he can estimate these two less than absolutely 1000 years old, but one is two meter Reincarnation Calamity Realm, although another does not arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm, the strength that but that displays is really unthinkable, moreover Human Clan, indistinctly can feel that on him Long Clan Aura, should be Dragon Warrior without doubt. 之所以对这两个人感兴趣,那是因为他注意到龙辰灵曦的年纪,年纪是无法掩饰的,他可以估算这两人绝对不到1000岁,但一个是两仪轮回劫境,另外一个虽然不到轮回劫境,但那展现出來的力量实在匪夷所思,而且还是人族,在他身上隐约能感觉到龙族气息,应该是龙武者无疑。 Our Dream Immortal Clan allied armies, should not have this character to be right, asks that the father is good.” “我们梦幻仙族的盟军,应该沒有这一号人物才对,得去问问父亲才行。” Probably after half double-hour, he stands in front of cloud layer, the surroundings are the endless sea of clouds, his bright sound track: Father, I came.” 大概半个时辰后,他站在一处云层前面,周围都是无尽的云海,他朗声道:“父亲,我來了。” In the middle of the cloud layer, broadcasts an illusory sound, that person said: Has the matter to speak frankly.” 云层当中,传來一阵虚无缥缈的声音,那人说道:“有事直说。” Young Master said: Today saw two strange fellows, wants to ask whether you are Life Dragon City newly arrived Cultivator.” 少东家道:“今日见了两个奇怪的家伙,想问问你是否是生命龙城新來的者。” Saying, him meeting Long Chen and Lingxi detail, said with his father. 说着,他把遇见龙辰灵曦的细节,和他的父亲是说了一遍。 After listening, that humanity: Life Dragon City, not other people come.” 听完之后,那人道:“生命龙城,并无其他人來。” „, That is Dragon Warrior that comes secretly, which Dragon City came from, I have sent for monitoring them.” Young Master said. “哦,那是私自前來的龙武者,到底來自哪个龙城呢,我已经派人监视他们了。”少东家道。 He wants to be commended, actually does not think that person said: I thought that you are interested in his woman, you were old, should wholly-absorbed Heavenly Dao, should many have to do with the Life Dragon City person, other people are best not to go to respond.” 他本想得到赞许,却不想那人却道:“我看你是对他身边的女人感兴趣吧,你年纪不小了,应该专心天道,也应该多和生命龙城的人打交道,其他人最好别去搭理。” Hears this saying, that Young Master indistinct some are not convinced. 听到这话,那少东家隐约有些不服气。 He said: In fact I felt that man is very probably formidable, gives me a dangerous feeling, I mean, if he is the Dragon God Domain person, is our allied armies, this Star Lord Hegemony War first war, if he can, can go on stage, we are not short of manpower.” 他道:“实际上我感觉那男子好像十分强大,给我一种危险的感觉,我的意思是,如果他是龙神域的人,也算是我们的盟军,这星主争霸战的第一战,若是他可以,也能上场,我们不是还缺人呢。” That humanity: Such being the case, you attempt to be clear he strength, does not have three again the Reincarnation Calamity Realm strength, the qualifications of not having participated.” 那人道:“既然如此,你去尝试清楚他的实力,再來说吧,沒有三才轮回劫境的实力,沒有参加的资格。” Yes.” “是。” That Young Master excited nod, then departs, after returning to Dream City, he is just about to relate that to trace Long Chen and Lingxi subordinate, actually does not think that the match related himself first, a Star Rune start, opposite party but said: Young Master, with losing.” 少东家兴奋点头,然后再离去,回到梦幻城后,他正要联系那追踪龙辰灵曦的手下,却不想对手先联系自己了,星符一启动,对方就无奈道:“少东家,跟丢了。” [
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