CSG :: Volume #40

#3956: Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable

The Daoless Immortal Venerable attitude has several points of aggressive stance, completely fearless in influence Heavenly Star Palace that Xing Caijian as well as behind represents. 无道仙尊的态度带着几分咄咄逼人的姿态,完全无惧于星彩间以及背后所代表的势力天星宫 Initially without knowing on Jian Chen thing of that healing Supreme Divine Item, their Immortal Feather Sect had gotten down issuing a warrant for arrest, even if leafs through entire World of Immortals to looking. 当初在不知道剑尘身上那件疗伤之物的至尊神器时,他们仙羽门就已经下了通缉,哪怕是翻遍整个仙界都要把人给找出来。 Now knows after that is Supreme Divine Item, Immortal Feather Sect will not let off. 如今知道了那是一件至尊神器之后,仙羽门更不会放过了。 Your Immortal Feather Sect had a liking for on Yang Yutian that Supreme Divine Item, therefore wants to kill people to seize the treasure?” Xing Caijian asked unemotionally. “你们仙羽门是看上了羊羽天身上的那件至尊神器,所以想要杀人夺宝?”星彩间面无表情问道。 Snort, although Supreme Divine Item is precious, but our Immortal Feather Sect also has, how because only utensil will make this matter, our Immortal Feather Sect will issue a warrant for arrest this person, will be because this person has killed my Immortal Feather Sect four Supreme Elder.” Daoless Immortal Venerable cold voice said, nearby this starry skies stayed numerous Immortal Venerable, in absolutely where the murder seizes valuable such reputation cannot Immortal Feather Sect top of the head. “哼,至尊神器虽然珍贵,但我们仙羽门又不是没有,又岂会因为区区一件器物就做出这种事情,我们仙羽门通缉此人,是因为此人已经杀了我仙羽门四位太上长老。”无道仙尊冷声道,这片星空附近停留了众多仙尊,杀人夺宝这样的名头是绝对不能安在仙羽门的头顶上。 Never expected that Immortal Feather Sect takes one of the World of Immortals Heavenly Court level influences, unexpectedly is also such is not concerned about face, your four Supreme Elder bodies fall, is you have only self to blame.” Jian Chen opens the mouth suddenly. “没想到仙羽门作为仙界天庭级势力之一,竟然也是如此的不要脸,你们那四位太上长老身陨,也是你们咎由自取。”剑尘忽然开口。 „Did junior, what you say?” Daoless Immortal Venerable vision swift and fierce looking to Jian Chen, the body anger ascends. “小辈,你说什么?”无道仙尊目光凌厉的望向剑尘,身上怒意升腾。 I said that you have only self to blame, initially in Celebration Heaven City competed for Thousand Immortals General Position, your Immortal Feather Sect aimed at me everywhere, even if were behind me leaves Celebration Heaven City, your Daoless Immortal Venerable must specially arrange Immortal Emperor that grasped Space Principle pursued me in the starry sky, you, if otherwise, how that Immortal Emperor can falls/dies in the starry sky.” “我说你们是咎由自取,当初在庆天城争夺千仙将位时,你们仙羽门就处处针对我,哪怕是我后面离开庆天城,你无道仙尊都还要特意安排一位掌握空间法则仙帝在星空中追逐我,你们若不如此,那名仙帝又岂会陨落在星空中。” Jian Chen tone , to continue saying: Now wants to come, initially your Immortal Feather Sect again and again in view of me, perhaps was not only because on competition of Thousand Immortals General Position, your Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder Xia Mingtian losses made you feel to feel ashamed in my hands, the most important reason, was your Daoless Immortal Venerable stares at my supreme treasure very early in the morning, wanted to kill people to seize the treasure.” 剑尘语气一顿,继续说道:“现在想来,当初你们仙羽门三番四次的针对我,或许不仅仅是因为在千仙将位的争夺上,你们仙羽门太上长老夏鸣天在我手中让你感觉脸上无光,最重要的原因,是你无道仙尊一早就盯上了我身上的至宝,想要杀人夺宝。” Dissolute, the junior, our Immortal Feather Sect you can slander can it be that at will, in any event, you kill our Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder are the hard fact.” Daoless Immortal Venerable shouted angrily. “放肆,小辈,我们仙羽门岂是你能随意污蔑,无论如何,你杀我们仙羽门太上长老是铁一般的事实。”无道仙尊怒喝。 Slanders, tries to prove but actually also simply, only need Celebration Heaven City inquire the inquiry to know all truth slightly.” Jian Chen said. “是不是污蔑,求证起来倒也简单,只需到庆天城稍微打探打探便可知一切真相。”剑尘道。 Initial truth, is how unimportant, no matter who is wrong to whom, in brief my Immortal Feather Sect four Supreme Elder cannot die in vain.” “当初的真相如何,已不重要,不管谁对谁错,总之我仙羽门四位太上长老不能白死。” Daoless Immortal Venerable just wants to open the mouth, together air/Qi full sound pressed and covered audience, although the sound is tepid, even brings several points of amiable, is very friendly, when this sound falls into the people ear, immediately made in the field everyone Immortal Venerable is in the heart one cold. 无道仙尊刚想开口,一道中气十足的声音压盖全场,虽然声音不温不火,甚至带着几分平易近人,十分和气,然而当这道声音落入众人耳中时,顿时令场中所有人仙尊都是心中一凛。 From that light words, all of them felt an invisible pressure keenly. 自那平淡的话语中,他们所有人都敏锐的感受到了一股无形的压力。 In anchoring on Immortal Boat in void, is restraining whole body aura, is carefree and content Congealed Void Swordmaster that in inside judges tea, at this moment is also the vision concentrates slightly, raises the hand of teacup slightly in the midair. 在停泊在虚空中的一艘仙舟上,正收敛着全身气息,在里面悠然自得品茶的凝虚剑主,此刻也是目光微微一凝,举起茶杯的手都在半空中微微一顿。 Sees only in front of Daoless Immortal Venerable, a blinding rays of light quiet appearance, by up the group, can only in indistinct seeing together the figure slender form. 只见在无道仙尊面前,一个炽目的光芒悄无声息的出现,透过光团,只能隐隐约约的看见里面一道身段修长的身影。 Jade desolate Sword Sect clouds cauldron real person, see thousand dagger-axe Senior......” “玉萧剑宗霄鼎真人,参见千戈前辈......” Really said Daoist Master imaginary, see thousand dagger-axe Senior......” “真幻道道主,参见千戈前辈......” Gold/Metal Yang Sect large sum of money, see thousand dagger-axe Senior......” “金阳门万金,参见千戈前辈......” ...... ...... Although cannot see clearly this person of appearance, but status many people about former is not strange, under the complexion sudden change, receives the arrogance between manners, is bending the waist to salute to the person. 虽然看不清此人面貌,但关于前者的身份许多人都不陌生,一个个在面色骤变之下,纷纷是收起了神态间的倨傲,对着来人弯腰行礼。 Opposite, Xing Caijian complexion is even more stern, her vision stubbornly stares at opposite that to bathe the form in radiant light group, a being critical situation stance. 对面,星彩间面色越发严峻,她目光死死的盯着对面那沐浴在璀璨光团中的身影,一副如临大敌的姿态。 Thousand dagger-axe Old Ancestor, in Immortal Feather Sect cultivation level reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer unparalleled powerhouse! 千戈老祖,仙羽门内一位修为臻至仙尊境七重天的盖世强者 7-layer, is late-stage, has the vast gap with 6-layer. 七重天,已经是后期之列,与六重天之间有着巨大差距。 Although in Skyscraping World, Heavenly Star Divine Sword had killed Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer before, and by the Heavenly Star Divine Sword ability also completely fearless in this grade of powerhouse. 虽说之前在摩天界内,天星神剑已经杀了一位仙尊境七重天,并且以天星神剑的能力也完全无惧于这等强者 But if really aims at Immortal Feather Sect with Heavenly Star Divine Sword, that situation was serious. 可如果真用天星神剑指向仙羽门,那事态就严重了。 Yang Yutian? Changyang? Jian Chen? No matter what I you called, what status no matter also you were the background, will not care that between you and Wu Dao (Daoless) who was wrong to whom, I came this only to be a matter, my Immortal Feather Sect four big Supreme Elder falls/dies, how did you prepare to confess to us?” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable tone light saying. 羊羽天长阳剑尘?我不管你叫什么,也不管你是什么身份与背景,更不会关心你与无道之间谁对谁错,我来此只为一件事,我仙羽门四大太上长老陨落,你准备如何向我们交代?”千戈仙尊语气平淡的说道。 However is this light words, brings an unquestionable aggression. 然而就是这平淡的话语,却是带着一股不容置疑的霸气。 Does not divide to wrong, no matter also the process, only looks at the final outcome. 不分对错,也不管过程,就只看最终结果。 In other words , even if this matter from beginning to end is the Daoless Immortal Venerable mistake, even if Jian Chen were compelled to counterattack, even if were Jian Chen suffered the big injury during this period, suffered the big loss, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable were indifferent, so long as Jian Chen dares to harm the Immortal Feather Sect person, made made the Immortal Feather Sect face countenance damage incident, that must give a Immortal Feather Sect satisfactory confession. 换言之,哪怕这件事情从头到尾都是无道仙尊的过错,哪怕剑尘是被逼还击,哪怕是剑尘在这期间遭受了多大的伤害,蒙受了多大的损失,千戈仙尊都漠不关心,可只要剑尘敢伤害仙羽门的人,做出了令仙羽门颜面受损一事,那就必须给仙羽门一个满意的交代。 This is a tyrant ice, the release Immortal Feather Sect bullies other immortals is perfectly justified, if were bullied by other immortals on the guilty of the most heinous crime truth in turn. 这就是一种霸凌,释放出一种仙羽门欺压其余仙人是天经地义,若是被其余仙人反过来欺压就罪大恶极的道理。 The stance that the Jian Chen brow slightly wrinkle, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable release, making him have the feeling that rational also said nowhere. 剑尘眉头微皱,千戈仙尊释放出的姿态,让他有一种有理也无处说的感觉。 Was speechless? Such being the case, I give you a choice, offers your Supreme Divine Item, you kill my Immortal Feather Sect four big Supreme Elder incident to uncover.” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable continue to open the mouth, is in front of everyone, has not covered up. “无话可说了?既然如此,那我给你一个选择,献出你身上的至尊神器,你杀我仙羽门四大太上长老一事就此揭过。”千戈仙尊继续开口,当着所有人的面,没有丝毫遮掩。 hearing that, Daoless Immortal Venerable complexion one anxious, now here collected numerous Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, is representing the top influence of monopolizing the power in a place every people, now is actually working as so many people's surface naked performance to the Supreme Divine Item saliva, this is not quite good to the Immortal Feather Sect reputation. 闻言,无道仙尊面色一急,如今这里汇集了众多仙尊境老祖,每一人都代表着独霸一方的顶尖势力,如今却当着这么多人的面赤裸裸的表现出对至尊神器的垂涎,这对仙羽门的名声可不太好。 Even if settled on this Supreme Divine Item, but cannot be so direct. 即便是看中了这件至尊神器,但也不能这么直接。 Regarding thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable approaches, Daoless Immortal Venerable, although thinks that is not quite appropriate, but does not dare to say anything, even does not dare to display the tiny bit disaffection. 只是对于千戈仙尊的做法,无道仙尊虽然认为不太妥当,但也不敢说什么,甚至都不敢表现出一丝一毫的不满。 Originally Senior also stared on me that Supreme Divine Item!” Jian Chen smiled, his vision observes the situation the surroundings, 11 on main body of these medicine gardens has swept, said: Stares at the Junior this Supreme Divine Item person to be possible not only to be thousand dagger-axe Senior, many Senior near this are holding the heart of win to Supreme Divine Item, to obtain it, some people even Heavenly Star Palace dare to offend, does not know Junior, if gave thousand dagger-axe Senior Supreme Divine Item, thousand dagger-axe Senior can defend.” “原来前辈也盯上了我身上的那件至尊神器!”剑尘笑了起来,他目光环视周围,在那些药园之主身上一一扫过,道:“不过盯上晚辈这件至尊神器的人可不仅仅是千戈前辈,这附近的诸多前辈都对至尊神器抱着志在必得之心,为了得到它,一些人可是连天星宫都敢得罪,就是不知晚辈若是将至尊神器给了千戈前辈,千戈前辈能不能守得住。” The nearby is void, in many cultivation level powerful Immortal Venerable eye is glittering in abundance inexplicable rays of light, can restore the injury Supreme Divine Item to their seductions is really big, once has been equal to having the heart of not dying, for this reason, they will sacrifice all without hesitation, even behind sect can abandon does not attend. 附近虚空,不少修为强大的仙尊眼中纷纷闪烁着莫名的光芒,一件能恢复伤势的至尊神器对他们的诱惑实在是太大了,一旦得到等于拥有不死之心,为此,他们会毫不犹豫的豁出一切,连身后宗门都可以弃之不顾。 Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable strengths are very strong, is Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, but with having Heavenly Star Divine Sword of strength of Heavenly Emperor compares, that phase difference was too far. 千戈仙尊的实力是很强,乃是仙尊境七重天强者,但是与拥有天帝之力的天星神剑比起来,那相差就太远了。 Wants my Xing Caijian here, anybody do not want to force our Heavenly Star Palace guest, day star Senior, please protect Yang Yutian personally.” Xing Caijian cold opens the mouth. “只要我星彩间在这里,任何人都别想强迫我们天星宫的客人,天星前辈,请您亲自守护羊羽天。”星彩间冷然开口。 The next quarter, Heavenly Star Divine Sword appears in the Jian Chen top of the head immediately. 下一刻,天星神剑立即出现在剑尘头顶。 Small girl, your can Heavenly Star Palace really with our Immortal Feather Sect for the enemy?” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable vision fall on Xing Caijian, the tone is still temperate: Supreme Divine Item, our Immortal Feather Sect also has, I do not hope that relations between Immortal Feather Sect and Heavenly Star Palace go to that situation.” “小丫头,你们天星宫真要与我们仙羽门为敌?”千戈仙尊目光落在星彩间身上,语气依旧温和:“至尊神器,我们仙羽门也有,我不希望仙羽门天星宫之间的关系达到那种地步。” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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