CSG :: Volume #40

#3955: Immortal Feather Sect

Until at this moment, the Heavenly Star Divine Sword true colors shows finally completely, the peerless elegant demeanor that belongs to Supreme Divine Item no longer has slight restraining, blooming in the world. 直到此刻,天星神剑的真面目才终于完全展现出来,那股属于至尊神器的绝世风采不再有丝毫收敛,在天地间进行的绽放。 Unbounded Immortal Venerable, large sum of money Old Ancestor and the others bodies suddenly one stiff, is a face with amazement is staring at Heavenly Star Divine Sword, does not dare to have moves slightly. 无界仙尊,万金老祖等人的身躯骤然一僵,皆是一脸骇然的盯着天星神剑,不敢有丝毫动弹。 their two people deliberately aimed by Heavenly Star Divine Sword, feel compared with person of even more stronger fierce innumerable times, under aura was locked, in their two people of hearts all had an misconception, as if own makes any point action out of the ordinary, will face the beyond redemption fate. 他们二人被天星神剑刻意针对,感受比附近之人还要强烈无数倍,在气息被锁定之下,他们二人心中皆是产生了一种错觉,似乎自己做出任何一点出格的举动,都将面临万劫不复的下场。 A heart of unbounded Immortal Venerable also sinks the valley, he controls Space Principle, originally is in the field the most self-confident person, even has one not to dread, because his self-confident own , to leave, only if meets also grasps the Space Principle opponent, otherwise no one can catch up with him, even if the boundary far exceeds his powerhouse to act personally, he can leave calmly. 无界仙尊的一颗心也沉落谷底,他掌控空间法则,本是场中最自信的人,甚至带着一丝无所忌惮,因为他自信自己要想走掉,除非遇到同样掌握空间法则的对手,否则无人追得上他,哪怕是境界远超他的强者亲自出手,他都能从容走掉。 But now, he discovered that own Space Principle was hard to utilize unexpectedly, the Grand Dao order of this stretch of the world was given the disturbance by the Heavenly Star Divine Sword unsurpassed invincible might. 可现在,他发现自己空间法则竟然难以运用了,这片天地的大道秩序被天星神剑的无上神威给干扰。 Moreover was locked aura by Heavenly Star Divine Sword, unbounded Immortal Venerable felt own, even if can run away in the flash using Space Principle to trillion li (0.5 km) beyond, could not avoid chasing down of Heavenly Star Divine Sword. 而且被天星神剑锁定了气息,无界仙尊感觉自己就算是能运用空间法则在一瞬间逃窜到亿万里之外,也躲避不了天星神剑的追杀。 This... this true might as Supreme Divine Item?” In unbounded Immortal Venerable heart panic-stricken, preserves in World of Immortals Supreme Divine Item, although is scarce, but some, he once is also having in ancient sect of long history to feel the Supreme Divine Item pressure, but, does not have any Supreme Divine Item can place on a par with this time Heavenly Star Divine Sword in his cognition. “这...这才是身为至尊神器的真正威力吗?”无界仙尊心中惊骇,留存于仙界至尊神器虽然稀少,但也有一些,他曾经在一些有着悠久历史的古老宗门内就感受到至尊神器的威压,但在他的认知中,没有任何一件至尊神器能与此时的天星神剑相提并论。 This is because Heavenly Star Palace Heavenly Star Divine Sword is not only complete Supreme Divine Item, and inside leaves leeway the Heavenly Emperor strength. 这是因为天星宫天星神剑不仅是一件完整的至尊神器,并且里面更是留有天帝的力量。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword deterred everyone of this starry skies thoroughly, in these hearts was ready to make trouble, already the lords of some medicine gardens prepared to act momentarily , under has to repress the excitement of innermost feelings. 天星神剑彻底震慑住了这片星空的所有人,就连那些心中蠢蠢欲动,已经准备随时出手的一些药园之主,也不得不按捺下内心的激动。 The Xing Caijian vision observes the situation the lord of that more than ten medicine gardens, said slowly: My father makes day of star Senior follow me, for protected me to be complete in Skyscraping World, before I embark, my father once thousand bit ten thousand Zhu, making day of star Senior do not make slaughter randomly, because by the day star Senior strength, it, if unscrupulous making a move, even if adds completely here all Immortal Venerable, still insufficient day star Senior kills.” 星彩间目光环视那十几名药园之主,缓缓道:“我爹让天星前辈跟随我,本是为了在摩天界内护我周全,在我出发之前,我爹曾千叮万嘱,让天星前辈不要乱造杀戮,因为以天星前辈的实力,它如果肆无忌惮的出手,就算把这里的所有仙尊全部加起来,也不够天星前辈杀。” Therefore the day before yesterday star Senior acted, because of my father's injunction in first, only injured to you do not kill, wants to make you give way before difficulties.” “所以之前天星前辈出手,是因为我爹的嘱咐在先,对你们是只伤不杀,想让你们知难而退。” At this point, in Xing Caijian beautiful eyes was full of the endless chill in the air all of a sudden , to continue to open the mouth: „But if Senior is impenetrably thickheaded, does not attend to consoling of my Heavenly Star Palace, wants to continue to our guests to act, on that day star Senior will not be forgiving.” 说到这里,星彩间美目中一下子充满了无尽寒意,继续开口:“可如果诸位前辈冥顽不灵,不顾我天星宫的劝解,想要继续对我们的客人出手的话,那天星前辈可不会留情了。” Next time will act, day star Senior will strike to kill!” “下次出手,天星前辈将一击必杀!” When the Xing Caijian final those words spread, the field lords of all medicine gardens are the mind big quakes, complexion becomes incomparably stern. 星彩间最后那句话传出时,场中的所有药园之主都是心神大震,脸色变得无比严峻。 They know what Xing Caijian said is the truth, before Heavenly Star Divine Sword acted each time, always hides in the scabbard, has not shown the full power. But at this moment, Heavenly Star Divine Sword the sheath, that has been able to shake world Grand Dao, disturbs the unsurpassed mighty force of 3000 orders to make their all people frightened. 他们知道星彩间说的是实情,之前天星神剑每次出手时,都始终藏于剑鞘内,没有展现全力。但此刻,天星神剑已经出鞘,那股能撼动天地大道,干扰三千秩序的无上伟力已令他们所有人为之恐惧。 Thinks on Jian Chen that can restore the injury infinitely Supreme Divine Item, in their many hearts filled being unwilling. 只是一想到剑尘身上那件能无限恢复伤势的至尊神器,他们不少人心中又充满了不甘。 As for these Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor that comes out from Skyscraping World, in the heart was all read thoroughly certainly thinks, they mostly were Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage cultivation level, even if were in the heart preserves being unable to start heat, does not dare really to put in the action. 至于那些从摩天界内出来的仙尊境老祖,心中是彻底绝了一切念想,他们大多都是仙尊境初期修为,哪怕是心中留存着一死火热,也不敢真的付出行动。 Also only has the lords of these medicine gardens, takes advantage the strength that is proud to dare to have the thought. 也唯有这些药园之主,依仗着自身那引以为傲的实力才敢动一动念头。 In evacuated medicine garden as for Skyscraping World, they do not care. 至于摩天界内被搬空的药园,他们已经不关心了。 At this time, a Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword chops, the dreadful sword qi smashing galaxy, hits directly in a 9 dragons prison cauldron in which big cauldron. 此时,天星神剑一剑劈出,滔天剑气粉碎星河,直接打在九龙狱鼎阵的其中一个大鼎上。 This time, does not have the deafening bellow, saw only that high-grade Divine Item Rank big cauldron to change to one group of powder in the silence. 这一次,没有震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,只见那座上品神器等阶的大鼎在悄无声息间化作了一团粉末。 As a cauldron is broken, Seal this void 9 dragons prison cauldron disintegrates all of a sudden. 随着其中一个鼎碎,封困这片虚空的九龙狱鼎阵一下子土崩瓦解。 This sword, not only broke 9 dragons prison cauldron, arranges several other heavy formation outside 9 dragons prison cauldron is also completely shatter. 这一剑,不仅破了九龙狱鼎阵,就连布置在九龙狱鼎阵外面的另外几重阵法也是全部破碎。 A Heavenly Star Divine Sword optional attack, then breaks number heavy Rank quite high formation one after another, causes under these cloths formation powerhouse to glower, heart in drop blood. 天星神剑一次随意攻击,便接连打破数重等阶颇高的阵法,引得那些布下阵法强者一个个怒目而视,心都在滴血。 The Xing Caijian void steps, arrive in front of Jian Chen step by step, said: Goes Heavenly Star Palace with me, you only have our Heavenly Star Palace to be a guest, these talents do not dare to ask you to trouble. Otherwise in their divine ability and methods, if searches for you in entire World of Immortals, your Huan Zhen (really) not necessarily can keep, after all you would exposing weaknesses time.” 星彩间虚空踏步,一步步来到剑尘面前,道:“跟我去天星宫吧,你唯有去我们天星宫做客,这些人才不敢找你麻烦。否则以他们的神通与手段,若是在整个仙界搜寻你,那你还真不一定藏得住,毕竟你总会有露出破绽的时候。” Snort, wants to shelter this, feared that your Heavenly Star Palace could not have achieved.” Xing Caijian finishes speaking, the old sound then conveys from remote void together, the people go, sees only in the naked eye institute and sea of stars end following the prestige subconsciously, the person's shadow steps the step to go forward in sea of stars together, he seemingly strolls, however every step treads to span the extremely remote distance. “哼,想要庇护此子,就怕你天星宫还做不到。”星彩间话音刚落,一道苍老的声音便从遥远的虚空之外传来,众人下意识的循声望去,只见在肉眼所及的星海尽头,一道人影在星海中迈着步伐前进,他看似闲庭信步,然而每一步踏出都能跨越极其遥远的距离。 The people have not arrived, Divine Sense then spreads to come from the extremely far place, general in the air everyone of covers. 人还未到,神念便从极远之处蔓延而来,将星空中的所有人都覆盖在内。 Regarding some Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in field, this Spiritual Consciousness is not powerful, however does not calculate that in many eyes powerful Spiritual Consciousness, actually floods one to dominate in the field everyone's overbearing. 对于场中的一些仙尊境老祖来说,这股神识并不强大,然而就是在许多人眼中不算强大的神识,却充斥着一股凌驾于场中所有人的霸道。 Is Immortal Feather Sect Old Ancestor —— Daoless Immortal Venerable!” The rock old immortal of ancient immortal sect makes the low and deep sound, in the vision brings to dread. “是仙羽门老祖——无道仙尊!”古仙宗的磐石老仙发出低沉的声音,目光中带着忌惮。 In the master eye of that more than ten medicine gardens, the Daoless Immortal Venerable strength is not strong, however its background made everyone feel to dread. 在那十几名药园之主眼中,无道仙尊的实力都不算强,然而其背景却令所有人感到忌惮。 Came a Heavenly Court level influence, moreover is Yang Yutian this person makes a special trip, was then splendid, looked that Heavenly Star Palace can also preserve Yang Yutian this person......” “又来了一个天庭级势力,而且还专程为羊羽天此人而来,这下精彩了,就看天星宫还能不能保住羊羽天此人了......” Hehe, Heavenly Star Palace Heavenly Star Divine Sword can unscrupulous wielding to us, now look that it does dare to wield to Immortal Feather Sect......” “呵呵,天星宫天星神剑可以肆无忌惮的挥向我们,现在就看它敢不敢挥向仙羽门了......” Unexpectedly never expected that Immortal Feather Sect Daoless Immortal Venerable comes is so quick, it seems like some inevitably people informed him ahead of time......” “没想到仙羽门无道仙尊竟然来的这么快,看来必然有人提前通知了他......” ...... ...... The arrival of Daoless Immortal Venerable lets Xing Caijian is also the brow big wrinkle, she grasps Heavenly Star Divine Sword, can shock in the field these to include Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse, but actually does not blow Daoless Immortal Venerable. 无道仙尊的到来让星彩间也是眉头大皱,她手持天星神剑,可以震慑住场中这些包括仙尊境六重天强者,但是却镇不住无道仙尊 How to come is so quick, then troubled.” In the Xing Caijian heart hates secretly, she knows that Jian Chen and Immortal Feather Sect contract enmity, therefore in the heart has been betting, bets the Immortal Feather Sect person news to be blocked, will not catch up quickly. “怎么来的这么快,这下麻烦了。”星彩间心中暗恨,她知道剑尘仙羽门结怨,因此心中一直在赌,赌仙羽门的人消息滞塞,不会那么快赶来。 But the result, she lost. 可结果,她赌输了。 Daoless Immortal Venerable in being away from Jian Chen beyond several li (0.5 km) stopped, to them, this distance and close does not have any difference. 无道仙尊在距离剑尘数里外停了下来,对于他们来说,这个距离与近在咫尺没有任何区别。 You may really be able to hide, to find you to be possible is not really easy, heard that Tianchang Ji their three people were harmed by you in Skyscraping World, this matter, whether for really?” Daoless Immortal Venerable vision ice cold is staring at Jian Chen, in the heart is killing intent rushes. “你可真能藏啊,要想找到你可真不容易,听说天长姬他们三人都在摩天界内被你所害,此事,是否为真?”无道仙尊目光冰寒的盯着剑尘,心中是杀意澎湃。 He had known in some information about Skyscraping World, although is not very comprehensive, but actually determined an extremely important matter, that can quickly restore the injury the rare treasure, unexpectedly is Supreme Divine Item! 他已经知道了关于摩天界内的部分情报,尽管不是很全面,但是却确定了一件极其重要的事,那件能迅速恢复伤势的秘宝,竟然是一件至尊神器 Regardless of how this Supreme Divine Item must take, cannot fall into the Heavenly Star Palace hand. 这件至尊神器无论如何也要拿到手,绝不能落入天星宫手中。 Good, their three people indeed die in my hands, in addition previous that Immortal Emperor that grasps Space Principle, now your Immortal Feather Sect, but four Supreme Elder died in my hands.” Jian Chen smile looks at Daoless Immortal Venerable, looks at that superficial manner, as if made an insignificant minor matter. “不错,他们三人的确死在我手中,加上上次那位掌握空间法则仙帝,如今你们仙羽门可是有四位太上长老死在我手中了。”剑尘微笑的看着无道仙尊,看那轻描淡写的神态,似乎做了一件微不足道的小事似地。 Snort, offended our Immortal Feather Sect, your fate has been doomed, no one can change.” Daoless Immortal Venerable cold voice said, the vision looks to standing in Jian Chen Xing Caijian, said: Xing Caijian, this person and our Immortal Feather Sect enmity you were also clear, your can Heavenly Star Palace shelter this person seriously?” “哼,得罪了我们仙羽门,你的下场已经注定,谁也改变不了。”无道仙尊冷声道,目光看向站在剑尘身旁的星彩间,道:“星彩间,此人与我们仙羽门的仇怨你也清楚了,你们天星宫当真要庇护此人?” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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