CSG :: Volume #40

#3954: All parties compete

At this time, several hundred imaginary body distributions of really imaginary road's first Daoist Master are void, all imaginary body aura are completely consistent, making one is unable to distinguish. 此时,真幻道第一道主的数百道幻身分布虚空,所有幻身气息都完全一致,令人无法分辨。 , Her eight imaginary body is close to Jian Chen suddenly simultaneously, or lifts the palm, ties seal, displays some secret skill, is divided into eight directions to act to Jian Chen simultaneously. 陡然间,她的八道幻身同时接近剑尘,或是抬掌,或是结印,或是施展某种秘法,分为八个方向同时对剑尘出手。 Only has Jian Chen in the eye of really imaginary road's first Daoist Master, does not attend to nearby Xing Caijian. 在真幻道第一道主的眼中只有剑尘,丝毫不顾一旁的星彩间 However in she acts, she disturbs Jian Chen and Xing Caijian by the imaginary technique again, making their two people immerse in the illusory illusion again. 不过在她出手时,她再次以幻术干扰剑尘星彩间,令他们二人再次沉浸在虚幻的幻境之中。 This is Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer Grand Dao Principle, turns the order rule into illusory, Jian Chen is hard to resist. 这是仙尊境五重天大道法则,化秩序规则为虚幻,剑尘都难以抵抗。 He has Source of Life, recovery ability is extremely fierce, attack of completely fearless Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer, but once bumps into the really imaginary road's first Daoist Master this ability, that Jian Chen was extremely passive. 他有生命之源,恢复能力极其厉害,完全无惧仙尊境五重天的攻击,可一旦碰上真幻道第一道主这种能力,那剑尘就极其被动了。 At this time, Jian Chen was held by an imaginary body of really imaginary road's first Daoist Master, this imaginary body has Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer aura at first spatially, however actually not compatible cultivation level strength, that moment of but in her and Jian Chen's body touching, a vast strength is just like comes, to form strength of the powerful imprisonment to want restraint Jian Chen baseless. 此时,剑尘被真幻道第一道主的一道幻身抓住,这道幻身起初空有仙尊境五重天气息,然而却并没有与之相匹配的修为力量,不过就在她与剑尘的身躯相触的那一刻,一股浩瀚的力量恰似凭空而来,形成一股强大的禁锢之力想要束缚剑尘 But, the Heavenly Star Divine Sword might reappears in the meantime, wipes the sword light sparkle, brings to make Immortal Venerable Realm powerhouse cut for the scared fearful might to the imaginary body of first Daoist Master. 可就在此时,天星神剑的威力再现,一抹剑光闪耀,带着令仙尊境强者都为之胆寒的可怕威力斩向第一道主的幻身。 complexion of that say/way imaginary body changes, in sword qi will soon cut when her body, cleanness that all strengths in imaginary body will vanish shortly, then by Heavenly Star Divine Sword wipes sword qi to cut the smashing. 那道幻身的脸色一变,就在剑气即将斩在她身上时,幻身内的所有力量顷刻间消失的干干净净,而后被天星神剑的一抹剑气斩成粉碎。 But, the other seven imaginary bodies were close to Jian Chen simultaneously, really imaginary road's first Daoist Master real cultivation level switches over in seven imaginary bodies back and forth, wants to look for the time to imprison Jian Chen to abduct it certainly. 可紧接着,余下七道幻身同时接近了剑尘,真幻道第一道主的真实修为在七道幻身之间来回切换,想要找准时机禁锢剑尘将其掳走。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword acts again, together radiant sword qi pressure on void, making this piece void be stave like the spider web. 天星神剑再次出手,一道璀璨的剑气压向虚空,令这片虚空如蛛网般破碎。 Under this sword qi, seven imaginary bodies of really imaginary road's first Daoist Master also crush. 在这一道剑气之下,真幻道第一道主的七道幻身同时粉碎。 However in seven imaginary body shatter that instant, her true body strength then arrives imaginary in other. 不过在七道幻身破碎的那一刹,她的真身力量便降临在其余幻身上。 This starry skies, have her several hundred imaginary bodies. 这片星空,存在着她数百道幻身。 Next quarter, is eight imaginary bodies also acts, from charges into Jian Chen in all directions. 下一刻,又是八道幻身同时行动,从四面八方冲向剑尘 Her goal is very simple, wants to consume the Heavenly Star Divine Sword strength with the imaginary body. 她的目的很简单,就是想凭着幻身去消耗天星神剑的力量。 However the really imaginary road's first Daoist Master this act also enraged Heavenly Star Divine Sword, sees only Heavenly Star Divine Sword from the high-rising flutters from the Xing Caijian hand, hazy rays of light sending out, resembles stars, contains trillion stars. 不过真幻道第一道主此举也激怒了天星神剑,只见天星神剑自兀的从星彩间手中飘飞而起,迷蒙的光芒散发,似繁星点点,蕴含亿万星辰。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword has not come out of the sheath, brings the scabbard toward void to cut. 天星神剑并未出鞘,就这么带着剑鞘朝着虚空一斩。 Under this cuts, seems the unsurpassed mighty force to release in the nihilities, then sees really imaginary road's first Daoist Master to plunge Jian Chen's that several to be in the halfway to collapse imaginary. 这一斩之下,似有无上伟力在虚无间释放,然后就见真幻道第一道主扑向剑尘的几道幻身在半途中崩溃。 After this several imaginary body, her exists in several hundred imaginary bodies of distant place, is dissipations. 自这几道幻身之后,她那存在于更远处的数百道幻身,也是一片又一片的消散开来。 Shortly, all imaginary bodies of really imaginary road's first Daoist Master vanish completely do not see, left behind that only true body only. 顷刻间,真幻道第一道主的所有幻身全部消失不见,唯独留下了那唯一真身。 But at this moment, had a deep bloodstain in her chest place impressively, penetrates the back from the chest, high-grade defense Divine Item is easily pierced. 但此刻,在她的胸口处赫然出现了一道深深的血痕,从前胸穿透到后背,上品防御神器都被轻易洞穿。 !” The really imaginary road's first Daoist Master opens the mouth blowout blood, that bringing disaster on the nation and people outstandingly beautiful face has become a paleness, among expression is passing the dispirited. “噗!”真幻道第一道主张口喷出鲜血,那张祸国殃民的绝色面庞已经变得一片苍白,神色间透着萎靡。 She already by the sword qi heavy losses of Heavenly Star Divine Sword! 她已经被天星神剑剑气重创! Suddenly, space that Jian Chen is at solidifies instantaneously, his whole person just like frozen, was imprisoned in inside is unable to move. 突然,剑尘所在的空间瞬间凝固起来,他整个人宛若被冰封,被禁锢在里面无法动弹。 Had to be good at Space Principle powerhouse making a move to him, opposite party's attainments on Space Principle was high, merely is at present the ability of this command void solidification, then can easily imprison all Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage powerhouse. 有擅长空间法则强者对他出手了,对方在空间法则上的造诣非常高,仅仅是眼前这令虚空凝固的能力,便能轻易禁锢一切仙尊境初期强者 The next quarter, the Jian Chen's form disappears suddenly, when appears again had arrived at the 9 dragons prison cauldron border region. 下一刻,剑尘的身影突然消失,当再次出现时已经来到了九龙狱鼎阵的边沿地带。 Before his body, a middle-aged man who wears the white long gown appears, he is too first powerhouse unbounded Immortal Venerable of immortal sect, in this moment eye brings the burning hot and excitement, on the one hand grasps the Jian Chen's shoulder to be far away. 在他身前,一名身穿白色长袍的中年男子出现,他是太一仙宗的第一强者无界仙尊,此刻眼中带着炙热与兴奋,一手抓着剑尘的肩膀就要远离。 At this moment, an intense crisis approaches, sees only Heavenly Star Divine Sword suspended in void, chops together powerful sword qi toward unbounded Immortal Venerable directly, is just like nine days of Milky Way to dip, passing through the trim is void, toward the unbounded Immortal Venerable rapid spread. 就在这时,一股强烈的危机来临,只见天星神剑悬浮于虚空,直接就朝着无界仙尊劈出一道强大剑气,恰似九天银河倾落,贯穿整片虚空,朝着无界仙尊飞速蔓延。 Unbounded Immortal Venerable expression becomes incomparably dignified, he separates spatial one finger/refers toward coming peerless sword qi. Under this finger/refers, surges void like the wave, was elongated infinitely. 无界仙尊神色变得无比凝重,他朝着迎面而来的绝世剑气隔空一指。这一指之下,虚空如水波般激荡开来,而后被无限拉长。 He tampers void by Space Principle, the distance between own and Heavenly Star Divine Sword elongates infinitely. 他以空间法则篡改虚空,将自己天星神剑之间的距离无限拉长。 Immediately, sword qi speed that Heavenly Star Divine Sword sways becomes very slow, falls into the eyes of surrounding immortal, Heavenly Star Divine Sword the wisp of sword qi is almost staying the stay still condition. 顿时,天星神剑挥洒出的剑气速度变得无比缓慢起来,落入周围仙人的眼中,天星神剑的这一缕剑气几乎是保持着静止不动的状态。 The sword qi might is very strong, can easily crush void, being shattered galaxy. But unbounded Immortal Venerable with attainments of own on Space Principle, forcefully consolidates this side to be void, drags into the own control Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi in forcefully the side world. 剑气的威力很强,能轻易粉碎虚空,破灭星河。可无界仙尊凭着自己空间法则上的造诣,硬生生的稳固住这方虚空,将天星神剑剑气硬生生拉入到自己掌控的这一方天地中。 However only insisted the flash, the unbounded Immortal Venerable body starts the slight convulsion to get up, his complexion rapidly becomes pale, wipes the blood to flow from the corners of the mouth. 然而仅仅坚持了一刹那,无界仙尊的身躯就开始轻微的痉挛起来,他脸色迅速变得苍白,一抹鲜血已经从嘴角流淌而出。 Resists with Heavenly Star Divine Sword, he is bearing the pressure that is inconceivable. 天星神剑对抗,他承受着难以想象的压力。 Suddenly, a dull thumping sound transmits from void, trim space is twisting crazily, Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi broke open unbounded Immortal Venerable Space Principle eventually, got rid of space from the influence, speed rises suddenly all of a sudden. 突然,一声闷响自虚空中传来,整片空间都在疯狂扭曲,天星神剑剑气终究还是撑破了无界仙尊空间法则,摆脱了空间距离的影响,速度一下子暴涨。 But while this time, unbounded Immortal Venerable turns round suddenly, to 9 dragons prison cauldron boundary one stroke, with the void crack, is going nonstop to the gateway quietly to appear suddenly together. 而趁此时机,无界仙尊戛然回身,对着九龙狱鼎阵的边界猛然一划,随着虚空龟裂,一道直通外界的门户悄然出现。 He raises Jian Chen to advance to the gateway single-handedly, simultaneously the hand wields, two burning the eyes light groups hit toward behind sword qi. 他一手提着剑尘迈向门户,同时手一挥,两道炽目的光团朝着身后剑气撞去。 The first light group is circular shield, rays of light is dazzling, fills the prestige of high-grade Divine Item. 第一个光团是一个圆形盾牌,光芒炫目,弥漫出上品神器之威。 The second light group is an object of fist size, above has the purple thunder to bloom, release fearful aura that made the person palpitation. 第二个光团是一个拳头大小的物体,上面有紫色雷霆在绽放,释放出一股股令人心悸的可怕气息 This impressively is Immortal Extinguishing Divine Thunder, Rank is extremely high, takes a broad view at entire World of Immortals extremely rare Immortal Extinguishing Divine Thunder, threats Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer sufficiently. 这赫然是一颗灭仙神雷,一颗等阶极高,放眼整个仙界都极其少见的灭仙神雷,足以对仙尊境六重天构成威胁。 „After Bang! Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi pierced high-grade Divine Item Rank shield, shield explodes all of a sudden, changes to energy storm to wear down the sword qi might. 轰!天星神剑剑气洞穿了上品神器等阶盾牌之后,盾牌一下子爆裂,化作一股能量风暴消磨剑气的威力。 Immortal Extinguishing Divine Thunder explodes, the endless purple thunder embezzles void, submerges Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi. 紧接着,灭仙神雷爆开,无尽的紫色雷霆吞没虚空,将天星神剑剑气淹没。 At this time, unbounded Immortal Venerable will soon pass the gateway. 此时,无界仙尊即将通过门户。 Unbounded Immortal Venerable, here who can depart, you cannot walk only, you grasp Space Principle, cultivation level have reached to the boundary of Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer, if you leave, we may be unable to catch up with you.” Gold/Metal Yang Sect large sum of money Old Ancestor drinks coldly, the next quarter, a 9 dragons prison cauldron revolution, unbounded Immortal Venerable closes by the gateway that Space Principle opens all of a sudden. “无界仙尊,这里谁都能离去,唯独你不能走,你掌握空间法则,修为已臻至仙尊境六重天之境,你若离开,那我们可追不上你。”金阳门的万金老祖一声冷喝,下一刻,九龙狱鼎阵运转,无界仙尊空间法则打开的门户一下子闭合。 Unbounded Immortal Venerable complexion changes, the next quarter, wipes sword light to prick from his back, was penetrated by chest front, is Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi. 无界仙尊脸色一变,下一刻,一抹剑光从他后背刺入,由胸前穿透了出来,正是天星神剑剑气 !” In the unbounded Immortal Venerable mouth the blood blowout, he feels in the own hand suddenly, when turns the head to look, the large sum of money Old Ancestor body has quietly appeared in the flank, was imprisoned Jian Chen in hand to fall into the hand of large sum of money Old Ancestor by him. “噗!”无界仙尊口中鲜血喷出,他猛然感觉自己手中一空,转头看去时,万金老祖的身躯已经悄然出现在侧方,被他禁锢在手中的剑尘已经落入了万金老祖之手。 Day star Senior!” The distant place, Xing Caijian sends out drinks tenderly, is discontented with Heavenly Star Divine Sword. “天星前辈!”远处,星彩间发出娇喝,对天星神剑不满。 Resembles the feeling the Xing Caijian mood, Heavenly Star Divine Sword after is shortly silent, that always hides in Divine Sword of scabbard, finally pulled out slowly. 似感觉到星彩间的情绪,天星神剑在短暂寂静后,那始终藏于剑鞘的神剑,终于是缓缓拔了出来。 Immediately, a peerless point arrives, covering the trim is void. 顿时,一股绝世锋芒降临,覆盖整片虚空。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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