CSG :: Volume #40

#3953: Acting

That more than ten books were seized powerhouse that the incident catches up with specially for oneself medicine garden, at this moment also as if forgot the own goal, vision fall on Jian Chen, brings complex, envies and color of burning hot. 那十几名本是为了自家药园被夺一事而专程赶来的强者们,此刻也似乎忘记了自己的目的,一个个目光落在剑尘身上,带着复杂,羡慕以及炙热之色。 At this moment, in their hearts cares unexpectedly is not the medicine garden that own harbors intentions, but is on Jian Chen that Supreme Divine Item. 这一刻,他们心中关心的竟然不是自己心心念念的药园,而是剑尘身上的那件至尊神器 „Does junior, on you really have Supreme Divine Item? Why not to put out to come to see, making us experience.” An old woman opened the mouth, her grey robe binds the body, the body fills Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer aura. “小辈,你身上真有至尊神器?何不拿出来看看,让我们大家都见识见识。”一名老妪开口了,她一身灰袍裹身,身上弥漫出一股仙尊境四重天气息 This old woman is called incantation Heavenly God, controls Curse Principle, kills people in invisible. 这名老妪人称咒天神君,掌控诅咒法则,杀人于无形。 Words that little friend, just that person of institute spoke real? On you really has Supreme Divine Item? Can the unlimited restoration injury?” The divergence real person flashing eyes of scarlet day immortal sect is staring at Jian Chen. “小友,刚刚那人所说的话是真的?你身上真有一件至尊神器?能够无限度的恢复伤势?”赤日仙宗的分流真人目光炯炯的盯着剑尘 Hosts as for several other medicine gardens, although has not started talking, but the vision looked at that to that crowd of Immortal Venerable that comes out from Skyscraping World, in abundance in inquires the situation in Skyscraping World in the law of passes message in secret. 至于余下的十几名药园之主,虽然没有开口说话,但一个个都将目光看向从摩天界内出来的那一群仙尊身上,纷纷在暗中以传音之法打探摩天界内的情况。 Although these people left behind wisp of Spiritual Consciousness when the Skyscraping World medicine garden, but that wisp of Spiritual Consciousness usually is at the deep sleep condition, only has, in the medicine garden was attacked will regain consciousness, so that they can control the condition in medicine garden. 这些人虽然在摩天界的药园中留下了一缕神识,但那一缕神识平日间都处于沉睡状态,唯有在药园遭受攻击时才会苏醒,以便他们掌控药园的状况。 Therefore, in various important matters of regarding Skyscraping World, the lords of these medicine gardens knows nothing. 因此,对于摩天界内发生的各种大事,这些药园之主都是毫不知情。 Facing these medicine gardens Lord inquiry, these Immortal Venerable that comes out from Skyscraping World has not concealed, situation that own keeps abreast of 1510 told. 面对这些药园之主的询问,那些从摩天界内出来的仙尊没有丝毫隐瞒,将自己掌握的情况一五一十的讲述出来。 These are not the secret, they naturally cannot go to lords these medicine gardens offending for the trivial matter. 这些本来就不是什么秘密,他们自然不会为了区区小事就去把这些药园之主给得罪了。 What? This child not only has Supreme Divine Item, but also has might terrifying great formation?” “什么?此子身上不仅有一件至尊神器,而且还有一座威力恐怖的大阵?” Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer, died in this Immortal Emperor hand unexpectedly, was really inconceivable?” “一名仙尊境四重天,竟然死在了这名仙帝手中,真是不可思议?” Dozens Immortal Venerable cannot kill him jointly unexpectedly, worthily is Supreme Divine Item......” “数十名仙尊联手竟然都杀不死他,不愧为至尊神器......” Quick, surrounded several medicine gardens lord of outside Skyscraping World to know Jian Chen in abundance in the disturbance that in Skyscraping World initiated, everyone was shocked. 很快,围堵在摩天界外的十几名药园之主纷纷知晓了剑尘摩天界内所引发的风波,所有人都深感震惊。 That almost Undying and Inextinguishable the energy of heaven defying especially Supreme Divine Item grants, is stirs up in their all person hearts to drool, the innermost feelings are very fiery. 特别是至尊神器赐予的那几乎不死不灭逆天之能,更是惹得他们所有人心中垂涎,内心无比火热。 At this moment, the lords of these medicine gardens have not cared about these resources that in Skyscraping World lose completely, brains think is the abilities that Supreme Divine Item that restores infinitely. 这一刻,这些药园之主已经完全不在意摩天界内损失的那些资源,一个个满脑子想的都是至尊神器那无限恢复的能力。 Monarch Wendu was shaken, looked that brings to wipe prudently to the Jian Chen's vision. 就连文都上人都被震住了,看向剑尘的目光中带着一抹慎重。 Meanwhile, they also understood that before entering Skyscraping World, inside story that Xing Caijian and Jian Chen two people are not acquainted. 同时,他们也了解到在进入摩天界之前,星彩间剑尘二人并不相识的内情。 This made in lord of hearts these more than ten medicine gardens think immediately. 这顿时令这十几名药园之主心中是浮想联翩。 They as if understand the so-called guest is what meaning. 恍惚间,他们似乎明白了所谓的客人是什么意思 Originally Heavenly Star Palace also settled on this child Supreme Divine Item, Yang Yutian, no matter you are what status, but the brutal truth old man must tell you, once you went to Heavenly Star Palace, that fate is extremely surely pitiful.” The rough sound spreads together, that is a middle-aged man who wears the black long gown, the appearance is extremely ugly, the body fills Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer aura. “原来天星宫也看中了此子身上的至尊神器,羊羽天,不管你是什么身份,但有一个残酷的真相老夫得告诉你,你一旦去了天星宫,那下场必定极其凄惨。”一道粗犷的声音传出,那是一名身穿黑色长袍的中年男子,长相极其丑陋,身上弥漫出一股仙尊境五重天气息 He eclipses poisonous Old Ancestor, the main body is a poisonous flood dragon, sheds the change dragon after the multiple disasters, now is the body of Divine Beast, battle strength is powerful, in the starry skies that made reaches to 6-layer powerhouse, in looking brought to dread the color to his vision. 他是蚀毒老祖,本体为一只毒蛟,历经多重劫难蜕变化龙,如今已是神兽之体,战力非常强大,令的这片星空中一些臻至六重天强者,在看向他的目光时都是带着忌惮之色。 Heavenly Star Palace is one of the Heavenly Court level influences, until now receives me and other respect/honorable, but today this table manners were really ugly/difficult to look at.” Clouds cauldron real person cold voice said. 天星宫天庭级势力之一,一直以来都受我等尊敬,但今日这吃相实在是太难看了。”霄鼎真人冷声道。 Your Heavenly Star Palace wants Supreme Divine Item of this person, direct showing then, displays the heart of saliva to this Rank divine object after all is also the way things should be , there is nothing to lose face, plays with falsely, will only make one despise.” What speech is ancient Xianzong the rock old immortal, his unemotional is staring at Xing Caijian, although dreaded to Heavenly Star Divine Sword, may think can restore the injury unlimited Supreme Divine Item, in his heart one fiery. “你们天星宫想要此人身上的至尊神器,直接说明即可,毕竟对这种等阶的神物表现出垂涎之心也是人之常情,没有什么好丢脸的,玩弄虚伪,只会令人不齿。”说话的是古仙宗的磐石老仙,他面无表情的盯着星彩间,尽管对天星神剑非常忌惮,可一想到能无限度恢复伤势的至尊神器,他心中就一阵火热。 Such Supreme Divine Item, who doesn't want? 这样的至尊神器,谁不想要? Listens to these to slander the opinion of Heavenly Star Palace, the Xing Caijian vision becomes ices the cold incomparable, indifferent opens the mouth: Knows very well our Heavenly Star Palace Senior, naturally knows our Heavenly Star Palace to be frank, dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility. Does not understand our Heavenly Star Palace some, or to achieve certain goals slanders our Heavenly Star Palace person intentionally, even if I said many does not have the significance again.” 听着这些污蔑天星宫的言论,星彩间目光变得冰寒无比,冷漠开口:“一些熟知我们天星宫前辈,自然知晓我们天星宫光明磊落,敢作敢当。对于一些不了解我们天星宫,或者是为了达成某些目的而故意污蔑我们天星宫的人,那我即便说的再多也是毫无意义。” Before Xing Caijian one step treads, kept off in front of Jian Chen, this moment she, although was only Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer cultivation level, however facing one crowd of strength far ultra own Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, actually exposes potential of the one man obstructs the pass, ten thousand man cannot pass: In brief a few words, to be disadvantageous to our Heavenly Star Palace guest, has taken the initiative Heavenly Star Divine Sword in my hand!” 星彩间一步踏前,挡在了剑尘前面,这一刻的她,尽管只是仙帝境九重天修为,然而面对一群实力远超自己仙尊境老祖,却是展露出了一股一夫当关万夫莫开之势:“总之一句话,要想对我们天星宫的客人不利,先敌过我手中的天星神剑!” gē gē gē gē, Caijian Princess, the Heavenly Star Divine Sword indeed powerful force, making us dread, but had its person at this moment after all is not Heavenly Emperor.” Suddenly, tender laughter transmits from the field, when Xing Caijian hears this sound, in eye sharp vanishes does not immediately see, in heart vigilant also relaxes completely in this moment with the alert. 咯咯咯咯,彩间公主,天星神剑的确威力强大,令我们所有人忌惮,但此刻持有它的人毕竟不是天帝。”突然,一阵娇笑声从场中传来,当星彩间听见这声音时,眼中的锐利顿时消失不见,心中的警惕与戒备也在这一刻完全放松下来。 Sees only in her line of sight, the surroundings void scene has fluctuated, changed to her in that in Heavenly Star Palace grows, at present sees not to have the enemy, performing is the form that familiar trust. 只见在她的视线中,周围虚空的景象已经变幻,化作了她在天星宫内成长的一幕幕,眼前所见没有敌人,尽是那一道道熟悉又信赖的身影。 The Xing Caijian eyes filled confusedly, is quiet, she has fallen into the illusion, cannot extricate oneself. 星彩间双眼充满了迷茫,悄无声息间,她已经跌入了幻象中,不可自拔。 This is from Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer Grand Dao Principle, without external force interference, by the Xing Caijian Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer boundary, even if perishes for a lot of years to be hard to come soberly. 这是来自于仙尊境五重天大道法则,若是没有外力干扰,以星彩间仙帝境九重天的境界,纵然是沉沦千百年都难以清醒过来。 However the next quarter, terrifying sword qi like the mountain torrent eruption, the Xing Caijian brain quickly grasps the meaning of something together immediately, sobered all of a sudden, when her line of sight returns to normal, sees is void at present has changed to a darkness, sword light void glitters in that darkness together, cuts to behind position somewhere. 然而下一刻,一道恐怖的剑气如山洪般爆发,星彩间大脑顿时一个激灵,一下子清醒了过来,当她视线重新恢复正常时,就见眼前虚空已经化作一片黑暗,一道剑光在那黑暗虚空中闪烁,斩向身后的某处位置。 !” “噗!” sword light falls, void spouts one group of blood immediately, bright red dazzling, has the shake of powerful energy aura, follows in also one pure white such as the palm of jade, was cut to fall by sword qi from the wrist/skill place forcefully. 剑光落下,虚空中顿时喷出一团鲜血,鲜红刺目,有强大的能量气息的震荡,伴随在其中的还有一只洁白如玉的手掌,从手腕处被剑气硬生生斩落。 Being at a loss in Jian Chen eye also vanishes does not see, vision piece of gloomy, just affected , is not only Xing Caijian, he drew in the illusion unknowingly, if not the sword qi eruption of Heavenly Star Divine Sword, he is impossible to sober quickly. 剑尘眼中的迷惘也消失不见,目光一片阴沉,刚刚受影响的不仅是星彩间,就连他都不知不觉被拖入了幻境中,若非天星神剑剑气爆发,他也不可能这么快就清醒过来。 The Jian Chen palm grasps void, Upright Heaven Sword quietly appears, then erupts radiant sword glow instantaneously, without hesitation cut toward that piece of blood blowout void. 剑尘手掌虚空一握,立天剑悄然出现,而后瞬间爆发出璀璨剑芒,毫不犹豫的朝着鲜血喷出的那片虚空斩了过去。 This sword, leading him to step into Sword Dao Principle of Sword Mystery boundary, its might breaks through before him is no comparison between them. 这一剑,带着他踏入剑玄境的剑道法则,其威力与他突破之前不可同日而语。 And, when this sword cuts, void presents the overlapped sword shadow, each sword shadow seems true|really is imaginary, brings command Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor for the strength that it looks askance. 并且,在这一剑斩出时,虚空中更是出现重重叠叠的剑影,每一道剑影都似真似幻,带着一股令仙尊境老祖都为之侧目的力量。 Finally, five sword shades in combine into one in an instant, making the might of this sword increase to a new peak all of a sudden. 最终,五道剑影于刹那间合而为一,使得这一剑的威力一下子攀升到一个新的高峰。 Five overlapped swords! 五重叠剑! Bang! 轰! A dull thumping sound, Jian Chen only felt that own this sword cut on a hard object, powerful instead shook the strength to transmit by Upright Heaven Sword, let his entire right arm is tingles with numbness. 一声闷响,剑尘只感觉自己这一剑斩在了一个坚硬的物体上,强大的反震力透过立天剑传递过来,让他整条右臂都是一阵发麻。 But in position that his Divine Sword cuts, a bright and beautiful outstandingly beautiful beautiful figure appears, that is a seemingly 20-year-old young woman, the beautiful woman, shames the moon and flowers, has the looks of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 而在他神剑所斩的位置,一道亮丽的绝色倩影显现出来,那是一名看上去不过20岁的年轻女子,沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,有着倾国倾城的姿容。 However her right hand wrist/skill place has become the blood to dripping, the entire only palm cut off, puts on that white long skirt, presents the white sword mark that exceptionally appeared. 不过她的右手手腕处已经变得鲜血淋淋,整只手掌都被斩断,就连穿在身上的那一袭白色长裙,也出现了一道异常显现的白色剑痕。 This is by Jian Chen by the mark that five overlapped swords cut. 这是被剑尘以五重叠剑斩出的印记。 But this white long skirt, is high-grade Divine Item, the defense strength is also good. 而这白色长裙,同样是一件上品神器,防御力不俗。 Really imaginary road's first Daoist Master, you also were too rather impatient, is it possible that you think that your real imaginary say/way can also affect Heavenly Star Divine Sword?” The jade desolate Sword Sect clouds cauldron real person vision falls on the female of that being cut off palm, cannot bear exude the big laughter. “真幻道第一道主,你未免也太心急了吧,莫非你以为你的真幻道还能影响到天星神剑?”玉萧剑宗的霄鼎真人目光落在那名断掉手掌的女子身上,忍不住发出大笑声。 The really imaginary road's first Daoist Master vision one cold, with cold snort, her body suddenly starts to split, one point two, two points four, four points eight, in the time of short flash, void then split up several hundred forms, each form fills Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer aura, cannot branch out the genuine and fake completely. 真幻道第一道主目光一冷,随着一声冷哼,她的身躯突然开始分裂,一分二,二分四,四分八,在短短一瞬间的功夫里,虚空中便分化出数百道身影,每一道身影都弥漫出仙尊境五重天气息,完全分不出真假。 Genuine and fake, the genuine and fake, in these shadows, each can regard as for really imaginary road's first Daoist Master true body, can regard as for the false body, this is to consume the Heavenly Star Divine Sword strength.” The divergence real person of scarlet day immortal sect said. “真真假假,假假真真,这些影子中,每一道都可以视作为真幻道第一道主的真身,同时也可以视作为虚假之身,她这是想消耗天星神剑的力量。”赤日仙宗的分流真人说道。 Snort, wants to consume the Heavenly Star Divine Sword strength depending on her Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer cultivation level? Is it possible that she also thinks that Heavenly Star Divine Sword is broken or weak Supreme Divine Item? Complete Supreme Divine Item, and on leaves leeway the Heavenly Emperor strength , is so can it be that easy to cope.” cold snort that the clouds cauldron real person disdains. “哼,凭她仙尊境五重天修为也想消耗天星神剑的力量?莫非她还以为天星神剑是一件残破或是虚弱的至尊神器?一件完整的至尊神器,并且更上留有天帝的力量,又岂是那么容易对付的。”霄鼎真人不屑的冷哼 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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