CSG :: Volume #40

#3952: Revealing to the public

The nearby is void, comes out these Immortal Venerable that from Skyscraping World is also in the heart one cold, Monarch Wendu this struck, making many of them feel death suffocation. 附近虚空,从摩天界内出来的那些仙尊也是心中一凛,文都上人这一击,令他们许多人都感受到了一股死亡般的窒息。 Monarch Wendu this strikes, although has the prestige of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, Immortal Venerable that but comes out from Skyscraping World, does not have to be Jian Chen has been worried. 只是文都上人这一击尽管拥有毁天灭地之威,但从摩天界内出来的仙尊,却丝毫没有为剑尘担心过。 At this time, in Monarch Wendu palm the rushing energy will soon hit Jian Chen, sound of the clear sword cry suddenly resounds, sees is only hugged by Xing Caijian on Heavenly Star Divine Sword in bosom, suddenly the dazzling sword light sparkle, separated in an instant void, flashes past from the palms of Monarch Wendu. 此时,就在文都上人手掌所化的澎湃能量即将击中剑尘时,一声清脆的剑鸣之声突然响起,只见被星彩间抱在怀中的天星神剑上,突然有一道耀眼剑光闪耀而起,刹那间割裂了虚空,从文都上人的手掌间一闪而过。 When this sword light appears, a terrifying pressure floods in void, the lord of that more than ten medicine gardens made instantaneously changed colors in abundance with amazement. 当这道剑光出现时,一股恐怖的威压充斥于虚空中,瞬间令的那十几名药园之主纷纷骇然失色。 This... this aura... this is Supreme Divine Item aura......” “这...这气息...这是至尊神器气息......” Here really has Supreme Divine Item......” “这里竟然有至尊神器......” ...... ...... The lord of that more than ten medicine gardens sends out to call out in alarm, everyone's look changed, neat collection on Xing Caijian. 那十几名药园之主发出惊呼,所有人的眼神都变了,齐刷刷的汇集在星彩间身上。 But that palm of Monarch Wendu, when Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi flashes through, then changes to one group of smoke clouds to disperse immediately with the wind, simultaneously a stabbing pain spreads from the Monarch Wendu palm. 文都上人的那一掌,在天星神剑的一道剑气闪过时,便立即化作一团烟云随风而散,同时一股刺痛从文都上人掌心中传出。 He looks subconsciously to the own palm, sees only a bloodstain to appear above, the wound is not deep, however is actually hard to heal. 他下意识的看向自己手掌,只见一道血痕出现在上面,伤口不深,然而却难以愈合 Monarch Wendu calms down instantaneously, his conditioned reflex rapid withdrawing, the vision falls on Heavenly Star Divine Sword in Xing Caijian bosom simultaneously, expression becomes the unprecedented dignity. 文都上人瞬间冷静下来,他条件反射般的飞速退后,同时目光落在星彩间怀中的天星神剑上,神色变得前所未有的凝重。 As Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse, he judged all of a sudden Supreme Divine Item aura, clearer that sword qi has not injured the own thoughts, might that otherwise just showed by it, the wound that own receives was not only the sword mark of palm is so simple. 身为仙尊境六重天强者,他一下子判断出至尊神器气息,更明白那一道剑气并没有伤自己的心思,否则以它刚刚展现出的威力,自己所受的伤就不仅仅是掌心的一道剑痕那么简单了。 Who are you?” Monarch Wendu has drawn back distant, vision stubbornly is staring at Xing Caijian, but actually falls more often , was hugged by Xing Caijian on Heavenly Star Divine Sword in bosom, the eyeground deep place flashes through a burning hot and greedy that is hard to contain. “你是谁?”文都上人已经退的远远的,目光死死的盯着星彩间,但更多的时候却落在被星彩间抱在怀中的天星神剑上,眼底深处闪过一丝难以遏制的炙热与贪婪。 Supreme Divine Item, and might is so peerlessly terrorist, this may in immortal soul Divine Sword compared with his hand. 一件至尊神器,并且威力还如此恐怖绝伦,这可比他手中的仙魂神剑强多了。 No, was not, but was difference of cloud mud , between both at all was not the thing of same level. 不,不是强多了,而是云泥之别,两者间根本不是同一层次之物。 Although in the heart drools incomparably, but Monarch Wendu actually does not dare to intend to rob, the terrifying power and influence that Heavenly Star Divine Sword that instant shows has made him scared. 尽管心中垂涎无比,但文都上人却不敢出手抢夺,天星神剑那一霎展现出的恐怖威势已经令他胆寒。 At this moment, Xing Caijian is a focus of public attention, collects in all immortals of this starry skies, what cultivation level boundary, the vision all collects on her. 这一刻,星彩间万众瞩目,汇集于这片星空的所有仙人,无论是什么修为境界,目光皆是汇集在她身上。 Monarch Wendu, this is Heavenly Star Palace Xing Caijian Princess!” A Immortal Venerable initiative introduction that comes out from Skyscraping World. 文都上人,这位是天星宫星彩间公主!”一名从摩天界出来的仙尊主动介绍。 Princess?” In the Monarch Wendu eye flashes through doubts, Heavenly Star Palace, but one of the 12 Heavenly Courts level influences, the Princess two characters, are no one can take on. 公主?”文都上人眼中闪过一丝疑惑,天星宫可是十二天庭级势力之一,公主二字,不是谁都可以担当的。 But at once, Monarch Wendu as if thought of anything, in heart suddenly one startled, looked that had the delicate change to the Xing Caijian vision: „Are you female of —— Xing Caijian Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor and Venerable Caijian?” 但旋即,文都上人似乎想到了什么,心中戛然一惊,看向星彩间的目光发生了微妙变化:“你是乱星天帝彩间尊者之女——星彩间?” The lord of that more than ten medicine gardens also knows the Xing Caijian status in this time, mind vibrate. 那十几名药园之主也是在此时才知晓星彩间的身份,一个个心神震动。 The female of Heavenly Emperor, this status, but no small matter. 天帝之女,这身份可是非同小可。 Yang Yutian is our Heavenly Star Palace guest, any wants to aim at the Yang Yutian person, first crossed me.” The Xing Caijian words spread, the sound is light, but brings unquestionable resolute. 羊羽天是我们天星宫的客人,任何想要针对羊羽天的人,先过了我这一关。”星彩间的话语传出,声音平淡,但却带着一股不容置疑的果决。 It is difficult to imagine Immortal Emperor Realm 9-layer, when facing cultivation level has reached to Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer Monarch Wendu can also say such overbearing words. 很难想象一名仙帝境九重天,在面对修为已经臻至仙尊境六重天文都上人时还能说出这么霸道的话语。 Because cultivation level reaches to so the altitude, even if places in the Heavenly Court level influence is existence of keeping aloof, has very prominent status, deep hatred/enemy Dayuan who without being hard to rest, even if will be the Heavenly Court level influence easily will not provoke so powerhouse. 因为修为臻至如此高度,纵然是放在天庭级势力中都是高高在上的存在,拥有十分显赫的身份,若没有难以化解的深仇大怨,哪怕是天庭级势力都不会轻易招惹如此强者 Monarch Wendu cannot attend to the impoliteness of Xing Caijian, his vision does flicker is staring on ancient sword in Xing Caijian bosom. 文都上人也顾不得星彩间的无礼,他目光一瞬不瞬的盯着星彩间怀中的古剑上。 Also in this time, Xing Caijian untied the linen of winding slowly on Heavenly Star Divine Sword, revealed an extremely fine scabbard, the color silver white, above has innumerably is glittering just like the stars bright luminous spot, seemingly seems a piece of gorgeous Milky Way. 也是在此时,星彩间缓缓的解开了缠绕在天星神剑上的麻布,露出了一个极其精致的剑鞘,色彩银白,上面有无数宛若星辰般的明亮光点在闪烁,看上去好似一片绚丽的银河。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword, is the place of Skyscraping World in this piece, exposed its appearance/portrait for the first time. 天星神剑,在这片属于摩天界之地,第一次展露出了它的真容。 However , can only see the scabbard and sword hilt, cannot feel the least bit to be the Supreme Divine Item pressure. 不过,也只能看见剑鞘与剑柄,同时也感受不到半点属于至尊神器的威压。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword is deliberately restraining itself, does not arrive at the time of attack not to expose the own invincible point. 天星神剑在刻意收敛自身,不到攻击的时刻不会展露自己的无敌锋芒。 Monarch Wendu takes a deep breath, the Heavenly Star Divine Sword might makes in his heart also very fiery, but this Supreme Divine Item he does not dare to move, can only think that immortal soul Divine Sword in own hand. 文都上人深吸一口气,天星神剑的威力让他心中也无比火热,但这件至尊神器他不敢动,只能想想自己手中的那柄仙魂神剑 nurturing sword spirit fruit is heart's blood of old man, finally actually by this person destroying, him must give the old man a confession.” Monarch Wendu cold voice said. 育剑灵果乃是老夫的心血,结果却被此人给毁去,他必须给老夫一个交代。”文都上人冷声道。 That nurturing sword spirit fruit was Skyscraping Sword Venerable Senior planted in the past, was absorbs spiritual energy in Skyscraping World to grow step by step, when became Senior your thing?” Xing Caijian said. “那颗育剑灵果乃是摩天剑尊前辈当年栽种,也是吸纳摩天界内的灵气一步步成长,什么时候成前辈你的东西了?”星彩间道。 Xing Caijian, looks in the Heavenly Emperor face, the old man did not argue with you, but nurturing sword spirit fruit incident, old man, if could not attain a confession, that this child old man did not let off, is it possible that your Heavenly Star Palace is willing for nurturing sword spirit fruit, but provoked Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer.” 星彩间,看在天帝的面子上,老夫不与你争辩,但育剑灵果一事,老夫若拿不到一个交代,那此子老夫绝不放过,莫非你们天星宫愿意为了一颗育剑灵果,而去招惹一位仙尊境六重天。” Although your Heavenly Star Palace is one of the 12 Heavenly Courts, Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor can affect entire World of Immortals to high character, audience immortal respect, but the old man said that the sentence not pleasant to the ear words, in your Heavenly Star Palace, can constitute powerhouse also such 2-3 of threat to the old man.” Monarch Wendu was also ready for any sacrifice, nurturing sword spirit fruit was too important to him. “虽然你们天星宫十二天庭之一,乱星天帝更是能影响到整个仙界的至高人物,受众仙敬仰,但老夫说句不中听的话,在你们天星宫内,能对老夫构成威胁的强者也就那么2-3个。”文都上人也是豁出去了,育剑灵果对他实在太重要了。 hearing that, a Xing Caijian brow wrinkle, she knows what Monarch Wendu said is the truth, cultivation level reaches to powerhouse of Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer level, taking a broad view at entire World of Immortals is also not many, even some strength weak Heaven do not have such powerhouse, let alone is their Heavenly Star Palace, either one in 12 Heavenly Courts, can cope with Monarch Wendu this existing powerhouse is few. 闻言,星彩间眉头一皱,她知道文都上人说的是实情,修为臻至仙尊境六重天层次的强者,放眼整个仙界也是不多,甚至一些实力较弱的天界都不存在这样的强者,别说是他们天星宫,十二天庭中的任何一方,能对付文都上人这种存在的强者都是没几个。 However the truth is so, but Xing Caijian will not be really given to daunt by the Monarch Wendu words, said: It seems like Monarch Wendu wants, for did not belong to your nurturing sword spirit fruit, but with our Heavenly Star Palace for enemy.” The Xing Caijian vision looks to Heavenly Star Divine Sword in bosom, with being full of the ice cold sound opens the mouth slowly: Day star Senior......” 不过道理是如此,但星彩间可不会真被文都上人一番话给吓住,道:“看来文都上人要为了一颗本就不属于你的育剑灵果,而与我们天星宫为敌了。”星彩间目光看向怀中的天星神剑,用充满冰寒的声音缓缓开口:“天星前辈......” Hears Xing Caijian to summon Heavenly Star Divine Sword, in the Monarch Wendu heart to sink suddenly, shouted lowly: If wants to reduce and solve the old man with this child between hostility, is not difficult to your Heavenly Star Palace, only needs your Heavenly Star Palace to act, looks for Myriad Swords Immortal Sect to exchange nurturing sword spirit fruit compensation of one in same quality with Skyscraping World to the old man then, if you comply, the old man walks immediately.” 一听到星彩间呼唤天星神剑,文都上人心中猛然一沉,低喝道:“要想化解老夫与此子之间的恩怨,对你们天星宫来说并不难,只需你们天星宫出面,找万剑仙宗交换一颗与摩天界内同品质的育剑灵果补偿给老夫即可,若你们答应,老夫立刻就走。” „Does Monarch Wendu, why want nurturing sword spirit fruit to reduce and solve hostility? Intends to catch Yang Yutian directly is not better, but on Yang Yutian can restore the injury infinitely Supreme Divine Item, this may compared with nurturing sword spirit fruit......” 文都上人,为何要育剑灵果去化解恩怨?直接出手擒住羊羽天不是更好,羊羽天身上可是有一件能无限恢复伤势的至尊神器,这可比育剑灵果强多了......” At this moment, the illusory sound conveys in void together, this obviously is some secret skill, even if some Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage powerhouse does not inquire about sound the place of origin. 就在这时,一道虚无缥缈的声音在虚空中传来,这显然是某种秘法,哪怕是一些仙尊境中期强者都探寻不到声音的来源之处。 powerhouse that comes out from Skyscraping World, almost knows existence of Supreme Divine Item, however has stopped up lord outside that more than ten medicine gardens actually to know nothing, when this sound spreads to their ears, immediately made their mind big quake. 摩天界内出来的强者,几乎都知道至尊神器的存在,然而一直堵在外面的那十几名药园之主却毫不知情,当这声音传入他们耳中时,顿时令他们所有人心神大震。 Yang Yutian not only seized Monarch Wendu nurturing sword spirit fruit, these medicine gardens that in Skyscraping World have , is destroyed by Yang Yutian all, all heavenly material treasure fell into his hand......” that sound to spread again, in trim void reverberation, for fear that seemed not chaotic, in Skyscraping World exposed matter of Jian Chen. 羊羽天不仅夺走了文都上人育剑灵果,就连摩天界内存在的那些药园,也是尽数被羊羽天所毁,所有天材地宝都落入了他手中......”那道声音再次传出,在整片虚空回荡,似乎唯恐不乱,将剑尘摩天界内的事揭露。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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