CSG :: Volume #40

#3951: Crazy master/monarch

Monarch Wendu finishes speaking, the vision of many people in abundance are subconscious sweeping to Jian Chen, occasionally, will lack real person temporary stay in the day. 文都上人话音刚落,许多人的目光纷纷是下意识的扫向剑尘,偶尔间,也会在天缺真人身上短暂停留。 Initially after nurturing sword spirit fruit was born, this two people competed most ominous, even also once became day of a decided but not yet announced thing that lacked the real person, prepared to regard the tribute to give to Great Bright Heavenly Palace Crown Princess. 当初育剑灵果出世后,就这两人争夺的最凶,甚至还一度成为天缺真人的内定之物,准备当成贡品献给大明天宫长公主 Afterward, no one knows that the day lacked the real person to pull out what wind, treated around the Jian Chen's attitude came a big transformation, the made many people cannot respond. 只是后来,谁也不知道天缺真人抽了什么风,对待剑尘的态度前后来了个大转变,弄的许多人都反应不过来。 The Monarch Wendu vision falls on Jian Chen all of a sudden, a brow slightly wrinkle, because Jian Chen's aura contrasted to have very big difference from the person of to break the formation initially. 文都上人的目光一下子落在剑尘身上,眉头微微一皱,因为剑尘的气息与当初破阵之人对比起来有着很大的区别。 However he has not thought that Mo Tian is brutal he is clear, heavenly material treasure that inside unearths exchanges ownerships repeatedly is the sloppy ordinary matter, the nurturing sword spirit fruit final winner, not necessarily is the person of that to break the formation. 不过他也没有多想,魔天界的残酷他是一清二楚,里面挖掘的天材地宝多次易主都是稀松平常之事,育剑灵果的最终得主,可不一定是那位破阵之人。 fellow daoist, nurturing sword spirit fruit of old man on you?” Monarch Wendu tone low and deep asking. 道友,老夫的育剑灵果在你身上?”文都上人语气低沉的问道。 Monarch Wendu, nurturing sword spirit fruit the place of growth I have also gone, from there all sorts of traces, that nurturing sword spirit fruit should be Mo Tian Sword Venerable Senior planted in the past there. Mo Tian Sword Venerable remained in the past, that naturally is being predestined friends results in it, therefore should not be the thing of master/monarch.” Stands says in Jian Chen nearby heretical ways, the manner is calm, neither arrogant nor servile, even if facing Monarch Wendu this Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse, he has not dreaded. 文都上人,育剑灵果的生长之地我也去过,从那里的种种痕迹来看,那颗育剑灵果应该是魔天剑尊前辈当年栽种在那里的。既是魔天剑尊当年所留,那自然是有缘者得之,所以不应该是上人之物。”站在剑尘附近的左道开口说道,神态从容,不卑不亢,纵然是面对文都上人这位仙尊境六重天强者,他也是没有丝毫畏惧。 Who are you?” Monarch Wendu complexion gloomy, the eyeground deep place flashes through ice cold killing intent. “你是谁?”文都上人脸色阴沉,眼底深处闪过一丝冰寒的杀意 nurturing sword spirit fruit he wins, this thing to him was really important, so long as the ownership issue about nurturing sword spirit fruit, he did not accept any rebuttal and question. 育剑灵果他是志在必得,此物对他来说实在是太重要了,只要是关于育剑灵果的归属问题,他不接受任何反驳和质疑。 „Becoming Heaven below wonderfully, the Nine Heavenly Gods Valley heretical ways!” The heretical ways hold the Fist Dao. “在下妙成天界,九天神谷左道!”左道抱拳道。 hearing that, the Monarch Wendu pupil shrinks slightly, killing intent of eyeground deep place dissipates in invisible immediately, knits the brows: nurturing sword spirit fruit of old man in your hands, what mouth don't you insert?” 闻言,文都上人瞳孔微微一缩,眼底深处的杀意立即消散于无形之中,皱眉道:“老夫的育剑灵果又不在你手中,你来插什么嘴?” I stated a real situation, all in Mo Tian, the itself/Ben was the paradise of Mo Tian Sword Venerable Senior gracious favor World of Immortals later generation, inside all were respectively depending on the chance obtained. But Monarch Wendu you expensive/noble are one of the Quiet End Heaven three sages, solemn Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse, did that is really some does not conform to the status.” Heretical ways opens the mouth. “我只是陈述一件实事而已,魔天界内的一切,本就是魔天剑尊前辈恩泽仙界后辈的福地,里面的一切都是各凭机缘所得。而文都上人你贵为端靖天三圣之一,堂堂仙尊境六重天强者,这么做就实在是有些不符合身份了。”左道开口。 Another side, Xing Caijian was also beautiful eyes flashes, turns the head to look at Jian Chen, cautious passes message: What you and are Nine Heavenly Gods Valley relate? Why Nine Heavenly Gods Valley does Old Ancestor help you again and again?” 另一边,星彩间也是美目闪动,转头看了眼剑尘,小心翼翼的传音:“你与九天神谷是什么关系?为何九天神谷的一位老祖三番四次的帮你?” Jian Chen shakes the head gently, expressed that does not know. In fact when the heretical ways and day lack the real person often to walk when the same place, in his heart has the guess. 剑尘轻轻摇头,表示不知。实际上当左道和天缺真人时常走在一起时,他心中就已经有了猜测。 Xing Caijian turns the head to look to the heretical ways, in the vision was full of the doubts, Nine Heavenly Gods Valley is not the common strength, before Great Bright Heavenly Palace rises, Nine Heavenly Gods Valley becomes the Heaven uncrowned king wonderfully, has Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer powerhouse to assume personal command in the prosperous period. 星彩间转头看向左道,目光中充满了疑惑,九天神谷可不是寻常实力,在大明天宫崛起之前,九天神谷则是妙成天界的无冕之王,在鼎盛时期可是有仙尊境九重天强者坐镇。 Although present Nine Heavenly Gods Valley already no longer in the past, but the strength cannot be underestimated as before, has Immortal Venerable Realm 8-layer to assume personal command, belongs with Saint Fire Immortal Sect that her mother is at with the first-level influence. 尽管如今的九天神谷已经不复当年,可实力依旧不容小觑,有仙尊境八重天坐镇,与她母亲所在的圣火仙宗是属于同一级势力。 The day of Yang Divine Sword sect lacks the real person to assist Jian Chen, Xing Caijian is not serious, but if Nine Heavenly Gods Valley also in back help/gang Jian Chen, that significance may be different. 神剑宗的天缺真人协助剑尘,星彩间可以不当一回事,可若是九天神谷也在背后帮剑尘,那意义可就不一样了。 Left Daolai from Nine Heavenly Gods Valley background one, causes the lord of that more than ten medicine gardens to look askance immediately, in many eyes has the prudent color. 道来九天神谷的背景一出,顿时引得那十几名药园之主纷纷侧目,不少人眼中都带着慎重之色。 Monarch Wendu is not willing to continue to argue with the heretical ways, his vision falls on Jian Chen again, said: „Is nurturing sword spirit fruit, on you?” 文都上人也不愿与左道继续争论,他目光再一次落在剑尘身上,道:“育剑灵果,可是在你身上?” Good, nurturing sword spirit fruit indeed by me obtained, but Monarch Wendu, you, if wants me to take nurturing sword spirit fruit, please Junior can not achieve.” Jian Chen was saying to Monarch Wendu. “不错,育剑灵果的确被我所得,不过文都上人,你如果要我将育剑灵果拿出来,请恕晚辈做不到。”剑尘对着文都上人说道。 nurturing sword spirit fruit is important to the old man, you nurturing sword spirit fruit restore old man, the old man give you other equivalent thing!” The Monarch Wendu vision does flicker is staring at Jian Chen, in the brain, in recalling own keeps the scene that wisp of Primordial Spirit in Mo Tian sees finally initially, is comparing. 育剑灵果对老夫来说非常重要,你将育剑灵果归还老夫,老夫给你其他等值之物!”文都上人目光一瞬不瞬的盯着剑尘,脑中在回想着当初自己留在魔天界内的那一缕元神最后所看到的景象,在进行对比。 He has an misconception, initially broke the person of nurturing sword spirit fruit concealment formation is this person at present, although the appearance is different, aura is also different, may from the speech and behaviors, he be feels familiar. 他有一种错觉,当初破掉育剑灵果隐匿阵法之人就是眼前这个人,尽管面貌不一样,气息也不一样,可从言谈举止间,他就是感觉到一点熟悉。 About him looked, had not discovered that Thousand Souls Demon Venerable form, this also makes him a little scruple, suddenly cannot determine. 只是他左右看了看,又并未发现千魂魔尊的身影,这也让他有点迟疑,一时间不敢去确定。 Initially was used to cover up nurturing sword spirit fruit formation flag Rank is quite high, to him is also the rare treasure, he also wants losing formation flag looked. 当初用来遮掩育剑灵果阵旗等阶颇高,对他来说也是不可多得的宝物,他还想将丢失的阵旗找回来。 nurturing sword spirit fruit, does not have.” Jian Chen expression strange is staring at Monarch Wendu. 育剑灵果,已经没了。”剑尘神色古怪的盯着文都上人 Wha... assorted... what?... Hasn't had?” The pupil of Monarch Wendu expands all of a sudden, stares greatly the eye stubbornly is staring at Jian Chen, cannot believe such result. “什...什...什么?没...没...没了?”文都上人的瞳孔一下子扩大,瞪大着眼睛死死的盯着剑尘,不敢去相信这样的结果。 These years, he has filled with disturbedly waits outside Mo Tian, in the heart most is worried is nurturing sword spirit fruit is used in Mo Tian, the result has not thought that the matter that he is worried about happened eventually. 这些年,他一直满怀忐忑的在魔天界外等候,心中最担心的就是育剑灵果魔天界内就被使用掉,结果没想到,他担心的事终究还是发生了。 Without nurturing sword spirit fruit, his immortal soul Divine Sword Item Spirit was then hard to restore, but he is unable to grasp the immortal soul cinders to extinguish through Item Spirit decides. 没了育剑灵果,他的仙魂神剑器灵便难以恢复,而他也无法通过器灵掌握仙魂烬灭决。 If wants to obtain high-level nurturing sword spirit fruit that can make immortal soul Divine Sword restore, only had that in Mo Tian. 而要想得到能够令仙魂神剑恢复的高阶育剑灵果,也唯有魔天界内的那一株了。 Because spreads in World of Immortals nurturing sword spirit fruit, Rank is too either low, is useless to immortal soul Divine Sword, either was monopolized by Myriad Swords Immortal Sect. 因为流传于仙界育剑灵果,要么等阶太低,对仙魂神剑根本无用,要么就被万剑仙宗垄断。 However even nurturing sword spirit fruit of some low qualities, still almost fell into the hand of Myriad Swords Immortal Sect. 不过即便是一些低品质的育剑灵果,也几乎都落入了万剑仙宗之手。 Can not say exaggeratingly, once lost that in Mo Tian, that Monarch Wendu almost could not find any means to seek for second quality qualified nurturing sword spirit fruit. 可以毫不夸张的说,一旦失去了魔天界内的那一颗,那文都上人几乎找不到任何办法寻找第二颗品质合格的育剑灵果了。 Only if he dares to result in braves to offend Myriad Swords Immortal Sect consequence the hand fingers to seize the food. 除非他敢得冒着得罪万剑仙宗的后果虎口夺食。 Suddenly, dreadful killing intent fills the air from Monarch Wendu on, sees only his both eyes to become red, looked that filled ice cold piercing killing intent to the Jian Chen's vision. 骤然间,一股滔天杀意文都上人身上弥漫而出,只见他双目变得一片通红,看向剑尘的目光充满了冰寒刺骨的杀意 Small mixed up, you dare to use nurturing sword spirit fruit, you dare to use up him, you know the old man actually, for this nurturing sword spirit fruit spent many thoughts, you know the old man, for this nurturing sword spirit fruit paid the big price, the old man does not attend to war throwing of Quiet End Heaven, waits for many years in this place, only the meeting can bring back nurturing sword spirit fruit, finally you, you... you... you... you dare to use up nurturing sword spirit fruit finally unexpectedly......” “小杂碎,你竟敢将育剑灵果使用掉,你竟敢将他用掉,你知道老夫为了这颗育剑灵果究竟花费了多少心思吗,你知道老夫为了这颗育剑灵果付出了多大代价吗,老夫连端靖天的战事都抛之不顾,在此地守候多年,只会能拿回育剑灵果,结果你,结果你...你...你...你竟然敢将育剑灵果用掉......” „The —— old man must kill you!” If the Monarch Wendu shape is crazy, body aura rises suddenly crazily, the Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer vast pressure shake world, twists the starry sky, forces nearby some Immortal Venerable draws back draws back again. “啊——老夫要杀了你!”文都上人状若疯狂,身上气息疯狂暴涨,仙尊境六重天的浩瀚威压震荡天地,扭曲星空,将附近的一些仙尊都逼迫的一退再退。 He contains ones anger to act, the palm destroyed void, brings a destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth strength direct racket to Jian Chen. 他含怒出手,手掌打碎了虚空,带着一股毁天灭地的力量直接拍向剑尘 The waiting result of long years actually drains, the loss of nurturing sword spirit fruit stimulates to him is too big, this moment he, even forgot inquired the Jian Chen's details and origin, have the a thought head only in his brain, then ruins the nurturing sword spirit fruit bastard this at present to cramp to peel bone, experiencing suffering world most deeply grieved suffering dies. 漫长岁月的等候结果却付诸东流,育剑灵果的损失对他刺激太大,这一刻的他,甚至都忘记了询问剑尘的底细与来历,存在于他脑中的唯一念头,便是将眼前这毁掉育剑灵果的混蛋给抽筋剥骨,受尽世间最惨痛的折磨而死。 At this moment, anchors on Immortal Boat of not far away, movement slightly that Congealed Void Swordmaster drinks tea, he raised the head slightly, the vision pierces Immortal Boat to look to outside, fell on Xing Caijian and Jian Chen two people. 这一刻,停泊在不远处的仙舟上,凝虚剑主喝茶的动作微微一顿,他微微抬起头,目光洞穿仙舟看向外面,落在了星彩间剑尘二人身上。 At the same time, the day lacks the real person is also complexion big change, this strikes facing Monarch Wendu, he felt an intense life and death crisis. 同一时间,天缺真人也是面色大变,面对文都上人这一击,他感受到了一股强烈的生死危机。 If this palm hit him, even if he does not die must discard half life. 这一掌若是击中了他,他纵然不死也要丢掉半条命。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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