CSG :: Volume #40

#3950: The owners of lost articles visit

Not is only Jian Chen, came from the Grand Dao Academy person, even Congealed Void Swordmaster this unparalleled powerhouse that reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer, is sieged by formation that the big cauldron forms at this moment in inside. 不仅仅是剑尘,就连来自大道院的人,甚至连凝虚剑主这位臻至仙尊境七重天的盖世强者,此刻都被大鼎形成的阵法围困在里面。 All people who come out from Mo Tian, without exception, all fell into great formation. 所有从魔天界内出来的人,无一例外,全部都陷入了大阵之中。 These person of big courage, dare to disrespect to the teacher!” On Immortal Boat that Congealed Void Swordmaster is , a Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer old man flies into a rage, when he must leave the Immortal Boat loud interrogation, a palm pressure gently on his shoulder. “这些人好大的胆子,竟敢对师尊不敬!”凝虚剑主所在的仙舟上,一名仙尊境一重天的老者勃然大怒,正当他要离开仙舟大声质问时,一只手掌轻轻的压在他的肩上。 No rush, first to have a look at.” The Congealed Void Swordmaster sound resounds, at this moment he restrained all aura, looks just like a mortal, complexion indifferent looks to all around, regarding surroundings that great formation that is formed by nine big cauldrons, is regards directly , if no thing. “别急,先看一看吧。”凝虚剑主的声音响起,此刻他收敛了所有气息,看上去就犹如一介凡人,面色淡然的看向四周,对于周围那由九座大鼎形成的大阵,直接是视若无物。 The Jian Chen's vision also falls on that nine tripods great formation, saw that nine golden big cauldrons all comprised of high-grade Divine Item, but also is only in high-grade Divine Item sets the base one kind. 剑尘的目光也落在那九鼎大阵上,一眼就看出九座金色大鼎全是由上品神器组成,不过也只是上品神器中垫底一类。 For all this, but formation that is formed by nine high-grade Divine Item, surrounds Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer powerhouse sufficiently. 尽管如此,但由九座上品神器所形成的阵法,也足以困住仙尊境五重天强者 In Jian Chen just wants to use All Heavens Divine Formation, Xing Caijian as if knows that he wants to make anything to resemble to result, moves sideways to appear in front of Jian Chen, full is the disgruntled say/way: Comes out to walk, don't you trust us? Said our Heavenly Star Palace will protect you to be complete, that will not make anybody harm you.” 就在剑尘刚想动用诸天神阵时,星彩间似乎知道他想要做什么似得,一个闪身出现在剑尘面前,满是不悦的道:“一出来就想走,你是不信任我们吗?说了我们天星宫会护你周全,那就绝不会让任何人伤害到你。” That only will provoke troublesome to you, the multi- incident is inferior to few incident.” Helpless Jian Chen said. “那只会给你们招惹麻烦,多一事不如少一事。”剑尘无奈道。 My Heavenly Star Palace is one of the 12 Heavenly Courts, deterrent entire world no several tens of thousands year, if afraid of getting into trouble timidly, why standing proudly in the summit of World of Immortals.” Xing Caijian expression, the sound is with deep veneration forceful: Moreover, something in your eyes are troublesome, but in our eyes, is a responsibility, a acting!” “我天星宫十二天庭之一,威慑寰宇无数万年,如果这么胆小怕事,那又凭什么傲立仙界之巅。”星彩间神色肃然,声音铿锵有力:“况且,有些事在你眼中是麻烦,而在我们眼中,则是一种责任,一种担当!” Congealed Void Swordmaster has been paying attention to Xing Caijian and Jian Chen two people, after hearing the Xing Caijian words, doubts in his eye were more abundant. 凝虚剑主一直在关注星彩间剑尘二人,听闻星彩间的话后,他眼中的疑惑更盛了。 Before Jian Chen was made by sword qi under the concealment, Congealed Void Swordmaster can prevent, actually without the choice acted, but whatever Jian Chen were being detained, its goal was to think to have a look at Xing Caijian, or was Heavenly Star Palace actually for this person achieves what situation. 之前剑尘在隐匿之下被一道剑气打出,凝虚剑主本可以阻止,却没有选择出手,而是任由着剑尘被阻留下来,其目的就是想看一看星彩间,或者是天星宫究竟会为了此人做到什么地步。 Naturally an important reason, that is Congealed Void Swordmaster is very curious regarding the Jian Chen's status. 当然还有一个重要原因,那就是凝虚剑主对于剑尘的身份十分好奇。 Knew perfectly well that killed Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, but must brave not to hesitate with the risk that Immortal Feather Sect battles against protect this person. 明知杀了仙羽门太上长老,还要冒着不惜与仙羽门开战的风险力保此人。 This indicated that the status of this person is not extremely simple. 这说明此人的身份极不简单。 At this time, outside great formation that nine golden great cauldrons form, ten several forms appear, the body all fills huge aura. 此时,九座金色巨鼎形成的大阵外,十几道身影浮现而出,身上皆是弥漫出庞大的气息 Just appeared, then some people first swayed the set up formation material, again under low-quality cloth powerful formation outside nine tripods great formation, several formation folded, formed an impregnable bastion, as if inside person will for fear that run away. 刚一出现时,便有人第一时间挥洒布阵材料,在九鼎大阵外再次布下强大阵法,数道阵法相叠,形成了一片铜墙铁壁,似乎生怕里面的人会逃走。 This is 9 dragons prison cauldron, can arrange this only one person, that is what Zhongtian the first influence, gold/metal Yang Sect large sum of money Old Ancestor......” “这是九龙狱鼎阵,能布置此阵的唯有一人,那就是何重天第一势力,金阳门的万金老祖......” What? Actually is in gold/metal Yang Sect exists unsurpassedly? It is said large sum of money Old Ancestor is Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse, what Zhongtian first powerhouse......” “什么?竟然是金阳门内的这位无上存在?据说万金老祖仙尊境六重天强者,何重天第一强者......” „The great person who so keeps aloof, personally arrived here unexpectedly......” “这般高高在上的大人物,竟然亲自来到了这里......” Not is only gold/metal Yang Sect, ancient Xianzong years ancient array, can arrange so powerful years ancient array, entire ancient Xianzong also only then a rock old immortal person, but this merely is the blockade is also void, does not dare really to start......” “不仅是金阳门,还有古仙宗的岁月古阵,能布置出如此强大的岁月古阵,整个古仙宗也只有磐石老仙一人了,不过此阵也仅仅是封锁虚空,不敢真的发动......” ...... ...... In great formation, there is Immortal Venerable to send out to call out in alarm, one step had first recognized through great formation the status of coming the person, expression in abundance becomes dignified. 大阵内,有仙尊发出惊呼,已经先一步通过大阵认出了来人的身份,神色纷纷变得凝重起来。 Although some of them also come from the top influence, but with gold/metal Yang Sect, class/flow of ancient Xianzong the compares, that was well below. 虽然他们当中的一些人同样来自顶尖势力,但是与金阳门,古仙宗之流比起来,那就远远不如了。 At this time, collected more than ten powerhouse simultaneously one outside great formation step treads, no hindrance passed through great formation, entered this piece by formation close void. 这时,汇集在大阵外的十几名强者齐齐一步踏出,毫无阻碍的穿过了大阵,进入了这片被阵法封闭的虚空中。 The Congealed Void Swordmaster form has disappeared, he entered Immortal Boat, is sitting before the tea that a jade table is carefree and content. 凝虚剑主的身影已经消失,他进入了仙舟内部,正独自一人坐在一张玉桌前悠然自得的品着茶。 Old man clouds Heaven, jade clouds Sword Sect clouds cauldron real person, fellow daoist was disrespectful, reason that this time lets have to hold in this place , because medicine garden of our jade clouds Sword Sect cultivation in Mo Tian was destroyed, that medicine garden to the old man, is is very important to our jade clouds Sword Sect, ten thousand make no mistake, when we investigated to be clear the after reason of matter, today's impolite action, our jade clouds Sword Sect will meet 11 to visit to apologize in the future surely!” jade clouds Sword Sect clouds cauldron real person holds the fist in the other hand to the people, the spoken language is polite. “老夫霄度天界,玉霄剑宗的霄鼎真人,诸位道友失礼了,这次之所以让诸位都有暂留在此地,乃是因为我们玉霄剑宗培育在魔天界内的药园被人摧毁,那药园无论是对老夫而言,还是对我们玉霄剑宗来说都十分重要,万不容有失,待我们调查清楚了事情的原因之后,今日的无礼之举,日后我们玉霄剑宗定会一一登门致歉!”玉霄剑宗的霄鼎真人对众人抱拳,言语客气。 Old man gold/metal Yang Sect large sum of money Old Ancestor, fellow daoist courteous......” “老夫金阳门万金老祖,诸位道友有礼了......” Old man scarlet day immortal sect divergence real person, fellow daoist courteous......” “老夫赤日仙宗分流真人,诸位道友有礼了......” ...... ...... After clouds cauldron real person, several other powerhouse hold the fist in the other hand to the people, the after all been stranded these people involve World of Immortals many big influences, even also has the person of Grand Dao Academy this Heavenly Court level influence, they do not dare extremely in the impoliteness. 自霄鼎真人之后,余下的十几名强者纷纷对众人抱拳,毕竟被困的这些人涉及到仙界诸多大势力,当中甚至还有大道院这种天庭级势力的人,他们也不敢太过于无礼。 If not this time their also more than ten powerhouse in the same front, all have the benefit to be damaged, that Huan Zhen (really) does not dare the group of people who in Mo Tian come out surrounding. 若非这次他们也有十几名强者处于同一战线,皆有利益受损,那还真不敢将魔天界内出来的这群人给困住。 The person from Grand Dao Academy lives alone place, a staying out stance, clearly is prepared regarding this situation early, does not have slight accidental look. 来自大道院的人独处一地,一副置身事外的姿态,对于这一情况显然早有准备,没有丝毫意外之色 The other these big influences, for example the ghost immortal teaches, ten thousand Taoism class/flow powerhouse, does not dare to have is slightly discontented. Several powerhouse of Seal this place are completely Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage, even 6-layer has several, behind is representing a side big influence every people, when they join up, even if is better than the Heavenly Court level influence on probably attach great importance. 余下的那些大势力,例如鬼仙教,万道教之流的强者,也是不敢有丝毫不满。封困此地的十几名强者全部都是仙尊境中期,甚至连六重天都有数名,每一人身后都代表着一方大势力,当他们联合起来时,纵使是强如天庭级势力都得重视。 Old man Quiet End Heaven Monarch Wendu, comes this's goal, only then, the old man cultivated nurturing sword spirit fruit in Mo Tian in the past, and takes great formation as its shield, only to let this nurturing sword spirit fruit can grow smoothly. Finally when actually unexpectedly, this Mo Tian opening, nurturing sword spirit fruit that the old man cultivated in the past was seized unexpectedly.” “老夫端靖天文都上人,来此的目的只有一个,老夫当年在魔天界内培育了一株育剑灵果,并以大阵为其掩护,只为让这株育剑灵果能顺利成长。结果却不料,此次魔天界开启时,老夫当年培育的育剑灵果竟然被人所夺。” This nurturing sword spirit fruit, actually in which fellow daoist hand?” Speaking of behind, the Monarch Wendu tone becomes ices to be cold all of a sudden, the pressure that belongs to Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer fills the air faintly. “不过这育剑灵果,究竟在哪位道友手中?”说到后面,文都上人的语气一下子变得冰寒起来,一股属于仙尊境六重天的威压隐隐弥漫。 Hears nurturing sword spirit fruit, in the field many Immortal Venerable expression are in abundance strange, but the day of Yang Divine Sword sect lacks the real person, complexion is becomes uglier, in cursing that the heart non-stop. 一听到育剑灵果,场中不少仙尊纷纷神色怪异,而阳神剑宗的天缺真人,脸色更是变得非常难看起来,在心底不停的咒骂。 He is afraid to be able to draw out the topic that Jian Chen and Crown Princess relate. 他十分害怕一切能引出剑尘长公主关系的话题。 Originally that nurturing sword spirit fruit unexpectedly is the thing of Monarch Wendu, no wonder can grow to so high Rank, had master/monarch to take great formation to cover up as it, common person Huan Zhen (really) could not discover its existence.” Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor that comes out from Mo Tian said suddenly. “原来那颗育剑灵果竟是文都上人之物,怪不得能成长到如此高的品阶,有了上人大阵为其遮掩,寻常人还真发现不了它的存在。”一名从魔天界出来的仙尊境老祖恍然道。 The heart of Monarch Wendu raises all of a sudden on the throat, flashing eyes is staring at that Immortal Venerable, is anxious: That nurturing sword spirit fruit, now in what people the hand?” 文都上人的心一下子提在嗓子眼上,目光炯炯的盯着那名仙尊,语气急切:“那育剑灵果,如今在何人手中?” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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