CSG :: Volume #40

#3949: Re-enters World of Immortals

Congealing empty uncle, he is our Heavenly Star Palace guest!” The Xing Caijian vision is looking straight ahead Congealed Void Swordmaster. “凝虚叔叔,他是我们天星宫的客人!”星彩间目光直视着凝虚剑主 Is looking at Xing Caijian that firm vision, the Congealed Void Swordmaster brow big wrinkle, the sound is low and deep: Heavenly Star Palace guest? Caijian, you are earnest? The homicide Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, you may know, if continues to maintain the relations with him, will incur how serious consequence?” 望着星彩间那坚定的目光,凝虚剑主眉头大皱,声音低沉:“天星宫的客人?彩间,你是认真的吗?他杀了仙羽门太上长老,你可知若是继续和他保持关系,将会引发多么严重的后果?” Caijian naturally knows, but the guest is a guest, cannot, because offended Immortal Feather Sect, then our Heavenly Star Palace does not recognize on the own guests, if this spread, the world also thinks that our Heavenly Star Palace feared Immortal Feather Sect.” Xing Caijian said. 彩间自然知晓,不过客人就是客人,不能因为得罪了仙羽门,然后我们天星宫就连自己的客人都不认了,这要是传扬了出去,世人还以为我们天星宫怕了仙羽门呢。”星彩间说道。 The Congealed Void Swordmaster vision becomes deep, Xing Caijian treats the Jian Chen's attitude is not very right, his vision cannot help but shifts to Jian Chen, sizes up Jian Chen with so the serious stance for the first time earnestly carefully, that profound eye of band of light a penetrating power beyond description, as if must look at inside and outside thoroughly Jian Chen. 凝虚剑主目光变得深沉起来,星彩间对待剑尘的态度很不对劲,他目光不由得转向剑尘,第一次以这般认真又严肃的姿态仔细打量剑尘,那深邃的目光带着一股难以形容的穿透力,仿佛要将剑尘里里外外都看得透彻。 And, in the Congealed Void Swordmaster eyeground deep place, has the glow of divination to flash before, at this moment, his soul melts the world, with the world Grand Dao cross coupling, attempts to understand clearly some deepest level from the world the secret. 并且,在凝虚剑主眼底深处,更是有推衍之芒闪现,这一刻,他神融天地,与天地大道交感,妄图从天地之间洞悉一些最深层次的隐秘。 Under the vision gaze of Congealed Void Swordmaster, Jian Chen immediately a own whole body completely understood misconception. 凝虚剑主的目光注视下,剑尘顿时有一种自己浑身都被看透的错觉。 Naturally, merely is the misconception, as his strength continually is increased, he regarding the hidden of own is also deeper and deeper, in addition covering up of Illusion Monster Clan mask, only if meets some extremely unusual Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer top powerhouse, otherwise passes his actual situation very much ugly/difficult to look at. 当然,也仅仅是错觉而已,随着他的实力不断提升,他对于自己的隐藏也是越来越深,再加上幻妖族面具的遮掩,除非是遇见一些极不寻常的仙尊境九重天至强者,否则很难看透他的虚实。 Quick, Congealed Void Swordmaster took back the vision, the eyeground deep place flashed through color of the deep being astonished, at present this junior, he cannot completely understand , the deduction, such situation was extremely rare. 很快,凝虚剑主收回了目光,眼底深处闪过一丝深深的讶异之色,眼前这小辈,他是看不透,也推演不到,这样的情况极其少见。 Xing Caijian Princess, offends Immortal Feather Sect for Supreme Divine Item, the reality is the acting without wisdom, looks at think carefully......” distant place, a grey robe old man opens the mouth, the tone is gentle, is consoling. 星彩间公主,为了一件至尊神器而得罪仙羽门,实乃不智之举,望三思......”远方,一名灰袍老者开口,语气平缓,在进行劝解。 He is honoured as white, only has Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer cultivation level, although the strength does not calculate extremely, but its background actually no small matter, making in the field person no one dare to belittle. 他被人尊称为白老,仅有仙尊境一重天修为,尽管实力不算绝顶,但其背景却非同小可,使得场中之人无人敢小觑。 Because from Grand Dao Academy, this time escorts the Grand Dao Academy scholar to come white/in vain in old age specially, and has waited outside. 因为白老来自大道院,此番是专程护送大道院的学子而来,并一直在外等候。 Oh, on Yang Yutian that Supreme Divine Item obviously by Heavenly Star Palace staring, our these people, do not think......” “唉,羊羽天身上的那件至尊神器明显被天星宫给盯上了,我们这些人,就别想了......” Now we have so many people to present, therefore Yang Yutian can become the friend in Xing Caijian mouth, if in Heavenly Star Palace, that were the dead pigeon......” “现在我们有这么多人在场,所以羊羽天才能成为星彩间口中的朋友,倘若是在天星宫内,那就是瓮中之鳖了......” By me the understanding Heavenly Star Palace, Heavenly Star Palace should unable to make this matter......” “以我对天星宫的了解,天星宫应该做不出这种事......” Can't make that matter? Snort, that is only because seduces insufficiently in a big way, but Supreme Divine Item, made some Heavenly Court level influences make sufficiently turns back on the conscience the matter, has not seen Heavenly Star Palace to obtain this Supreme Divine Item, even did not hesitate to offend Immortal Feather Sect......” “做不出那种事?哼,那只是因为诱惑不够大而已,而至尊神器,足以令一些天庭级势力做出一些违背良心的事了,没看到天星宫为了得到这件至尊神器,甚至都不惜得罪仙羽门了吗......” ...... ...... Nearby, has different Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in cautious passes message, the mutual discussion, in the eye often emits the burning hot and saliva color , when their vision sweeps unknowingly to ancient sword in Xing Caijian bosom, in the vision reveals deep dreading. 附近,有各别仙尊境老祖在小心翼翼的传音,相互探讨,眼中不时冒出炙热和垂涎之色,只是当他们目光不经意间扫向星彩间怀中的古剑时,目光中又露出深深的忌惮。 They already from these population of coming out, knew existence of Heavenly Star Divine Sword. 他们已经从出来的那些人口中,知道了天星神剑的存在。 At this moment, the piece that the people are at void twists suddenly fiercely, sees only thick crack propagation, passes through the world, such as the spider web is densely covered. 就在这时,众人所在的这片虚空突然剧烈扭曲起来,只见一道道粗大的裂缝蔓延开来,贯穿天地,如蜘蛛网般密布。 By that giant space crack, can be indistinct sees the distant place to have the radiant star light to sprinkle, has the gorgeous galaxy to pass through is one of them, composed an only beautiful starry sky chart. 透过那巨大的空间裂缝,能隐约间看见远方有璀璨的星光洒落,更有绚丽的星河贯穿在其中,组成了一幅唯美的星空图。 At the same time, a piece near Mo Tian entrance void, more than ten forms sit cross-legged the void, invisible pressure fill the air, was makes this piece void seem unexpectedly must freeze generally, spiritual energy is unable to flow. 同一时间,在魔天界入口附近的一片虚空中,正有十余道身影盘坐虚空,无形的威压弥漫间,竟是令得这片虚空都好似要冻结了一般,灵气都无法流动。 In these ten several forms, the strength every people is very powerful, turning the hand for the cloud turning over the palm is the rain, frequently destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, changes the starry sky, without deliberately sends out aura, that a little bit that divulges merely unknowingly, can affect the surrounding world. 这十几道身影中,每一人的实力都很强大,翻手为云覆手为雨,动辄毁天灭地,改换星空,哪怕没有刻意散发出气息,仅仅是不经意间泄露出的那一星半点,都能影响周围的天地。 These people, are in Mo Tian the owners in some medicine gardens! 这些人,很多都是魔天界内一些药园的主人! Suddenly, the both eyes slightly close ten several forms as if felt anything, vision neat opening, looks out the starry sky end of extremely far place. 突然,原本双目微闭的十几道身影似乎感受到了什么,目光齐刷刷的睁开,遥望极远之处的星空尽头。 Mo Tian eventually finished, the position deviation unexpectedly so will never be expected that big......” 魔天界终于结束了,没想到位置偏差竟然会这么大......” This exit|to speak so will be how far, here formation arranged white/in vain......” “这一次的出口怎么会这么远,这里的阵法白布置了......” Some people send out to whisper, but sat cross-legged has waited for many years of Monarch Wendu unable to repress in void, in the vision brought to be anxious and disturbed, was very worried that nurturing sword spirit fruit will be used. 有人发出低语,而盘坐在虚空中早已等候多年的文都上人早已按捺不住,目光中带着急切和忐忑,十分担心育剑灵果会被使用掉。 The next quarter, the Monarch Wendu form disappears does not see, has overtaken by quickest speed. 下一刻,文都上人的身影消失不见,已经以最快的速度赶过去。 Nearby void, arrange/cloth formation flag or a plate appears in abundance, fell into his master hand respectively, after they receive the thing of set up formation, were hidden hurries to toward the exit that by quickest speed. 附近虚空中,一面面被隐藏起来的布阵旗子或是阵盘纷纷显现,各自落入了其主人手中,他们收起布阵之物后,也是以最快速度朝着出口处赶去。 9 dragons prison cauldron, presently!” Suddenly, shouted in a low voice spreads, sees only to fill intermittent powerful energy aura void instantaneously, nine giant Jinding emerges out of thin air, blooms dazzling rays of light. 九龙狱鼎阵,现!”突然,一声低喝传出,只见虚空中瞬间弥漫出阵阵强大的能量气息,九个巨大的金鼎凭空出现,绽放出刺目的光芒 When nine Jinding across the sky, looks from afar seems nine rounds of huge hot suns, bloomed myriad brilliant light to shine upon the trim starry sky. 当九座金鼎横空时,远远一看就仿佛是九轮巨大的烈日,绽放出万千光华映照了整片星空。 The next quarter, nine Jinding vanishes towering, when it appears again, has stretched across trillion li (0.5 km) void, is in the lead in everyone one step, appears in the Mo Tian exit directly. 下一刻,九座金鼎突兀消失,当它再次出现时,已经横跨亿万里虚空,领先于所有人一步,直接出现在魔天界的出口处。 Another side, Jian Chen only felt that at present line of sight fluctuates, when that familiar immortal spiritual energy comes, he has understood that own returned in World of Immortals that starry skies. 另一边,剑尘只感觉眼前视线一阵变幻,当那熟悉的仙灵之气迎面而来时,他就已经明白自己重新回到了仙界的那片星空中。 Jian Chen all of a sudden becomes vigilant, in Highest Beginning Temple, All Heavens Divine Formation has arranged to complete, may start the startled day to strike momentarily, Heaven Escape Divine Armor also stimulated to movement by him, causes without a trace that his whole person vanishes towering. 剑尘一下子变得警惕起来,太初神殿中,诸天神阵已经布置完成,随时可发动惊天一击,遁天神甲也被他催动,使得他整个人突兀消失的无影无踪。 Congealed Void Swordmaster has been paying attention to Jian Chen, when detected when Jian Chen vanishes, in his eye reveals immediately wipes the color of surprise stubbornly, the vision the position that stares at Jian Chen to vanish, in the heart feels the shock. 凝虚剑主一直在关注剑尘,当察觉到剑尘消失时,他眼中顿时露出一抹诧异之色,目光死死的盯着剑尘消失的位置,心中倍感震惊。 Because by his strength, unexpectedly could not detect where Jian Chen hides. 因为以他的实力,竟然都丝毫察觉不到剑尘躲藏在哪里。 Yang Yutian, you violate all sorts of sins in Mo Tian, steals many medicine gardens, gave up any idea of that runs away!” At this time, Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse sent out to shout angrily, immediately swayed the powerful sword qi shoots towards to be together void, when did not wait for sword qi close to the position that Jian Chen vanished then ruptured loudly, changes to dreadful storm to wreak havoc in the starry sky. 羊羽天,你在魔天界内犯下种种罪孽,更是盗取诸多药园,休想逃走!”这时,一名仙尊境三重天强者发出怒喝,当即挥洒出一道强大的剑气射向虚空,不等剑气靠近剑尘消失的方位时便轰然爆裂,化作一股滔天风暴在星空中肆虐。 This starry skies belong to World of Immortals, is far less than Mo Tian firm, when therefore this sword qi explodes, the curled up dreadful mighty current submerged here trim starry sky instantaneously, the hugeness of momentum terrifying void crack propagation tens of millions of miles, creates, at all is not in Mo Tian may compare. 这片星空是属于仙界,远不如魔天界内坚固,因此当这一道剑气爆开时,卷起的滔天洪流瞬间淹没了这里的整片星空,恐怖的虚空裂缝蔓延数千万里,所造成的声势之巨大,根本不是魔天界内可比。 Begun Immortal Venerable knew about the Jian Chen's method obviously extremely, his strikes, only for forces from the nihility Jian Chen, preventing Jian Chen to run away. 动手的这名仙尊显然对剑尘的手段极为了解,他这一击,只为将剑尘从虚无中逼迫出来,阻止剑尘逃走。 Tao the demon, you are sending what insanity, if the wound to old man disciple, the old man and you have not ended......” “陶老魔,你在发什么疯,若是伤到老夫弟子,老夫和你没完......” Void spreads the intermittent startled angry sound, many Immortal Venerable protect own disciple, in order to avoid suffers affect of sword qi fallout. 虚空中传出阵阵惊怒声,许多仙尊纷纷护住自己弟子,以免遭受剑气余波的波及。 However his sword, succeeded forced from the nihility Jian Chen, nearby trim is twisting void crazily, shatter, Jian Chen's Heaven Escape Divine Armor also came under the influence, is unable to go into hiding. 不过他这一剑,成功的将剑尘从虚无中逼迫了出来,附近的整片虚空都在疯狂扭曲,不停的破碎,剑尘的遁天神甲也受到了影响,无法隐匿。 Although was only affected instantly, but this flash, actually prevented Jian Chen's to depart, the next quarter, nine golden great cauldrons came, to send out huge aura across the sky, condensed huge formation to cover side universe, covered everyone. 虽然只受刹那影响,但这一刹那,却阻止了剑尘的离去,下一刻,九座金色的巨鼎横空而来,散发出庞大的气息,凝聚成一座庞大的阵法覆盖一方天宇,将所有人笼罩了进去。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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