CSG :: Volume #40

#3948: Stir news

The Xing Caijian brow slightly wrinkle, killed Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, this matter is not quite indeed easy to process, because of the position and Supreme Elder this level, the face countenance that as Heavenly Court level influence that related is not so only simple, that is also a senior figure of top influence, had the prominent position. 星彩间眉头微皱,杀了仙羽门太上长老,此事的确不太好处理,因为位及太上长老这个层次,那所关系的已经不仅仅是身为天庭级势力的颜面那么简单了,那同样是属于一个顶尖势力的高层人物,拥有显赫地位。 You, since killed Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, that needed my father to act for you to reduce and solve, otherwise, you will receive the Immortal Feather Sect world to chase down, even if were you can escape, but eventually was not the long-term plan.” The Xing Caijian tone is low and deep. “你既然杀了仙羽门太上长老,那就更需要我爹出面替你去化解了,否则,你将会受到仙羽门的满世界追杀,哪怕是你能逃,但终究不是长久之计。”星彩间语气低沉。 Jian Chen shakes the head with a smile, said: Dies that four Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder in my hands, is only the first batch, this quantity will be only getting more and more, will include Immortal Feather Sect some Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, you said why I can reduce and solve?” 剑尘笑着摇了摇头,道:“死在我手中的那四名仙羽门太上长老,也只是第一批而已,这个数量只会越来越多,甚至会包括仙羽门的一些仙尊境老祖,你说我为什么要去化解呢?” „Can you oppose with Immortal Feather Sect?” Xing Caijian is somewhat puzzled. “你就一定要和仙羽门作对吗?”星彩间有些不解。 This is not I opposes in intentionally and Immortal Feather Sect, but was something cannot avoid, must do, perhaps you did not understand secret facts, but your father should be able to understand.” Jian Chen calm saying. “这不是我在故意和仙羽门作对,而是有些事情避免不了,也必须要去做,你或许不了解其中的隐情,但你父亲应该能明白。”剑尘语气平静的说道。 hearing that, in the Xing Caijian eye flashes through one bunch of fine glow, in the heart as if there is guess, is lost in thought. 闻言,星彩间眼中闪过一束精芒,心中似乎已有猜测,陷入了沉思。 Their exchanges by passes message the way is in progress, even if the nearby collected some Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, but no one can hear two people any conversation content, even if has a mind to peep, still by an invisible strength preventing. 他们二人的交流都是以传音的方式在进行,即便是附近汇集了一些仙尊境老祖,但是谁也听不见两人的任何交谈内容,即便是有心想要进行偷窥,也会被一股无形的力量给阻止。 That is Heavenly Star Divine Sword strength aura! Since its existence has exposed, before that does not need to look like, went deliberately to hide like that. 那是天星神剑的力量气息!它的存在既然已经暴露,那就没必要像之前那般去刻意隐藏了。 At this moment, a powerful strength from Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) volume seat, in the face of this strength, even if some powerful Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor cannot have slightly the resistance. 就在这时,一股强大的力量自苍穹卷席而下,在这股力量面前,哪怕是一些实力强大的仙尊境老祖都生不出丝毫抵抗能力。 Next quarter, powerful to irresistible fearful strength enormous and powerful has swept each region of Mo Tian, but affected person, what cultivation level and boundary, its form disappears in abundance does not see, was transmitted Mo Tian forcefully. 下一刻,强大到不可抗拒的可怕力量浩浩荡荡的扫过魔天界的每一处区域,但是被波及的人,无论是什么修为与境界,其身影纷纷消失不见,被强行传送出了魔天界。 Suddenly, Mo Tian that huge mountain within the body then nobody left. 眨眼间,魔天界那庞大的山体内便空无一人。 Jian Chen only felt at present when a flower, appears again then has appeared in independent space, this space is still Mo Tian part, needs the Mo Tian sword to pass through may open. 剑尘只感觉眼前一花,再次出现时便已经出现在一处独立空间中,这处空间依旧属于魔天界的一部分,需要魔天剑经才可开启。 But in the other aspect, that place contains the huge mountain massif of numerous chance as well as Sword Dao seed, during is dissolving into to be void gradually, until vanishing does not see. 而在另一面,那处蕴藏着众多机缘以及剑道种子的庞大山体,正渐渐隐入虚空之中,直至消失不见。 Only has collects 108 Mo Tian swords again after the remnant page, just now can summon that great mountain again, but that is the hundreds of thousands of year later matter. 唯有再次凑齐一百零八份魔天剑经残页,方才能再次召唤那座巨山,不过那已经是数十万年之后的事了。 Came out, came out finally......” “出来了,总算是出来了......” Well, is not right, how the person of this coming out was short of so many......” “咦,不对,这次出来的人怎么少了那么多......” Enough more than 300 people enter Mo Tian, finally only came out more than 100 people, remaining people......” “足足三百余人进入魔天界,结果就只出来了一百余人,剩下的人呢......” Front several Mo Tian opening, although every has the damage one time, but reduces the population also less than 1/10, where looks like this time, reduced half unexpectedly......” “前面几次魔天界开启,虽然每一次都有损伤,但减少人数都还不到十分之一,哪里像这一次,竟然减少一半了......” ...... ...... Not far away, the intermittent noisy discussion and screams are lingering on faintly, Jian Chen turns the head to look, discovered that many immortals are collecting in the distant place in threes and fours, is surprised are looking at these people. 不远处,阵阵嘈杂的议论声和惊呼声不绝于耳,剑尘转头望去,发现不少仙人正三五成群的汇集在远方,皆是一脸吃惊的望着出来的这些人。 They follow, in having the Mo Tian sword the person arrives in this piece of space, that some people that finally has not entered. 他们都是跟随在拥有魔天剑经的人来到这片空间中,最终又没有进入的那部分人。 Actually in that what happened, why this falls/dies so many people.” At this time, old sound enormous and powerful spreading, saw only suspended together above a temple in void, quietly presented a white robe old man, the body filled prestige of the Immortal Venerable. “那里面究竟发生了什么事,为何这次陨落了这么多人。”这时,一道苍老的声音浩浩荡荡的传出,只见悬浮于虚空中的一座神殿上方,悄然出现了一名白袍老者,身上弥漫出一股仙尊之威。 Also is several Immortal Venerable Realm aura fills the air, in the different directions, stops over in this place Immortal Venerable goes out in abundance, the vision condenses that group of people who come out from Mo Tian completely, some people reveal the happy expression, that raised to fall on the heart of throat finally, the person who because oneself entered Mo Tian is living going out. 紧接着,又是几股仙尊境气息弥漫而出,在不同的方向,逗留在此地的仙尊纷纷走出,目光全部凝聚在从魔天界出来的那一群人身上,有人露出喜色,那提在嗓子眼的心终于落了回去,因为自家进入魔天界的人活着走出。 Also some people of complexion become very ugly/difficult to look at, gloomy is incomparable, in that group of people, they had not found the own person. 也有人脸色变得非常难看,阴沉无比,在出来的那一群人中,他们没有找到自己的人。 „More than 300 people go, finally actually only then more than 100 people are living, was only Immortal Venerable on falls/dies many, it seems like that this Mo Tian the past any time was more splendid.” At this moment, the moderate sound spreads together. “三百多人进去,结果却只有一百多人活着出来,其中光是仙尊陨落了不少,看来这一次魔天界比以往的任何一次都还要精彩啊。”就在这时,一道温和的声音传出。 that instant that when this sound resounds, in the field all Immortal Venerable are the pupil shrinks all, then reveals color of respect/honorable or the fear. 当这道声音响起的那一刹那,场中所有仙尊无不是瞳孔一缩,而后纷纷露出尊敬或是畏惧之色。 Because said that this saying person Congealed Void Swordmaster, powerful existence, Sword Dao Principle and illusory Principle all reach the same altitude, the name in same rank reveres sufficiently! 因为说这话的人正是凝虚剑主,一位实力非常强大的存在,剑道法则与虚幻法则皆是达到相同高度,足以在同阶中称尊! In one hovering on Immortal Boat in void, the Congealed Void Swordmaster form appears, on him all aura restrain completely, seeming like ordinary just like the common person. 在一艘悬停在虚空中的仙舟上,凝虚剑主的身影出现,他身上的所有气息完全收敛,看上去就宛如寻常人一般。 Saw Congealed Void Swordmaster so, Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor that nearby that several exposed aura, hurried to restrain own aura, does not dare to divulge tiny bit. 凝虚剑主都如此了,附近那几位展露气息仙尊境老祖,也是赶紧将自身的气息收敛起来,不敢泄露一分一毫。 At this time, several immortal who came out from Mo Tian was separated from the crowd, is close in the direction that Congealed Void Swordmaster was at directly fast, finally decided in the Congealed Void Swordmaster body advance party, manner respectful saluting. 这时,几名从魔天界出来的仙人脱离了人群,径直朝着凝虚剑主所在的方向快速接近,最终在凝虚剑主身前站定,神态毕恭毕敬的行礼。 These people, are the juniors who Congealed Void Swordmaster escorts. 这几人,都是凝虚剑主一路护送过来的小辈。 Fortunately, has not been short!” Congealed Void Swordmaster nods, person of own belt/bring has not lost, this makes in his heart many somewhat comfortable: „The matter in Mo Tian told me, was actually what reason, caused so many Immortal Venerable falls/dies. Mo Tian, is Mo Tian Sword Venerable left World of Immortals later generation the place of good fortune, finally now, the place of this good fortune instead turns into one ominously, this may be contrary to the original intention of Mo Tian Sword Venerable.” “还好,一个都没有少!”凝虚剑主点了点头,自己带的人一个都没有损失,这让他心中多少有些宽慰:“将魔天界内发生的事告诉我,究竟是什么原因,导致这么多仙尊陨落魔天界,本是魔天剑尊留给仙界后辈的福泽之地,结果如今,这福泽之地反而变成了一块凶地,这可有违魔天剑尊的初衷。” Princess your highness, is indebted you in Mo Tian to our attendances, now the tour of Mo Tian ended, three of us must return to sect......” at the same time, side Xing Caijian, collected the heavenly material treasure cloud sect Supreme Elder cloud ying rock for her before, is bringing subordinate two elder Yun Lian child and Yun Lian cake deeply is doing obeisance to Xing Caijian, among the manners was full of the gratitude. 公主殿下,承蒙您在魔天界对我们三人的照顾,如今魔天界之行结束,我们三人也要返回宗门了......”与此同时,在星彩间身边,之前替她采集天材地宝的云宗太上长老云英石,正带着麾下的两名长老云莲子和云莲酥对着星彩间深深一拜,神态间充满了感激。 This, making the surrounding many people look, looked that was full of the surprise to the vision of Yun and Zong. 这一幕,让周围不少人看了过来,看向云宗三人的目光中充满了诧异。 cloud sect the Supreme Elder cloud ying rock, resembles ten shares to be the focus of attention the vision by this type, the eyeground deep place reveals to wipe the self-satisfied color, no matter how, the female of Xing Caijian tour and Heavenly Emperor this Mo Tian had one to involve, after waiting, the position in sect will certainly when production costs rise, prices rise too, even in the future, become them to boast the capital of showing off. 云宗太上长老云英石,似十分享受这种备受关注的目光,眼底深处不禁流露出一抹得意之色,不管如何,此次魔天界之行与天帝之女星彩间有了一丝牵连,等回去之后,他们三人在宗门内的地位必将水涨船高,甚至在今后很长的一段时间内,都将成为他们吹嘘炫耀的资本。 From the Mo Tian transmission the person diverges in abundance, some people are in one piece alone void, filled vigilantly to all around, some people returned to side the respective elder respectively. 魔天界传送出来的人纷纷散去,有人独自处于一片虚空中,对四周充满了警惕,也有人各自返回了各自的长辈身边。 What? Immortal Feather Sect was Supreme Elder killed in Mo Tian?” “什么?仙羽门太上长老魔天界内被人杀了?” Profound Spirit Monarch unexpectedly falls/dies? Really incredible, in Mo Tian the place of this good fortune, can ruin Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer powerhouse unexpectedly......” 玄灵上人竟然陨落了?真是令人难以置信,魔天界内这片福泽之地,竟然能葬送一位仙尊境四重天强者......” What did you say? In Mo Tian presents Supreme Divine Item......” “你说什么?魔天界内出现至尊神器......” ...... ...... Quick, in Mo Tian all spread, immediately creates everyone's stir. 很快,魔天界内发生的一切传开,顿时引起所有人的震动。 The person of coming out are too many, was not the status is honored, came from is it belongs to Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor some juniors of apex big influence, the news does not conceal. 出来的人太多,不是身份尊贵,来自于一些顶尖大势力的子弟就是本身属于仙尊境老祖,消息根本隐瞒不了。 Congealed Void Swordmaster is absent-minded, is also staring at Jian Chen that the vision does flicker, knows the Jian Chen's appearance. 凝虚剑主也是一阵失神,目光一瞬不瞬的盯着剑尘,一副重新认识剑尘的模样。 Not is only Congealed Void Swordmaster, at this moment collects in this space all immortals, regardless of the cultivation level height, vision in abundance centralized on Jian Chen. 不仅是凝虚剑主,此刻汇集在这处空间的所有仙人,无论修为高低,目光纷纷集中在剑尘身上。 Does this person have Supreme Divine Item unexpectedly? That is Supreme Divine Item, this ignited people's greedy desire instantaneously. 此人身上竟有至尊神器?那可是至尊神器啊,这瞬间引燃了众人内心的贪婪之欲。 Jian Chen vision glance, in several being empty void, he felt several vague aura to fluctuate uncontrolled. 剑尘目光扫视,在几处空无一物的虚空中,他感受到了几道隐晦的气息不受控制的波动了一下。 The when appearances of these aura, making remembering that Jian Chen could not help initially in the Mo Tian sword after conducting the fusion, some people were ready to make trouble that in secret wanted to conduct to rob, had the shock and awe of Congealed Void Swordmaster, this piece void must have the bloody incidents. 这些气息的出现,让剑尘情不自禁的想起当初在魔天剑经进行融合时,暗中就有人蠢蠢欲动想要进行抢夺的那一幕,要不是有凝虚剑主的震慑,这片虚空恐怕少不了流血事件。 However when Jian Chen just thought of here, the form then appears in together towering at present, that is one seems like very ordinary old man, this moment body fills Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer aura, in the eye has the burning hot, in the palms brings the strength of prohibiting the world grasps directly toward Jian Chen. 然而剑尘刚想到这里时,一道身影便突兀出现在眼前,那是一名看上去非常普通的老者,此刻身上弥漫出一股仙尊境二重天气息,眼中带着炙热,手掌间带着封禁天地的力量直接朝着剑尘抓去。 This person has not entered Mo Tian, all did not understand in the score that in Mo Tian overcomes regarding Jian Chen, but after hearing on Jian Chen has Supreme Divine Item, then cannot bear the innermost feelings the desire and impulsion, impatient beginning. 此人并没有进入过魔天界,对于剑尘魔天界内打下的战绩也不全了解,只是听闻剑尘身上有至尊神器之后,便忍不住内心的欲望与冲动,迫不及待的动手。 Surroundings, all Immortal Venerable that comes out from Mo Tian looks at this indifferently, in many eyes even leads to ridicule and satirize, as if in overreaching oneself of person of silent ridicule beginning. 周围,所有从魔天界出来的仙尊都冷眼看着这一幕,不少人眼中甚至带着一丝嘲笑与讽刺,似乎在无声的讥讽动手之人的不自量力。 When facing the attack of this person, Jian Chen is just about takes an action, actually the person acts him is quicker, only lacks the real person to keep off in front every day/sees the sky instantaneously, directs, the swift and fierce sword qi volume seat is void, collides with the person of attack together. 面对此人的袭击,剑尘正要有所行动时,却有一人动作比他更快,只见天缺真人瞬间挡在前面,一指点出,凌厉的剑气卷席虚空,与来袭之人碰撞在一起。 Bang! 轰! A dull thumping sound, the powerful energy storm wreaks havoc in void, making the surrounding immortal withdraw, the trim is twisting void crazily. 一声闷响,强大的能量风暴在虚空中肆虐,令得周围的仙人纷纷退避,整片虚空都在疯狂扭曲。 The begun that old man looks is keeping off lacks the real person in the own front day, complexion cannot help but sinks, then subconscious looks to all around, when they discovered when sign that this piece of void all Immortal Venerable have not all begun, in heart cannot help but one startled, as if realized anything, in eye fiery gradually abates, then cold snort, hidden enters again void vanishes does not see. 动手的那名老者望着挡在自己前方的天缺真人,脸色不由得一沉,然后下意识的看向四周,当他们发现这片虚空的所有仙尊全都没有动手的迹象时,心中不由得一惊,似乎意识到了什么,眼中的火热逐渐消退,而后冷哼一声,重新隐入虚空中消失不见。 Yang Yutian, did you really kill Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder?” The Congealed Void Swordmaster form appears in front of Jian Chen, complexion is dignified, the sound is low and deep. 羊羽天,你真杀了仙羽门太上长老?”凝虚剑主的身影出现在剑尘面前,脸色凝重,声音低沉。 He has not inquired Jian Chen Supreme Divine Item, but is an opens the mouth directly soars Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, as if in his eyes, cuts to kill the Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder incident more important than that so-called Supreme Divine Item. 他没有询问剑尘身上的至尊神器,而是一开口就直奔仙羽门太上长老,似乎在他眼中,斩杀仙羽门太上长老一事比那所谓的至尊神器都还要重要。 Good, enters Mo Tian that three Supreme Elder from Immortal Feather Sect, dies completely in my hands.” Jian Chen did not deny, is working as everyone's surface natural acknowledgment. “不错,进入魔天界的那三名来自仙羽门太上长老,全部死于我手中。”剑尘也不否认,当着所有人的面大方承认。 „Is Caijian, regarding this person, actually you what attitude?” The Congealed Void Swordmaster vision looks to Xing Caijian, expression serious. 彩间,对于此人,你究竟是什么态度?”凝虚剑主目光看向星彩间,神色严肃 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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