CSG :: Volume #40

#3947: Mo Tian closure

Breakthrough! Worthily is the Sword Dao seed that Mo Tian Sword Venerable left behind in the past, makes one break through unexpectedly quickly......” “突破了!不愧是魔天剑尊当年留下的剑道种子,竟然这么快就让人突破......” Breakthrough of Yang Yutian, although there is a reason of Sword Dao seed, but his perception also unignorable......” 羊羽天的突破,虽然有剑道种子的原因,但其本身的悟性也不可忽视......” Good that said that if the perception is insufficient, even if there is a Sword Dao seed to assist does not have the little advance, but looks like Yang Yutian so to be able in such a short time to be able separation of husband and wife, is indeed rare......” “说的不错,若是悟性不足,即便有剑道种子相助也是毫无寸进,但像羊羽天这般能在这么短时间内就能破镜者,的确非常罕见......” Thinks, even if captured the Sword Dao seed, to succeed the breakthrough is still several hundred years of even over several thousand years, after all after cultivation level reaches to Immortal Emperor Realm, each breakthrough time needed is extremely long, the result has not thought that Yang Yutian achieved unexpectedly in just one month......” “原本以为即便是夺得了剑道种子,要想成功突破也是数百年甚至数千年以上,毕竟修为臻至仙帝境后,每一次突破所需时间都极其漫长,结果没想到羊羽天竟然在短短一个月内就做到了......” ...... ...... Jian Chen's breaks through naturally unable to hide the truth from everyone in field, at this moment, stays in some Immortal Venerable of nearby region exudes the feeling sound, looked that is very complex to the Jian Chen's vision. 剑尘的突破自然瞒不住场中的所有人,此刻,停留在附近区域的一些仙尊纷纷发出感慨声,看向剑尘的目光十分复杂。 At first, their many people come for the Sword Dao seed, finally now, they will not care the Sword Dao seed, in the brain thought existed in Yang Yutian Supreme Divine Item. 起初,他们很多人都是为了剑道种子而来,结果现在,他们谁也不会去关心剑道种子了,满脑子里想的都是存在于羊羽天身上的至尊神器 Has Heavenly Star Divine Sword to protect in the one side, under this makes these Immortal Venerable have to repress the impulsion of own innermost feelings, does not dare to make something out of the ordinary. 只是有天星神剑在一旁守护,这才使得这些仙尊不得不按捺下自己内心的冲动,不敢做出一些出格的事。 Otherwise, even if reaches facing cultivation level to Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer powerhouse, these only have the Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage person also to dare to intend to rob. 否则,哪怕是面对一名修为臻至仙尊境四重天强者,这些仅有仙尊境初期的人也敢出手进行抢夺。 Opposite, Xing Caijian is also the flashing eyes, flickers looks at the whole body to fill the intense sword glow person's shadow, the corners of the mouth is revealing wipes the light smile. 对面,星彩间也是目光炯炯,一瞬不瞬的望着周身弥漫着强烈剑芒的人影,嘴角露出一抹淡淡的笑容。 In her heart, naturally hopes that the Purple Azure Dual Swords successor is more powerful is better. 在她心中,自然希望紫青双剑的传人越强大越好。 What she helps is not Jian Chen, but is Purple Azure Dual Swords successor single layer status. 她帮的并不是剑尘,而是紫青双剑的传人这一重身份。 In Jian Chen senses in the Sword Dao Principle day, nearby Immortal Venerable traded group by group, many people knew the Jian Chen's accurate place, if not for existence of Heavenly Star Divine Sword has exposed, Jian Chen is impossible such calmly and steadily breaks through. 剑尘感悟剑道法则的日子里,附近的仙尊是换了一批又一批,许多人都知道了剑尘的确切之地,若不是天星神剑的存在已经暴露,剑尘绝不可能这么安稳的进行突破。 Even if the Xing Caijian that Emperor's 1-layer daughter's status cannot protect him. 哪怕是星彩间一重天帝之女的身份也护不住他。 The Nine Heavenly Gods Valley heretical ways, and day of Yang Divine Sword sect lack the real person, what as before is as is always Jian Chen Custodian, even if their existences improve on perfection, may also represent their standpoint. 九天神谷的左道,以及阳神剑宗的天缺真人,依旧是一如既往的为剑尘护法,哪怕他们的存在只是锦上添花,可也代表了他们的立场。 The Vice Cult Lord blue colorful butterfly that the ghost immortal teaches has not appeared in this, after she displayed the strength of ghost immortal remains, oneself will also pay very big price, now does not know where hides restores silently. 鬼仙教的副教主蓝彩蝶没有在此出现,她施展了鬼仙遗骸之力后,自身也会付出很大的代价,如今不知躲在什么地方默默恢复。 But about some Jian Chen's facts, due to the promotion of some people, has spread in Mo Tian thoroughly. 而关于剑尘的一些事迹,在有些人的推动下,已经在魔天界内彻底传开了。 Cuts to kill Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder! 斩杀仙羽门太上长老 The real status is Changyang that Immortal Feather Sect Daoless Immortal Venerable issues a warrant for arrest, one of the once Celebration Heaven City Thousand Immortals General Position! 真实身份为仙羽门无道仙尊通缉的长阳,曾经的庆天城千仙将位之一! Has powerful Divine Formation, cuts to kill Absolute Heaven Palace Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer Old Ancestor —— Profound Spirit Monarch! 身怀强大神阵,斩杀凌绝天宫一位仙尊境四重天老祖——玄灵上人 Has Supreme Divine Item, can quickly restore the injury, has almost the body of not dying, and leads the several tens of thousands famous immortal to sneak across Mo Tian. 身怀至尊神器,能迅速恢复伤势,几乎具备不死之身,并带着数万名仙人偷渡进魔天界。 Above all sorts of information, in Mo Tian originally only then Immortal Venerable Realm powerhouse knows, as now the information transmit, almost made it is well known, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Monarch or Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, all knew. 以上种种信息,在魔天界内原本只有仙尊境强者知晓,如今随着消息传递出去,几乎闹得人尽皆知了,无论是仙帝,仙君还是九天玄仙,全都知晓了。 Spreading of this news, immediately created the stir of entire Mo Tian, but is sensing of Immortal Sealing City City Lord Immortal Venerable Tan Yu nine secret swords, on the face the expression changes again and again, suddenly, even sensed nine big secret sword thoughts not to have. 这一消息的传出,顿时引起了整个魔天界的震动,而正在感悟九大秘剑之一的封仙城城主谭宇仙尊,脸上表情更是连连变化,一时间,连感悟九大秘剑的心思都没有了。 Supreme Divine Item, on him really has Supreme Divine Item!” Another region of Mo Tian foot, Scarlet Immortal City City Lord Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerable just and his eldest son in front of Sword Dao stone tablet, when they hear this news, is the mind vibrates, in the heart raised the startled big wave monstrous waves. 至尊神器,他身上竟然有至尊神器!”魔天界山脚的另一片区域,亦仙城城主赤火仙尊正和其长子在一面剑道石碑面前,当他们听闻这一消息时,也是心神震动,心中掀起了惊涛巨浪。 Profound Spirit Monarch, but Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer powerhouse, has not thought that even his falls/dies in the Yang Yutian hand, the father, we because of should rejoice, has not continued to mix.” Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerable saying of eldest son Chi Yutian lingering fear, some spine round of cool. 玄灵上人可是仙尊境四重天强者,没想到连他都陨落羊羽天手中了,爹,我们因该庆幸,没有继续掺和进去。”赤火仙尊的长子赤玉田一阵后怕的说道,背脊骨都有些发凉。 Scarlet Fire Immortal Venerable silent, then implored the tone long, said: You look is very clear, regardless of Yang Yutian is what status, regardless on him has what treasure, in brief, this person absolutely is not our Scarlet Immortal City move being able to stir up......” 赤火仙尊沉默一阵,然后长吁了口气,道:“你看的很明白,无论羊羽天是什么身份,无论他身上有什么宝物,总之,这个人绝对不是我们亦仙城招惹得起的......” ...... ...... These people, are really hateful.” Xing Caijian also knows spread over Mo Tian about the Jian Chen's matter, regarding this she also has no alternative, without the ability blocks off the flow of news, after all that is dozens Immortal Venerable Realm powerhouse, always being insufficient made Heavenly Star Divine Sword kill everyone. “这些人,真是可恨。”星彩间也知道了关于剑尘的事传遍了魔天界,对此她也是无可奈何,没有能力去封锁消息,毕竟那可是数十名仙尊境强者,总不至于让天星神剑将所有人都杀了吧。 Even if she really has this thought that Heavenly Star Divine Sword will not do that. 即便她真有这个念头,天星神剑也不会这么做。 And other tour of Mo Tian ended, the Yang Yutian little friend in World of Immortals will certainly the reputation big chirp.” The day lacks real person saying with a laugh, is not Jian Chen was worried actually how Supreme Divine Item did divulge? How killed Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder? So long as Great Bright Heavenly Palace Crown Princess acts to shelter, takes a broad view at entire World of Immortals, who dares to injure him? “等魔天界之行结束,羊羽天小友在仙界必将名声大噪。”天缺真人笑呵呵的说道,倒是一点都不为剑尘担心,至尊神器泄露了又如何?杀了仙羽门太上长老又如何?只要大明天宫长公主出面庇护,放眼整个仙界,又有谁敢伤他? Now, looks that Great Bright Heavenly Palace Crown Princess treated Yang Yutian is any attitude.” The day lacks in the real person heart secretly thought, the only token cannot see too many things at the same time, he hopes that now relations between Jian Chen and Crown Princess about, hope between him and Crown Princess not the too big friendship. “现在,就看大明天宫长公主对待羊羽天是一副什么态度了。”天缺真人心中暗道,单凭一面令牌并不能看到太多东西,他现在既希望剑尘长公主之间的关系近一点,同时也希望他与长公主之间并没有太大的交情。 The present day lacks the real person, is in a very contradictory psychology like this, follows, some disturbed. 现在的天缺真人,就是这样处于一种非常矛盾的心理,伴随在其中的,还有一些忐忑。 In an instant, absorbed the Sword Dao seed from Jian Chen already over the past three months, on this day, the Mo Tian strenuous vibration, flooded in the Mo Tian thick spirit fog city suddenly is surging crazily, at once sees Mo Tian the sky, had the golden rays of light sparkle of burning the eyes, the flash then covered each region in Mo Tian, filled in command Mo Tian all powerhouse fearful and apprehensive vast pressure. 转眼间,距离剑尘吸纳剑道种子已经过去三个月了,这一日,魔天界突然剧烈震动了起来,充斥于魔天界的浓浓灵雾都在疯狂涌动,旋即就见魔天界的上空,有炽目的金色光芒闪耀而起,一瞬间便覆盖了魔天界内的每一处区域,弥漫出一股令魔天界内所有强者都心惊肉跳的浩瀚威压。 This is one of the Mo Tian top great formation, at this moment, great formation starts suddenly! 这是魔天界的顶级大阵之一,此刻,大阵突然启动! Mo Tian will soon close, stays by the great formation strength is transmitted forcefully in this everyone.” Xing Caijian raise one's head stares at huge formation in upper air, this is to stem from hand of the Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer powerhouse similarly, its main effect, is the transmission! 魔天界即将关闭了,停留在这里面的所有人都会被大阵的力量强行传送出去。”星彩间抬头凝望高空中的庞大阵法,此阵同样是出自一位仙尊境九重天强者之手,其主要功效,是传送! In front of this great formation, few can hide, can guarantee that will not have any person of omission. 在这种大阵面前,几乎没人能隐藏,可以确保不会有任何遗漏之人。 Xing Caijian has to awaken to immerse Jian Chen forcefully in sensibility, said: „After one will go out, your anything words do not say, standing is good because of my behind, I can the earliest possible time inform my father.” 星彩间不得不强行叫醒沉浸在感悟中的剑尘,道:“一会出去之后,你什么话都不要说,站在我身后就好,我会第一时间通知我父亲。” Jian Chen caught the eye to look at an upper air to gather the strength unceasingly huge formation, after being shortly silent, opened the mouth saying: You do not need to manage me, since I dare to do these matters in Mo Tian, that naturally had confidence that escapes.” 剑尘抬眼看了眼高空正不断聚集力量的庞大阵法,短暂沉默后,开口道:“你不用管我,我既然敢在魔天界内做这些事,那自然就有把握逃脱出去。” Your that will only take risk, only has and other my father to kiss, just now can guarantee absolutely safe.” The Xing Caijian vision is staring Jian Chen. “你那只会冒险,唯有等我爹亲至,方才能确保万无一失。”星彩间目光瞪着剑尘 I killed Immortal Feather Sect several Supreme Elder, if Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor presents that is not instead good, will lead to a more serious consequence.” Jian Chen face earnest saying, in Mo Tian, Xing Caijian helps him very greatly, since he has confidence to be out of the difficult position, that naturally does not want involving Heavenly Star Palace. “我杀了仙羽门数名太上长老,若是乱星天帝出现那反而不好,会引起更严重的后果。”剑尘一脸认真的说道,在魔天界,星彩间对他帮助非常巨大,既然他有把握脱离困境,那自然不希望将天星宫给牵扯进去。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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