CSG :: Volume #40

#3957: Feather feather fan

I do not hope that relational deterioration between Heavenly Star Palace and Immortal Feather Sect, Senior, you did not want to make things difficult for our Heavenly Star Palace guest.” Xing Caijian said, the present situation cannot allow her to have flinches slightly. “我也不希望天星宫仙羽门之间的关系恶化,前辈,你们就不要为难我们天星宫的客人了。”星彩间说道,眼下的情况根本容不得她有丝毫退缩。 Your Heavenly Star Palace that so-called guest, compared with our Immortal Feather Sect four big Supreme Elder thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable complexion warm anger, make a move at once without hesitation, finds out the palm to separate to empty directly to grasp toward Jian Chen. “你们天星宫那所谓的客人,比的了我们仙羽门四大太上长老吗”千戈仙尊面色温怒,旋即毫不犹豫出手,直接探出手掌隔空朝着剑尘抓去。 As Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer acts, the terrifying pressure will fill the trim to be void shortly, makes to stay in nearby some Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage backs up. 随着仙尊境七重天一出手,恐怖的威压顷刻间弥漫整片虚空,令得停留在附近的一些仙尊境初期纷纷倒退。 Saw only void had a giant crack, from thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable spread to Jian Chen in front , the dreadful energy that filled destructive aura surged in void, even if were better than cultivation level to reach to Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage the lords of these medicine gardens, at this moment also revealed the dignified color. 只见虚空中出现了一道巨大的裂缝,一路从千戈仙尊蔓延到剑尘面前,一股股充满毁灭性气息的滔天能量在虚空中激荡,纵使强如修为臻至仙尊境中期的那些药园之主,此刻也纷纷露出凝重之色。 Only has, when thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable make a move, they understand the great strength of thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable profoundly, as unsurpassed Old Ancestor of Heavenly Court level influence, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable strengths are not some common 7-layer can compare. 唯有当千戈仙尊出手时,他们才深刻的明白千戈仙尊的强大,身为天庭级势力的无上老祖,千戈仙尊的实力之强远不是一些寻常七重天所能比拟的。 Jian Chen also felt that a giant crisis approaches, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable this palm imprisoned this side to be void, an invisible pressure made him be hard to move. 剑尘也感觉一股巨大的危机逼近,千戈仙尊这一掌似禁锢了这方虚空,一股无形的压力令他难以动弹。 At this moment, he even had an misconception, even if own uses All Heavens Divine Formation, cannot stand off thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable this one's effort by the All Heavens Divine Formation might. 这一刻,他甚至生出了一种错觉,哪怕是自己动用诸天神阵,以诸天神阵的威力也敌不过千戈仙尊这一己之力。 Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable strengths, that 7-layer even more powerful in Skyscraping World were too more than him. 千戈仙尊的实力,比他在摩天界内遇到的那位七重天还要强大太多了。 Naturally, Jian Chen does not know that is because clear muddy Old Ancestor compatible flesh body has not been the result, causing his to reach to the 7-layer peak strength is unable to display completely. 当然,剑尘并不知晓那是因为清浊老祖没有与之相匹配的肉身所致,导致他那臻至七重天巅峰的实力无法全部发挥。 At this time, a clear sword cry sound punctured void, saw only Heavenly Star Divine Sword rays of light burning the eyes, a sword cut broken void, crushed the rule and Grand Dao, formed a rays of light splendor radiant sword curtain to surround around Jian Chen. 这时,一阵清脆的剑鸣声刺破虚空,只见天星神剑光芒炽目,一剑斩破虚空,粉碎规则与大道,形成了一道光辉璀璨的剑幕环绕在剑尘周围。 In the sword curtain, there is a terrifying peerless strength in vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, caused this side void order and Grand Dao had the confusion. 剑幕内,有恐怖绝伦的力量在纵横,使得这方虚空的秩序与大道都产生了混乱。 The palms of thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable by the sword curtain preventing, cannot penetrate. 千戈仙尊的手掌被剑幕给阻挡了下来,未能穿透进去。 Since your Heavenly Star Palace insists on so, that do not blame our Immortal Feather Sect.” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable complexion sank, a vast and boundless imposing manner fills the air from him on, making the galaxy rewind, the color of Sun-Moon. “既然你们天星宫执意如此,那就别怪我们仙羽门了。”千戈仙尊脸色沉了下来,一股浩瀚而磅礴的气势自他身上弥漫而出,令星河倒卷,日月之色。 Immediately thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable hand seal art pinch, condenses an ancient seal symbol by within the body the strength of vast cultivation level, inside contains the energy of destruction. 随即千戈仙尊手中印决掐动,以体内的浩瀚修为之力凝聚成一个古老的印符,里面蕴含着毁灭之能。 However he has not actually hit the seal symbol in hand to Jian Chen, but lifts the hand to top of the head void distant one finger/refers, printing the symbol brought the strength of passing over gently and swiftly top of the head destruction to be void, at once sees in thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable top of the heads, a five colors variegated vortex condensed rapidly, inside space in the drastic fluctuation, under an influence of invisible strength, space was being as if compressed by the limit. 不过他却并没有将手中的印符打向剑尘,而是抬起手对着头顶虚空遥遥一指,印符带着毁灭之力掠过头顶虚空,旋即就见在千戈仙尊头顶,一个五彩斑斓的旋涡飞速凝聚,里面的空间在剧烈波动,似乎在一股无形力量的影响下,空间正被极限压缩。 Quick, in the center of that five colors vortex, a unique void appearance, inside does not have sun, moon and stars, only the mighty palace group, sends out the radiant multi-colored sunlight. 很快,在那五彩旋涡的中心处,一片独特的虚空出现,里面没有日月星辰,唯有一片气势恢宏的宫殿群,散发出璀璨霞光。 There is Immortal Feather Sect, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable punctured void by secret skill, constructed space channel, can disregard between both that infinite remote distance, another side the direct link!” “那里是仙羽门,千戈仙尊秘法打穿了虚空,构筑了一条空间通道,能够无视两者间那无限遥远的距离,直达另一边!” Immortal Feather Sect is remote to this place, overtakes to span more than ten Heaven from here, even and other speed must consume long time by me, has not thought that thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable broke distance limit between both unexpectedly......” 仙羽门离此地非常遥远,从这里赶过去要跨越十几个天界,即便是以我等的速度都要耗费很长时间,没想到千戈仙尊竟然打破了两者间的距离限制......” Spans the so remote distance suddenly, Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer powerhouse cannot achieve, this is almost Supreme can......” “瞬息间跨越如此遥远的距离,仙尊境九重天强者都做不到吧,这几乎是太尊之能......” Looks that in groups palace that in the energy vortex is presenting, in the field many Immortal Venerable reveal look of shock. 望着能量旋涡中出现的那成群宫殿,场中许多仙尊纷纷露出震撼之色 At this time, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable raise one's head, the vision is looking at that crowd of palace most deep places, said: Big brother, uses taking advantage of the feather feather fan!” 此时,千戈仙尊抬头,目光望着那群宫殿最深处,道:“大哥,借羽翎扇一用!” In the starry sky, all Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor are in the heart one tight, at this moment, they felt similar the pair of invisible vision to span the time river, stared from extremely remote beside starry sky. 星空中,所有仙尊境老祖都是心中一紧,这一刻,他们感觉仿佛有一双无形的目光跨越了时光长河,从极其遥远之外的星空中凝望了过来。 Is one bunch of invisible vision, then in many Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor to the field brought the huge oppression strength. 仅仅是一束无形的目光,便给场中诸多仙尊境老祖带来了巨大的压迫力。 This is... flying immortal Heavenly Emperor......” “这是...飞仙天帝......” Inevitably is flying immortal Heavenly Emperor, except for flying immortal Heavenly Emperor, who can make us withstand the so terrifying pressure......” “必然是飞仙天帝,除了飞仙天帝,谁能让我们承受如此恐怖的威压......” In starry sky, in many Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor hearts with amazement. 星空中,许多仙尊境老祖心中骇然。 Meanwhile, in that piece of palace people, a pressure that came from in Supreme Divine Item fills the air suddenly, at once sees a giant incomparable feather fan quietly to appear, it was really big, camouflaged Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), replaced the starry sky, even if were Immortal Feather Sect respective that palace group, was tiny just like the float in front of this feather fan. 与此同时,在那一片宫殿群众,一股源自于至尊神器的威压骤然弥漫,旋即就见一柄巨大无比的羽扇悄然出现,它实在是太大了,遮蔽苍穹,取代星空,哪怕是仙羽门所属的那一片宫殿群,在这柄羽扇面前都宛如浮游般渺小。 At this moment, in Immortal Feather Sect respective that palace group, countless immortals go out in abundance, all has the still shaken color to stare at the upper air...... 这一刻,仙羽门所属的那片宫殿群中,无数仙人纷纷走出,皆是带着惊魂未定之色凝望高空...... The next quarter, the giant feather fan vanishes suddenly, then sees to wipe rays of light to fly to shoot from the construction of Immortal Feather Sect, passed through space channel that connects two places, the flash then arrived in front of thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable, was grasped by him in the hand. 下一刻,巨大的羽扇突然消失,而后就见一抹光芒仙羽门的建筑中飞射而出,穿过了连接两地的空间通道,一瞬间便来到了千戈仙尊面前,而后被他握在了手中。 This impressively is the Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Divine Item —— feather feather fan! 这赫然是仙羽门至尊神器——羽翎扇! However this time feather feather fan, had reduced innumerable times, turned with the normal fan same size. 不过此时的羽翎扇,已经缩小了无数倍,变成了和正常扇子一样大小。 Falling that everyone's vision can not help on feather feather fan, sees only the feather feather fan by the burning the eyes light full package, fills a terrifying pressure that belongs to Supreme Divine Item, no one is able to see clearly its true colors. 所有人的目光情不自禁的落在羽翎扇上,只见羽翎扇被炽目的光满包裹,弥漫出一股属于至尊神器的恐怖威压,谁也无法看清其真面目。 Xing Caijian complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 星彩间脸色变得难看起来。 Small girl, asked finally your, the person, you are hand over or do not hand over grasp the feather feather fan, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable energy increase all of a sudden. “小丫头,最后问你一句,人,你是交还是不交”手持羽翎扇,千戈仙尊一下子底气大增。 Two Supreme Divine Item playing chess, the war is ready to be set off! 两件至尊神器对弈,大战一触即发! Two, are patient!” Congealed Void Swordmaster walked finally, his cross piece in Xing Caijian with thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable in front , the good words persuaded: Supreme Divine Item clashes, the consequence is too serious, will hide in this piece of void Skyscraping World is affected, ten thousand cannot impulse.” “两位,少安勿躁!”凝虚剑主终于走了出来,他横档在星彩间与千戈仙尊面前,好言相劝:“至尊神器对撞,后果太严重,甚至就连藏于这片虚空的摩天界都会受到影响,万不可冲动。” Congealed Void Swordmaster, here not your matter, to reduce and solve conflict between our Immortal Feather Sect and Heavenly Star Palace, only the means that that is to make me carry off on Yang Yutian that Supreme Divine Item, if he agreed, our Immortal Feather Sect does not investigate that four Supreme Elder body falling incident.” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable tepid saying. 凝虚剑主,这里没你的事,要想化解我们仙羽门天星宫之间的冲突,唯有一个办法,那就是让我带走羊羽天身上的那件至尊神器,他若同意,我们仙羽门绝不追究那四位太上长老身陨一事。”千戈仙尊不温不火的说道。 Listened to this saying, in the Daoless Immortal Venerable heart to sigh again and again, this was too direct, cannot do to conceal slightly, after all in this starry skies also had Old Ancestor from major influences. 听了这话,无道仙尊心中连连叹息,这太直接了,就不能稍作掩饰吗,毕竟这片星空中还有来自各大势力的老祖呢。 Caijian, matter developed this situation, this person, your Heavenly Star Palace must protect Congealed Void Swordmaster helpless turning the head to look to Xing Caijian, Immortal Feather Sect so on a grand scale, even the treasure of feather feather fan clan's protecting used, this already not solely for four big Supreme Elder revenging incident. 彩间,事情都发展到这种地步了,此人,你们天星宫还要力保吗”凝虚剑主无奈的转过头看向星彩间,仙羽门这般大张旗鼓,连镇族之宝羽翎扇都动用了,这已经不单单是为四大太上长老报仇一事了。 They, have stared at that to restore the injury Supreme Divine Item! 他们,已经盯上了那件能恢复伤势的至尊神器 Does not give up!” The Xing Caijian vision is firm, the will is unwavering. “决不放弃!”星彩间目光坚定,意志毫不动摇。 Has not given up such being the case, why that makes me take a look at your ability to protect this person.” Thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable vision one cold, the next quarter, Supreme Divine Item feather feather fan rays of light rises in his hand, thousand dagger-axe Immortal Venerable grasp the feather fan to incite toward Heavenly Star Divine Sword. “还不放弃既然如此,那就让我瞧瞧你凭什么能力护住此人。”千戈仙尊目光一寒,下一刻,他手中的至尊神器羽翎扇光芒大盛,千戈仙尊手持羽扇朝着天星神剑一煽。
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