CSG :: Volume #40

#3944: The war of Sea of Consciousness

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Finishing speaking of Highest Beginning Item Spirit, saw in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness to run out of two intense light beams suddenly. 太初器灵的话音刚落,就见剑尘的意识海中骤然冲出了两道强烈的光柱。 This is the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits strength! 这是紫青剑灵的力量! After swallowing nurturing sword spirit fruit, Purple-Azure Sword Spirits had restored many strengths, this moment that powerful one purple, one azure two rays of light, are changing to two illusory Divine Sword, has the unprecedented potential thorn to by the dark region that the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength covers. 在吞服了育剑灵果之后,紫青剑灵已经恢复了不少实力,此刻那强盛的一紫一青道光芒,正化作两柄虚幻的神剑,带着一往无前之势刺向了被清浊老祖力量所覆盖的黑暗区域。 Immediately, by the Sea of Consciousness region that clear muddy Old Ancestor invades, has the darkness to be scattered. 顿时,被清浊老祖所侵占的意识海区域,有大片大片的黑暗被驱散。 Purple Azure Dual Swords adds on Highest Beginning Temple, these two big Supreme Divine Item , the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength was compelled to retreat in defeat again and again jointly immediately at first, enabling him to occupy the Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness space 9-layer nine regions, quick is compressed to the region that only remains 1/3 not to arrive. 紫青双剑加上太初神殿,这两大至尊神器联手之下,清浊老祖的力量顿时被逼得节节败退,使得他最初占据了剑尘意识海空间九层九的区域,很快就被压缩到仅剩三分之一不到的区域。 Once his strength drove out completely, not only means that seizes the shed to be defeated, and he also by seriously backlash. 一旦他的力量被完全驱除出去,那不仅意味着夺舍失败,并且他自身还会遭受严重的反噬 However at this moment, clear muddy Old Ancestor seemed silly generally, facing the dual suppression of Purple Azure Dual Swords and Highest Beginning Temple, forgot the resistance suddenly unexpectedly. 然而此刻,清浊老祖就仿佛是傻了一般,面对紫青双剑太初神殿的双重镇压,一时间竟然忘了反抗。 Clear muddy Old Ancestor truly thorough blew, whole person is in a dumbstruck condition, because he has recognized the Purple Azure Dual Swords origin, extreme shocking and stunned, making him forget the resistance suddenly. 清浊老祖确实被彻彻底底的镇住了,整个人都处于一种发懵的状态中,因为他已经认出了紫青双剑的来历,极度的震惊与错愕,令他一时间都忘了反抗。 cultivation level reaches to clear muddy Old Ancestor this boundary, his too clear Purple Azure Dual Swords means anything, can not say exaggeratingly, existence of Purple Azure Dual Swords, to the shock that clear muddy Old Ancestor brings compared with him discovered on Jian Chen has Source of Life and Highest Beginning Temple these two Supreme Divine Item even more stronger fierce innumerable times. 修为臻至清浊老祖这种境界,他太清楚紫青双剑意味着什么了,可以毫不夸张的说,紫青双剑的存在,给清浊老祖带来的震惊比他发现剑尘身上有生命之源太初神殿这两件至尊神器还要强烈无数倍。 Purple Azure Dual Swords, Purple Azure Dual Swords, unexpectedly is Purple Azure Dual Swords in legend, has not thought that vanished for 3 million years, the thing of this legend presents...... the clear muddy Old Ancestor tone to shiver unexpectedly here, in the heart raised the dreadful monstrous waves, follows in also has strong unbelievable. 紫青双剑,紫青双剑,竟然是传说中的紫青双剑,没想到消失了三百万年,这件传说之物竟然出现在这里......”清浊老祖语气颤抖,心中掀起了滔天巨浪,伴随在其中的还有一股浓烈的难以置信。 That at present has, lets his the powerhouse dreamlike feelings of unexpectedly reaching to the 7-layer peak, cannot believe that this is real one. 眼前发生的一幕,竟让他这位臻至七重天巅峰的强者都有一种如梦似幻的感觉,不敢相信这是真实的一幕。 Small Immortal Emperor, the ants role, the body actually has three Supreme Divine Item, one of them is Purple Azure Dual Swords that shakes World of Immortals, who if this will pass on went out to believe 一名小小的仙帝,蝼蚁般的角色,身上竟然藏有三件至尊神器,其中之一更是名震仙界紫青双剑,这要是传了出去谁会相信 In clear muddy Old Ancestor this short god time, he seized the region that the shed invaded already by Purple Azure Dual Swords and Highest Beginning Temple oppresses only to remain 1/5, saw that he must be pushed aside thoroughly, when suffers seized backlash of shed failure, Purple Azure Dual Swords and Highest Beginning Temple invading step actually stops suddenly, is unable to go forward one step. 在清浊老祖这短暂的愣神时间,他夺舍侵占的区域已经被紫青双剑太初神殿压迫到仅剩五分之一了,眼看他就要彻底被排挤出去,遭受夺舍失败的反噬时,紫青双剑太初神殿的侵占步伐却是戛然而止,怎么也无法前进一步。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, never expected that I clear muddy will meet such big today unexpectedly the good fortune, this is the ancestor blesses......” suddenly, clear muddy Old Ancestor exudes the exciting long howl, at once sees by Purple Azure Dual Swords and Highest Beginning Temple compresses to 1/5 dark regions , the illusory person's shadow condenses together, in both eyes reveals the burning hot and crazy. 哈哈哈哈哈,没想到今日我清浊竟然会遇见如此之大的造化,这是先祖庇佑啊......”戛然间,清浊老祖发出兴奋的长啸声,旋即就见被紫青双剑太初神殿压缩至五分之一的黑暗区域中,一道虚幻的人影凝聚而成,双目中露出炙热与疯狂。 Enough three Supreme Divine Item, Purple Azure Dual Swords in one of them legend, this made clear muddy Old Ancestor fall into thoroughly crazily. 足足三件至尊神器,其中之一还是传说中的紫青双剑,这让清浊老祖彻底陷入了疯狂。 Suddenly, in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space, clear muddy Old Ancestor pinches by illusory form hand seal art that the strength of Primordial Spirit condensed, then flood darkness fog surged crazily, in an instant condensed a giant finger, having an inexplicable strength in consciousness space shakes, held back directly toward Highest Beginning Item Spirit. 骤然间,在剑尘的意识海空间中,清浊老祖元神之力凝聚的虚幻身影手中印决掐动,而后滔天黑雾疯狂涌动,刹那间凝聚成一根巨大的手指,带着一股莫名的力量在意识空间中震荡,直接朝着太初器灵按压下去。 Bang!” “砰!” Jian Chen's consciousness in space to spread the sound of thundering, as if entire Primordial Spirit world is swaying fiercely, the Highest Beginning Item Spirit strength was hit by clear muddy Old Ancestor this finger/refers rewinds to return. 剑尘的意识空间中传出轰鸣之声,仿佛整个元神世界都在剧烈摇晃,太初器灵的力量被清浊老祖这一指打得倒卷而回。 Afterward, clear muddy Old Ancestor acts again, displays same secret skill, changes to a finger and Purple Azure Dual Swords by the strength of Primordial Spirit touches, under two strength collisions, Purple Azure Dual Swords was also driven back. 随后,清浊老祖再次出手,施展同样的秘法,以元神之力化作一根手指与紫青双剑触碰,两股力量碰撞之下,紫青双剑也被逼退。 Clear muddy Old Ancestor follows up a victory with hot pursuit immediately, all of a sudden before , the region that loses recaptured part, then he acts again and again, changes to the illusory person's shadow in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space with two big Supreme Divine Item battles, suddenly, unexpectedly compels to retreat in defeat again and again Highest Beginning Temple and Purple Azure Dual Swords by strength of the striking. 清浊老祖立即乘胜追击,一下子就将之前丢失的区域夺回了一部分,接下来他连连出手,化作虚幻的人影在剑尘的意识海空间中与两大至尊神器交战,一时间,竟然以一击之力将太初神殿紫青双剑逼得节节败退。 Two big Supreme Divine Item collaborate, at this moment cannot stand off clear muddy Old Ancestor unexpectedly! 两大至尊神器联手,此刻竟然敌不过清浊老祖 Quick, clear muddy Old Ancestor recaptured the half of the country, invaded Jian Chen half of Sea of Consciousness space. 很快,清浊老祖就重新夺回了半壁江山,侵占了剑尘一半的识海空间 „The Primordial Spirit attainments of this person are extremely profound, excels at the law of this kind of combat, constrains him full power, Source of Life quickly restores.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit cold snort said, feels very vexed, initially he ran away from a Saint Realm Supreme hand several times, now actually by Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer forcing this situation, this is hard to accept simply. “此人的元神造诣极其高深,非常擅长此类作战之法,全力拖住他,生命之源很快就恢复。”太初器灵冷哼道,感到非常窝囊,当初他可是数次从一位圣界至尊手中逃走,如今却被一名仙尊境七重天给逼迫到这种地步,这简直难以接受。 In Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space, the Highest Beginning Temple main body advantage cannot display completely, and is in the weak time, therefore facing the aspect, Highest Beginning Item Spirit did not have a better way. 只是在剑尘的识海空间中,太初神殿的本体优势完全发挥不出来,并且又恰好处于虚弱期,所以面对如此局面,太初器灵也没了更好的办法。 Purple-Azure Sword Spirits is silent, they also feel to settle the thorniness of muddy Old Ancestor, situated in Sea of Consciousness space of their master, should have the home advantage obviously, however their actually one type as if runs up to the misconception in others' Sea of Consciousness space battling. 紫青剑灵沉默不语,他们也感受到了清浊老祖的棘手,明明是处于他们主人的识海空间中,本该占据了主场优势,然而他们却有一种仿佛跑到别人的识海空间中交战的错觉。 Here, clear muddy Old Ancestor seems like a fish in water, as hand seal art is unceasing, various divine ability secret techniques emerge one after another incessantly, write with a free pen, fiercely compete and successfully compete. 在这里,清浊老祖就仿佛是如鱼得水,随着手中印决不断,各种神通秘术层出不穷,挥洒自如,越战越勇。 If trades to make other Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, the battle in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space may be timid and hesitant, however clear muddy Old Ancestor absolutely does not have the worry in this aspect. 若是换做另外的仙尊境七重天强者,在剑尘的识海空间中交战或许会束手束脚,然而清浊老祖就完全没有这方面的顾虑。 Fierce disputes of several strengths in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space, but represents the clear muddy Old Ancestor darkness to have the advantage obviously, is spreading toward the distant place, has invaded 60% Sea of Consciousness regions. 几股力量在剑尘的识海空间中激烈交锋,而代表着清浊老祖的黑暗显然占据优势,在朝着更远处蔓延,已经侵占了60%的识海区域。 In the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength such as attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone toward 70% regions invade, Source of Life finally got rid of to seal/confer Lingshen the incantation, immediately joined to the fight of clear muddy Old Ancestor. 就在清浊老祖的力量如附骨之疽般朝着70%区域侵占时,生命之源终于摆脱了封灵神咒,立即加入了对清浊老祖的战斗。 As that green vastness that fills life aura spreads in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space, the clear muddy Old Ancestor invading step received containment finally, by the Sea of Consciousness retrogression of fast region that fills up dark under the strength washout of Source of Life. 随着那股充满生命气息的绿色汪洋在剑尘的识海空间中蔓延,清浊老祖的侵占步伐终于受到了遏制,被黑暗填满的识海区域在生命之源的力量冲刷下飞快的消退。 On battle strength, Source of Life is far less than Purple Azure Dual Swords, because it is auxiliary class Supreme Divine Item, even might as well Highest Beginning Temple. 战斗力,生命之源远不如紫青双剑,因为它本身就是一件辅助类的至尊神器,甚至都还不如太初神殿 But if by the protection ability, Source of Life naturally is ultra Highest Beginning Temple and Purple Azure Dual Swords. 可若要论守护能力,生命之源自然是远超太初神殿紫青双剑 Therefore, any by the Sea of Consciousness region that Source of Life protects, clear muddy Old Ancestor is difficult to invade a point. 因此,凡是被生命之源所守护的识海区域,清浊老祖是再难侵入一分。 Without Purple Azure Dual Swords and Highest Beginning Item Spirit, can definitely resist with Source of Life by the clear muddy Old Ancestor ability, aspect that but he faces now by an enemy three. 若是没有紫青双剑太初器灵,以清浊老祖的能力完全能与生命之源进行对抗,可他现在面临的局面是以一敌三。 The time, clear muddy Old Ancestor lost all advantages, retreats in defeat again and again under besieging of three big Supreme Divine Item. 顿时间,清浊老祖失去了一切优势,在三大至尊神器的围攻下节节败退。 And, three Supreme Divine Item have formed the potential of encirclement at this moment, clear muddy Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit will siege in the middle, Sea of Consciousness space that unceasing extrusion clear muddy Old Ancestor occupies, once were extruded certain range, that clear muddy Old Ancestor was difficult to escape. 且,三件至尊神器此刻已经形成合围之势,将清浊老祖元神围困在中间,不断的挤压清浊老祖占据的识海空间,一旦被挤压到一定的范围,那清浊老祖就再难逃脱了。
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