CSG :: Volume #40

#3945: Suppresses clear muddy

Although fell leeward, but clear muddy Old Ancestor does not have slightly the flurried color , as because his invaded region extruded getting smaller, this also makes him invade the Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness Primordial Spirit strength becomes more and more centralized, more and more congealing reality. 尽管落入了下风,但清浊老祖却是没有丝毫慌乱之色,因为随着他被侵占的区域被挤压的越来越小,这也使得他侵入剑尘识海元神力量变得越来越集中,越来越凝实。 Finally, when the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength was extruded only occupies the Sea of Consciousness space 10% regions, three big Supreme Divine Item strength of again also being hard little advance encirclement. 最终,当清浊老祖的力量被挤压到仅占识海空间10%的区域时,三大至尊神器的合围之力再也难以寸进了。 By the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength, under facing the suppression of three big Supreme Divine Item, perhaps is unable to defend the too big region, Sea of Consciousness space that because invades is bigger, the strength that needs to consume are more. In the normal condition this is the minor matter that ignores completely, but facing the suppression of three big Supreme Divine Item, clear muddy Old Ancestor whole-heartedly, he must at present every minute the strength reasonable use. 以清浊老祖的实力,在面对三大至尊神器的镇压下,或许无法守住太大的区域,因为侵占的识海空间越大,那所需要消耗的力量就越多。正常情况下这是完全忽略不计的小事,但眼下面对三大至尊神器的镇压,清浊老祖已经全力以赴,他必须将每一分力量都合理的利用。 But defends stubbornly about 10% Sea of Consciousness regions, clear muddy Old Ancestor can form a deadlock with three big Supreme Divine Item exactly. 而固守10%左右的识海区域,清浊老祖恰好能与三大至尊神器形成一种胶着状态。 Must surround him, but cannot make him escape, if can destroy completely this person in the Sea of Consciousness region of master, is instead swallowed the strength of his Primordial Spirit by the master again, Primordial Spirit of master will certainly progress by leaps and bounds......” “一定要困住他,可千万不能让他逃掉了,若是能够在主人的识海区域中将此人灭掉,再由主人反吞噬他的元神之力,那主人的元神必将突飞猛进......” Yes, this was Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, Primordial Spirit is really strong, even if the master can only absorb a small part, that was also a leap of quality......” “是啊,这可是一位仙尊境七重天强者,元神实在是太强了,哪怕主人只能吸收一小部分,那也是一种质的飞跃......” This 7-layer was too silly, how can think seizes to abandon Jian Chen, if he in the advantage by own boundary from outside in view of Jian Chen, that Jian Chen will also fall into the extremely passive aspect, our three could not revolt, finally he chose a hopeless road, this road, was the road of no return......” “这名七重天太傻了,怎么会想着去夺舍剑尘,他如果以自己境界上的优势从外面针对剑尘,那剑尘还会陷入极其被动的局面,就连我们三个都反抗不了,结果他偏偏选择了一条毫无希望的路,这条路,是不归路......” Three big Supreme Divine Item are exchanging. 三大至尊神器在相互交流。 If outside, besides losing main body Purple Azure Dual Swords, any Supreme Divine Item, not possible to break it by the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength, similarly is unable to injure to tiny bit of Divine Item main body, because Supreme Divine Item was too firm, has left behind the invincible myth that non- Supreme could not be broken. 若是在外面,除了失去本体的紫青双剑外,任何一件至尊神器,以清浊老祖的实力都绝不可能将其打破,同样无法伤到神器本体的一分一毫,因为至尊神器太坚固了,早已留下了非太尊不可破的无敌神话。 But cannot break, does not mean that cannot carry off. 但打不破,并不意味着就带不走。 Strength weak Supreme Divine Item, is similar to a stone, although is indestructible, but can move out with ease, some fierce Immortal Venerable can turn the hand makes this matter. 力量虚弱的至尊神器,就如同一个石头,虽然坚不可摧,但是可以轻松搬走,一些厉害的仙尊更是能翻手间做成此事。 Especially Source of Life, as one for treating for lord Supreme Divine Item, let alone it is in the weak period, even if in the peak, extremely will be passive facing some top Immortal Venerable, finally unavoidably suppressed fate. 特别是生命之源,作为一件治疗为主的至尊神器,别说它目前处于虚弱时期,哪怕是处于巅峰时期,面对一些顶尖仙尊也会极其被动,最终免不了被镇压的下场。 In this piece of Sea of Consciousness space, all conversations of Item Spirit by clear muddy Old Ancestor hear of purity. 在这片识海空间中,器灵的一切交谈都被清浊老祖听的一清二楚。 Snort, once you were to the utmost magnificent, have to suppress various day of strength. However now, depending on your conditions, but also cannot do to me.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor cold snort, he had seen clearly three big Supreme Divine Item conditions completely, let alone he is in the peak, even if in he occupies guards in soul Old Ancestor flesh body that condition, can abducts three big Divine Item with cultivation level and boundary advantage forcefully. “哼,曾经的你们极尽辉煌,有镇压诸天之力。但是现在,凭你们这种状态,还奈何不了我。”清浊老祖一声冷哼,他已经完全看清了三大至尊神器的状态,别说他处于巅峰时期,哪怕是在他占据守魂老祖肉身的那种状态里,都能凭着修为与境界的优势将三大神器强行掳走。 Because three big Divine Item strengths and peaks compare are really weak, only by Divine Item strength, could resist Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, if Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage, they will lose the advantage. 因为三大神器的力量与巅峰时期相比实在是太虚弱,仅凭神器本身的力量,或许能对抗仙尊境初期,若是仙尊境中期,它们将失去优势。 As for facing Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage, does not have the strength of resistance. 至于面对仙尊境后期,更是毫无反抗之力。 The next quarter, sees in clear muddy Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit, black flame quietly appears, with the combustion of flame, his aura also rises sharply, is obtained reverse by the disadvantage that three big Supreme Divine Item suppressed all of a sudden, occupied Sea of Consciousness space from 10% object segmentation to 20% regions, 30% regions, then continued to expand all of a sudden...... 下一刻,就见在清浊老祖元神中,一股黑色的火焰悄然出现,随着火焰的燃烧,他的气息也是随之大涨,原本被三大至尊神器压制的劣势一下子得到了扭转,占据的识海空间一下子从10%区域增长至20%区域,30%区域,然后继续扩张...... He is losing the own Primordial Spirit strength, snort/hum, how long he could not insist!” Highest Beginning Item Spirit cold snort said. “他在损耗自己元神力量,哼,他坚持不了多长时间的!”太初器灵冷哼道。 Source of Life, you may probably stare, cannot make him slip away!” Zi Ying tone dignified urging. 生命之源,你可要盯好了,千万不能让他溜掉!”紫郢语气凝重的叮嘱。 ...... ...... The outside world, the Jian Chen's body just like the vulture to be like, sitting cross-legged is motionless there, from his about ten zhang (3.33 m), Xing Caijian hugs the Heavenly Star Divine Sword entire god to alert, personally is Jian Chen Custodian, drives away all invading enemies. 外界,剑尘的身躯犹如雕像似得,盘坐在那里一动不动,距离他十丈开外,星彩间抱着天星神剑全神戒备,亲自为剑尘护法,驱赶一切来犯之敌。 Distant place, is the day lacks the real person, Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor that the heretical ways as well as scattered some are not willing to depart. 更远处,则是天缺真人,左道以及零零散散的一些不愿离去的仙尊境老祖 At this moment, everyone's vision collects on Jian Chen, is interweaving envying, the envy, unwilling, regret and other all kinds of complex mood. 此刻,所有人的目光都汇集在剑尘身上,交织着羡慕,嫉妒,不甘,遗憾等各种各样的复杂情绪。 May not have the exception, in the field the person no one had detected that Jian Chen is experiencing war of the thrilling seizing shed extremely at this moment. 可毫无例外,场中之人谁都没有察觉到剑尘此刻正在经历着一场惊险万分的夺舍之战。 Because seizes the person of shed is clear muddy Old Ancestor, has 7-layer peak powerhouse of extremely high attainments on the say/way of state of mind, under clear muddy Old Ancestor deliberately conceals, let alone is these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, even if some Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage powerhouse are very difficult to detect the difference, only if investigates on own initiative. 因为夺舍之人是清浊老祖,一位在神魂之道上有极高造诣的七重天巅峰强者,在清浊老祖刻意掩饰之下,别说是这些仙尊境初期,即便是一些仙尊境中期强者都很难察觉出异样,除非是主动进行探查。 As for Heavenly Star Divine Sword, it can induce to existence of Purple Azure Dual Swords, this is one mutual attraction between same-kind, but actually could not understand clearly Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space. 至于天星神剑,它能感应到紫青双剑的存在,这是同类之间的一种相吸,但是却洞悉不了剑尘的识海空间 After all Heavenly Star Divine Sword is only Divine Sword Item Spirit, although there is a destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth strength, but eventually is not multipurpose. 毕竟天星神剑只是一个神剑器灵,尽管有毁天灭地的力量,但终究不是万能。 Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness space, the silent war has conducted the situation of superheating, clear muddy Old Ancestor and combustion own Primordial Spirit is the price gains the great power, forcefully three big Divine Item Item Spirit driving back. 剑尘的识海空间,无声的大战已经进行到白热化的地步了,清浊老祖与燃烧自己元神为代价获取强大力量,硬生生将三大神器器灵给逼退。 Jian Chen has not been idling, he knows that depending on own Primordial Spirit intensity, is unable to resist with clear muddy Old Ancestor this grade of powerhouse absolutely, therefore he used Chaos Primordial Spirit. 剑尘也没有闲着,他知道凭自己本身的元神强度,是绝对无法与清浊老祖这等强者进行对抗,因此他动用了混沌元神 His Chaos Primordial Spirit, integrated wisp of true Chaos Force, had the change of inconceivable, if not for at first because of existence of Chaos Primordial Spirit, the clear muddy Old Ancestor flash can complete to seize the shed to him. 他的混沌元神,融入了一缕真正的混沌之力,发生了不可思议的变化,最初若不是因为混沌元神的存在,清浊老祖一瞬间便可对他完成夺舍。 At this moment, he moved from the rear area Chaos Primordial Spirit, prevents frontline the battlefield, is used to suppress the step of clear muddy Old Ancestor aggression. 此刻,他将混沌元神从后方搬了过来,阻挡在战场最前方,用来遏止清浊老祖侵略的步伐。 Facing Chaos Primordial Spirit, clear muddy Old Ancestor although already in combustion Primordial Spirit receiving in exchange strength, but some gets sucked into the mire feeling as before, the difficulty of invasion increases. 面对混沌元神,清浊老祖尽管已经在燃烧元神换取力量,可依旧有深陷泥潭般的感觉,侵入的难度大增。 Finally, Jian Chen five Profound Sword Qi, although he also knows at the own Primordial Spirit level, even if uses Profound Sword Qi not to injure 7-layer powerhouse, but in Sea of Consciousness space he also only then these methods. 最后,剑尘将五道玄剑气都般了出来,尽管他也知道以自己元神层次,哪怕是动用玄剑气也伤不到七重天强者,但在识海空间中他也只有这些手段了。 The war of Sea of Consciousness, can only use with the Primordial Spirit related method, for example Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, hundred overlapped swords are unable to display. 识海之战,只能用与元神有关的手段,例如无影夺命剑,百重叠剑都无法施展。 When Jian Chen attempts to use first Profound Sword Qi, actually the surprised discovery unexpectedly obliterates to settle the strength of some muddy Old Ancestor small Primordial Spirit. 只是当剑尘尝试着动用第一道玄剑气时,却吃惊的发现居然磨灭了清浊老祖一小部分元神之力。 If outside, Jian Chen knows own even if five Profound Sword Qi is uneven, let alone wound to 7-layer, even is hard to constitute the tiny bit influence on this grade of powerhouse. 若是在外面,剑尘知道自己哪怕是五道玄剑气齐出,别说伤到一位七重天,甚至都难以对这等强者构成一丝一毫的影响。 However in own Sea of Consciousness space, Profound Sword Qi actually achieved the unexpected effect. 然而在自己识海空间中,玄剑气却发挥出了意想不到的效果。 „The Immortal Emperor Realm ants, can injure to me unexpectedly, what strength is this?” Clear muddy Old Ancestor is also surprised, he discovers Profound Sword Qi immediately, reveals wipes to recall, the feeling said generally: Profound Sword Qi, unexpectedly is the law of this legend, it is said nine Profound Sword Qi are uneven, even Supreme may injure, the person who now World of Immortals, can recognize this law are not many.” 仙帝境蝼蚁,竟然能伤到我,这是什么力量?”清浊老祖也感到吃惊,他立刻发现了玄剑气,露出一抹追忆,感概道:“玄剑气,竟然是这种传说之法,据说九道玄剑气齐出,连太尊都可伤,当今仙界,能认出此法的人已经不多了。” But quick, clear muddy Old Ancestor reveals the color of ferocious name, cold voice: Who no matter you are, obtained how extraordinary inheritance, waited to seize to abandon you, all your will be me......” 但很快,清浊老祖就露出狞狰之色,冷声:“不管你是谁,获得了多么了不得的传承,等夺舍了你,你的一切都将属于我......” However be that as it may, but clear muddy Old Ancestor actually appeared lacked the ability to do what one would like gradually, he took combustion Primordial Spirit by Jian Chen as well as three big Item Spirit successfully kept off as the great power that the price gained, but this law clear muddy Old Ancestor cannot insist eventually too for a long time, quickly then restored as usual, stopped combustion Primordial Spirit. 然而话虽如此,但清浊老祖却渐渐显得力不从心了,他以燃烧元神为代价获取的强大力量被剑尘以及三大器灵给成功挡了下来,但此法清浊老祖终究不能坚持太久,很快便恢复如常,停止了燃烧元神 At this moment, clear muddy Old Ancestor has revealed the weary condition, is passing the weak feeling. 此刻,清浊老祖已经显露疲态,透着虚弱感。 Source of Life, leaving was parsimonious, in Sea of Consciousness space, your function is bigger than me and Highest Beginning, while this period, suppresses this person!” Zi Ying shouted in a low voice. 生命之源,别再吝啬了,在识海空间中,你的作用比我和太初还要大,趁此时期,镇压此人!”紫郢一声低喝 Snort, hateful, has consumed my too many strengths on this person.” Source of Life is discontented, reveals the hesitant color. “哼,可恨,在这个人身上已经耗费了我太多力量了。”生命之源不满,露出犹豫之色。 The next quarter, she endures suffering to use myriad things source air/Qi that these years collected with great difficulty. 下一刻,她忍痛动用了这些年好不容易才收集的一点万物源气。 When aura of myriad things source air/Qi appears, Jian Chen is moved immediately, but he deep understands that Source of Life looks at these myriad things source air/Qi is important, initially had in Wind Venerable this Supreme situation on the scene, Source of Life protects regarding the myriad things source air/Qi vigorously, finally complies to take wisp of Highest Beginning Energy as the reward, this has to compromise. 当万物源气的气息一出现时,剑尘顿时为之动容,他可是深深的明白生命之源将这些万物源气看得有多么重要,当初有风尊者这位太尊在场的情况下,生命之源对于万物源气都是极力守护,最后还是答应以一缕太初之气为酬劳,这才不得不妥协。 Myriad things source air/Qi, not only can restore Divine Item, is one strength that Source of Life restores itself to need. 万物源气,不仅能修复神器,更是生命之源恢复自身所需的一种力量。 With the consumption of myriad things source air/Qi, Source of Life aura rises sharply all of a sudden, when clear muddy Old Ancestor is weak, all of a sudden by is almost the steamroll certainly clear muddy Old Ancestor will press. 随着万物源气的消耗,生命之源气息一下子大涨,趁着清浊老祖虚弱之时,一下子以几乎是碾压之势将清浊老祖压了下去。 Highest Beginning Item Spirit, Purple Azure Dual Swords also full power coordinates, Jian Chen's Profound Sword Qi also used three again, prepares while the hammering, in one vigorous effort clear muddy Old Ancestor will give the suppression. 太初器灵,紫青双剑也是全力配合,剑尘的玄剑气也再次使用了三道,准备趁着打铁,一鼓作气的将清浊老祖给镇压。 Under they cooperate, clear muddy Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit was compressed to quickly only occupies Sea of Consciousness 1% space, however after here, how they diligently, are unable to go a step further again. 在他们通力合作之下,清浊老祖元神很快被压缩到仅占识海百分之一的空间,然而到了这里之后,他们再怎么努力,都始终无法更进一步。 By our current conditions, is very difficult to destroy completely 7-layer powerhouse in Sea of Consciousness space thoroughly, we first suppress him, slowly obliterates his Mental Force quantity.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit said, then changes to huge temple illusory shadow, having a boundless potential to press above clear muddy Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit. “以我们目前的状态,在识海空间内很难彻底灭掉一位七重天强者,我们先镇压他,慢慢磨灭他的精神力量。”太初器灵说道,然后化作一座巨大的神殿虚影,带着一股磅礴之势压在清浊老祖元神上方。 The myriad things source air/Qi of Source of Life use has exhausted, this moment aura returns normally, she also with Purple Azure Dual Swords together, joined in the team of suppression. 生命之源动用的万物源气已经耗尽,此刻气息重归正常,她也和紫青双剑一道,加入了镇压的队伍中。 ps: Recently some readers said that three Supreme Divine Item of Xiao Yao was a little weak, here that on Jian Chen wrote gave an approximate explanation, Heavenly Star Divine Sword was perfect, moreover inside had the strength that Heavenly Emperor left behind, said simply is actuating with the Heavenly Emperor strength. ps:最近有些读者说逍遥剑尘身上的三件至尊神器写的有点弱了,这里做一个大致的解释,天星神剑是完好无损的,而且里面有天帝留下的力量,简单说是用天帝的力量在驱动。 On Jian Chen three Supreme Divine Item, are the strength weak conditions, what used is Divine Item strength . Moreover the goal character is the Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer peak, will therefore cope so to be difficult, Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer, this is the extraordinary top character, asked the brothers do not look down on 7-layer. 剑尘身上的三件至尊神器,都是力量虚弱的状态,用的是神器本身的力量,而且目标人物是仙尊境七重天巅峰,所以对付起来才会那么艰难,仙尊境七重天,这已经是了不得的顶层人物了,也请兄弟们不要小瞧了七重天 Finally thanked the brothers in the comment that the book review area gave, hopes that more opinions appeared, making us promote " Chaos Sword God » advance together. 最后感谢兄弟们在书评区提出的意见,同时也希望有更多的意见出现,让我们一起来推动《混沌剑神》的前进。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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