CSG :: Volume #40

#3943: Seizes the shed clear muddy

With the voice, saw this Immortal Monarch Realm cultivation level middle-aged man to break by biting the finger of own, drew up ancient formation chart by the blood of fingertip in void. 随着话音,就见这名仙君境修为的中年男子咬破了自己的手指,以指尖的鲜血在虚空中绘制一个古老的阵图 Blood-color formation chart is complex, contains the strength of mysterious Grand Dao, the constitution of each mark, as if contains a vast strength. 血色的阵图复杂晦涩,蕴含着玄而又玄的大道之力,每一道阵纹的构成,似乎都蕴含着一股浩瀚力量。 Drew up this formation chart, the middle-aged man also paid the heavy price, not only complexion became in the flash pale like the paper, that grandiose body, at this moment also rapidly is becoming withered. 绘制这一阵图,中年男子也付出了不轻的代价,不仅脸色在一瞬间变得苍白如纸,就连那壮硕的身躯,此刻也在迅速变得干瘪起来。 His life force / vitality in fast passing, whole person rapidly becomes old, on the face presented massive wrinkles. 他的生机正在快速的流逝,整个人迅速变得苍老起来,脸上出现了大量的皱纹。 Quick, blood-color great formation has drawn up to complete, that moment when great formation completes, the middle-aged man entire body was similar to evaporated baseless generally, radical dissipation in the world. 很快,血色大阵已经绘制完成,当大阵完成的那一刻,中年男子整个身躯就如同凭空蒸发了一般,彻底的消散在天地间。 On him all, were changed to a strange strength to draw up present blood-color formation, or was taken some type of sacrificial offering to be the same, holds a memorial service this completion. 他身上的一切,都被化作一股奇异的力量去绘制成了眼前的血色阵法,或者说,是被作为了某种祭品一般,去祭奠此阵的完成。 However he disappears also merely is flesh body, left behind one group of powerful Primordial Spirit same place, sends out dazzling rays of light, seems has the Grand Dao rule layer upon layer to interweave. 不过他消失的也仅仅是肉身,原地留下了一团强大的元神,散发出刺目的光芒,好似有层层大道规则交织。 This group of Primordial Spirit, were clear muddy Old Ancestor of ancient Hunshen sect. 这一团元神,正是古魂神宗的清浊老祖 Offers sacrifices Immortal Monarch, in addition the strength of my most Primordial Spirit, completed this to seal/confer Lingshen incantation finally, this incantation is our ancient Hunshen sect historical that unsurpassed Old Ancestor founds, specifically is used to prohibit the spirit of Divine Item.” “献祭一名仙君,再加上我大半的元神之力,总算完成了这座封灵神咒,此咒可是我们古魂神宗历史上的那位无上老祖开创而出,专门用来封禁神器之灵。” to seal/confer Lingshen the incantation that although by my ability, arranges could not be used to cope with Supreme Divine Item, but if uses on broken Supreme Divine Item, that can also exert some influences on it, but I want, is only that instant that influence......” “尽管以我的能力,布置出的封灵神咒还远不能用来对付一件至尊神器,可若是用在一件残破的至尊神器上,那也能对其施加一些影响,而我要的,只是那一刹那的影响......” Without the Immortal Monarch body covered up, when Heavenly Star Palace that great formation appears again, I also exposed, therefore needs quickly......” “不过没了仙君的躯壳遮掩,天星宫的那座大阵再次出现时,那我也就暴露了,所以必须要快......” In the clear muddy Old Ancestor heart misses the rotation, at once packages by own Primordial Spirit to seal/confer Lingshen incantation, quiet disappearance in the world. 清浊老祖心中思念转动,旋即以自身的元神将封灵神咒包裹起来,悄无声息的消失在天地之间。 Outside thousand li (500 km), as complete integration of Sword Dao seed, mysterious Grand Dao Principle spread in Primordial Spirit, causes Jian Chen at this moment, unrestrained complete immersion to realizing from experience of Sword Dao Principle. 千里之外,随着剑道种子的完全融入,一股股玄妙的大道法则元神中蔓延,使得此刻的剑尘,已经情不自禁的完全沉浸在对剑道法则的体悟中。 Under this condition, his sensation to the outside world has fallen lowly, is almost at the condition that one type does not garrison completely. 这种状态之下,他对外界的感知已经降到了最低,几乎就处于一种完全不设防的状态。 Not only this because of his one trust Xing Caijian, believes she , the bystander is very difficult to disturb own. 这不仅是因为他对星彩间的一种信任,相信有她在,外人是很难干扰到自己 Also is one type regarding the self-confidence of Source of Life, so long as there is Source of Life, even if he is sneak attacked at crucial moments, is unable to cut to kill him. 同时也是一种对于生命之源的自信,只要有生命之源在,哪怕是他在关键时刻被人偷袭,也无法将他斩杀。 At this time, one group hidden among powerful Primordial Spirit quiet the appearance in nihilities, he covers his existence by secret skill, let alone is Xing Caijian and stays in nearby several Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, even if Heavenly Star Divine Sword Item Spirit cannot detect existence of this group of Primordial Spirit. 此时,一团隐藏在虚无间的强大元神悄无声息的出现,他以秘法掩盖自身的存在,别说是星彩间和停留在附近的几名仙尊境初期,哪怕是天星神剑器灵都察觉不到这一团元神的存在。 After all Heavenly Star Divine Sword is only one attacks Divine Item, eventually is not multipurpose. 毕竟天星神剑只是一件攻伐神器,终究不是万能。 In the silence, this group of powerful Primordial Spirit invaded from the Jian Chen's day spirit directly. 在悄无声息间,这一团强大的元神直接从剑尘的天灵上侵入了进去。 Is sensing Sword Dao Principle Jian Chen only to feel an intense dizziness transmission, making him withdraw from the sensibility condition unrestrainedly, at once a giant crisis floods his entire mind, when not waited for him to respond, his Sea of Consciousness by eternal darkness is then flooded. 正在感悟剑道法则剑尘只感觉一股强烈的眩晕感传来,令他情不自禁的退出了感悟状态,旋即一股巨大的危机充斥他整个心灵,不等他反应过来时,他的意识海便被一股永恒的黑暗所充斥。 The Primordial Spirit invasion of clear muddy Old Ancestor, directly is conducted to seize the shed to Jian Chen. 清浊老祖元神入侵,直接对剑尘进行夺舍。 But Jian Chen obtained the Supreme Divine Item recognizing lord, three Supreme Divine Item hide in within the body, was seized the shed can it be that like that easily. 剑尘得到了至尊神器的认主,三件至尊神器都潜藏在体内,又岂是那般容易被夺舍的。 Sees only the next quarter, powerful green rays of light is in full bloom from this dark space, took away to Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness again rays of light, scattered most darkness, other dark regions, erect quick was purified by the Source of Life strength. 只见下一刻,一股强盛的绿色光芒自这黑暗的空间中盛开,重新给剑尘的意识海带去了光芒,驱散了大部分黑暗,并且,余下的黑暗区域,正飞快的被生命之源的力量净化。 I, since dares the child to conduct to seize the shed, that naturally made the sufficient preparation, to seal/confer Lingshen the incantation!” Clear muddy Old Ancestor shouted in a low voice, wipes blood-color formation chart to reappear at once, integrated in the green glow directly. “我既然敢对此子进行夺舍,那自然就作出了充足的准备,封灵神咒!”清浊老祖一声低喝,旋即一抹血色阵图浮现,直接融入了绿芒之中。 to seal/confer Lingshen the incantation is mysterious, it through the Source of Life strength is to direct, appears on the Source of Life main body all of a sudden, is similar to the spell closely to paste together on Source of Life. 封灵神咒非常玄妙,它通过生命之源的力量为引,一下子就出现在生命之源的本体上,然后就如同一道符咒般紧紧地贴在生命之源上。 Immediately, Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness, the green glow of protection abates like surging tides, to seal/confer Lingshen the incantation has contained the Source of Life strength. 顿时,剑尘的意识海,守护的绿芒如潮水般消退,封灵神咒已经遏制了生命之源的力量。 Weak Supreme Divine Item, but also is unable totally to break out of the influence of to seal/confer Lingshen incantation, even if can only affect shortly on you for a while, but that was also enough, seizes shed Immortal Emperor, I only need to flicker shortly!” The clear muddy Old Ancestor indifferent opens the mouth, he is the expert of this field of endeavor, not only can complete in the flash to a Immortal Emperor seizing shed, meanwhile can completely the absorption complete memory, how even if there are hand-held Heavenly Star Divine Sword female of Heavenly Emperor, who cannot distinguish him is. “一件虚弱的至尊神器,还无法完全摆脱封灵神咒的影响,哪怕只能对你影响短暂一时,但那也足够了,夺舍一名仙帝,我只需要短暂一瞬!”清浊老祖冷漠开口,他是此道的行家,不仅能在一瞬间完成对一名仙帝的夺舍,同时还能完整的吸收全部的记忆,就算有手持天星神剑天帝之女又如何,根本分辨不出他是谁。 If not really has no alternative, my Huan Zhen (really) is not willing to use to seize shed move to you.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor no longer hesitates, after the Source of Life strength was suppressed, the eternal darkness then flooded in Jian Chen's entire Sea of Consciousness again, the flash then occupies surpassed the 9-layer nine regions. “若非实在是别无选择,我还真不愿对你用出夺舍这一招。”清浊老祖不再迟疑,在生命之源的力量被压制之后,永恒的黑暗便再次充斥于剑尘的整个意识海,一瞬间便占据了超过九层九的区域。 Well! This child Primordial Spirit, somewhat seems to be unusual!” However the next quarter, clear muddy Old Ancestor cannot bear exude the astonished sound, because he discovered that the final that region, own invades the unexpectedly unusual difficulty, encountered the great resistance. “咦!此子的元神,似乎有些与众不同!”然而下一刻,清浊老祖忍不住发出惊异声,因为他发现最后的那一点区域,自己侵占起来竟然非常的困难,遇到了巨大阻力。 Seizes shed Immortal Emperor to encounter the resistance by his boundary entrust/winding body unexpectedly, this is a very inconceivable matter. 以他的境界委身夺舍一名仙帝竟然会遇到阻力,这是一件很不可思议的事。 This aura seems like Chaos Force...... is not right, this Chaos Force is not right, this does not seem like false Chaos Force, that was... that is......” clear muddy Old Ancestor as if understood clearly anything, immediately held breath cold air, at this moment, bountiful by his Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer peak boundary, was the mind big quake that could not bear, in the heart raised dreadfully panic-stricken. “这股气息似乎是混沌之力......不对,这混沌之力不对,这似乎不是伪混沌之力,那是...那是......”清浊老祖似乎洞悉了什么,顿时倒吸一口凉气,这一刻,饶是以他仙尊境七重天巅峰的境界,都是忍不住的心神大震,心中掀起了滔天惊骇。 Because sees at present, had subverted his cognition completely. 因为眼前所见,已经完全颠覆了他的认知。 Seizes the host of shed, you elected wrong.” At this moment, the old sound resounds in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness together, sees only illusory shadow of temple to appear, survives strength of not many temple to erupt, immediately the broad strengths sweep Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, resists with clear muddy Old Ancestor the strength of seizing shed. “夺舍的宿主,你选错了。”就在这时,一道苍老的声音在剑尘的意识海中响起,只见一座神殿的虚影出现,残存不多的神殿之力爆发,顿时有一股恢宏的力量扫荡剑尘意识海,与清浊老祖的夺舍之力进行对抗。 Second Supreme Divine Item this child Supreme Divine Item unexpectedly incessantly, but two clear muddy Old Ancestor somewhat absent-minded, two Supreme Divine Item, this is he has not thought that even wants unable to think. “第二件至尊神器此子身上的至尊神器竟然不止一件,而是有两件”清浊老祖有些失神,两件至尊神器,这是他万万没有想到的,甚至是想也不敢想。 Looks over World of Immortals 12 Heavenly Courts, few can put out two Supreme Divine Item to come out. 纵观仙界十二天庭,都没几家能拿出两件至尊神器出来。 But at once, clear muddy Old Ancestor then exudes the big laughter: Good! Good! Good! Waited to invade this completely, these two Supreme Divine Item will be me, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha......” clear muddy Old Ancestor no longer had retains slightly, the strength of terrifying Primordial Spirit erupted loudly, forms dreadful storm to wreak havoc in Jian Chen's Sea of Consciousness crazily. 但旋即,清浊老祖便发出大笑声:“好!好!好!等完全侵占了此子,这两件至尊神器都将属于我了,哈哈哈哈哈哈......”清浊老祖不再有丝毫保留,恐怖的元神之力轰然爆发,形成一股滔天风暴在剑尘的意识海中疯狂肆虐。 Under the clear muddy Old Ancestor full power acts, the Highest Beginning Temple strength is retreating in defeat again and again immediately, resisting extremely to be obviously difficult. 在清浊老祖的全力出手之下,太初神殿的力量顿时在节节败退,抵挡起来显然万分艰难。 Present Highest Beginning Temple, the strongest place lies in firm of main body, even if Immortal Venerable Realm 9-layer top powerhouse is hard to break, may in Sea of Consciousness space, the firm advantage of main body unable to display. 如今的太初神殿,最强之处在于本体的坚固,纵使仙尊境九重天至强者都难以打破,可在意识海空间中,本体的坚固优势根本发挥不出来。 Compared with the strength, the degree that present Highest Beginning Temple restores, but also is unable to resist with clear muddy Old Ancestor. 比力量,如今的太初神殿所恢复的程度,还无法与清浊老祖进行对抗。 By the clear muddy Old Ancestor strength, can definitely suppress the weak condition Supreme Divine Item! 以清浊老祖的实力,完全能镇压虚弱状态的至尊神器 Zi Ying, Qing Suo, do not hide, has not acted!” Item Spirit somewhat discontented shouting of Highest Beginning Temple. 紫郢,青索,别躲藏了,还不出手!”太初神殿器灵有些不满的喝道。
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