CSG :: Volume #40

#3942: Day lacking standpoint

Over the following several days, Jian Chen wholly absorbed refining up the Sword Dao seed, during this period , some Immortal Venerable arrived in this place, looked to the Jian Chen's vision fills drooled with fiery, the seduction of Supreme Divine Item, made them lose the reason. 接下来的几天,剑尘都在专心致志的炼化剑道种子,在此期间,也有一些仙尊抵达了此地,一个个望向剑尘的目光中都充满了垂涎与火热,至尊神器的诱惑,直令他们失去理智。 When their vision look to about ten zhang (3.33 m) Xing Caijian, among expression reveals deep dreading. 只是当他们的目光望向十丈开外的星彩间时,神色间又露出深深的忌惮。 Who can think, Xing Caijian took to bring in Heavenly Star Palace Heavenly Star Divine Sword unexpectedly. 谁又能想到,星彩间竟然将天星宫天星神剑带进来了。 This Supreme Divine Item might, making them scared. 这柄至尊神器的威力,令他们所有人都为之胆寒。 On this day, two forms were close to this place, the day of Yang Divine Sword sect lacks the real person and Nine Heavenly Gods Valley heretical ways. 这一日,两道身影接近了此地,正是阳神剑宗的天缺真人和九天神谷的左道。 Their speed are not quick, every step spans ten miles from, confident is close toward the Jian Chen's position. 他们的速度并不快,每一步都只是跨越十里距离,不徐不疾的朝着剑尘的位置接近。 Comes the person to halt!” Xing Caijian shouted in a low voice, the vision instantaneous locking day lacks the honorable people and heretical ways two people. “来人止步!”星彩间一声低喝,目光瞬间锁定天缺真人和左道二人。 The day lacks the real person and heretical ways stops in same place, is lacked the real person opens the mouth by the day, kind saying with a smile: Caijian Princess do not misunderstand, both of us and Yang Yutian little friends are the same places, before the Yang Yutian little friend was trapped in great formation, finally both of us coordinated the ghost immortal to teach the Vice Cult Lord blue colorful butterfly just now to penetrate great formation, helped the Yang Yutian little friend be out of the difficult position.” 天缺真人和左道停在原地,由天缺真人开口,和蔼的笑道:“彩间公主不要误会,我们二人和羊羽天小友是一起的,之前羊羽天小友受困于大阵之中,最终还是我们二人配合鬼仙教副教主蓝彩蝶方才击穿大阵,助羊羽天小友脱离困境。” Day lacks the real person, your turns hostile flipping through the book is quicker, at first summons that is initiated by you, captures Yang Yutian in entire Skyscraping World, wants to recapture nurturing sword spirit fruit from the Yang Yutian hand, how now to become and Yang Yutian is one group “天缺真人,你这变脸可是比翻书还快啊,最初可是由你发起的号召,在整个摩天界内追捕羊羽天的,想要从羊羽天手中夺回育剑灵果,现在怎么就成了和羊羽天是一伙的了” The day lacks the real person to finish speaking, then has the vigorous sound to transmit from the spirit fog of distant place together, at once sees a middle-aged man stride to go out, finally stands firm inside and outside hundred, whole face uncomfortable stares at the day to lack the real person. 天缺真人话音刚落,便有一道浑厚的声音从远方的灵雾中传来,旋即就见一名中年男子大步走出,最终在百里外站定,满脸不爽的盯着天缺真人。 hearing that, Xing Caijian vision slightly one cold. 闻言,星彩间目光微微一寒。 The day lacks real person complexion changes, immediately shouted lowly: Nonsense, that is only between I and Yang Yutian little friends slightly misunderstands, now misunderstands has clarified, the old man will only support the Yang Yutian little friend, who and Yang Yutian little friend is an enemy, that lacks the real person with my day is an enemy, with our Yang Divine Sword sect Weidi.” 天缺真人脸色一变,当即低喝道:“胡说,那只是我与羊羽天小友之间发生的一点小误会罢了,如今误会已经澄清,老夫只会鼎力支持羊羽天小友,谁与羊羽天小友为敌,那就是与我天缺真人为敌,更是与我们阳神剑宗为敌。” The day lacks the real person vision to look to that middle-aged man, a face ice is cold: You, Hushan Old Ancestor, you instigated actually, the old man remembered you, hopes, do not have what handle to fall in the old man hand, otherwise, deciding made you unable to eat to capture.” 天缺真人目光看向那名中年男子,一脸冰寒:“倒是你,虎山老祖,你如此挑拨,老夫记住你了,希望以后不要有什么把柄落在老夫手中,否则,定让你吃不了兜着走。” The day lacks the real person most to fear hears chases down the Yang Yutian deeds, more biography more, will for fear that pass to Great Bright Heavenly Palace Crown Princess there finally, therefore he all of a sudden Hushan Old Ancestor bearing a grudge. 天缺真人最怕听到的就是追杀羊羽天的事迹,生怕会越传越多,最终传到了大明天宫长公主那里,所以他一下子把虎山老祖给记恨上了。 At this moment, a bell suddenly appears in the Jian Chen top of the head, fills prestige of the high-grade Divine Item, directly toward Jian Chen, when under hood. 就在这时,一口大钟突然出现在剑尘头顶,弥漫出一股上品神器之威,直接朝着剑尘当头罩下。 The seduction of Supreme Divine Item was really big, even had the Heavenly Star Divine Sword shock and awe of Xing Caijian, but some people took risks as before, wanted abducting Jian Chen. 至尊神器的诱惑实在是太大了,即便是有星彩间天星神剑震慑,可依旧有人铤而走险,想要将剑尘给掳走。 Dissolute!” In the Xing Caijian vision chill in the air rises, exudes one to drink suddenly tenderly. “放肆!”星彩间目光中寒意大盛,猛然发出一声娇喝。 Meanwhile, was held Heavenly Star Divine Sword in bosom to float to empty by her, has not worked loose the winding of homespun cloth, then the fearful sword qi lasing, separated void of Skyscraping World together, cut in that big cauldron. 与此同时,被她抱在怀中的天星神剑浮空而起,没有挣脱粗布的缠绕,然后一道可怕的剑气激射而出,割裂了摩天界的虚空,斩在了那一口大鼎上。 Without the deafening bellow, the energy storm that also has not wreaked havoc, the high-grade Divine Item Rank big cauldron changes to one group of powder to sprinkle in the midair floatingly, has not stayed behind including the nice fragment together. 没有震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,同样没有肆虐的能量风暴,上品神器等阶的大鼎就这么在半空中化作一团粉末飘飘洒落,连一块像样的碎片都没有留下。 Inside and outside hundred, stuffy snort/hum spreads, at once was a blood from void of hidden spurted, this was cultivation level reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse, after Heavenly Star Divine Sword destroyed the bell, he also suffers backlash. 百里外,一声闷哼传出,旋即就是一口鲜血从隐藏的虚空中喷了出来,这是一名修为臻至仙尊境三重天强者,被天星神剑毁去了大钟之后,他也遭受反噬 Bold, dares to act to the Yang Yutian little friend, that is the personal enemy who my day lacks the real person, remains.” The day lacks real person sonic boom to drink, he displays the own hope to make up for one's faults by good deeds urgently needed, pursued toward that Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse immediately. “大胆,敢对羊羽天小友出手,那就是我天缺真人的仇人,留下来吧。”天缺真人一声爆喝,他急需表现自己希望能将功补过,立马朝着那名仙尊境三重天强者追了过去。 The next quarter, the far convenience erupts powerful sword glow, the deafening bellow also spreads. 下一刻,远方便爆发出强大的剑芒,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声随之传出。 But the battle stopped quickly, the day lacks the real person old route to return, some body aura disorder, sighed lightly: Made him give to run away.” 但交战很快就停了下来,天缺真人原路返回,身上气息有些紊乱,轻叹道:“让他给逃走了。” Expected, 3-layer insists on running away, you cannot detain.” Heretical ways light saying. “意料之中,一名三重天执意逃走,你是留不住的。”左道淡淡的说道。 „Can day lacks the real person, tell the old man, why you must help Yang Yutian vaguely at this moment, together sent greetings sifts the day to lack in the ear of real person. “天缺真人,能不能告诉老夫,你为何要帮羊羽天”就在这时,一道隐晦的传音飘入了天缺真人的耳中。 The day lacks the real person vision to congeal, looks inside and outside hundred to the old man who just arrived in this place, expression cannot help but became prudent several points. 天缺真人目光一凝,看向百里外一名刚刚抵达此地的老者,神色不由得变得慎重了几分。 That is the red maple tree real person, from ten thousand Taoism, teaches with the ghost immortal is a mortal enemy, if not the asylum of Heavenly Star Palace, the ghost immortal taught already by ten thousand Taoism destruction. 那是红枫真人,来自万道教,与鬼仙教是死敌,若非天星宫的庇护,鬼仙教早就被万道教覆灭了。 Red maple tree real person vision stubbornly stares at the day to lack the real person, in the heart urgent wants to know the truth. Because the ghost immortal is very near, but Jian Chen that teaches the Vice Cult Lord blue colorful butterfly and Jian Chen walks looted the Skyscraping World numerous medicine gardens, this act to offend World of Immortals numerous big influences, in adding on issuing a warrant for arrest of Immortal Feather Sect, as well as robbed to give to the Great Bright Heavenly Palace Crown Princess tribute incident, therefore Jian Chen in the red maple tree real person eyes already the person who was sentenced the death penalty, no one saved him, so long as operated slightly, but then the really strange immortal taught to get into the water, making Heavenly Star Palace be also incapable of rescuing. 红枫真人目光死死的盯着天缺真人,心中迫切的想要知道真相。因为鬼仙教副教主蓝彩蝶和剑尘走的很近,而剑尘洗劫了摩天界众多药园,此举得罪了仙界众多大势力,在加上仙羽门的通缉,以及抢夺献给大明天宫长公主贡品一事,所以在红枫真人眼中剑尘是早已被判上了死刑的人,没人救得了他,只要稍微运作一下,便可把鬼仙教拖下水,让天星宫也无力救援。 Finally now, lacks real person unexpectedly attitude big change as the day of most important part, this disrupted the plan of red maple tree real person all of a sudden. 结果现在,作为最重要一环的天缺真人竟然态度大变,这一下子打乱了红枫真人的计划。 Because of without the participation of Great Bright Heavenly Palace, shocked the Heavenly Star Palace strength on large weakened. 因为没有了大明天宫的参与,震慑天星宫的力量就大幅减弱了。 You know the Yang Yutian background his background, how making you change mind the same day to lack the real person when to answer red maple tree real person, passes message of red maple tree real person resounded again. “你是不是知道了羊羽天的背景他的背景,让你改变了主意”正当天缺真人在想如何答复红枫真人时,红枫真人的传音再次响起。 Yes, knew his background, therefore changed the mind.” The day lacks the real person to send greetings to say similarly. “是啊,知道了他的背景,所以改变了主意。”天缺真人同样传音回道。 He is what background red maple tree real person tone is somewhat rapid. “他是什么背景”红枫真人语气有些急促。 Except for Heavenly Star Palace, but who can also” day lack the real person to return ill-humoredly said. “除了天星宫,还能有谁”天缺真人没好气的回道。 Heavenly Star Palace is impossible, on your Yang Divine Sword sect social climbing Great Bright Heavenly Palace, Heavenly Star Palace, how also to make your day lack the attitude of real person to have such big transformation.” The red maple tree real person entirely does not believe. 天星宫不可能,你们阳神剑宗攀附上了大明天宫,一个天星宫,又岂会让你天缺真人的态度发生这么大的转变。”红枫真人完全不相信。 Believe it or not.” The day lacked the real person not to say much, for fear that said more on more many of exposition. “信不信由你。”天缺真人不愿多说,生怕说的越多就暴露的越多。 In an instant, is several days of time passes, at this moment, the opposition force of Sword Dao seed has vanished thoroughly, is only left over the pure Sword Dao sensibility, can be received in various storage thing space. 转眼间,又是数天时间过去,此刻,剑道种子的反抗力量已经彻底消失,只剩下纯粹的剑道感悟,同时也可以被收入各种储物空间内了。 At this time, Jian Chen somewhat hesitated, absorbed to refine the Sword Dao seed in Skyscraping World thoroughly, after first received to leave Skyscraping World , conducted to refine 这个时候,剑尘有些犹豫,在摩天界内彻底吸收炼化剑道种子,还是先收起来等离开摩天界后再进行炼化 But after short hesitation, he Sword Dao seed according to the own forehead place, pure Sword Dao Principle changed to a trickle to integrate in his Primordial Spirit all of a sudden. 但在短暂的迟疑后,他一下子将剑道种子按在了自己眉心处,纯粹的剑道法则化作一股涓涓细流融入了他的元神中。 Immediately, in the Jian Chen brain thunders dreadfully, as if original blue sky was shattered, strangely and greater world is producing quietly. 顿时,剑尘脑中轰鸣滔天,仿佛原有的青天破碎,一个陌生而更加宏大的天地在悄然生成。 The Sword Dao seed is Skyscraping Sword Venerable remains after all, when it just one integrated in Jian Chen's Primordial Spirit completely, then brought brand-new realizing from experience to Jian Chen, one type contacts the new world, the feeling of new world. 剑道种子毕竟是摩天剑尊所留,它刚一完全融入到剑尘的元神中时,便给剑尘带来了全新的体悟,有一种接触新天地,新世界的感觉。 In Jian Chen integrates the Sword Dao seed completely, beyond thousand li (0.5 km), a Immortal Monarch Realm man sits cross-legged to sit, he resembled a sleep/felt to open the eye, the vision swept to the Jian Chen's direction, the thick spirit fog as if could not affect his line of sight, the corners of the mouth reveals wipes the light smile, said: Time to!” 就在剑尘完全融入剑道种子时,千里外,一名仙君境男子盘膝而坐,他似有所觉般睁开了眼睛,目光扫向剑尘的方向,浓厚的灵雾似乎影响不到他的视线,嘴角露出一抹淡淡的笑容,道:“时机到了!”
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