CSG :: Volume #40

#3941: Jian Chen's suspected

Hears Xing Caijian to raise that Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, in Jian Chen brain on cannot help but remembers that is almost to make own has not revolted against the ability, finally used up the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl to strive for mysterious powerhouse that ran away the hope. 一听到星彩间提起那名仙尊境七重天强者,剑尘脑中就不由自主的想起那名几乎是令自己没有丝毫反抗能力,最终还是用掉了白玉灯盏才争取了一丝逃走希望的神秘强者 His real falls/dies? powerhouse that reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer, even if this character takes a broad view at entire World of Immortals is still not many, every time reduces one, to entire World of Immortals is a loss.” The Jian Chen feeling said generally, he remembers on own three Supreme Divine Item, these three Supreme Divine Item and Heavenly Star Divine Sword all are in the thing of same level. “他真的陨落了?一名臻至仙尊境七重天强者,这种人物即便是放眼整个仙界也是不多,每减少一个,对整个仙界都是一种损失。”剑尘感概道,他想起自己身上的三件至尊神器,这三件至尊神器天星神剑皆是处于同一层次之物。 Finally facing that 7-layer powerhouse, he besides supports by hard and stubborn effort with the Source of Life resiliency, almost anything could not do, if not for put out the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl, he even was even one of the opposite party sends not to injure. 结果面对那名七重天强者,他除了凭着生命之源的恢复力硬撑外,几乎什么都做不了,若不是拿出了白玉灯盏,他甚至是连对方的一根毫发都伤不到。 Finally Heavenly Star Divine Sword, unexpectedly effortlessly cutting to kill this grade of powerhouse. 结果天星神剑,竟然毫不费力的就将这等强者给斩杀。 This makes in the Jian Chen heart unable to bear sob. 这让剑尘心中忍不住嘘唏。 With is Supreme Divine Item, this disparity was also too big. 同为至尊神器,这差距也太大了吧。 „After it seems like, must do everything possible to make Purple Azure Dual Swords restore as soon as possible.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, on him three Supreme Divine Item, each type has its unique function, the Highest Beginning Temple advantage is the space aspect, naturally, currently what it helps be biggest to Jian Chen is in these War General of deep sleep. “看来以后要想尽办法让紫青双剑尽快恢复。”剑尘心中暗道,他身上的三件至尊神器,每一种都有其独特的功能,太初神殿的优势是空间方面,当然,它目前对剑尘来说帮助最大的还是里面沉睡的那些战将 The function of Source of Life is the restoration, is auxiliary class Supreme Divine Item, was equivalent granted the body of Jian Chen not dying. 生命之源的作用是恢复,算是辅助类的至尊神器,相当于赐予了剑尘不死之身。 Only has Purple Azure Dual Swords attacks the sharp weapon, can be a worthy opponent with Heavenly Star Divine Sword directly. 唯有紫青双剑是攻伐利器,能与天星神剑正面匹敌。 Although Purple Azure Dual Swords was swallowing quality extremely high nurturing sword spirit fruit, compares the beforehand strength to promote sharply, but looks like in Jian Chen as before also by far insufficient. 虽说紫青双剑在吞噬了一颗品质极高的育剑灵果,相比以前实力已经大幅提升,但在剑尘看来依旧还远远不够。 Among Xing Caijian expression is to also reveal wipes the complex color, said: Good that you said that treasure that powerhouse that each reaches to 7-layer is entire World of Immortals, if in the future will have the war of Great World, this powerhouse is having the pivotal position, only if there is blood sea deep enmity that will be hard to reduce and solve, otherwise the mutual battle, will not appear even sets at the person in the deathtrap situation.” 星彩间神色间也是露出一抹复杂之色,道:“你说的不错,每一位臻至七重天强者都是整个仙界的瑰宝,将来若是发生大世界之战,这种强者都起着举足轻重的地位,除非是有着难以化解的血海深仇,否则即便是相互争斗,也不会出现置人于死地的情况。” At this point, Xing Caijian catches the eye to shoot a look at to Jian Chen, said: Is only your status is special, since that powerhouse knew your secret, he also can only falls/dies, if other Supreme Divine Item are but actually indifferent, but they... have not been able to expose currently.” 说到这里,星彩间抬眼瞥向剑尘,道:“只是你的身份特殊,那名强者既然知道了你的秘密,那他也只能陨落了,若是其他的至尊神器倒无所谓,但是它们...目前还不能暴露出去。” Jian Chen naturally understands Xing Caijian said they, in fact is referring to Purple Azure Dual Swords. 剑尘自然明白星彩间所说的“它们”,实际上就是在指紫青双剑 Because Purple Azure Dual Swords is not ordinary Supreme Divine Item. 因为紫青双剑不是普通的至尊神器 Ordinary Supreme Divine Item is no doubt powerful, but is very difficult to pose the fatal threat to Supreme. 普通的至尊神器固然强大,但是却很难对太尊构成致命威胁。 Purple Azure Dual Swords is different, the Dual Sword Combination might is too big, this is can threaten the Supreme fearful thing truly. 紫青双剑则不一样,双剑合璧威力太大,这是能真正威胁到太尊的可怕之物。 He was imprisoned by that 7-layer powerhouse before was so long, flesh body does not know that was destroyed many times, to be honest, Jian Chen was not clear that 7-layer discovers existence of Purple Azure Dual Swords. 他之前被那名七重天强者禁锢了那么久,肉身都不知被摧毁了多少次,说实话,就连剑尘都不清楚那名七重天有没有发现紫青双剑的存在。 Right, that 7-layer powerhouse, I felt that some are not right.” At this time, Jian Chen said suddenly. “对了,那名七重天强者,我感觉有些不对劲。”这时,剑尘突然说道。 Where isn't right?” Xing Caijian is curious. “哪里不对劲?”星彩间好奇。 I recalled carefully, that 7-layer powerhouse acts to me, from beginning to end uses is Grand Dao Principle, he has never used the strength of cultivation level.” “我仔细回想了一下,那名七重天强者对我出手,从始至终使用的都是大道法则,他从未使用过修为之力。” However about this person, I also had the impression before, because he had also acted to me before, at that time he was only Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer, cultivation level or the boundary were very normal. The most important thing is, this person even also once obeyed the day to lack honorable person's summons, searched for my many years in entire Skyscraping World.” “而关于此人,我之前也有印象,因为他之前也对我出手过,那时候他只是仙尊境二重天,无论是修为还是境界都很正常。最重要的是,此人甚至还曾一度听从了天缺真人的号召,在整个摩天界内搜寻了我多年。” If is really 7-layer powerhouse, how also to do this matter personally, after all the day lacks that side the real person with Great Bright Heavenly Palace five Princess is also intimate with, five Princess may be unable to represent Crown Princess.” “若真是一名七重天强者,又岂会亲自去做这种事,毕竟天缺真人那边也只是与大明天宫的五公主亲近罢了,五公主可代表不了长公主。” Therefore I suspected that 7-layer powerhouse, perhaps is not the initial that person.” Jian Chen said the guess of own, in his heart was very early had this question, actually that was in Skyscraping World has anything to attract Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, because of properly speaking, this grade of powerhouse was unlikely to appear in Skyscraping World. “所以我怀疑那名七重天强者,或许并不是最初的那一个人。”剑尘说出了自己的猜测,他心中很早就存在了这个疑问,那就是摩天界内究竟有什么东西能吸引仙尊境七重天强者,因为按理来说,这等强者不太可能出现在摩天界内。 Until now, he as to understand anything. 直到现在,他似乎想明白了些什么。 Isn't the initial that person? what meaning?” Xing Caijian expression is startled. “不是最初的那一个人?什么意思?”星彩间神色一怔。 Caijian Princess, you said that 7-layer powerhouse, what special way can in run from outside?” The Jian Chen vision sparkles is staring at Xing Caijian. 彩间公主,你说那名七重天强者,会不会是以什么特殊方式从外面跑进来的?”剑尘目光闪闪的盯着星彩间 Is impossible, this point is impossible, Skyscraping World has sealed up, no one can come, only if the opposite party is Heavenly Emperor, even if Heavenly Emperor, to enter Skyscraping World from outside forcefully is not an easy matter, at least, when great formation with Skyscraping World conducts the resistance, will trigger the prestige of earth-shattering, entire Skyscraping World will vacillate, is impossible not to detect.” Xing Caijian hears to shake the head, denied the Jian Chen's speculation without hesitation. “不可能,这一点绝不可能,摩天界已经封闭,没有人进得来,除非对方是天帝,不过就算是天帝,要想从外面强行进入摩天界也不是一件容易的事,最起码,在与摩天界大阵进行对抗时,会引发天崩地裂之威,整个摩天界都会动摇,不可能毫无察觉。”星彩间听得直摇头,毫不犹豫的否定了剑尘的推测。 If, but does Primordial Spirit come in? After all after that 7-layer since exposition, I see only him to use Grand Dao Principle, has never used cultivation level.” Jian Chen said, he combs earnestly, discovered that defends around the soul Old Ancestor manner contrast to be big. “如果,只是元神进来呢?毕竟那位七重天自从暴露之后,我只见他用过大道法则,从未使用过修为。”剑尘说道,他认真梳理,发现守魂老祖前后的举止反差非常大。 In front of him some achievement, how saw that does not seem like 7-layer powerhouse. 他前面的一些作为,怎么看也不太像是一名七重天强者 Primordial Spirit is impossible to come, even if using some secret technique is not good, do not look down on these great formation that protects Skyscraping World, these great formation, but is arranged by many peak powerhouse personally, covered many domains.” Xing Caijian said, is confident to Skyscraping World great formation. 元神也不可能进得来,就算是施展某种秘术也不行,你可不要小瞧了守护摩天界的这些大阵,这些大阵,可是由多名巅峰强者亲手布置的,涵盖了诸多领域。”星彩间说道,对摩天界大阵非常有信心。 However existence of that 7-layer, not only makes Jian Chen feel the surprise, Xing Caijian does not feel normally, said: „After, I ask my father, he is one of the Skyscraping World set up formation, whether Skyscraping World formation has the weakness, they most have the person of right to speak.” 不过那名七重天的存在,不仅让剑尘感到诧异,就连星彩间也觉得不正常,道:“等出去之后,我还是去问问我爹吧,他可是摩天界的布阵者之一,摩天界阵法是否有弱点,他们才是最有发言权的人。” Then, Jian Chen starts to refine the Sword Dao seed, Xing Caijian has not left Jian Chen, but embraces Heavenly Star Divine Sword, is separated by ten zhang (3.33 m) distance to sit on the ground, personally is Jian Chen Custodian. 接下来,剑尘开始炼化剑道种子,星彩间没有离开剑尘,而是怀抱天星神剑,相隔十丈距离坐在地上,亲自为剑尘护法 Had the shock and awe of guarantee as well as Heavenly Star Divine Sword of Xing Caijian, Jian Chen also true feels relieved, uses all mental efforts on building up the Sword Dao seed. 有了星彩间的保证以及天星神剑的震慑,剑尘也真正的放心下来,将所有的心力都用在炼化剑道种子身上。 At this moment, Sword Dao aura that the Sword Dao seed fills is getting more and more weak, this strength in weakened, with Jian Chen refining up to its full power with the lapse of time now, without doubt in quicker obliterates the resistance of Sword Dao seed. 此刻,剑道种子弥漫出的剑道气息已经越来越微弱,这股力量本来就随着时间的推移在减弱,如今随着剑尘对它的全力炼化,无疑是在更快的磨灭剑道种子的反抗。 Opposite, the Xing Caijian vision always stares by Jian Chen refining up the Sword Dao seed, in the eye revealing gradually is wiped strange look, whispered in a soft voice: This time Sword Dao seed as if once was different, unexpectedly many some intelligence, understood that own protected own, does not know that vanished with Skyscraping Sword Venerable Senior last obsession related.” 对面,星彩间目光始终盯着正被剑尘炼化的剑道种子,眼中渐渐的露出一抹奇色,轻声嘀咕:“这一次的剑道种子似乎与曾经不一样,竟然多了一些灵性,懂得自己保护自己了,也不知是不是与摩天剑尊前辈的最后一丝执念消失有关。” Thinks Skyscraping Sword Venerable that dissipation finally wipes obsession, in the Xing Caijian eye cannot bear reveal wipes sadly. 一想到摩天剑尊那消散的最后一抹执念,星彩间眼中忍不住露出一抹哀伤。 Because, Skyscraping Sword Venerable has this means that dissipated in the true sense in the world. 因为这意味着,摩天剑尊已经真正意义上的消散在天地间了。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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