CSG :: Volume #40

#3940: Escaping

Clear muddy Old Ancestor turn into ashes, dark but this piece was covered void has not actually returned to normal, but sweeps obsolete in Heavenly Star Divine Sword sword qi, jet black such as the darkness of black ink was scattered some. 清浊老祖灰飞烟灭,不过这片被黑暗笼罩的虚空却并没有恢复正常,只是在天星神剑剑气扫过时,原本漆黑如墨的黑暗被驱散了些许。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword has not departed, but adjusts to reverse to return, the whole body is filling the light of dazzling and radiant stars, as if contains the great strengths of various day of stars, is void has delimited from this darkness unexpectedly again. 天星神剑并未离去,而是调个头倒转而回,周身弥漫着耀眼而璀璨的星辰之光,仿佛蕴含着诸天星辰的伟岸力量,竟是再一次从这片黑暗虚空中划过。 When the might that this time, Heavenly Star Divine Sword erupts seems like the ratio cuts to kill clear muddy Old Ancestor even more powerful, the place visited, void is avalanches, the Grand Dao rule as if cuts off. 这一次,天星神剑爆发的威力似乎比斩杀清浊老祖还要强大,所过之处,虚空是一片又一片的崩塌,大道规则仿佛都被斩断。 Shortly, became dark void by the clear muddy Old Ancestor secret skill influence, was cut the fragment by Heavenly Star Divine Sword all of a sudden, floods in all materials, all energies, crush under the Heavenly Star Divine Sword might completely. 顷刻间,受清浊老祖秘法影响而变得黑暗的虚空,被天星神剑一下子斩成碎片,充斥在其中的一切物质,一切能量,在天星神剑的威力下全部粉碎。 Afterward Heavenly Star Divine Sword no longer stays, went suddenly air-splitting, returns in the Xing Caijian hand. 随后天星神剑不再停留,瞬息间就破空而去,重新回到了星彩间手中。 Heavenly Star Divine Sword at this moment, has collected all rays of light and pressure, seeming like seems common ancient sword. 此刻的天星神剑,已经敛去了所有的光芒与威压,看上去就仿佛是一柄寻常古剑 Xing Caijian packages Heavenly Star Divine Sword with the homespun cloth, if then held Divine Sword in the past equally in the bosom, careless saying: That 7-layer powerhouse had been cut to kill, Senior, do not follow again I.” 星彩间用粗布将天星神剑重新包裹起来,然后如往常一样将神剑抱在怀中,漫不经心的说道:“那名七重天强者已经被斩杀,诸位前辈,你们不要再跟着我了。” Behind, one crowd of Immortal Venerable vision look are held Supreme Divine Item in bosom by Xing Caijian, everyone has a fearful and apprehensive feeling. 后方,一群仙尊目光望着被星彩间抱在怀中的至尊神器,所有人都有一股心惊胆战的感觉。 Caijian Princess your highness, that 7-layer powerhouse, really... really... real falls/dies?” In the crowd, Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer Old Ancestor swallows the saliva, is emboldening the inquiry. 彩间公主殿下,那名七重天强者,真的...真的...真的陨落了?”人群中,一名仙尊境二重天老祖咽了咽口水,壮着胆子询问。 Until now, some of them still have the question, cannot believe that in Skyscraping World really has powerhouse that reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer. 直到现在,他们当中的一些人都还存在着质疑,不敢相信摩天界内真的有一位臻至仙尊境七重天强者 Because regarding one crowd of Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, 7-layer was extremely was really remote, where regardless of this character placed, was belongs super powerhouse that suppressed a clan destiny. 因为对于一群仙尊境初期来说,七重天实在是太过于遥远了,这种人物无论放在什么地方,都是属于镇压一族气运的超级强者 Unparalleled hasn't so character surface been seeing such falls/dies? 如此盖世人物面都没见着一下就这么陨落了? This makes them have not a real feeling. 这让他们所有人都有一种不真实的感觉。 Xing Caijian has not paid attention to the people, she cherished holds Heavenly Star Divine Sword, in the hand is grasping left here that Sword Dao seed is not returning, vanished in the lines of sight of numerous Immortal Venerable. 星彩间没有理会众人,她怀中抱着天星神剑,手中握着剑道种子头也不回的离开了这里,消失在众多仙尊的视线中。 No one with coming up, even if were Xing Caijian carried off the Sword Dao seed, no one dares to propose half character, invincible power and influence that Heavenly Star Divine Sword showed that deep shock and awe in them everyone. 没有人跟上去,哪怕是星彩间带走了剑道种子,也没有人敢提半个字,天星神剑展现的无敌威势,深深的震慑了他们中的每一个人。 They even cannot help but think when entering Skyscraping World, various that Xing Caijian reveals regarding looking after of Yang Yutian. 他们甚至不由自主的想到了在进入摩天界时,星彩间表露出的各种对于羊羽天的关照。 At first their many people snort contemptuously, does not think that Xing Caijian has the commitment that the ability achieves her to make, now Heavenly Star Divine Sword was known by the people, if Xing Caijian grasps Supreme Divine Item Heavenly Star Divine Sword to bless Yang Yutian, they who can break through this defense line? 起初他们很多人是嗤之以鼻,并不认为星彩间有能力做到她许下的承诺,现在天星神剑被众人所知,倘若星彩间手持至尊神器天星神剑庇佑羊羽天,那他们又有谁能突破的了这一道防线? ...... ...... At this moment, the Skyscraping World foot region, a brand mark under stone tablet of Sword Dao scratch, Immortal Monarch is sitting cross-legged here, resembles in sensing the above Sword Dao deep meaning. 此刻,摩天界山脚区域,一处烙印着剑道刻痕的石碑下,一名仙君盘坐在这里,似在感悟上面的剑道奥义。 At this moment, both eyes that his shuts tightly opened slowly, revealed a profound eye, was vast just like a deep space, if looked at each other with it, as if entire soul must unable to bear fell into. 就在这时,他那紧闭的双目缓缓睁开,露出了一双深邃的眼睛,宛如一片深空般浩瀚,若是与之对视,仿佛整个灵魂都要忍不住的陷入进去。 „The Heavenly Star Divine Sword might is really fearful, worthily is working order Supreme Divine Item, that exterminates all invincible potentials, even if perhaps I must flee to the wilderness be at the condition of most peak......” 天星神剑的威力果然可怕,不愧为一件完整状态的至尊神器,那股灭绝一切的无敌之势,恐怕就算是我处于最巅峰的状态也得落荒而逃吧......” What is lucky, my ancient Hunshen sect also grasps the extraordinary inheritance, otherwise trades to be others to come, that situation had just ended up being out of body and soul completely eliminated......” “不过万幸的是,我古魂神宗同样掌握了不得的传承,否则换做其余人来,刚刚那种处境就已经落得形神俱灭的下场了......” This Immortal Monarch makes the low and deep sound, at once his raise one's head looks at this stretch of the world, the eyeground deep place revealed wipes to dread the color. 这名仙君发出低沉的声音,旋即他抬头看了看这片天地,眼底深处露出一抹忌惮之色。 „The female of Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor can search for Skyscraping World through here formation, anyone who enters Skyscraping World, should no one be able to hide completely under formation of this level. However, I have traded the status now, so long as this single layer status does not expose, she controls formation to search for entire Skyscraping World even again, should still only regard Immortal Monarch me......” 乱星天帝之女能通过这里的阵法搜寻摩天界,凡是进入摩天界的人,应该无人能在这种层次的阵法之下完全隐藏起来。不过,我现在已经重新换了身份,只要这一重身份不暴露,她即便再次控制阵法搜寻整个摩天界,也只会把我当成一名仙君......” That Immortal Monarch stand, without using Grand Dao Principle, but pure hurries along by the strength of cultivation level, confident left here. 那名仙君站了起来,没有动用大道法则,只是单纯的以修为之力赶路,不徐不疾的离开了这里。 This person, was clear muddy Old Ancestor of ancient Hunshen sect. 此人,正是古魂神宗的清浊老祖 Heavenly Star Divine Sword destroyed his flesh body, but the critical moment, he displayed unsurpassed secret skill Primordial Spirit to flee, seized to abandon Immortal Monarch to come to escape, hid. 天星神剑毁去了他的肉身,但关键时刻,他施展无上秘法元神遁走,夺舍了一名仙君来了个金蝉脱壳,借此隐藏。 Can restore the injury Supreme Divine Item, the role was too big, makes me pay some prices to compete sufficiently, although Heavenly Star Divine Sword not enemy, but is only one attacks the killing utensil eventually, the fight is its strong point, so long as evaded it good......” “一件能恢复伤势的至尊神器,作用实在太大了,足以让我付出一些代价去争夺,天星神剑虽不可敌,但终究只是一件攻杀型的器物,战斗才是它的强项,只要避过它就行了......” At the same time, Mo Tian records the mountainside region, Jian Chen puts on Heaven Escape Divine Armor somewhere, brings the Illusion Monster Clan mask, frequently is staying the concealment condition, is backing on a big tree sits on the ground, has a heavy heart. 同一时间,魔天记某处山腰区域,剑尘穿着遁天神甲,带着幻妖族面具,时刻保持着隐匿状态,正背靠在一棵大树坐在地上,心情沉重。 Although escaped from that unknown powerhouse hand, but he actually lost Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl card in a hand, the Sword Dao seed is also losing. 虽然从那名未知强者手中逃了出来,可他却失去了白玉灯盏这一张底牌,连带着剑道种子也弄丢了。 These competes for the Sword Dao seed time, it may be said that is the gain does not equal the loss. 这一次争夺剑道种子,可谓是得不偿失。 Moreover Source of Life is also asking him to complain, these period of time he first suffers besieging of dozens Immortal Venerable, then experiences a long-term destruction attack of 7-layer powerhouse, causing the Source of Life strength also to lose extremely greatly. 另外生命之源也在找他抱怨,这段时间他先是遭受数十名仙尊的围攻,然后又经历一名七重天强者的长时间毁灭攻击,导致生命之源的力量也损耗太过巨大。 Behind the strength that Source of Life loses can find the way to make it restore, the Sword Dao seed lost, he also had confidence that seizes. 生命之源损耗的力量后面可以想办法让它恢复,剑道种子丢了,他也有把握重新夺回来。 7-layer powerhouse is staring with emphasis in secret, this makes Jian Chen not dare to expose. 重点是有一名七重天强者在暗中盯着,这让剑尘根本就不敢暴露出来。 Here is Skyscraping World, space limits extremely, if stared again by that 7-layer, he has not grasped runs away again. 这里是摩天界,空间限制极大,若是再次被那名七重天盯上了,他可没有把握再次逃走。 First waits for the period of time, when All Heavens Divine Formation can use then needs further consideration.” Jian Chen can only helpless makes this decision. “还是先等一阵子,等诸天神阵能使用了再从长计议吧。”剑尘只能无奈的作出这一决定。 When may just think of here, his vision concentrates suddenly, stubbornly is staring at the mountain road end. 可刚想到这里时,他目光骤然一凝,死死的盯着山路尽头。 Because of this time, intense sword intent is transmitting from the distant place, regarding this sword intent, Jian Chen was really familiar, strength that Sword Dao seed released. 因为此时,一股强烈的剑意正从远方传递过来,对于这股剑意,剑尘实在是太熟悉了,那正是剑道种子释放出的力量。 After several breath, in distant that thick spirit fog, makes the Jian Chen familiar form appear together. 数个呼吸后,在远方那浓密的灵雾中,一道让剑尘熟悉的身影出现。 Xing Caijian. 正是星彩间 In the Xing Caijian bosom holds Heavenly Star Divine Sword, the left hand is pinching the Sword Dao seed, settles down in the region that Jian Chen stays, vision glance: Comes out, I know you in the nearby.” 星彩间怀中抱着天星神剑,左手捏着剑道种子,在剑尘停留的这片区域驻足,目光扫视:“出来吧,我知道你在附近。” Jian Chen received Heaven Escape Divine Armor, revealed that the figure, now his injury already completely healed, and changed one set of brand-new blue long gown, does not dare to imagine him completely some time ago is a severely wounded condition. 剑尘收起了遁天神甲,显露出身形来,如今他身上的伤势已经痊愈,并换上了一套崭新的蓝色长袍,完全不敢想象他不久前还是一副重伤的状态。 It seems like the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment wonderful effectiveness, has existed in name only in your eyes.” Jian Chen sighed lightly. “看来遁天神甲的隐匿神效,在你眼中已经形同虚设了。”剑尘轻叹道。 You have not died well, before harming me, is worried white/in vain.” Sees the Jian Chen perfect appearance here, Xing Caijian obviously relaxes, she does not care about Jian Chen this person, but actually takes seriously the Jian Chen's status. “你没死就好,害我之前还白担心一场。”见剑尘完好无损的出现在这里,星彩间明显松了口气,她并不在意剑尘这个人,但是却非常重视剑尘的身份。 „The Sword Dao seed gives you, you refine here, I personally for your Custodian.” Xing Caijian does not yearn for throws the Sword Dao seed in hand to Jian Chen. 剑道种子给你,你就在这里炼化吧,我亲自为你护法。”星彩间毫不留恋的将手中的剑道种子扔向剑尘 Looks is reappearing in the present Sword Dao seed, Jian Chen's facial expression absent-minded, this thing regains, he cannot be happy, instead a complex mood spreads in the heart. 望着重新出现在眼前的剑道种子,剑尘的神情一阵恍惚,此物失而复得,他却怎么也高兴不起来,反而还有一种复杂的情绪在心底蔓延。 The good fortune that because captures depending on the own ability , compared with the good fortune that others bestow, the brought feeling is entirely different. 因为凭自己的能力夺得的造化,与别人赠送的造化相比起来,带来的感受是截然不同的。 To compete for this thing, he also paid the heavy price, even Supreme Divine Item exposed. 而且为了争夺此物,他也付出了不轻的代价,连至尊神器都暴露出去了。 Finally finally, was the Sword Dao seed given own by Xing Caijian superficially? 结果最终,剑道种子就这么被星彩间轻描淡写的送给了自己 Before coped with your 7-layer powerhouse to be cut to kill by day star Senior, then you can also abandon all worries, hurried to refine the Sword Dao seed.” Xing Caijian urged. “之前对付你的那名七重天强者已经被天星前辈斩杀了,这下你也可以抛开所有的顾虑了,赶紧炼化剑道种子吧。”星彩间催促道。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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