CSG :: Volume #40

#3912: Seven sheep falls/dies

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At this moment, Chen wind Primordial Spirit is wounded, has fallen lowly to the sensation, facing Jian Chen this if quickly lightning fatal strikes, has made any response without enough time. 此刻,陈风元神受创,对外界的感知已经降到了最低,面对剑尘这快若闪电的致命一击,已经来不及作出任何的反应。 !” “噗!” Finally, blooms deeply burning the eyes rays of light Upright Heaven Sword pricked in Chen wind Primordial Spirit, that endures compared with Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer the prestige of five overlapped sword, effortless then cuts the smashing Primordial Spirit of Chen wind. 最终,绽放出炽目光芒立天剑深深的刺入了陈风的元神之中,那堪比仙尊境一重天的五重叠剑之威,不费吹灰之力便将陈风的元神斩成粉碎。 Wind Family cultivation level reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer Old Ancestor, the body falls! 风氏家族一位修为臻至仙尊境一重天老祖,就此身陨! Two Profound Sword Qi, high-grade Divine Item Upright Heaven Sword, senses to the fifth heavy hundred overlapped sword in addition, causing Jian Chen can then cut to kill Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer powerhouse at the extremely short time. 两道玄剑气,上品神器立天剑,外加感悟至第五重的百重叠剑,使得剑尘能够以极短的时间便斩杀一位仙尊境一重天强者 Naturally, in these three big advantages, Profound Sword Qi is the fainting merit to great, because had it to the influence that enemy Primordial Spirit has, struck the good opportunity that must kill to Jian Chen creation. 当然,在这三大优势之中,玄剑气是厥功至伟,正是因为有了它对敌人元神所造成的影响,才给剑尘创造了一击必杀的良机。 In Wind Family, you are first die Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in my hands, but is not last.” Jian Chen expression indifferent is looking at Chen wind body, although already falls/dies, but on him the prestige of that Immortal Venerable has not dissipated as before, sprinkles, but each drop of blood, is flooding the powerful fluctuation of energy. 风氏家族内,你是第一个死在我手中的仙尊境老祖,但绝不是最后一位。”剑尘神色漠然的望着陈风的尸体,尽管已经陨落,但他身上的那股仙尊之威依旧没有消散,洒落而出的每一滴血液,都充斥着强大的能量波动。 Without certain cultivation level, even the corpse of even/including Chen wind is unable to approach. 若是没有一定的修为,甚至连陈风的尸体都无法靠近。 Although already falls/dies, but his both eyes have not closed as before, that pair the lax eye has stared roundly, as if dies with injustice unredressed. 尽管已经陨落,但他的双目依旧没有闭上,那双已经涣散的眼睛瞪得圆鼓鼓的,似乎死不瞑目。 He to dying has not understood, actually between Wind Family and Jian Chen have what hostility. 他到死都没有明白,风氏家族剑尘之间究竟有什么恩怨 Sect Master, as if had other Immortal Venerable to catch up toward here.” The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable form appears side Jian Chen, his vision stares at the distant place, in region that the naked eye and Spiritual Consciousness are unable to touch, he has felt the powerful fluctuation of energy faintly. 宗主,似乎有别的仙尊朝着这里赶来了。”千魂魔尊的身影出现在剑尘身边,他目光凝望远方,在肉眼和神识都无法触及的区域,他已经隐隐感觉到强大的能量波动。 The Jian Chen slight nod, he received in the corpse of Chen wind Highest Beginning Temple, then makes Thousand Souls Demon Venerable make a move, processed under here trace and aura simply, then stimulates to movement the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment ability, the whole person quiet concealment in void. 剑尘微微点头,他将陈风的尸体收入了太初神殿内,然后让千魂魔尊出手,简单的处理了下这里的痕迹与气息,然后便催动遁天神甲的隐匿能力,整个人悄无声息的隐匿在虚空之中。 Shortly after Jian Chen just vanished, two Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer powerhouse then arrived at this place, they stand in the center that the war breaks out, is frowning sizes up everywhere. 就在剑尘刚消失不久,两名仙尊境一重天强者便来到了此地,他们站在大战爆发的中心处,皱着眉头四处打量。 Here just experienced a war!” And a Immortal Venerable opens the mouth, careful sensation stretch of the world, but that has not restored tranquil wild spiritual energy except for void, as well as all around was destroyed outside the jungle completely, then does not have other discovery. “这里刚刚经历了一场大战!”其中一名仙尊开口,仔细的感知这片天地,可除了虚空中那尚未恢复宁静的狂暴灵气,以及四周被摧毁殆尽的丛林外,便没有别的发现。 Quick, was several Immortal Venerable arrived in this place, they or 2-3 people of one group went hand in hand . 很快,先后又是几名仙尊抵达了此地,他们或是2-3人一组结伴而行,或是独自一人。 You said, can be Yang Yutian?” “你们说,会不会是羊羽天?” Many traces were cancelled, in addition the influence of Skyscraping World great formation, was unable to recall here past......” “很多痕迹都被抹去了,再加上摩天界大阵的影响,已经无法回溯这里的过去......” Is the person who here attacks brutally actually who? Why departs when continually aura and trace does not have......” “在这里大打出手的人究竟是谁?为何连离去时的气息与痕迹都没有......” Mostly was Yang Yutian, quickly, was centered on this place, rug looked for the past, delayed his escaping again farther......” “多半是羊羽天了,快,以此地为中心,地毯式找过去,再耽搁下去他就逃的更远了......” ...... ...... Following several days, Jian Chen hidden with the aid of the concealment of Heaven Escape Divine Armor everywhere, he has not continued to act, but is the time makes the own condition maintain at most peak, to compete for the Sword Dao seed prepares. 接下来的几日,剑尘借助遁天神甲的隐匿四处隐藏,他没有继续出手,而是时刻让自己的状态保持在最巅峰,为争夺剑道种子做准备。 On this day, is shifting Jian Chen of position to stop suddenly, brow tight wrinkle. 这一日,正在转移位置的剑尘突然停了下来,眉头紧皱。 He uses spiritual energy as the eye, discovered that the own around position has Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor to block off, at this moment, they are swaying strength of the cultivation level, wanton bombing is close to own toward two. 他以灵气为眼,发现自己的前后位置都有仙尊境老祖堵截,此刻,他们在挥洒自身修为之力,一路狂轰滥炸的朝两头接近自己 What unfortunately is, he mountain road, in several tens of thousands from does not have the branch road at this moment. 不巧的是,他此刻所处的山路,数万里距离都没有岔路。 In Skyscraping World formation numerous, limits many, any powerhouse moves in inside must according to the action that the mountain road toes the line, even cannot the altitude flying, only be able to plunder at low altitude. 摩天界阵法重重,限制诸多,任何强者在里面移动都得依照山路循规蹈矩的行动,甚至都不能高空飞行,只能低空掠地。 Had not chosen, can only kill.” Jian Chen vision one cold, reveals color decidedly, the figure in a flash, speeds along to go toward the front. “没有选择了,只能一路杀过去了。”剑尘目光一冷,露出决然之色,身形一晃,朝着前方飞驰而去。 Yang Yutian, actually you hid where.” At this moment, cultivation level reaches to Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer Old Ancestor Qiyang is suppressing irritable of innermost feelings, stimulates to movement strength of hitting repeatedly cultivation level to all around, causes the intermittent energy storm. 羊羽天,你究竟躲到哪里去了。”此刻,修为臻至仙尊境二重天七羊老祖正强忍着内心的急躁,催动修为之力一遍又一遍的打向四周,引发阵阵能量风暴。 His vision is to also keep glance, Spiritual Consciousness and naked eye and using, periphery close attention. 他的目光也是不停的扫视,神识与肉眼并用,密切关注周围。 Bang! is one group of pure energy bombardments in that is almost on the indestructible mountain wall, made this region void strenuous vibration. 轰!”又是一团精纯的能量轰击在那几乎是坚不可摧的山壁上,令这片区域的虚空都在剧烈震动。 However this time, in void of that violent vibration, form quiet reappearing that wears Battle Armor, somewhat sways in that fierce energy storm obviously. 然而这一次,在那猛烈震动的虚空之中,一名身穿战甲的身影悄无声息的浮现而出,在那凶猛的能量风暴中显然有些飘摇。 Jian Chen! 正是剑尘 Un?” Old Ancestor Qiyang catches the Jian Chen's form immediately, its expression is obviously startled slightly, the next quarter then reveals the wild with joy color, said: Yang Yutian, found you finally, this time do not want to escape.” “嗯?”七羊老祖立即捕捉到剑尘的身影,其神色明显微微一怔,下一刻便露出狂喜之色,道:“羊羽天,总算找到你了,这次你别想逃掉。” Old Ancestor Qiyang had known the Jian Chen's concealment ability, therefore to prevent Jian Chen escapes again void into, he erupts the strength of complete cultivation level without hesitation, in disrupts the void balance of this region vigorously, simultaneously moves sideways to arrive in front of Jian Chen, in the palms brings the powerful fluctuation of energy racket to Jian Chen. 七羊老祖已经知道了剑尘的隐匿能力,因此为了防止剑尘再次遁入虚空中,他毫不犹豫的爆发出全部的修为之力,在极力扰乱这片区域的虚空平衡,同时一个闪身来到剑尘面前,手掌间带起强大的能量波动拍向剑尘 Old man knew unable to kill you, so long as can constrain you do not make you run away, when many fellow daoist caught up, you may be unable to escape even with wings.” Old Ancestor Qiyang Ha Ha laughed, resembles to suppress foul air in heart to obtain the release finally. “老夫知晓杀不了你,但只要能将你拖住不让你逃走,待更多的道友赶来时,你可就插翅难飞了。”七羊老祖哈哈大笑,似憋在心中的一口浊气终于得到了释放。 Jian Chen Old Ancestor Qiyang this strikes, Jian Chen remains unmoved. 剑尘七羊老祖这一击,剑尘不为所动。 But in Old Ancestor Qiyang that belt/bring a palm of dreadful cultivation level will soon be hitting Jian Chen, big black specters quietly appear in front of Jian Chen, he stretches out that very much at will just like the rush-leaf fan giant palm, then grasps suddenly, the palm of Old Ancestor Qiyang directly wrapping, two powerful energies is colliding violently, the nearby void radical distortion that made. 可就在七羊老祖那带着滔天修为的一掌即将击中剑尘时,一尊高大的黑色魔影悄然出现在剑尘面前,他很是随意的伸出那宛若蒲扇般的巨大手掌,而后猛然一握,将七羊老祖的手掌直接给包裹住,两股强大的能量在猛烈碰撞,令的附近虚空剧烈扭曲。 Your excellency, who you... are you?” Old Ancestor Qiyang completely surprised is looking at sudden Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, however the next quarter, his complexion suddenly changes, calls out in alarm said: „It is not right, enters in Skyscraping World Immortal Venerable simply not to have your existence, actually you... do you where brave?” “阁下,你...你是何人?”七羊老祖满是惊讶的望着突然出现的千魂魔尊,然而下一刻,他脸色猛然一变,惊呼道:“不对,进入摩天界仙尊中根本没有你的存在,你...你究竟是从哪里冒出来的?” Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” The Jian Chen light opens the mouth, the next quarter, he uses two Profound Sword Qi without hesitation, direct attack Old Ancestor Qiyang Primordial Spirit. “速战速决!”剑尘淡淡开口,下一刻,他毫不犹豫的动用两道玄剑气,直接攻击七羊老祖元神 ah! Old Ancestor Qiyang sends out the pitiful yell immediately, Primordial Spirit drags fiercely, the severe pain made his complexion instantaneous blanch. 啊!七羊老祖顿时发出惨叫,元神剧烈摇曳,剧烈的痛楚令他脸色瞬间发白。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Jie Jie smiles strangely, then whole person changes to one group of black fog to invade Old Ancestor Qiyang within the body instantaneously, launches the attack exterminating from Primordial Spirit. 千魂魔尊桀桀怪笑,而后整个人化作一团黑雾瞬间侵入七羊老祖体内,从元神上对其展开灭绝性攻击。 Suddenly, Old Ancestor Qiyang angrily roars again and again, his both hands hold the head, looking to be painful and ferocious name is scurrying about same place, body aura rapid fluctuation. 一时间,七羊老祖怒吼连连,他双手抱头,面露痛苦和狞狰的在原地上蹿下跳,身上气息飞速波动。 However, merely several time of breath, Old Ancestor Qiyang then stopped all struggling, aura of body that disorder also became tranquil. 然而,仅仅数个呼吸的时间,七羊老祖便停止了一切挣扎,身上那紊乱的气息也变得宁静起来。 His eye opening suddenly, that is pair of jet black eyes that filled intense Demon Qi. 他的眼睛忽的睁开,那是一双充满了强烈魔气的漆黑双眼。 Jie Jie Jie Jie, Sect Master, we can walk.” The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable sound spreads. “桀桀桀桀,宗主,我们可以走了。”千魂魔尊的声音传出。 The next quarter, billowing Demon Qi fills the air from Old Ancestor Qiyang, condenses the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable form again. 下一刻,滚滚魔气七羊老祖身上弥漫而出,再次凝聚成千魂魔尊的身影。 But Old Ancestor Qiyang body, is straight but actually. 七羊老祖的身躯,则是直挺挺的倒了下去。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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