CSG :: Volume #40

#3913: Token shock and awe

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Un, you first return to Highest Beginning Temple.” The Jian Chen nod said that two Profound Sword Qi that some time ago restored lose again, that familiar dizziness feeling attacked again, making in his foreheads float the little exhausted colors quietly. “嗯,你先回太初神殿吧。”剑尘点头道,不久前才恢复的两道玄剑气再次失去,那种熟悉的眩晕感再次侵袭了上来,使得他眉宇间悄然浮上了几许疲惫之色。 But in order to cuts to kill Old Ancestor Qiyang this Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer powerhouse rapidly, he has to use these two Profound Sword Qi. 但为了能迅速斩杀七羊老祖这位仙尊境二重天强者,他又不得不动用这两道玄剑气 By the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable current strength, can indeed form the steamroll to Old Ancestor Qiyang the aspect, but is unable to achieve absolutely cuts to kill fast, even a negligence, making the opposite party escape said that does not permit. 千魂魔尊目前的实力,的确能对七羊老祖形成碾压的局面,但绝对无法做到快速斩杀,甚至一个疏忽,让对方逃掉都说不准了。 Therefore, these two Profound Sword Qi cannot save! 所以,这两道玄剑气不能省! Thousand Souls Demon Venerable returned to Highest Beginning Temple well satisfied, Old Ancestor Qiyang corpse Jian Chen has not wasted, similarly received. 千魂魔尊心满意足的回到了太初神殿内,七羊老祖的尸体剑尘也没有浪费,同样收了起来。 As the body of Old Ancestor Qiyang falls, the Jian Chen front road again became unobstructed. 随着七羊老祖的身陨,剑尘前方的路再次变得通畅了起来。 At this time, behind that Immortal Venerable situated in him, only has the thousand li (500 km) to him from. 此时,位于他后方的那位仙尊,离他已经仅有千里距离了。 The opposite party also felt anything obviously, speed that significantly sped up, held up toward here wind spreading electricity caught up. 对方显然也感受到了什么,明显加快的速度,朝着这里风驰电擎的赶来。 Jian Chen is not willing excessively to pester with the opposite party, must stimulate to movement the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment function. 剑尘不愿与对方过多纠缠,就要催动遁天神甲的隐匿功能。 But when he just about to departs, expression moves suddenly, after short hesitation, then relieved the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment ability, natural standing is waiting same place. 可就在他刚要离去时,突然间神色一动,短暂的沉吟后,便解除了遁天神甲的隐匿能力,大大方方的站在原地等候。 Almost in the next quarter, powerful sword intent floods void, sees only the day of Yang Divine Sword sect to lack the real person to appear in front of Jian Chen impressively. 几乎就在下一刻里,一股强大的剑意充斥虚空,只见阳神剑宗的天缺真人赫然出现在剑尘面前。 Jian Chen crosses the hands behind the back to stand, expression tranquil looks at the day to lack the real person, that vision seemed looking that person of person of the same generation results, does not have the slight awe. 剑尘负手而立,神色平静的望着天缺真人,那目光就仿佛是在看一个平辈之人似得,没有丝毫的敬畏。 The person who sees the own laborious search appears in finally at present, this lets the day lacks in the real person heart one happy, subconscious probably make a move immediately to tie down Jian Chen. 自己辛辛苦苦搜寻的人终于出现在眼前,这顿时让天缺真人心中一喜,下意识的就要出手缠住剑尘 But when he sees Jian Chen casual standing there, when a being calm and composed even in press of work stance, in the eye flashes through color of the surprise immediately, repressed the thought that lashed out forcefully, shouted lowly: Yang Yutian, how don't you hide?” 但当他见剑尘大大咧咧的站在那里,一副好整以暇的姿态时,眼中顿时闪过一丝诧异之色,强行按捺住了出手攻击的念头,低喝道:“羊羽天,你怎么不躲了?” Day lacks the real person, for did not belong to your nurturing sword spirit fruit, can draw on the fatal disaster to own?” The Jian Chen opens the mouth, the tone is still very light. “天缺真人,为了一颗本就不属于你的育剑灵果,非要给自己招来杀身之祸吗?”剑尘开口,语气依旧十分平淡。 Fatal disaster? Ha Ha Ha Ha, Yang Yutian, the old man acknowledged that you indeed are the posture of heaven-blessed, can contend with 12 by the Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage strength with the old man directly. But to let the old man depending on this faced with the fatal disaster, you rather also too looked at your own high.” The day lacks real person Ha Ha to laugh, snorts contemptuously regarding these words that Jian Chen spoke: Old man knows you and some female of perhaps origins Heavenly Star Palace Heavenly Emperor, but you think that Heavenly Star Palace will go to provoke Great Bright Heavenly Palace on own initiative?” “杀身之祸?哈哈哈哈,羊羽天,老夫承认你的确是天纵之姿,以仙帝境中期的实力就能与老夫正面抗衡一二。但若想凭此就让老夫面临杀身之祸,那你未免也太高看你自己了。”天缺真人哈哈大笑,对于剑尘说的这番话嗤之以鼻:“老夫知道你与天星宫天帝之女或许有些渊源,不过你认为天星宫会去主动招惹大明天宫吗?” Yang Yutian, the old man or those words, hand over nurturing sword spirit fruit, otherwise, the old man will not let off you!” 羊羽天,老夫还是那句话,交出育剑灵果,否则,老夫绝不会放过你!” Jian Chen shakes the head, said: I and Heavenly Star Palace usually do not have the connection, my matter is also uninterested with Heavenly Star Palace, if I really must kill you, you did believe you unable to have Skyscraping World absolutely.” 剑尘摇了摇头,道:“我与天星宫素无瓜葛,我的事情也与天星宫毫无关系,我若真要杀你,你信不信你绝对出不了摩天界。” Ha Ha Ha Ha, old man Huan Zhen (really) does not believe that Yang Yutian, you, if really has this skill, might as well take to make the old man enlarge ones vision.” The day lacked the real person to be amused, he has not seen so arrogant and extremely arrogant Immortal Emperor. 哈哈哈哈,老夫还真不信,羊羽天,你若真有这个本事,不如拿出来让老夫开开眼。”天缺真人被逗乐了,他还从来没见过如此自大而狂妄的仙帝 Jian Chen wields, the Wind Family Old Ancestor corpse appears impressively, the whole body was still filling a light Immortal Venerable Realm pressure. 剑尘手一挥,风氏家族老祖的尸体赫然出现,周身仍然弥漫着一股淡淡的仙尊境威压。 When sees Chen wind body, the day lacked complexion of real person instantaneously changed, he has recognized Chen wind identity, in the heart was shocked greatly. 当看到陈风的尸体时,天缺真人的脸色瞬间就变了,他已经认出了陈风的身份,心中大为震动。 Jian Chen waves again, is a Immortal Venerable Realm corpse is thrown the ground, the remaining prestige that the body fills is more powerful. 紧接着,剑尘再次一挥手,又是一具仙尊境的尸体被扔到地上,身上弥漫出的余威更加强大。 Seven... seven sheep fellow daoist......” this time, the day lacks the real person to call out in alarm directly makes noise, in the eye reveals may not the color of believing. “七...七羊道友......”这一次,天缺真人直接惊呼出声,眼中露出不可置信之色。 Before several double-hour, he has also met with Old Ancestor Qiyang on the way, when the result has not thought meets again, Old Ancestor Qiyang has become a corpse. 就在数个时辰之前,他还和七羊老祖在途中相遇过,结果没想到再次相见时,七羊老祖已经成为了一具尸体。 The key is Old Ancestor Qiyang falls/dies was too quick, by his Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer strength, even if bumps into Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse also to support some time, cannot stand off can also run away. 关键是七羊老祖陨落的太快了,以他仙尊境二重天的实力,哪怕是碰到仙尊境三重天强者也能支撑一段时间,敌不过也能逃走。 Finally now, Old Ancestor Qiyang directly on falls/dies! 结果现在,七羊老祖直接就陨落了! Yang Yutian, you... were you... you killed Old Ancestor Qiyang?” The day lacks the real person to look that happened to the Jian Chen's vision overturned the heavens the duplicate change, had shocking, had the surprise, filled deep dreading and guarding. 羊羽天,你...你...是你杀了七羊老祖?”天缺真人看向剑尘的目光发生了翻天地覆的变化,有震惊,有诧异,同时也充满了一股深深的忌惮和提防。 Old Ancestor Qiyang falls/dies, indeed gave to shake him. 七羊老祖陨落,的确将他给震住了。 If not for looks in the Crown Princess face, my you will not let off, because you depend on the social climbing the Great Bright Heavenly Palace background, some indeed rallying points in this Skyscraping World, many Immortal Venerable gives you face.” Jian Chen said. “若不是看在长公主的面子上,我连你也不会放过,因为你仗着攀附上大明天宫的背景,在这摩天界内的确有一些号召力,很多仙尊都给你面子。”剑尘说道。 Listened to this saying, the day to lack in the real person heart slightly a loosen, ridiculed: Yang Yutian, old man Huan Zhen (really) thinks that you are fearless, originally you also fear Crown Princess your highness.” 听了这话,天缺真人心中微微一松,讥讽道:“羊羽天,老夫还真以为你无所畏惧呢,原来你也怕长公主殿下。” You thought mistakenly, I give the Crown Princess face , because I regard the friend her, rather than fears.” Jian Chen said. “你想错了,我给长公主面子,是因为我把她当成朋友,而不是惧怕。”剑尘道。 What? You said that you do regard the friend Crown Princess?” Listened to this saying, the day to lack the facial expression on real face all of a sudden becomes incomparably strange, at once as if hears in the world funniest joke to result, been able to bear had a good laugh: Yang Yutian Yang Yutian, don't you think to look at Crown Princess your highness are the honored character? She made unsurpassed existence that World of Immortals innumerable status prominent school of lords could not seek friendships with. Your trivial Immortal Emperor Realm, what qualifications also there is to regard the friend Crown Princess your highness?” “什么?你说你把长公主当成朋友?”听了这话,天缺真人脸上的神情一下子变得无比怪异,旋即就仿佛是听到了天底下最好笑的笑话似得,忍不住的仰天大笑起来:“羊羽天羊羽天,你也不想想看长公主殿下是何等尊贵的人物?她可是令仙界无数身份显赫的一派之主都高攀不起的无上存在。你区区仙帝境,又有什么资格将长公主殿下当成朋友?” Although the old man also understands, you are only wishful thinking regards the friend Crown Princess, perhaps in fact Crown Princess does not know that in World of Immortals also has your existence, but Yang Yutian, you, if with so the idea, the old man looks down upon you from the bottom of the heart.” “虽然老夫也明白,你只是一厢情愿的将长公主当成朋友,实际上长公主或许都不知道仙界中还有你这个人的存在,但羊羽天,你若怀着如此想法,那老夫从心底瞧不起你。” Before listened to your some facts, although is unattractive your future, but your fearless spiritual Huan Zhen (really) lets the old man but actually to your impressive three points, however now looks like, you will also be no more than so.” “之前听了你的一些事迹,虽然不好看你的未来,但你的那种无所畏惧的精神倒还真让老夫对你刮目三分,然而现在看来,你也不过如此。” The day lacks shaking the head of the real person sighed lightly, resembled to be greatly disappointed. 天缺真人轻叹的摇了摇头,似大失所望。 Day lacks the real person, does not know that this thing you whether does recognize?” Jian Chen turns, the token appears in the hand together, when initially with Fang Jing distinguished, Fang Jing personally gives his token. “天缺真人,不知此物你是否认得?”剑尘手一翻,一块令牌出现在手中,正是当初与方静分别时,方静亲自交给他的那块令牌。 This... is this Great Bright Heavenly Palace token?” On the same day lacked the vision of real person to fall when the token in Jian Chen hand, immediately the mind big quake, the pupil contracted instantaneously. “这...这是大明天宫的令牌?”当天缺真人的目光落在剑尘手中的令牌上时,顿时心神大震,瞳孔瞬间收缩。 In this person of hand, really does Huan Zhen (really) have came from the Great Bright Heavenly Palace token together? 此人手中,竟然还真有一块来自大明天宫的令牌? Yang Yutian, where this token do you obtain?” The day lacks real person expression gradually serious to get up, so long as is the Great Bright Heavenly Palace person, the body has the status token together, but token that the people of different status present as a gift, its significance is also entirely different. 羊羽天,这令牌你是从哪里得到的?”天缺真人神色逐渐严肃起来,只要是大明天宫的人,身上都有一块身份令牌,而不同身份的人赠出的令牌,其意义也是截然不同。 Naturally, the way of obtaining the token has many types, may not the Great Bright Heavenly Palace person bestow, for example killed Great Bright Heavenly Palace some disciple, similarly can obtain opposite party token. 当然,获得令牌的方式有很多种,不一定非得大明天宫的人赠送,比如杀了大明天宫的某个弟子,同样能获得对方身上的令牌。 On token has wisp of aura that his master leaves behind, your own felt does not know.” The Jian Chen vision ponders looked that lacks the real person to the day. “令牌上有其主人留下的一缕气息,你自己感受感受不就知道了。”剑尘目光玩味的看向天缺真人。 The day lacks the real person brow slightly wrinkle, as if not like Jian Chen's this vision very much, but he cannot attend to haggling over these at present, having several points to release wisp of Primordial Spirit vigilantly, cautious in that token close to Jian Chen hand. 天缺真人眉头微皱,似乎很不喜欢剑尘的这种目光,但眼下他也顾不得去计较这些,带着几分警惕释放出一缕元神,小心翼翼的靠近剑尘手中的那枚令牌。 However, when his wisp of Spiritual Consciousness and token contact, immediately dreadful aura of extreme terrifying instantaneously spreads day of sensation that lacks the real person, it seems invisible sledgehammer results, knocking ruthlessly in the day lacked the mind of real person, making him such as be struck by lightning, whole person direct dull silly in same place, revealed may not the color of believing. 然而,当他的一缕神识与令牌接触时,顿时有一股极端恐怖的滔天气息瞬间传入天缺真人的感知,它就仿佛是一柄无形的大锤似得,狠狠的敲在了天缺真人的心神间,令他如遭雷击,整个人直接呆傻在原地,露出不可置信之色。 By the influence of its aura , he seemed to be seen grace and talent Peerless Generation form suspended above nine days, by a brutal and indifferent vision static gaze own. 受其气息的影响,恍惚间,他似乎看到了一道风华绝代的身影正悬浮于九天之上,以一种无情而冷漠的目光静静的注视着自己 But the status of this form, is to make the day lack the real person to feel fearful and apprehensive, even stemming from the obligation of instinct, he nearly must unable to bear makes to lie prostrate in worship the movement that. 而这道身影的身份,更是令天缺真人感到心惊胆战不已,甚至是出于一种本能的驱使下,他险些就要忍不住的作出顶礼膜拜的动作。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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