CSG :: Volume #40

#3911: Cuts to kill Chen wind

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In Chen Fengxin warning omen greatly fresh, an unprecedented giant crisis covers his mind, immediately made his pupil extreme speed contraction. 陈风心中警兆大生,一股前所未有的巨大危机笼罩他心灵,顿时令他瞳孔极速收缩。 His almost conditioned reflex made the correct response, the figure retroceded rapidly, simultaneously in Divine Item by own hand kept off before the body. 他几乎条件反射般作出了正确反应,身形急速后退,同时以自己手中的神器挡在身前。 Bang! 轰! The Upright Heaven Sword five severely disabled shades combine into one, hits again on Divine Item in Chen wind hand, the strong impulse makes Chen wind footsteps stagger the retreat, grasps high-grade Divine Item in hand nearly to let go to fly. 立天剑五重残影合而为一,再次打在陈风手中的神器上,强大的冲击力使得陈风脚步踉跄后退,握在手中的上品神器都险些脱手而飞。 Jian Chen rushes over, whole body Sword Dao Principle winds around, Upright Heaven Sword changes to a remnant shadow, sways to make a debut radiant dazzling sword light and Chen wind fierce battle. 剑尘冲了过去,周身剑道法则缭绕,立天剑化作一片残影,挥洒出道道璀璨炫目的剑光与陈风激烈交战。 Suddenly, in the field the bellow is lingering on faintly, the wild energy storm is doping the fragmentary sword qi fragment in all directions lasing. 一时间,场中轰鸣声不绝于耳,狂暴的能量风暴掺杂着零碎的剑气碎片四处激射。 In the short time, two people then fight several hundred rounds, the world blows the energy storm of riot void. 短短时间内,二人便交手数百回合,天地虚空都刮起暴乱的能量风暴。 On Chen wind only then high-grade Divine Item, that is the sledgehammer in hand, after Jian Chen so fights intensely, he afterward put on middle-grade Divine Item Battle Armor is damaged, presented the dense and numerous sword marks, even there is a belt/bring powerful energy aura the blood of Immortal Venerable to flow. 陈风身上只有一件上品神器,那便是手中的大锤,在与剑尘这般激烈交手后,他后来穿在身上的一件中品神器战甲已经破败不堪,出现了密密麻麻的剑痕,甚至有带着强大能量气息仙尊之血流淌而出。 Opposite, Jian Chen's Heaven Escape Divine Armor also suffered the attack, presented some marks. 对面,剑尘的遁天神甲也遭受了攻击,出现了一些印痕。 But also merely is the trace, as Rank extremely high high-grade Divine Item, Heaven Escape Divine Armor only depends on firm, not any Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage can injure to tiny bit. 但也仅仅是痕迹而已,作为一件等阶极高的上品神器,遁天神甲仅凭本身的坚固,就绝不是任何仙尊境初期能伤到一分一毫。 Let alone Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, even if Immortal Venerable Realm middle-stage peak powerhouse, is unable to injure to the Heaven Escape Divine Armor constitution substantiality. 别说仙尊境初期,纵然是仙尊境中期巅峰的强者,都无法对遁天神甲构成实质性伤害。 Superficially, Jian Chen has not received slightly the injury, but in fact he also received some wounds of shake, is only these injuries to him, with flexure itchy no difference. 表面上看,剑尘没有受到丝毫伤势,可实际上他也受到了一些震荡之伤,只是这些伤势对于他来说,和挠痒痒没什么区别。 Was too weak, if you on this strength, how long you could not support in my hands.” Jian Chen holds the sword to stand, body fighting intent is dreadful, vision indifferent is looking at opposite Chen wind. “太弱了,你如果就这点实力,那你在我手中根本支撑不了多久。”剑尘持剑而立,身上战意滔天,目光冷漠的望着对面的陈风。 With is Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer, may have the division of strong and weak as before, but Chen wind battle strength in can only be fair. 同为仙尊境一重天,可依旧有强弱之分,而陈风的战力在其中只能算是中规中矩。 Is compares the doctrine of the mean the sequence. 算是比较中庸的序列。 own solemn Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, actually is so satirized by Immortal Emperor now, this makes in Chen Fengxin be burning with anger, may face astonishing battle strength that Jian Chen shows, he has to acknowledge that present Immortal Emperor is very indeed strong. 自己堂堂仙尊境老祖,如今竟然被一名仙帝给这般讽刺,这让陈风心中是怒火中烧,可偏偏面对剑尘展现出的惊人战力,他又不得不承认眼前的仙帝的确很强。 Before then, he never dares to imagine Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage, can unexpectedly with a Immortal Venerable direct engagement. 在这之前,他从来不敢想象一名仙帝境中期,竟然能与一位仙尊正面交战。 Yang Yutian, now how your natural talent unprecedented melts even can, you offended so many top influences simultaneously, but also provoked our Wind Family, your fate being doomed is difficult to escape dies.” 羊羽天,就算你天资旷古烁今又能如何,你同时得罪了如此多的顶尖势力,还招惹了我们风氏家族,你的下场注定难逃一死。” Now the old man cannot do to you, after waiting for Skyscraping World to open, if you do not die, the old man will report here matter truthfully to Reverse Wind Old Ancestor, you are waiting for chasing down of Reverse Wind Old Ancestor.” Chen Fengnu said, regarding oneself that Old Ancestor disposition, he understood, that absolutely is the lord who has a grudge to report. “现在老夫是奈何不得你,等摩天界开启之后你倘若不死,那老夫会将这里的事如实禀告给逆风老祖,你就等着逆风老祖的追杀吧。”陈风怒道,对于自家那位老祖的脾性,他可是非常了解,那绝对是一个有仇必报的主。 „Do you also want to live are leaving Skyscraping World?” Jian Chen showed the ice-cold smile, floods ice-cold killing intent in both eyes is stronger and stronger. “你还想活着离开摩天界?”剑尘露出了冰冷的笑容,充斥在双目中的冰冷杀意是越来越强。 Old man acknowledged, you can indeed meet as an equal to the old man, but old man , to walk, you cannot block.” Chen wind proudly said, has to draw back intent, is not willing to continue to hit with Jian Chen. “老夫承认,你的确能与老夫分庭抗礼,但老夫若是想走,你也拦不住。”陈风傲然说道,已经心生退意,不愿和剑尘继续打下去。 Because he also discovered that after Jian Chen withstands he attacked much, a result wound does not have, this reminds him of a rumor, knows that continues to hit, own does not consume the opposite party eventually. 因为他也发现剑尘承受了他不少攻击后,结果一点伤都没有,这让他想起一则传言,知道继续打下去,自己终究是耗不过对方。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, blocks this boundary to me, cannot this to escape.” Jian Chen opens the mouth suddenly. 千魂魔尊,给我封锁这处地界,决不能让此人逃掉。”剑尘突然开口。 He finishes speaking, the extremely tall and strong form then emerges out of thin air together, the body fills dreadful Demon Qi. 他话音刚落,一道极其魁梧的身影便是凭空出现,身上弥漫出一股滔天魔气 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable! 正是千魂魔尊 Throws after these years restorations as well as Jian Chen's several times raises, the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable strength quickly is restoring, although has not restored to 4-layer of peak, but also achieved the boundary of 3-layer peak. 经过这些年的恢复以及剑尘的几次“投养”,千魂魔尊的实力正迅速恢复,尽管还未恢复至巅峰时期的四重天,但也达到了三重天巅峰之境。 Who you... are you? This time enters in Skyscraping World Immortal Venerable, may not have people of your sort.” Is looking at emerging out of thin air Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, Chen wind immediately in great surprise, when the feeling is feels from that strong oppression strength that on Thousand Souls Demon Venerable fills, his complexion instantaneously becomes incomparably ugly/difficult to look at. “你...你是何人?此番进入摩天界仙尊中,可没有你这号人物。”望着凭空出现的千魂魔尊,陈风顿时大惊,感觉是感受到自千魂魔尊身上弥漫出的那股强大压迫力时,他的脸色瞬间变得无比难看。 But at once he as if realizes anything, the mind strenuous vibration, looked that also changed to the Jian Chen's vision suddenly, that is one type has the thick burning hot and greedy color. 但旋即他似乎意识到了什么,心灵剧烈震动起来,看向剑尘的目光也猛然发生了变化,那是一种带着浓浓的炙热与贪婪的色彩。 Doping, extremely crazy that even is hard to conceal. 掺杂在其中的,甚至还有一股难以掩饰的极度疯狂。 Originally... on you, was also hiding so fearful supreme treasure unexpectedly!” Chen wind tone shivers, does not know that is excited, is stemming from one fear. “原来...原来在你身上,竟然还隐藏着如此可怕的至宝!”陈风的语气颤抖起来,也不知是过于激动,还是出于一种恐惧。 Sect Master, this small role gave true body/this senior to cope is OK.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable said that when his pair of vision that is beating the jet black demon flame falls when Chen wind body, immediately made in Chen Fengxin one tight, only felt that an invisible pressure from extruded to come in all directions, his entire body, even must be frozen together with the soul. 宗主,这种小角色交给本尊来对付就可以了。”千魂魔尊说道,当他那双跳动着漆黑魔焰的目光落在陈风身上时,顿时令陈风心中一紧,只感觉一股无形的压力从四面八方挤压而来,他的整个身躯,甚至是连同灵魂都要被冻结。 In Chen Fengxin quickly grasps the meaning of something, that burning hot the crazy heart instantaneously becomes icy cold, expression becomes the unprecedented dignity. 陈风心中一个激灵,那颗炙热又疯狂的心瞬间变得冰凉起来,神色变得前所未有的凝重。 He then realizes a serious problem, although he discovered hidden the startled day good fortune on Yang Yutian, may probably reach facing cultivation level to the threat of Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer similarly. 他这才意识到一个严重问题,尽管他发现了隐藏在羊羽天身上的惊天造化,可同样要面对一名修为臻至仙尊境三重天的威胁。 Does not use, all around you only need block do not make this person run away then, this person I must solve personally.” Jian Chen is unemotional, the pupil light is indifferent, ice cold killing intent that fills, made all around thermal shock. “不用,你只需封锁四周不让此人逃走即可,这个人我要亲自解决。”剑尘面无表情,眸光冷漠,那弥漫出的冰寒杀意,令得四周温度骤降。 In the past, Purple Night Sword Sect Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor died of the hand of Reverse Wind Monarch, now, this deep hatred because of this/should bit by bit asked. 当年,紫霄剑宗的一位仙尊境老祖可是死于逆风上人之手,如今,这个血仇因该一点一点的讨回来了。 The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable form has disappeared, changes to one group of thick black fog to flutter in void, is and out. 千魂魔尊的身影已经消失,化作一团浓密的黑雾飘荡在虚空之中,忽隐忽现。 But opposite Chen wind, when hearing Jian Chen must cope with own personally, immediately in the heart chuckled, secretly thought: Stupid, if you make that Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer begin, how long the old man could not support absolutely, but you unexpectedly arrogant wants to cut to kill the old man by Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage cultivation level. Now the old man only needs to delay the protracted time, believes how long could not want, will have other Immortal Venerable way places.” 而对面的陈风,在听到剑尘要亲自对付自己时,顿时心中一阵窃喜,暗道:“愚蠢,你若是让那名仙尊境三重天动手,那老夫绝对支撑不了多久,可你竟然自大的想以仙帝境中期修为斩杀老夫。现在老夫只需要拖延拖延时间,相信要不了多久,就会有其他仙尊途径此地。” Thinks of here, Chen wind mood instantaneously became relaxed. 想到这里,陈风的心情瞬间变得轻松了起来。 However at this moment, incomparably powerful sword intent fills the air suddenly, that merely is spreading of aura, one type sweeps away Ba Huang, the space underground conceited unsurpassed spirit, is to make neighbor void dense spiritual energy become thin, seemed cut the smashing by this unsurpassed sword intent. 然而就在这时,一股无比强大的剑意突然弥漫开来,那仅仅是气息的传出,就有一种横扫八荒,天上地下唯我独尊的无上气概,更是令得附近虚空的稠密灵气都变得稀薄起来,仿佛是被这股无上剑意斩成粉碎。 Sees only in Jian Chen top of the head, presented two finger size sword qi, blooms blinding rays of light, snow white that the trim shines upon void. 只见在剑尘头顶处,出现了两道不过手指大小剑气,绽放出炽目的光芒,将整片虚空都映照的一片雪白。 He in order to cuts to kill Chen wind by quickest speed, used two Profound Sword Qi without hesitation! 他为了能以最快的速度斩杀陈风,毫不犹豫的动用了两道玄剑气 This... this is anything......” opposite, Chen wind pupil extreme speed contraction, felt the huge threat, he haunched together the energy barrier by quickest speed by the strength of cultivation level immediately. “这...这是什么......”对面,陈风瞳孔极速收缩,感受到了巨大威胁,他立即以最快速度修为之力撑起一道能量屏障。 The next quarter, two Profound Sword Qi, spanned the limit of time and space simultaneously air-splitting, broke through all hindrance, the flash then arrived in Chen wind forehead, then simultaneously pricked to its Primordial Spirit. 下一刻,两道玄剑气同时破空而出,跨越了时间与空间的限制,突破了一切的阻碍,一瞬间便抵达了陈风的眉心,然后同时刺入到其元神之中。 ah! Chen wind body shivers fiercely, sends out the pitiful yell of pain. 啊!”陈风身躯剧烈颤抖,发出痛苦的惨叫。 His Primordial Spirit suffers the attacks of two Profound Sword Qi simultaneously, suffers the blade shears suffering just like the soul, although insufficiently fatal, but that feeling does not feel better. 他的元神同时遭受两道玄剑气的攻击,就宛如灵魂遭受刀割般的折磨,尽管远不足以致命,但那种感觉绝不好受。 What most awfully is, his Primordial Spirit was affected by it, causing its intelligence to present the short blank, the naked eye line of sight also fell into the short darkness, fell lowly to the sensation. 最要命的是,他的元神受其影响,导致其神智都出现了短暂的空白,肉眼视线也陷入了短暂的黑暗,对外界的感知降到了最低。 Such influence on him, several breath can restore, however is in the battle at this moment, let alone is several breath, even if only instant absent-minded, will play the role of decision result. 这样的影响对于他来说,几个呼吸便可恢复过来,然而此刻正处于交战中,别说是几个呼吸,哪怕只是一个刹那的失神,都将起到决定胜负的作用。 Five overlapped swords!” “五重叠剑!” At the same time, Jian Chen has arrived in front of Chen wind quietly, Upright Heaven Sword in hand curls up dreadful sword qi, brings the remnant shadow thorn to Chen wind forehead. 同一时间,剑尘已经悄无声息的来到陈风面前,手中的立天剑卷起滔天剑气,带起道道残影刺向陈风的眉心 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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