CSG :: Volume #40

#3910: Secret murderer

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I do not know that is actually who to oppose with our Wind Family.” A Chen wind mood heaviness , to continue saying: Although our Wind Family in some World of Immortals also enemies, but this time enters Skyscraping World person those, their back influences usually do not have the connection with our Wind Family, therefore I think it over, does not want to understand that is actually who to aim at our Wind Family.” “我也不知道究竟是谁在与我们风氏家族作对。”陈风心情一片沉重,继续道:“虽然我们风氏家族仙界也有一些敌人,但此番进入摩天界的人就那么些,他们背后的势力与我们风氏家族都素无瓜葛,所以我思来想去,也始终没有想明白究竟是谁在针对我们风氏家族。” Chen wind fellow daoist, your Wind Family two Supreme Elder can falls/dies, with competing for some treasure is related?” That white robe middle-aged man suspects to say. “陈风道友,你们风氏家族两名太上长老陨落,会不会与争夺某种宝物有关?”那名白袍中年男子猜疑道。 Even competes for the treasure, what treasure is that can make the opposite party make the matter of silencing a witness of crime? After all our Wind Family is not the common top influence.” Chen wind shaking the head gently, does not approve this view obviously. “就算是争夺宝物,那又是什么样的宝物才能够让对方做出杀人灭口之事?毕竟我们风氏家族可不是寻常的顶尖势力。”陈风轻轻的摇头,显然不认同这个说法。 After chatting simply several, the white robe middle-aged man then left here , to continue to seek for Yang Yutian in the way of rug search. 简单闲聊了几句后,白袍中年男子便离开了这里,继续以地毯式搜寻的方式寻找羊羽天 Wind Family Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor Chen wind, sits cross-legged as in the blue stone, obvious staying out stance. 风氏家族仙尊境老祖陈风,依旧独自一人盘坐在青石上,明显一副置身事外的姿态。 In the following several double-hour, two Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor appeared Chen wind here, or because of Chen wind the reason from Wind Family, the background is powerful, therefore had/left the invitation to Chen Fengfa in abundance, the attitude is polite. 在接下来的数个时辰,先后又有两名仙尊境老祖出现在陈风这里,或是因为陈风是来自风氏家族的原因,背景强大,因此纷纷向陈风发出了邀请,态度非常客气。 May not have the exception, was given the rejection by Chen wind completely. 可毫无例外,全部被陈风给拒绝了。 Two Immortal Emperor Realm Supreme Elder falls/dies, to Wind Family is a big loss, now he brain thinks how can uncover the secret murderer. 两名仙帝境太上长老陨落,对风氏家族来说可是一个不小的损失,他现在满脑子想的都是如何才能揪出幕后凶手。 Words that I have not remembered incorrectly, should you be abhor Wind Heaven, Wind Family Old Ancestor?” At this moment, the towering sound conveys from the rear area together. “我没记错的话,你应该是疾风天界,风氏家族老祖吧?”就在这时,一道突兀的声音从后方传来。 that instant that when this sound resounds, Chen wind heart suddenly one tight, that slightly close both eyes also open instantaneously, in the vision reveals wipes dignifiedly with look of shock. 当这声音响起的那一刹那,陈风的心脏骤然一紧,那微闭的双目也是瞬间睁开,目光中露出一抹凝重和震惊之色 Hears the sound, coming the person to arrive in his ten zhang (3.33 m), but he had not detected that who assumed the post nearness. 听声音,来人已经到了他十丈之内,可他根本就没有察觉到任何人的靠近。 Chen wind turn head looks suddenly, sees only in a own behind three zhang (3.33 m) place, the form is takeoffing together three chi (0.33 m) float, the entire body was covered by one set of ancient Battle Armor, only has an eye exposed outside. 陈风猛然回头望去,只见在自己身后三丈处,一道身影正离地三尺漂浮,整个身躯都被一套古老的战甲覆盖,唯有一双眼睛裸露在外。 Is you! Yang Yutian!” Chen wind shouted in a low voice, recognized the status of coming the person, in the heart is actually puzzled, now in the Skyscraping World summit region, some numerous Immortal Venerable has been searching for his trail, he not well hides, what rushes to own here to make? “是你!羊羽天!”陈风一声低喝,一眼就认出了来人的身份,心中却是大惑不解,如今在摩天界的山顶区域,已经有众多仙尊在搜寻他的踪迹,他不好好的躲藏起来,跑到自己这里来做什么? Chen wind calms down, is looking at Jian Chen with a quite complex look, said: Good, the old man abhors Wind Heaven, one of the Wind Family Old Ancestor, Yang Yutian, you do not hesitate from arrive in secret come up to look for the old man outwardly, what matter doesn't know behavior?” 陈风定了定神,用一种颇为复杂的眼神望着剑尘,道:“不错,老夫正是疾风天界,风氏家族老祖之一,羊羽天,你不惜从暗中走到明面上来寻找老夫,不知所为何事?” Since determined the status, that should also deliver you to start off.” Jian Chen tone ice-cold, the palm grasps, high-grade Divine Item Upright Heaven Sword appears in the hand impressively, the bright sword light turnover is uncertain. “既然确定了身份,那也应该送你上路了。”剑尘语气冰冷,手掌一握,上品神器立天剑赫然出现在手中,明亮的剑光吞吐不定。 Right, forgot to tell you, in just entered shortly after Skyscraping World, your Wind Family two Supreme Elder, have then been buried in my hands.” A words saying ended, Upright Heaven Sword erupted radiant sword glow suddenly, the direct sword went toward Chen Fengci. “对了,忘了告诉你,在刚进入摩天界不久,你们风氏家族的两名太上长老,便已经葬身在我手中。”话一说完,立天剑骤然爆发出璀璨剑芒,直接一剑朝着陈风刺去。 When this sword punctures, void had the heavy heavy sword shadow immediately, then folds mutually puts together, when five sword shades combine into one completely, causes the power and influence of Jian Chen this sword, increases to command Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer instantaneously must for the shocking situation. 当这一剑刺出时,虚空中顿时生出了重重剑影,而后相互叠加在一起,当五道剑影完全合而为一时,使得剑尘这一剑的威势,瞬间攀升至一种令仙尊境一重天都要为之震惊的地步。 Jian Chen knows that facing Chen wind such Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer powerhouse, the common attack is very difficult to pose the too big threat to them, therefore comes up to display five overlapped swords! 剑尘知道面对陈风这样的仙尊境一重天强者,寻常攻击是很难对他们构成太大威胁,因此一上来就施展五重叠剑! What? Our Wind Family two were Supreme Elder killed by you unexpectedly? Yang Yutian, actually our Wind Family provoked you where, you can unexpectedly under so the cruel methods.” Chen wind mind big quake, the startled anger happened simultaneously, vision stubbornly is staring at Jian Chen, covered entirely the close blood threads instantaneously. “什么?我们风氏家族的两名太上长老竟是被你所杀?羊羽天,我们风氏家族究竟在何处招惹了你,你竟能下如此狠手。”陈风心神大震,惊怒交加,目光死死的盯着剑尘,瞬间布满了细密的血丝。 The next quarter, rushing the strength of cultivation level erupts from his within the body loudly, in his hand presented round hammer shape high-grade Divine Item, erupts gorgeous rays of light to pound ruthlessly. 下一刻,澎湃的修为之力自他体内轰然爆发,他手中出现了一柄圆锤状的上品神器,爆发出绚丽的光芒狠狠砸出。 Bang! 轰! Two Divine Item bump into the midair intensely, in a deafening bellow, Immortal Venerable Realm cultivation level Chen wind, its body under that wild energy storm follows the retreat that staggers. 两件神器在半空中激烈相撞,在一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,仙尊境修为的陈风,其身躯在那狂暴的能量风暴伴随下踉跄的后退。 Displays five overlapped swords by the Jian Chen present strength, the might that shows has definitely been able to pose certain threat to Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer. 剑尘如今的实力施展五重叠剑,展现出的威力之强已经完全能对仙尊境一重天构成一定的威胁。 But same, after striking, the Jian Chen's footsteps may not self-made withdrew more than ten steps, grasps the right hand arm of Upright Heaven Sword is being tingles with numbness. 可同样的,一击之后,剑尘的脚步也是不可自制的退后了十余步,握着立天剑的右手臂都是一阵发麻。 Yang Yutian, why, told the old man, why can kill my Wind Family two Supreme Elder? Actually our does Wind Family have what hostility with you?” Chen wind footsteps stand firm, he closely is grasping round hammer shape high-grade Divine Item, overstrain has made on his arm stick out suddenly the blue vein, in the low and deep sound has a dreadful anger. 羊羽天,为什么,告诉老夫,为什么要杀我风氏家族的两名太上长老?我们风氏家族与你之间究竟有什么恩怨?”陈风脚步站定,他紧紧的握着圆锤状的上品神器,过度用力已经使得他手臂上暴起了青筋,低沉的声音中带着一股滔天之怒。 „To know the reason? If Reverse Wind Monarch, I will let the clearness that she dies actually, but you, but does not match by far.” Jian Chen sneers to say. “想知道原因?如果是逆风上人,我倒是会让她死的明明白白,但是你,可远远不配。”剑尘冷笑道。 Dissolute, Yang Yutian, your trivial Immortal Emperor Realm, dares so to disrespect to Reverse Wind Old Ancestor!” Chen Fengda is furious, Reverse Wind Monarch has the pivotal position in his mind obviously, cannot allow anybody to have disrespecting of least bit to Reverse Wind Monarch. “放肆,羊羽天,你不过区区仙帝境,竟敢对逆风老祖如此不敬!”陈风大为震怒,逆风上人在他心目中显然有着举足轻重的地位,根本容不得有任何人对逆风上人有半点的不敬。 Sees only on him the imposing manner to rise suddenly, the strength of vast cultivation level spews out like the tsunami, grasps the sledgehammer in hand also to erupt just like hot sun dazzling rays of light, having potential of the startled day to pound toward Jian Chen. 只见他身上气势暴涨,浩瀚的修为之力如海啸般喷涌而出,握在手中的大锤也爆发出宛如烈日般的耀眼光芒,带着一股惊天之势朝着剑尘砸去。 Immediately, the prestige of vast world fills the air, Chen wind this strikes is not the common attack, but displays God level battle skill instantaneously. 顿时,浩瀚的天地之威弥漫,陈风这一击并不是寻常攻击,而是瞬间施展出神级战技 God level battle skill, causes of might his strikes, almost must break through the Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer limiting value, entered into the 2-layer level. 神级战技一出,使得他这一击的威力之强,几乎就要突破仙尊境一重天的极限值,迈入二重天层次了。 By his strength, actually uses God level battle skill to Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage Jian Chen now, thus it can be seen in Chen Fengxin to Jian Chen is dreading how. 以他的实力,如今却对一名仙帝境中期剑尘动用神级战技,由此可见陈风心中对剑尘是多么的忌惮。 Because in these years, about the Jian Chen's hearsay were really many, especially when competed for nurturing sword spirit fruit, he can run away from one crowd of Immortal Venerable encirclement ring unexpectedly calmly. 因为这些年里,关于剑尘的传闻实在是太多了,特别是争夺育剑灵果时,他竟然能从一群仙尊的包围圈中从容逃走。 Therefore facing the so hard to deal with role, Chen wind does not dare to have negligently, comes up slightly whole-heartedly. 所以面对如此难缠的角色,陈风不敢有丝毫大意,一上来就全力以赴。 He has not detected, when he displays God level battle skill, opposite that whole body covers Jian Chen in Heaven Escape Divine Armor, the corners of the mouth are actually reveal to wipe the strange smile. 只是他并未察觉到,当他施展出神级战技时,对面那周身覆盖在遁天神甲内的剑尘,嘴角却是露出一抹诡异的笑容来。 The next instance, the cleanness of prestige of instantaneous retrogression vast world, Chen wind consumes God level battle skill of strength of instantaneous release huge cultivation level, rubber ball that if immediately is discouraged results, all might are nothing left. 下一个瞬间,浩瀚的天地之威瞬间消退的干干净净,陈风耗费庞大修为之力瞬间释放的神级战技,顿时如泄了气的皮球似得,所有威力荡然无存。 Finally, should have the terrifying same place of earth-shaking prestige, changed to piece of purest spiritual energy to dissipate in the world. 最终,本该具有惊天动地之威的恐怖一起,化作了一片最纯粹的灵气消散在天地间。 Even if some energies contact the Jian Chen's body, is hard to threat him. 哪怕是有部分能量接触到剑尘的身躯,也难以对他构成威胁。 Sees God level battle skill that own displays to collapse unexpectedly, Chen wind was shocked all of a sudden. 自己施展的神级战技竟然自行崩溃,陈风一下子愣住了。 However Jian Chen has not hesitated, when Chen wind god, he displays Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle unifies, powerful sword qi disregards Chen wind all protection methods together, cuts into his within the body directly. 不过剑尘没有丝毫迟疑,趁着陈风愣神之际,他施展无影夺命剑,剑道法则空间法则相结合,一道强大的剑气无视陈风的所有防护手段,直接斩入他体内 !” Chen Fengfa has one painfully stuffy, the opens the mouth blowout blood, in the vision reveals look of astonishment. “噗!”陈风发出一声痛苦的闷哼,张口喷出鲜血,目光中露出骇然之色 But at this time, before Jian Chen has arrived at his body quietly, Upright Heaven Sword curls up five remnant shades, the thorn of being relentless to Chen wind forehead. 而此时,剑尘已经悄然来到他身前,立天剑卷起五道残影,毫不留情的刺向陈风的眉心 He displays five overlapped swords again!! 他再次施展五重叠剑!! dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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