CSG :: Volume #37

#3689: Destroys central temple ( 4 )

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It also wants with swallowing does the energy swallow our central temples to be inadequate?” “难道它还想用吞噬的能量吞掉我们的中央神殿不成?” In these Immortal Monarch as well as Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse situated in central temple, under permission of temple Item Spirit, can the hindrance by temple see outside situation completely. 位于中央神殿内的这些仙君以及仙帝强者,在神殿器灵的允许下,全部都能透过神殿的阻碍看到外面的情况。 As if solely was not Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable also acted probably, was indistinct, I as if felt intense Demon Qi to surround around the temple “似乎不单单是噬仙妖花,千魂魔尊好像也出手了,隐约间,我仿佛感受到了一股强烈的魔气环绕在神殿周围” Wait, the feeling of my how origin an intense anxiety, as if giant crises are arriving not “等等,我怎么莫由来的感受到一股强烈的不安,似乎有一股巨大的危机正在降临” I also felt a crisis, this crisis, making my leg and foot become tender, damn, actually outside had anything “我也感受到了一股危机,这危机之强,令我腿脚发软,该死,外面究竟发生了什么” Quick, in the crowd then Supreme Elder of several Immortal Emperor boundaries reveal the anxious color, sending out Spiritual Consciousness that they go all out, wants to spread Spiritual Consciousness, actually outside had a look to have anything. 很快,人群中便有几名仙帝境的太上长老露出不安之色,他们拼命的散发神识,想要将神识蔓延出去,看看外面究竟发生了什么。 But the rhizome of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower revolves the central temple all round, wrapped results in like big steamed rice dumpling, does not have the tiny bit slit, even if they use the skills, cannot encircle tightly finally prominently. 噬仙妖花的根茎将中央神殿团团围绕,包裹的如同一个大粽子似得,没有一丝一毫的缝隙,纵使他们使出浑身解数,也终不能突出重围。 Xiang Bai expression also Yin clear uncertain, in the heart gave birth to an intense anxiety, the mood anxious in temple back and forth unique. 象白神色也阴晴不定,心中生出了一股强烈的不安,心情焦急的在神殿内来回独步。 „Outside Jiang, actually did you have the means to see to have what?” Suddenly, the Xiang Bai vision looks to old Jiang. “蒋老,你有没有办法看见外面究竟发生了什么?”忽然,象白目光看向年迈的蒋老。 Jiang shakes the head, said: Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable sealed off the central temple with joint forces, obsolete is unable to understand clearly outside situation. However don't be upset, the central temple after all is high-grade Divine Item, is very firm, regardless of they have what method, is impossible to threaten us.” 蒋老摇了摇头,道:“噬仙妖花千魂魔尊合力封锁了中央神殿,老朽也无法洞悉外面的情况。不过诸位不要慌,中央神殿毕竟是一件上品神器,无比坚固,无论他们有什么手段,都不可能威胁到我们。” At this point, Jiang tone , to continue saying: Moreover, we have last trump card not to use, if were really in that situation, that obsolete will use last trump card without hesitation.” 说到这里,蒋老语气一顿,继续道:“况且,我们还有最后一件杀手锏没有动用,倘若真到了那种地步,那老朽会毫不犹豫的动用最后一件杀手锏。” hearing that, collects one crowd of high levels in temple, the eye in abundance one bright. 闻言,汇集在神殿内的一群高层,眼睛纷纷一亮。 Jiang, what this final is trump card? Actually fierce?” “蒋老,这最后的杀手锏是什么?究竟有多厉害?” Jiang can, us actually show final trump card is what?” “蒋老,能不能给我们看看最后的杀手锏究竟是何物?” Some Immortal Monarch Realm even are Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder asks, filled curiously. 仙君境甚至是仙帝太上长老开口询问,充满了好奇。 Obviously regarding some trump card, even position lofty Supreme Elder, still knows nothing. 显然对于一些杀手锏,即便是地位崇高的太上长老,也是毫不知情。 Jiang smiles, calm saying: Unnecessary do not ask, obsolete can only say, once uses final trump card, hope that under Immortal Venerable boundary late-stage, has not basically survived 蒋老神秘一笑,气定神闲的说道:“多余的不要问,老朽只能说,一旦动用最后的杀手锏,仙尊后期之下,基本上没有存活下来的希望” What? Immortal Venerable boundary can 6-layer kill? Such fierce “什么?仙尊六重天都能杀?这么厉害” Such remarks, immediately blew everyone in temple, at once the people as if eat reassuring medicine to result, innermost feelings anxious dissipates slowly. 此话一出,顿时镇住了神殿内的所有人,旋即众人就仿佛是吃了一颗定心丸似得,内心的不安缓缓消散。 At this moment, is undergoing the fermentations of several breath, the Dual Swords fusion of Jian Chen will also soon complete. 此刻,在经过数个呼吸的酝酿,剑尘双剑融合也即将完成。 Chaos divides Yin-Yang, Zi Ying and Qing Suo, then represents one Yang one Yin. 混沌阴阳,紫郢青索,便代表一阳一阴。 This moment Yin-Yang melts, Chaos reappears! 此刻阴阳相融,混沌再现! At this moment, Jian Chen complexion is pale, the whole body pore has the blood to extrude, whole person had turned into a blood person. 此刻,剑尘脸色苍白无比,浑身毛孔都有鲜血挤压而出,整个人已经变成了一个血人。 He held their palms together, lifts up high the top of the head, Purple Azure Dual Swords had changed to the Chaos strength of filling destruction aura. 他双手合十,高举过头顶,紫青双剑已经化作了一道充满毁灭气息混沌力量。 Draws back!” Jian Chen is shivering the body, difficult emanation shouted in a low voice. “退!”剑尘颤抖着身躯,艰难的发出一声低喝 Has trembled Thousand Souls Demon Venerable to hear Jian Chen loudly shout, was similar to stray cur to result, fled escaping to the distant place, the moment does not dare to stay for a long time. 早已战栗不已的千魂魔尊在听到剑尘喝声,就如同丧家之犬似得,亡命般的逃向了远方,片刻都不敢久留。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower also took back all vines by quickest speed, first leaves by far. 紧接着,噬仙妖花也以最快的速度收回了所有的藤蔓,第一时间离得远远的。 At this moment, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable or Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, regard as Jian Chen for the unlucky star, does not dare to approach. 这一刻,无论是千魂魔尊还是噬仙妖花,都将剑尘视作为灾星般,根本不敢靠近。 The Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple, exposes in Jian Chen all of a sudden at present. 巨象仙宗的中央神殿,一下子暴露在剑尘眼前。 At the same time, hides Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of powerhouse in central temple, saw clearly outside scenery finally. 同一时间,躲藏在中央神殿内的巨象仙宗的一群强者,也是终于看清了外面的景物。 In a flash, their eyes stare the bronze bell size, performing is unbelievable and dreadful panic-stricken. 一瞬间,他们所有人的眼睛瞪成铜铃大小,尽是难以置信和滔天的惊骇。 That that is anything, how so to be how fearful “那那是什么,怎么怎么如此可怕” Is impossible, this is impossible, this is Purple Azure Dual Swords in combination, although I never personally see that and other scenes, but the sect ancient book may have the clear record, will not be wrong “不不不可能,这不可能,这是紫青双剑合璧,虽然我从未亲眼看见那等景象,但宗门典籍可有过清晰的记载,绝不会错” What? Purple Azure Dual Swords combination “什么?紫青双剑合璧 Suddenly, all powerhouse in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all frighten the ghost to brave. 一时间,巨象仙宗内的所有强者纷纷吓得亡魂皆冒。 Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, in World of Immortals, as long as some people of position, are no one are known to everybody ignorantly. 紫青双剑合璧,仙界中但凡有些地位的人,都是无人无知无人不晓。 To them, this is the deeds in legend, has not thought at this moment, actually happened with own eyes at present. 只是对于他们来说,这都是属于传说中的事迹,可没想到此时此刻,竟然亲眼发生在眼前。 Is impossible Xiang Bai complexion to be instantaneous, the whole body trembles. “不不可能”象白脸色瞬间苍白,浑身发颤。 Jiang is also the whole body trembles, the vision as if penetrated the hindrance of temple, stubbornly stares is appearing outside Chaos sword qi, a biting cold chill in the air fills the whole body. 蒋老也是浑身哆嗦,目光仿佛穿透了神殿的阻碍,死死的盯着出现在外面的混沌剑气,一股彻骨的寒意弥漫全身。 Dual Sword Combination, that is the most powerful strength that even Supreme can cut to kill, now, the so fearful strength appears at present, this naturally frightened to break everyone's guts. 双剑合璧,那可是连太尊都能斩杀的至强力量啊,如今,如此可怕的力量就这么出现在眼前,这自然吓破了所有人的胆。 Jiang, quickly, uses final card in a hand to have Supreme Elder panic calling out in alarm. “蒋老,快,动用最后的底牌”有太上长老惊慌失措的惊呼。 Jiang whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, in an instant responded, immediately clenched teeth, must use final trump card. 蒋老浑身一个激灵,刹那间反应过来,当即一咬牙,就要动用最后的一道杀手锏 Although he also knows that final trump card is unable to resist with Dual Sword Combination, but at present, this was only chooses. 尽管他也知道最后的杀手锏也无法与双剑合璧进行对抗,但眼下,这是唯一的选择了。 Jiang response eventually slow one step, at this time, Jian Chen lifts up high both hands of top of the head to wield suddenly. 只是蒋老的反应终究慢了一步,此时,剑尘高举头顶的双手猛然挥下。 Immediately Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) was shattered, innumerable Space-Time were crushed, sees only Chaos sword qi to fall, all materials and orders were cut the crack, making in the world have a giant void crack. 顿时苍穹破碎,无数的时空被粉碎,只见混沌剑气落下,一切物质与秩序都被斩裂,令得天地间出现了一道巨大的虚空裂缝。 In an instant, Chaos sword qi bombardment in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple. 刹那间,混沌剑气轰击在巨象仙宗的中央神殿上。 Without the deafening bellow, this impregnable central temple in front of Chaos sword qi, is similar to the tofu to be frail, became two halves by easy cutting. 没有震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,这固若金汤的中央神殿在混沌剑气面前,就如同豆腐般脆弱,被轻而易举的斩成两半。 Cut open opening place, has the dense and numerous crack propagation, shortly will then cover the entire temple wreckage. 被切开的裂口处,更是有密密麻麻的裂缝蔓延,顷刻间便覆盖整个神殿残骸。 Then the entire temple seems ceramics that throws down and breaks results, disrupts the wreckage that the innumerable sizes vary to fall from the sky. 而后整座神殿就仿佛是摔碎的陶瓷似得,碎裂成无数块大小不一的残骸从天空中掉落下来。 Together with falling, dozens corpses! 连同掉落下去的,还有数十具尸体! These corpses, mostly hide Immortal Monarch Realm in temple, some Immortal Monarch receive affect of Chaos sword qi, ends up the body and soul completely eliminated fate directly. 那些尸体,大多都是躲在神殿内的仙君境,有些仙君受到混沌剑气的波及,直接落得形神俱灭的下场。 Also some Immortal Venerable were hit by the Chaos sword qi remaining prestige directly, changed to one group of ashes directly, the skeleton is lossless. 也有一些仙尊混沌剑气的余威正面击中,直接就化作了一团灰烬,尸骨无损。 A sword cuts to fall, entire Giant Elephant Immortal Sect belongs to instantaneously tranquilly. 一剑斩落,整个巨象仙宗瞬间归于平静。 Hid into all powerhouse in temple, the part changes to the ashes, the part had the corpse to preserve, finally escaped death by a hair's breadth, only had three people. 躲入神殿内的所有强者,部分化作了灰烬,部分有尸体保存下来,最终幸免于难的,仅有三人。
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