CSG :: Volume #37

#3688: Destroys central temple ( 3 )

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These should be enough!” Is looking collects in the palm place the slightly piles the Good Fortune Divine Jade fragment powder, Jian Chen is not only excited and loves dearly. “这些应该足够了!”望着汇集在掌心处的这一小堆造化神玉的齑粉,剑尘是既兴奋又心疼。 Because he does not know after erasing this fragment powder, can cause anything to affect to Good Fortune Divine Jade. 因为他也不知道抹掉了这一层齑粉之后,会不会对造化神玉造成什么影响。 These fragment powders, once were separated from Good Fortune Divine Jade, as if also had no means to come up their adhesion again, this explained this Good Fortune Divine Jade, already permanent loss a fingernail that big scrap.” Brought the low and deep sigh, Jian Chen to receive Good Fortune Divine Jade, although he can also under the polish more fragment powders, but actually did not hate to continue to start. “这些齑粉一旦脱离了造化神玉,似乎也没有任何办法将它们重新粘连上去了,这说明这一块造化神玉,已经永久性的损失了指甲盖那么大的一小块。”带着低沉的叹息声,剑尘收起了造化神玉,尽管他还可以打磨下更多的齑粉,但是却不舍得继续下手了。 Enough more than ten million molecules, each pellet can purify surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) space, probably ten several days can aura and trace within this piece of small range obliterates cleanly. 足足上千万的微小颗粒,每一颗颗粒都能净化方圆十丈空间,大概十几日便可将这片小范围内的气息与痕迹磨灭干净。 Although the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect sect territory is very broad, more than ten million molecules are unable to purify all regions one time. 尽管巨象仙宗宗门领地十分广阔,上千万的微小颗粒也无法一次性净化所有的区域。 But he can definitely divide completes on many occasions, three years have more than enough to spare. 但他完全可以分多次来完成,三年时间绰绰有余。 When the Jian Chen vision looks again to the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple, seems looking at a dying thing. 剑尘的目光再次看向巨象仙宗的中央神殿时,就仿佛是在看一件死物。 The next quarter, Purple Azure Dual Swords appears in his hands, was covered by dazzling purple-azure two color rays of light, fills prestige of the high-grade Divine Item. 下一刻,紫青双剑出现在他手中,被耀眼的紫青两色光芒笼罩,弥漫出一股上品神器之威。 Jian Chen expression with deep veneration, his confident will mount in Sacred Core of Purple Azure Dual Swords sword hilt place takes down. 剑尘神色肃然,他不徐不疾的将镶嵌在紫青双剑剑柄处的圣核取下。 Lost Sacred Core this powerful energy source, Purple Azure Dual Swords the imposing manner reduced immediately greatly, from high-grade Divine Item dropped to middle-grade Divine Item Rank in a flash. 失去了圣核这一强大的能量源泉,紫青双剑顿时气势大减,转瞬间就从上品神器跌落至中品神器等阶 They at this moment, are maintaining the sword body of high-grade Divine Item as before, but the might is the middle-grade Divine Item degree. 此刻的它们,依旧保持着上品神器的剑体,但威力已经是中品神器程度了。 middle-grade Divine Item sword body Dual Sword Combination, cuts to break to pieces this central temple sufficiently!” The color of Jian Chen eye of reveal resolution, middle-grade Divine Item Rank combination, this should be the limit that he can withstand. 中品神器的剑体双剑合璧,足以斩碎这座中央神殿!”剑尘目露坚定之色,中品神器等阶合璧,这应该是他所能承受的极限。 If displays combination with the high-grade Divine Item stance, his very big probability because of not being able to withstand backlash, but body and soul completely eliminated, even if there is Source of Life is not possible to save him. 若是以上品神器的姿态施展合璧,那他很大概率会因承受不住反噬形神俱灭,就算有生命之源都不一定能救得了他。 Well? What rare object is this? Actually contains the so astonishing energy? If true body/this senior has this thing to assist, that quick can restore Thousand Souls Demon Venerable also to discover to peak existence of Sacred Core, immediately is pleasantly surprised, the meaning of saliva does not conceal. “咦?这是什么奇物?竟然蕴含着如此惊人的能量?本尊若是有此物相助,那很快便可恢复到巅峰时期”千魂魔尊也发现了圣核的存在,顿时惊喜不已,垂涎之意毫不掩饰。 Sees Jian Chen not to pay attention to own, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable swallows the saliva secretly, after hesitating shortly, then says: In this thing your hand has two, might as well first will lend true body/this senior, if true body/this senior restores to the peak, that can also help you be more.” 剑尘没有理会自己,千魂魔尊暗自咽了咽口水,短暂沉吟后,便开口说道:“此物你手中有两颗,不如先将其中一颗借给本尊,本尊若是恢复到巅峰时期,那也能帮到你更多。” Do not hit these things the ideas, if you must restore, after waiting for the destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, some were heavenly material treasure uses for you.” “别打这些东西的主意,你若是要恢复,等覆灭了巨象仙宗之后,有的是天材地宝供你所用。” Jian Chen rejected Thousand Souls Demon Venerable without hesitation, Sacred Core is the Purple Azure Dual Swords exclusive thing, at least before the sword body of Purple Azure Dual Swords conducts refines, he completely will not consider Sacred Core to use in other aspects. 剑尘毫不犹豫的拒绝了千魂魔尊,圣核乃是紫青双剑的专属之物,至少在紫青双剑的剑体进行重新炼制之前,他完全不会考虑将圣核用在其他方面。 Jian Chen grasps Purple Azure Dual Swords, will soon prepare Dual Sword Combination. 剑尘手持紫青双剑,即将准备双剑合璧 Master, in that temple, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect should also hide fierce trump card, because I felt a powerful fluctuation of energy to send out from that high-grade temple before , this fluctuation of energy, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect the high-grade temple was hard to prevent.” At this moment, the Highest Beginning Item Spirit sound resounds in the Jian Chen brain. “主人,在那座神殿内,巨象仙宗应该还隐藏一种厉害的杀手锏,因为在之前我感受到一股强大的能量波动从那件上品神殿中散发出来,这股能量波动之强,就连巨象仙宗的这座上品神殿都难以阻挡。”就在这时,太初器灵的声音在剑尘脑中响起。 hearing that, Jian Chen Dual Sword Combination movement, will soon think deeply about the moment slightly, said: Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has fallen to this situation, has not used that trump card unexpectedly, this can only explain an issue, that is that trump card, mostly is wound enemy thousand, damages 800 thing.” 闻言,剑尘即将双剑合璧的动作稍微一顿,思索了片刻,道:“巨象仙宗已经落到这种地步,竟然都还没有动用那件杀手锏,这只能说明一个问题,那就是那件杀手锏,多半是一种伤敌一千,自损八百之物。” Therefore, I guessed this trump card, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect other powerhouse fell into must die the bureau, they will use. As long as a ray of hope exists, they will not make the decision of that to destroy indiscriminately.” “所以,我猜测这种杀手锏,只有在巨象仙宗的余下强者都陷入必死之局时,他们才会动用。但凡还有一丝希望存在,他们都不会作出那种玉石俱焚的决定。” Jian Chen flashing eyes is staring at that central temple of suspended in upper air, said: It seems like, in the Dual Sword Combination fermentation process, cannot Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that group to see.” 剑尘目光炯炯的盯着悬浮在高空中的那座中央神殿,道:“看来,在双剑合璧的酝酿过程中,不能让巨象仙宗的那群人看到。” Because they recognize Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, knows that own and the others do not have the hope of returning alive certainly, under this position, all of them can come to destroy indiscriminately with me.” “因为他们一认出紫青双剑合璧,就知道自己等人绝无生还的希望,在这种境地下,他们所有人都会与我来个玉石俱焚。” The Jian Chen vision falls on the own wrist/skill place, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower seems grass results in the winding there, its injury obtained the help of Source of Life, in addition that Undying and Inextinguishable ability, therefore has restored to the peak. 剑尘的目光落在自己的手腕处,噬仙妖花就仿佛是一根小草似得缠绕在那里,它身上的伤势得到了生命之源的帮助,再加上自身那不死不灭的能力,所以早已恢复到巅峰时期。 A wisp of thought and Devouring Immortal Monster Flower of Jian Chen touch, the next quarter, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower was separated from the wrist/skill of Jian Chen, the body rises suddenly against the wind, in an instant turns into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) greatness. 剑尘的一缕意念与噬仙妖花相触,下一刻,噬仙妖花脱离了剑尘的手腕,身躯迎风暴涨,刹那间变成万丈之巨。 Its numerous root hair starts to grow crazily, each root hair is the several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), even hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) long, all root hair all climbed up the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple, then rapid spread in central temple, shortly will then cover the entire temple. 紧接着,它的众多根须开始疯狂生长起来,每一根根须都有数万丈,甚至数十万丈之长,所有根须全部爬上了巨象仙宗的中央神殿,然后在中央神殿上飞速蔓延,顷刻间便笼罩了整座神殿。 At this moment, entire high-grade temple, completely by the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower root hair overlapping wrapped. 此时此刻,整座上品神殿,都完全被噬仙妖花的根须给层层叠叠的包裹了起来。 Moreover, each vine brings the strength of belonging to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, the innumerable vines interwine, as if formed thick energy barrier to result, in all Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse situated in central temple, its Spiritual Consciousness was prevented. 而且,每一根藤蔓都带着属于噬仙妖花的力量,无数藤蔓交织在一起,就仿佛是形成了一层厚厚的能量屏障似得,位于中央神殿内的所有巨象仙宗强者,其神识纷纷被阻挡了回去。 Their strongest Immortal Emperor boundary, how also to break through the blockade of Immortal Venerable boundary. 他们最强不过仙帝境,又如何突破的了仙尊境的封锁。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable!” Jian Chen shouted in a low voice, the next quarter, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable that weak many remnant souls then emerged out of thin air, changed to one group of billowing dark clouds. 千魂魔尊!”剑尘一声低喝,下一刻,千魂魔尊那虚弱了许多的残魂便凭空出现,化作了一团滚滚黑云。 true body/this senior first explained, true body/this senior now is weak, but not necessarily can cover their sensations completely, can only try with every effort.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable knows that idea of Jian Chen, the tone becomes the extraordinary dignity. 本尊先说明,本尊现在非常虚弱,可不一定能完全遮盖他们的感知,只能尽力一试。”千魂魔尊似知道剑尘的想法,语气变得出奇的凝重。 Next quarter, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the dark clouds rise sharply suddenly, including the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower innumerable root hair, covered the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple similarly, formed the second barrier. 下一刻,千魂魔尊所化的黑云骤然大涨,连同噬仙妖花的无数根须在内,同样将巨象仙宗的中央神殿笼罩,形成了第二层屏障。 Enough two powerful barriers, only to isolate in temple numerous powerhouse sensations, preventing them in knowing own in the position of dead end, uses powerful card in a hand that even high-grade temple can destroy. 足足两层强大的屏障,只为隔绝神殿内众多强者的感知,防止他们在知道自己处于穷途末路的境地下,动用了那张连上品神殿都能摧毁的强大底牌。 All preparations are appropriate, Jian Chen no longer hesitates immediately, directly enters Dual Sword Combination! 一切准备妥当,剑尘当下不再迟疑,直接进入双剑合璧 Immediately, two rays of light that passes through the world appears suddenly, the Purple Azure Dual Swords strength is fusing, even if one is Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse must for the scared fearful strength, in the world slowly fills the air. 顿时,两道贯穿天地的光芒戛然出现,紫青双剑的力量正在融合,一股纵使是仙尊强者都要为之胆寒的可怕力量,在天地间缓缓的弥漫开来。 In that instant of Dual Swords fusion, backlash that Jian Chen received also started, as gradual deepening of fusion, the strength of backlash he received, was stronger and stronger. 双剑融合的那一刹,剑尘所受的反噬也开始了,随着融合的逐渐加深,他所受的反噬之力,也是越来越强。 Although his Chaos Body has been promoting, now has been in the 17-layer altitude. 虽然他的混沌之体一直都在提升,如今已经处于第十七层的高度。 But Purple Azure Dual Swords strength also when unceasing enhancement, therefore each Dual Sword Combination, the backlash injury that Jian Chen receives not only has not reduced, instead also in unceasing aggravation. 紫青双剑的力量也在不断的增强,所以每一次双剑合璧时,剑尘所受的反噬伤害非但没有减轻,反而还在不断的加重。 At this moment, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect 此时此刻,在巨象仙宗的中
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