CSG :: Volume #37

#3687: Destroys central temple ( 2 )

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Highest Beginning Temple, Purple Azure Dual Swords as well as Source of Life are trying to find the solution, with their three big Item Spirit stories and experiences, naturally is not Jian Chen can compare. 太初神殿,紫青双剑以及生命之源都在想办法,以它们三大器灵的阅历与见识,自然不是剑尘所能比拟的。 But they had followed Supreme even if, the story is extremely rich, understands clearly many world mysteries, the trace that may , after them unable to find out to cover Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, stays behind at present in this case. 可纵使它们曾经都跟随过太尊,阅历极其丰富,洞悉许多天地奥秘,可在目前这种情况下,他们也想不出能够掩盖紫青双剑合璧后留下的痕迹。 Because the condition was too limited, moreover they most also only have three years. 因为条件太有限了,况且他们最多也仅有三年时间。 Even if there is means to wear down the trace and aura, in such a short time, still completely without enough time. 即便是有办法消磨痕迹与气息,在如此短暂的时间内,也完全来不及。 Suddenly, Jian Chen is lost in thought that to him, to cut the broken Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple is not difficult, but difficult difficult, how afterward to cover. 一时间,剑尘陷入了沉思,对他来说,要想斩碎巨象仙宗的中央神殿并不难,可难就难在,事后怎么去掩盖。 Only can expose Purple Azure Dual Swords ahead of time?” In the Jian Chen eye the rays of light twinkle, exposes Purple Azure Dual Swords, this is the worst plan. “难道只能提前暴露紫青双剑了吗?”剑尘眼中光芒闪烁,暴露紫青双剑,这是最坏的打算。 Suddenly, in the Jian Chen brain the miraculous glow flashes, remembers a thing. 忽然间,剑尘脑中灵光一闪,想起一物来。 At once he arranges simple formation in the surroundings immediately, is used to shield spying out of naked eye. 旋即他立即在周围布置出一个简易的阵法,用来屏蔽肉眼的窥察。 Jian Chen sits cross-legged in simple shield formation, in both hands presented one group of five colors variegated thing suddenly. 剑尘盘坐在简易的屏蔽阵法中,双手中忽然出现了一团五彩斑斓之物。 That is a grinding pan size, colored god stone that assumes the block shape. 那是一个磨盘大小,呈方块形状的彩色神石。 This thing, is Good Fortune Divine Jade! 此物,正是造化神玉 Good Fortune Divine Jade is extremely special, even if the Grand Dao Principle sensibility to perfection, like the incarnation is the Heavenly Dao Supreme character, is unable spies on by Spiritual Consciousness and sensation. 造化神玉极其特殊,纵然是将大道法则感悟至圆满,如同化身为天道般的至尊人物,都无法以神识和感知进行窥探。 powerhouse of any boundary, can only discover Good Fortune Divine Jade by the naked eye. If lost the naked eye, even Supreme that and other characters, are unable to detect existence of Good Fortune Divine Jade similarly. 任何境界的强者,都只能以肉眼去发现造化神玉。若是失去了肉眼,即便是太尊那等人物,同样无法察觉造化神玉的存在。 Therefore, Jian Chen arranges a simple formation shield naked eye to spy out, pours was not worried that Good Fortune Divine Jade will leak out. 所以,剑尘布置一个简易的阵法屏蔽肉眼窥察,倒也不担心造化神玉会泄露出去。 Good Fortune Divine Jade, was on me the most special treasure, but its function also compared the mystical, can shield all investigations, does not know whether Good Fortune Divine Jade could apply.” In the Jian Chen heart whispered secretly, he has once regarded as Good Fortune Divine Jade for the thing of cultivation, collected carefully, had not counted on Good Fortune Divine Jade can bring other anything to help to own. 造化神玉,算是我身上最特殊的宝物了,而它的功能也比较神异,能屏蔽一切探查,就是不知造化神玉能否派上用场。”剑尘心中暗自嘀咕,曾经他一直将造化神玉视作为修炼之物,小心珍藏起来,还从来没有指望过造化神玉能给自己带来一些别的什么帮助。 „Did master, how you have the idea of Good Fortune Divine Jade suddenly?” Purple-Azure Sword Spirits curious asking. “主人,你怎么突然打起造化神玉的主意了?”紫青剑灵好奇的问道。 Does not know, remembers Good Fortune Divine Jade to come suddenly.” Jian Chen careless saying, starts to study Good Fortune Divine Jade. “不知道,就是突然想起造化神玉来。”剑尘漫不经心的说道,开始研究造化神玉 Purple-Azure Sword Spirits no longer talks too much, the understanding Good Fortune Divine Jade from Supreme that the past follows, but at Supreme that matchless capital, the Good Fortune Divine Jade biggest use, or is the only use, is used to sense Grand Dao. 紫青剑灵不再多言,它们对造化神玉的了解都是来自昔日跟随的太尊,而以太尊那举世无敌之资,造化神玉最大的用处,或者说是唯一的用处,就是用来感悟大道 After all Supreme also needs to grasp many Grand Dao, they sense second, third article of even many Grand Dao, similarly inevitable needs to draw support from some world rare objects. 毕竟太尊也需要掌握多条大道,他们感悟第二条,第三条甚至更多的大道,同样不可避免的需要借助一些天地奇物 Therefore in the Supreme hand, Good Fortune Divine Jade, even if has other function, that is still useless to Supreme. 所以在太尊手中,造化神玉即便是有别的功能,那也对太尊无用。 Even Supreme is unable investigates Good Fortune Divine Jade by Spiritual Consciousness and sensation, this Good Fortune Divine Jade should not be simple.” In Jian Chen heart secretly thought, now in the world, besides the Good Fortune Divine Jade in his hand, other known Good Fortune Divine Jade, in Huan Zhen Supreme and Nirvana Immortal Venerable hand, perhaps therefore regarding this thing, Purple-Azure Sword Spirits only knows part of information. “连太尊都无法以神识和感知去探查造化神玉,这造化神玉应该没那么简单。”剑尘心中暗道,当今天地间,除了他手中的这块造化神玉外,其余已知的造化神玉,都是在还真太尊寂灭仙尊手中,所以对于此物,恐怕就连紫青剑灵都只知道其中一部分信息。 Jian Chen Good Fortune Divine Jade with careful research in hand, here knocks, there dozen, closes the eye from time to time, attempted to integrate Chaos Force special Primordial Spirit by own, whether can discover some unusual places. 剑尘造化神玉拿在手中仔仔细细的研究,这里敲敲,那里打打,时而闭上眼睛,尝试着以自己融入了混沌之力的特殊元神,是否能发现一些不同寻常之处。 Since this has been he obtains this Good Fortune Divine Jade, places outside research Good Fortune Divine Jade for the first time, was not once placed in the temple, was hidden by him in Primordial Spirit Space. 这还是他得到这块造化神玉以来,第一次将造化神玉放在外面研究,曾经不是被放在神殿中,就是被他隐藏在元神空间内。 Well!” Suddenly, Jian Chen startled, when he Good Fortune Divine Jade places the outside world, unexpectedly keen detection to Good Fortune Divine Jade around the flake space, unexpectedly is having some subtle changes. “咦!”突然,剑尘一声惊咦,他将造化神玉放在外界时,竟然敏锐的察觉到在造化神玉周围的这一小片空间,竟然在产生一些微妙的变化。 This change is slight, if not he has reached to the Immortal Emperor boundary now, the sensation is very keen, in addition deliberately observes, perhaps he is very easy to neglect the delicate change of surrounding space. 这种变化非常细微,若非他现在已经臻至仙帝境,感知无比敏锐,再加上刻意观察,恐怕就连他都很容易忽略掉周围空间的微妙变化。 In a Good Fortune Divine Jade surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range, as if indetectable mysterious strengths fill the air, this strength, as if can obliterate any trace.” Jian Chen eye slightly one bright, starts a more careful observation. 造化神玉方圆十丈范围内,仿佛有一种不可察觉的神秘力量弥漫,这股力量,似乎能磨灭掉任何痕迹。”剑尘眼睛微微一亮,开始更加仔细的观察。 Finally he determined finally that indetectable mysterious strength of Good Fortune Divine Jade bringing, can indeed purify any trace and aura, but the range is very limited, only then surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) space. 最后他终于确定,造化神玉自带的那股不可察觉的神秘力量,的确能净化任何痕迹与气息,但范围很有限,只有方圆十丈空间 Moreover purifies is not the flash can complete, at least also requires ten several days time. 而且净化也不是一瞬间就能完成,至少也需要十几日时间。 I, if lets Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, that aura radiation range will be very broad, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has powerful protection great formation to resist, therefore not necessarily can transmit outside, but will not transmit even outside, merely is the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect station, was broad enough.” “我若是让紫青双剑合璧,那气息辐射范围将十分广阔,巨象仙宗有强大的守护大阵抵挡,所以不一定能传递到外面去,可即便不会传递到外面,仅仅是巨象仙宗的驻地,就足够广阔了。” sect of such wide scope, by together Good Fortune Divine Jade, cleanness that is unable in just three years, to purify all aura.” “这么大范围的宗门,以一块造化神玉,也无法在短短三年时间内,将所有气息都净化的干干净净。” Jian Chen lowered the head to think deeply about the meeting, Divine Sword that at once fierce clenching teeth, purple light sparkles appeared suddenly in his hands. 剑尘低头思索了会,旋即猛的一咬牙,一柄紫光闪闪的神剑忽然出现在他手中。 This is one of the Purple Azure Dual Swords, Zi Ying Sword! 这正是紫青双剑之一,紫郢剑 This time Zi Ying Sword, the sword hilt place is mounting Sacred Core from Spirit Immortal Clan, this Sacred Core is equivalent to the source of forces, huge strength continuous injection Zi Ying Sword, causes Zi Ying Sword at this moment, fills prestige of the high-grade Divine Item. 此时的紫郢剑,剑柄处镶嵌着一颗来自灵仙一族圣核,这圣核就相当于力量源泉,庞大力量源源不断的注入紫郢剑,使得此刻的紫郢剑,弥漫出一股上品神器之威。 Jian Chen grasps Zi Ying Sword, within the body Chaos Body pours into, immediately made Zi Ying Sword rays of light rises, then the unexpected happening, a sword cut to Good Fortune Divine Jade. 剑尘手持紫郢剑,体内混沌之体注入,顿时令紫郢剑光芒大盛,然后鬼使神差的,一剑斩向造化神玉 Bang! a loud sound, Good Fortune Divine Jade is perfect. 轰!”一声巨响,造化神玉完好无损。 Master, Good Fortune Divine Jade is world rare objects, indestructible, must say that what strength can destroy its words, perhaps that also only has Supreme, and strength of Dual Sword Combination.” The Qing Suo sound spreads. “主人,造化神玉天地奇物,坚不可摧,要说有什么力量能摧毁它的话,那或许也只有太尊,以及双剑合璧之力了。”青索的声音传出。 In the eye of Jian Chen had instant vacant, he naturally also knows firm of Good Fortune Divine Jade, why he will unable to master own to cut a sword on Good Fortune Divine Jade suddenly, behavior that as if all will be an instinct. 剑尘的眼中出现了刹那的茫然,他自然也知晓造化神玉的坚固,他也搞不懂自己为何会突然在造化神玉上斩上一剑,似乎一切都出于一种本能的行为。 But, the Jian Chen vision concentrates suddenly, vision stubbornly is staring at Good Fortune Divine Jade. 可紧接着,剑尘目光骤然一凝,目光死死的盯着造化神玉 By the five colors cloud light that Good Fortune Divine Jade fills, his clear saw to have some like the ashes small material, is sprinkling from Good Fortune Divine Jade. 透过造化神玉弥漫出的五彩霞光,他清晰的看见了有些许如灰烬般的微小物质,正从造化神玉上洒落下来。 Seeming like, seems the dust of contamination on Good Fortune Divine Jade is ordinary, brings the characteristics that belongs to Good Fortune Divine Jade, all Spiritual Consciousness and sensations may not check, only has by the naked eye, can observe their existence in the incomparably careful situation. 看上去,就仿佛是沾染在造化神玉上的尘埃一般,带着属于造化神玉的特性,一切神识与感知都不可查,唯有以肉眼,在无比仔细的情况下才能观察到它们的存在。 Fall gently from Good Fortune Divine Jade like the dust material, each grain of dust, seems complete Good Fortune Divine Jade, is disturbing surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) space in the silence. 点点如尘埃般的物质从造化神玉上飘落而下,每一粒尘埃,都仿佛是一块完整的造化神玉,在悄无声息间干扰着方圆十丈的空间 The Jian Chen palm wields, all dust fall into him to hold all, sends out the five colors variegated color. 剑尘手掌一挥,所有尘埃尽数落入他掌间,散发出五彩斑斓的色彩。 His vision does flicker stares at these dust, the eye gradually shines. 他目光一瞬不瞬的盯着这些尘埃,眼睛逐渐发亮。 The next quarter, Jian Chen wields Zi Ying Sword, is a sword cuts on Good Fortune Divine Jade. 下一刻,剑尘挥动紫郢剑,又是一剑斩在造化神玉上。 A loud sound, Good Fortune Divine Jade is perfect, but some weak dust were shaken to fall. 一声巨响,造化神玉完好无损,但是又有一些微弱的尘埃被震落了下来。 These like the dust material, actually have to purify any trace and aura ability, each grain of dust can affect surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range space, if I collect enough much dust, then sprinkles the sky them, can that perfect covering up fall all traces and aura in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect? Even if Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Immortal Venerable boundary Old Ancestor, traces source by the technique of big divine ability, won't have any discovery?” In the Jian Chen eye reveals the exciting color. “这些如尘埃般的物质,竟然同样具备净化任何痕迹与气息的能力,每一粒尘埃都能影响方圆十丈范围空间,如果我收集足够多的尘埃,然后将它们洒满天空,那岂不是就能完美的遮掩掉巨象仙宗内的一切痕迹与气息?纵使巨象仙宗仙尊老祖,以大神通之术追溯本源,都不会有任何发现?”剑尘眼中露出兴奋之色。 Then, he thinks does, wields Zi Ying Sword cutting time and time again to Good Fortune Divine Jade, starts to collect the dust that sprinkles from Good Fortune Divine Jade. 接下来,他想到就做,挥动紫郢剑一次又一次的斩向造化神玉,开始收集从造化神玉上洒下的尘埃。 But after cutting several times, Jian Chen felt the sound that this way creates is somewhat big, therefore changes the method, regards a saw Zi Ying Sword, with that sharp sword blade cutting Good Fortune Divine Jade bit by bit. 但斩了几次后,剑尘觉得这个方式造成的动静有些大,于是改变方法,将紫郢剑当成一把锯子,用那锋利的剑刃一点一点的切割造化神玉 Well, this Good Fortune Divine Jade seems like some spots hardly really incomparable, is unable to be destroyed, only then can the positions of four corners/horns, as if abrasion some powder to get down slowly?” Jian Chen had discovered, but does not have the careful research, a polish Good Fortune Divine Jade corner/horn that but non-stop with Zi Ying Sword, want the small material compared with the dust, gathers in the Jian Chen within, more. “咦,这造化神玉似乎有些部位真的坚硬无比,无法被摧毁,只有四个角的位置,似乎能慢慢的磨掉一些粉末下来?”剑尘有所发现,但也没有仔细研究,而是用紫郢剑不停的打磨造化神玉的一个角,点点比尘埃都还要微小的物质,在剑尘手中越聚越多。 Several days later, the Good Fortune Divine Jade fragment powder that in the Jian Chen hand collects, piled up to have one to refer to the carapace size, seemed like that the volume was very small, but because also wanted the small granulometric composition compared with the ashes, therefore this, only then the fragment powder of finger size, in fact contained enough more than ten million molecules. 数天后,剑尘手中汇集的造化神玉齑粉,堆积起来已经有一个指甲壳大小了,看似体积很小,但由于都是比灰烬还要微小的颗粒组成,所以这只有手指头大小的齑粉,实际上包含了足足上千万的微小颗粒。 But Good Fortune Divine Jade of square shape, in which corner/horn was also smoothed by grinding some. 而方形的造化神玉,其中的一个角也被磨平了些许。
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