CSG :: Volume #37

#3686: Destroys central temple ( 1 )

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From now on, side Jian Chen increased a brave general again, a boundary reaches to Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse, compared with Devouring Immortal Monster Flower even more stronger. 自此,剑尘身边再次增添了一员猛将,一位境界臻至仙尊四重天强者,比噬仙妖花还要强 The only minor defect in something otherwise perfect, is Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is then being at the extremely feeble at this moment the condition. 唯一的美中不足,便是千魂魔尊此刻正处于极度虚弱的状态。 He was first imprisoned many years by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, when was stripped numerous minute/share of souls as various uses, the difficulty-relief condition also only had about 30% of peak. 他先是被巨象仙宗囚禁了多年,被剥离了众多分魂作为各种用途,脱困时的状态也仅有巅峰时期的30%左右。 Behind he fights by the weak stance and Giant Elephant Immortal Sect again and again, looked like start/open heaven to lead the jade bottle heavy losses of entire sect disciple stimulation of movement by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master, by disposable was killed by Jiang greatly hits is endangered. 后面他又以虚弱的姿态与巨象仙宗连连大战,被巨象仙宗宗主象启天率领全宗弟子催动的玉瓶重创,又被蒋老以一次性大杀器打的濒临灭亡。 Even flesh body was discarded by him. 甚至就连肉身都被他舍弃了。 It can be said that present Thousand Souls Demon Venerable weakly to besides seizing shed, had almost no battle strength again. 可以说,现在的千魂魔尊已经虚弱到除了夺舍之外,几乎再无任何战斗力了。 He of this condition, naturally cannot help Jian Chen any busy. 这种状态的他,自然帮不到剑尘的任何忙。 Therefore Jian Chen places Thousand Souls Demon Venerable in Highest Beginning Temple, left behind some God level middle-grade heavenly material treasure to make its restoration, the consciousness then return to the outside world. 所以剑尘千魂魔尊安置在太初神殿内,留下了部分神级中品天材地宝让其恢复,意识便重新回归外界。 Although Thousand Souls Demon Venerable wants to seize to abandon the Jian Chen process, seems like that had passed the extremely long time, but because happened in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, all exchanges by consciousness the form are completed, therefore the time also passed by merely two breath. 虽然千魂魔尊欲要夺舍剑尘的过程,看似已经过去了极为漫长的时间,但由于发生在剑尘意识海,一切交流都是以意识形式完成,所以外界的时间也仅仅过去了两个呼吸。 When Jian Chen opens the eye, all Immortal Monarch Realm as well as Immortal Emperor in boundary powerhouse Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, has hidden in into the central temple completely. 剑尘睁开眼睛时,巨象仙宗内的所有仙君境以及仙帝强者,已经全部躲入了中央神殿中。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is seizing shed person, the present is he guards against the most lax time, at this time acts, is cuts to kill this person and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable best time......” 千魂魔尊在夺舍此人,眼下正是他防备最松懈的时候,这个时候出手,是斩杀此人与千魂魔尊的最好时机......” But, this act was too risky, from all sorts of signs, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable and this person is a passer-by, their act obviously, therefore the arrange/cloth deceptive battle array, wants to attract us to go out......” “不过,此举太冒险了,从种种迹象来看,千魂魔尊和此人都是一路人,他们此举显然是在故布疑阵,想要吸引我们出去......” Good, they also know us, once hid in into the central temple, did not have the means with us thoroughly, therefore self-written and directed such a play, this was a snare, we cannot be swindled......” “不错,他们也知道我们一旦躲入了中央神殿中,就彻底拿我们没办法了,所以才自编自演了这么一出戏,这是一个圈套,我们不能上当......” ...... ...... Jian Chen does not know that in this short time, hides into several Immortal Emperor in central temple also to conduct an argument, at this moment, his suspended in the central god your highness side, is raising head to look at the high-grade temple of suspended in upper air, the brow slightly wrinkle. 剑尘并不知道在这短暂的时间内,躲入中央神殿内的几名仙帝也进行过一番争论,此刻,他悬浮在中央神殿下方,仰着头望着悬浮在高空中的这座上品神殿,眉头微皱。 This is a perfect high-grade temple, even if Thousand Souls Demon Venerable in most peak period, will not have the ability destroying. 这是一座完好无损的上品神殿,纵然是千魂魔尊在最巅峰的时期,也没有能力将之摧毁。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect other powerhouse, hid in into this temple, Purple Night Sword Sect three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, similarly in this temple. Destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, retrieves three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, this high-grade temple is the biggest hindrance.” The Jian Chen vision is gazing at the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect central temple, in the eye revealing color decidedly gradually. 巨象仙宗的其余强者,都躲入这座神殿中去了,还有紫霄剑宗的三座聚灵神山,同样在这座神殿中。无论是覆灭巨象仙宗,还是找回三座聚灵神山,这座上品神殿都是最大的阻碍。”剑尘目光注视着巨象仙宗的中央神殿,眼中渐渐的露出决然之色。 At this moment, in the central temple, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect remains many powerhouse all throws down bunch of vision, brings is hating dreadfully wickedly to stare at Jian Chen. 此时此刻,中央神殿内,巨象仙宗所剩不多的强者皆是投下一束束目光,带着一股滔天仇恨恶狠狠的盯着剑尘 Xiang Bai remote antiquity, now we what to do?” A Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder vision looks to Xiang Bai. 象白太上,现在我们怎么办?”一名仙帝太上长老目光看向象白 Xiang Bai gloomy the face is sitting cross-legged void, is swallowing Divine Pill the strength of cultivation level restores to lose, silent did not say. 象白阴沉着脸盘坐虚空,在吞服神丹恢复损耗的修为之力,沉默不言。 We are always impossible to hide in the central temple, although this was safe temporarily, but also too vexed, Jiang, some of our also many can Forbidden Item, use Forbidden Item to write off this person directly.” Also is a Immortal Emperor opens the mouth, the vision looked that sends out decayed aura to the body, Jiang who as if will soon be buried. “我们总不可能一直躲在中央神殿中吧,虽然这样暂时安全了,可也太窝囊了,蒋老,我们还有多少禁器,能不能动用禁器直接抹杀此人。”又是一名仙帝开口,目光看向身上散发腐朽气息,仿佛即将入土的蒋老。 Jiang sighed gently, said: Forbidden Item that can use only then last, but this last Forbidden Item is unusable, because used, although can write off all invading enemies, but all base industry of our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, will be destroyed in a moment.” 蒋老轻轻一叹,道:“能动用的禁器只有最后一件了,可这最后一件禁器不能用,因为用了,虽说能抹杀一切来犯之敌,可我们巨象仙宗的所有基业,也将毁于一旦。” If our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect really falls to enter nirvana the danger of sect, that will naturally use this last Forbidden Item without hesitation. But at present, since I and others are safe, that is honest hiding several years, waits for Old Ancestor to come back.” “若是我们巨象仙宗真的陷入灭宗之危,那自然会毫不犹豫的动用这最后一件禁器。但眼下,既然我等已经安全,那还是老老实实的躲上几年,等老祖回来吧。” We can only hide in the central temple helplessly is looking at the enemy?” Some person of whole face unwilling saying. “难道我们就只能躲在中央神殿内眼睁睁的望着敌人吗?”有人满脸不甘的说道。 Currently speaking, can only so.” Jiang helpless say/way. “目前来看,只能如此了。”蒋老无奈的道。 Outside the central temple, Jian Chen suspended in the upper air, in secret with Purple Azure Dual Swords, Highest Beginning Item Spirit as well as Source of Life exchanges. 中央神殿外,剑尘悬浮在高空中,暗中在与紫青双剑,太初器灵以及生命之源进行交流。 I must use Dual Sword Combination to break open this temple, aura and trace that do after you have the means to cover Dual Sword Combination, leave behind?” Jian Chen asked. “我要动用双剑合璧破开这座神殿,你们有没有办法能够掩盖双剑合璧后留下的气息以及痕迹?”剑尘问道。 Three big Supreme Divine Item Item Spirit, all fell into silent. 三大至尊神器器灵,全部都陷入了沉默。 Do not indulge in fantasy, the might after Purple Azure Dual Swords combination is very astonishing, true body/this senior 3 million years ago has felt fortunately one time, that terrifying fluctuation, to cover, is really difficult such as to ascend to heaven.” The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable sound spreads. “不要异想天开了,紫青双剑合璧后的威力十分惊人,在三百万年前本尊有幸感受过一次,那种恐怖的波动,要想掩盖下去,真的是难如登天。”千魂魔尊的声音传出。 Sees only the body of its illusory to appear in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, curious asking: Now you basically become the true body/this senior master, can tell true body/this senior, you and Purple Night Sword Sect is actually what relates?” 只见它的虚幻之体出现在剑尘意识海中,好奇的问道:“现在你基本上成了本尊的主人,能不能告诉本尊,你与紫霄剑宗究竟是什么关系?” I wield Purple Azure Dual Swords, you said that what between I and Purple Night Sword Sect am relate?” Jian Chen stared Thousand Souls Demon Venerable one, sees a Thousand Souls Demon Venerable eye of reveal to think, said: You lived after all Demon Venerable of endless years, can have the means to cope with Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that temple?” “我执掌紫青双剑,你说我与紫霄剑宗之间是什么关系?”剑尘瞪了千魂魔尊一眼,见千魂魔尊目露思索,道:“你毕竟是活了无尽岁月的魔尊,可有办法对付巨象仙宗的那座神殿?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable hesitated, said: Giant Elephant Immortal Sect the temple is quite powerful, only then Immortal Venerable boundary 6-layer powerhouse can destroy it reluctantly, moreover needs to cost very long time. If wants to destroy it, besides Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, basically did not have other means.” 千魂魔尊沉吟了下,道:“巨象仙宗的这座神殿颇为强大,只有仙尊六重天强者才能勉强摧毁它,而且还需要耗费十分漫长的时间。所以要想打碎它,除了紫青双剑合璧之外,基本上也没别的办法了。” So long as Purple Azure Dual Swords combination, that terrifying aura will definitely remain, wants to cover, at least true body/this senior cannot find out any means to come.” “不过只要紫青双剑合璧,那股恐怖的气息肯定会残留下来,想要掩盖,至少本尊是想不出任何办法来。” But, the true body/this senior but actually method, does not know whether you are willing to try.” “不过,本尊倒有一法,就是不知你是否愿意一试。” What means?” The Jian Chen vision concentrates. “什么办法?”剑尘目光微凝。 Lets my strength restoration, so long as my strength restores to the peak, I can suppress Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that temple, although could not destroy it, but can actually carry off it forcefully, then true body/this senior sent under custody the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect high-grade temple to Highest Beginning Temple.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable said. “让我的实力恢复,只要我实力恢复到巅峰时期,那我就能压制巨象仙宗的那座神殿,尽管摧毁不了它,但是却可以强行带走它,然后本尊巨象仙宗上品神殿押送到太初神殿里面去。”千魂魔尊说道。 We, only then less than three years, in this time, you can restore to the peak?” Jian Chen asked. “我们只有不到三年的时间,在这个时间内,你能恢复到巅峰时期?”剑尘反问道。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Jie Jie smiles, said: If with heavenly material treasure, three years naturally cannot. But in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has pair of dragonblood fish, if made true body/this senior swallow this pair of dragonblood fish, nourished the true body/this senior state of mind by this dragonblood fish essence, that true body/this senior only required less than one year of time to restore the peak.” 千魂魔尊桀桀一笑,道:“如果是用天材地宝的话,三年时间自然不能。可巨象仙宗内有一对龙血鱼,若是让本尊吞噬了这一对龙血鱼,以这龙血鱼的精气滋养本尊的神魂,那本尊只需一年不到的时间便可恢复到巅峰。” dragonblood fish, do you have the idea of that dragonblood fish unexpectedly?” In the Jian Chen eye flashes through wipes the cold light, said: „Don't you know that pair of dragonblood fish origin?” 龙血鱼,你竟然打那龙血鱼的主意?”剑尘眼中闪过一抹寒光,道:“难道你不知道那一对龙血鱼的来历吗?” Naturally knows that is the thing of Sacred Beast Clan. But on you have that Divine Armor, so long as hidden, Sacred Beast Clan could not find you, feared that it does do really?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable natural saying. “自然知道,那是圣兽一族之物。可你身上有那件神甲,只要隐藏起来,圣兽一族也找不到你,怕它作甚?”千魂魔尊理所当然的说道。 Jian Chen shakes the head, has not paid attention to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 剑尘摇了摇头,没有理会千魂魔尊 Pitifully I in Martial Soul Mountain, otherwise, cannot with cope with the Water Clouds Temple method now actually initially, copes this high-grade temple.” In the Jian Chen brain remembered of past years unrestrainedly, Martial Soul Force to all Item Spirit is the biggest difficult adversary. “可惜我现在不在武魂山,否则的话,倒是可以用当初对付水云殿的方法,来对付这座上品神殿。”剑尘脑中情不自禁的想起了当年的那一幕,武魂力对一切器灵来说都是最大的克星。 His present Martial Soul Force is emaciated, the Item Spirit threat to high-grade temple is not big, only if returns to Martial Soul Mountain, can restore Martial Soul Force with the aid of Martial Soul Stone continuously, then has more than a years of war with Item Spirit of high-grade temple. 他现在武魂力羸弱,对上品神殿的器灵威胁不大,除非是回到武魂山,借助武魂石能够源源不断的恢复武魂力,然后与上品神殿的器灵打一场多年战争。 Otherwise depending on Martial Soul Force of his present stage, puts together any high-grade Divine Item. 否则凭他现阶段的武魂力,是拼不过任何一件上品神器 No Martial Soul Stone supplemented, Martial Soul Force restoration speed is slow. 没有武魂石补充,武魂力的恢复速度非常缓慢。
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