CSG :: Volume #37

#3685: Subdues Demon Venerable

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Listened to the Highest Beginning Item Spirit words, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the heart to tremble immediately, an unprecedented life and death crisis covered him, lets Thousand Souls Demon Venerable both anxious and frightened. 听了太初器灵的话,千魂魔尊顿时心底一颤,一股前所未有的生死危机将他笼罩,让千魂魔尊既焦急又恐惧。 He plays with big Demon Venerable in state of mind, went to the reach a high degree of proficiency situation regarding the study and control of this field of endeavor, even if is only left over strength of the wisp of weak Primordial Spirit, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable also has the confidence to be able easily to seize shed any Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse. 他是玩弄神魂方面的大魔尊,对于此道的钻研与掌控早已达到炉火纯青的地步,纵然是自身只剩下一缕微弱的元神之力,千魂魔尊也有信心能够轻易的夺舍任何一位仙帝强者 Let alone his present Primordial Spirit intensity, from that weak one does not know that on strong many times, especially in burning completely his flesh body, after the strength of flesh body vestiges strengthened his Primordial Spirit shortly, causes of his Primordial Spirit at this moment, has achieved the 50% strength of heyday. 更何况他现在的元神强度,距离那微弱的一丝不知强上了多少倍,特别是在焚尽了他的肉身,以肉身残余之力短暂的增强了他的元神之后,更是使得他此刻的元神之强,已经达到了全盛时期的50%之力。 Under this condition, let alone is the trivial Immortal Emperor boundary, even if Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable also has can seize the shed to be successful self-confidently. 这种状态下,别说是区区仙帝境,纵然是仙尊强者,千魂魔尊也有自信能夺舍成功。 But he has not thought, at present was seized Immortal Emperor of shed by own, body unexpectedly three Supreme Divine Item, cause should the ninety percent sure seizing shed, turned into indulging in fantasy all of a sudden. 可他怎么也没有想到,眼下被自己夺舍的仙帝,身上竟然有三件至尊神器,使得本该十拿九稳的夺舍,一下子就变成了异想天开。 Under the suppression of three big Supreme Divine Item, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is not only able to revolt, the strength of even moving does not have. 在三大至尊神器的镇压下,千魂魔尊不仅无法反抗,甚至就连动弹的力气都没有。 He at this moment, has become the fish meat on block, allows to be oppressed. 此刻的他,已然成为了砧板上的鱼肉,任人宰割。 Jian Chen reveals the color of ponder, swallows the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable remnant soul, thus makes own the strength of Primordial Spirit rise sharply? 剑尘则是露出沉思之色,吞噬千魂魔尊的残魂,从而使自己元神之力大涨? Under normal circumstances, he is not possible to achieve this point, because Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, even if not beat, is capable of running away. But at present three big Supreme Divine Item help one another, in addition Thousand Souls Demon Venerable runs up to his consciousness space on own initiative, this makes one should all of a sudden the not possible matter, turned into the possibility. 在正常情况下,他是不可能做到这一点,因为千魂魔尊纵然是不敌,也有能力逃走。但眼下有三大至尊神器相助,再加上千魂魔尊又主动跑到他的意识空间中来,这一下子就使一件本该不可能的事,变成了可能。 I, if swallowed the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable remnant soul, the benefit obtained not only can make own Primordial Spirit rise sharply, but can also obtain the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable memory.” “我若是吞噬了千魂魔尊的残魂,所获得的裨益不仅能令自己元神大涨,而且还能获得千魂魔尊的记忆。” Was equal to that... inherited Thousand Souls Demon Venerable all......” “等于...继承了千魂魔尊的一切......” Has saying that some Jian Chen heart movements. 不得不说,剑尘有些心动了。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable also felt the idea of Jian Chen, the instantaneous feeling whole body was icy cold, he thought quickly in emergencies, hurries saying: No, you cannot swallow me, I have over a hundred million years of long memory, if you swallow him, that will be my memory vastness to give to embezzle your memory, when the time comes, my memory will become your leadership, including your behavior, the character wait/etc, will come under my memory influence, you will become no longer are you.” 千魂魔尊也感受到了剑尘的想法,瞬间感觉浑身冰凉无比,他急中生智,赶紧道:“不,你不能吞噬我,我拥有上亿年之久的漫长记忆,你若是将他吞噬,那属于我的记忆汪洋会将你的记忆给吞没,到时候,我的记忆将会成为你的主导,包括你的行为,性格等等,都会受到我的记忆影响,你将会变得不再是你。” In the face of the suppression of our three big Divine Item, your many memories will be destroyed, only under retains some useful things, will not constitute any influence on the master.” Purple-Azure Sword Spirits opened the mouth, their vision indifferent is staring at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, said: Even if really has this hidden danger, we have to crush all your memories, making the master only absorb the strength of pure Primordial Spirit.” “在我们三大神器的镇压面前,你的许多记忆都会被打碎,只保留下一些有用的东西,不会对主人构成任何影响。”紫青剑灵开口了,他们目光冷漠的盯着千魂魔尊,道:“即便真的存在这种隐患,那我们就只好粉碎你的一切记忆,让主人只吸纳纯粹的元神之力。” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable was even more flustered, said hastily: No, no, no, you cannot do that the true body/this senior good and evil has also fought with you shoulder to shoulder, you cannot dismantle the bridge after crossing.” 千魂魔尊愈加慌张了,连忙道:“不,不,不,你们不能这么做,本尊好歹也与你们并肩战斗过,你们不能过河拆桥。” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable looks to Jian Chen, said with the tone of entreaty: fellow daoist, no, the little brother, asking you to give a true body/this senior opportunity to be good, true body/this senior escaped with great difficulty from suffering of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, has not seen with one's own eyes the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction, was really is unwilling died.” 千魂魔尊又看向剑尘,用哀求的语气说道:“道友,不,小兄弟,求你给本尊一次机会好不好,本尊好不容易才从巨象仙宗的折磨中逃脱出来,还未亲眼看到巨象仙宗覆灭,实在是不甘心就这么死去。” Jian Chen static looks at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, a few words had not said. 剑尘静静的看着千魂魔尊,一句话没说。 At this time, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable made what decision to result, fierce clenching teeth, said: Little brother, you, if forgives me, my Thousand Souls Demon Venerable pledged in this, from now henceforth, is your foot soldier attendant willingly, awaits all your to dispatch.” 这时,千魂魔尊似做出了什么决定似得,猛的一咬牙,道:“小兄弟,您若是饶恕我,我千魂魔尊在此发誓,从今以后,心甘情愿的做您马前卒,听候您的一切差遣。” hearing that, in the Jian Chen eye flashes through a bright, his flashing eyes is staring at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, unemotional saying: You are solemn Demon Venerable boundary powerhouse, but perhaps my Immortal Emperor boundary, in your eyes, such as my so boundary also can only be the slightly strong ants, you are really resigned to the status that gives up your keeping aloof, no matter what henceforth I do dispatch?” 闻言,剑尘眼中闪过一丝亮光,他目光炯炯的盯着千魂魔尊,面无表情的说道:“你可是堂堂魔尊强者,而我不过仙帝境,在你眼中,如我这般境界恐怕也只能算是稍微强壮一些的蝼蚁,你真的甘心放弃你那高高在上的身份,从此任我差遣?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable considered, said: If you are only ordinary Immortal Emperor, even if true body/this senior ends up the body and soul completely eliminated fate, will not submit. However you are different, you have three Supreme Divine Item in the body, moreover in Primordial Spirit still has wisp of true Chaos Force, how could is also the ordinary person.” 千魂魔尊斟酌了番,道:“如果你只是一名普通仙帝,本尊即使落得个形神俱灭的下场,也绝不会屈服。但是你不一样,你有三件至尊神器在身,而且元神中还存在一缕真正的混沌之力,又岂能是普通之人。” Therefore true body/this senior believes, even your present strength is very small and weak, but by your good fortune, in the future still surely will be a keeping aloof great person, will could become world Supreme!” “所以本尊相信,就算你现在实力还很弱小,但以你的造化,将来也必定是一位高高在上的大人物,甚至有望成为天地至尊!” At this point, in the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable vision reveals to yearn for the color, said: If can assist future world Supreme, then to true body/this senior, is an unsurpassed glory.” 说到这里,千魂魔尊的目光中露出向往之色,道:“若是能辅佐一位未来的天地至尊,那对本尊来说,也是一种无上荣耀。” But you are Demon Venerable boundary powerhouse, is powerhouse of say/way of study state of mind, on you, will perhaps aim at the ban of Primordial Spirit 11 to be decoded by you, how will you make me trust you completely?” Jian Chen flashing eyes is staring at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, that sharp vision as if must see the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable heart deep place, said: Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, you should not think with a few words, makes me trust you completely?” “可你是一位魔尊强者,还是一位钻研神魂之道的强者,在你身上,恐怕许多针对元神的禁制都会被你一一破解,你让我如何完全的信任你呢?”剑尘目光炯炯的盯着千魂魔尊,那锋锐的目光仿佛要看到千魂魔尊内心深处,道:“千魂魔尊,你该不会以为凭着一句话,就让我完全的信任你吧?” After all you had known my biggest secret, if I do not kill you today, tomorrow you will announce my secret, my perhaps also constant disorder and unrest.” “毕竟你已经知道了我的最大秘密,若是今天我不杀你,明天你就将我身上的秘密公布出去,那我恐怕也永无宁日了。” This simplicity.” In Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Primordial Spirit, strength of the wisp of obviously unusual Primordial Spirit flutters, said: This is my assigns/life True Soul, this assigns/life True Soul to be closely linked with my life, once this assigns/life True Soul to wither away, I also meet body and soul completely eliminated.” “这个简单。”在千魂魔尊元神之中,有一缕明显与众不同的元神之力飘飞而出,道:“这是我的本命真魂,本命真魂与我的性命息息相关,一旦本命真魂消亡,那我也会形神俱灭。” Now I this assign/life True Soul to give you, so long as you controlled me to assign/life True Soul, that also means that grasped my living to kill the power.” “现在我将本命真魂交给你,只要你控制了我的本命真魂,那也就意味着掌握了我的生杀大权。” From now, my Thousand Souls Demon Venerable life will no longer belong to my own, but is you......” “从此以后,我千魂魔尊的性命将不再属于我自己,而是属于你......” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable very resolute. 千魂魔尊十分的果决。 The Jian Chen vision falls, in Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the assigns/life on True Soul, is actually communicating with three big Supreme Divine Item Item Spirit in secret. 剑尘目光落在千魂魔尊的本命真魂上,暗中却在与三大至尊神器器灵进行沟通。 On the experience, he was naturally well below that these three big Supreme Divine Item, facing Demon Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse, Jian Chen do not dare to have slightly negligently. 论见识,他自然远远不如这三大至尊神器,面对一位魔尊四重天强者,剑尘也不敢有丝毫大意。 This Thousand Souls Demon Venerable life essence, is by the endless complaint collection, after experiencing a series of day after tomorrow will evolve the product that will form, the this itself/Ben will assign True Soul, will be equal to his life core.” The Source of Life sound spreads. “这千魂魔尊的生命本质,是由无尽怨念汇集,在经历一系列后天演变之后所形成的产物,这一道本命真魂,也等于是他的生命核心。”生命之源的声音传出。 In addition, did not have other better way temporarily, after all lord Mortal Realm, in addition was mean, even some ancient slave seal, by the master current boundary, were still very difficult to control Demon Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit said. “除此之外,暂时也没有其他更好的办法了,毕竟主人境界尚且低微,就算是有一些古老的奴印,以主人当前的境界,也很难控制住一位魔尊四重天强者。”太初器灵说道。 The Jian Chen slight nod, he pointed at a point, the assigns/life True Soul that Thousand Souls Demon Venerable offered then to fly into Highest Beginning Temple gently, by the Highest Beginning Temple permanent suppression. 剑尘微微点头,他手指轻轻一点,千魂魔尊献出的本命真魂便飞入了太初神殿中,被太初神殿永久镇压。 As for Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the assigns/life True Soul whether will have the idea of Highest Beginning Temple, this point Jian Chen was not worried actually, only if Supreme acts personally, otherwise, even if Immortal Venerable boundary 9-layer, is unable to make Supreme Divine Item Item Spirit submit by the powerful. 至于千魂魔尊的本命真魂是否会打太初神殿的主意,这一点剑尘倒是毫不担心,除非是太尊亲自出手,否则,纵然是仙尊九重天,都无法以强力让至尊神器器灵屈服。 Is taken care of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable to assign/life True Soul by Highest Beginning Temple, this is true absolutely safe, can cease some potential hidden dangers. 太初神殿来保管千魂魔尊的本命真魂,这才是真正的万无一失,能杜绝一些潜在的隐患。
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