CSG :: Volume #37

#3684: Demon Venerable seizes the shed

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Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has appeared in Jian Chen Primordial Spirit Space. 千魂魔尊已经出现在剑尘元神空间中。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, do you want to do?” Jian Chen that low and deep sound reverberates in Primordial Spirit Space. 千魂魔尊,你这是要干什么?”剑尘那低沉的声音在元神空间中回荡。 Does? Hasn't Jie Jie Jie Jie, you looked? this King had had a liking for your flesh body, must therefore occupy your flesh body, from now, all your will belong to true body/this senior.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable exudes the strange laughter. “干什么?桀桀桀桀,难道你还没看出来吗?本座已经看上了你的肉身,所以要将你的肉身占据,从此以后,你的一切都将属于本尊。”千魂魔尊发出怪笑声。 At present Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has not extinguished, several other Immortal Emperor will act momentarily, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, you conduct to seize the shed in this time to me suddenly, did not fear that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect these Immortal Emperor do suppress you your my two people while this time together?” Jian Chen sound low and deep saying. “眼下巨象仙宗未灭,余下的十几名仙帝随时都会出手,千魂魔尊,你在这种时刻突然对我进行夺舍,难道就不怕巨象仙宗的那些仙帝趁此时机将你我二人一同镇压你?”剑尘声音低沉的说道。 Ha Ha Ha, was not naturally worried, true body/this senior must seize to abandon you, only need instantly the time. So long as true body/this senior controlled your body, can draw support from the ability radical concealment of your Divine Armor in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, no one can seek true body/this senior, later true body/this senior again through your heavenly material treasure, and huge quantity resources in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect slowly restores.” 哈哈哈,自然不担心,本尊要夺舍你,只需刹那时间而已。只要本尊操控了你的身躯,便可借助你那神甲的能力彻底隐匿在巨象仙宗内,谁也寻不到本尊,之后本尊再通过你身上的天材地宝,以及巨象仙宗内的海量资源慢慢恢复。” You could rest assured that you want the destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect great aspirations, true body/this senior to complete for you, what only regret is, you are unable to see with one's own eyes the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction the scene.” “你放心,你要覆灭巨象仙宗的宏愿,本尊会替你来完成,唯一遗憾的是,你无法亲眼看到巨象仙宗覆灭的场景了。” Jie Jie Jie Jie, come, making true body/this senior swallow your Primordial Spirit, inherited all your, combined with you thoroughly. Do not try to revolt, in front of true body/this senior, all your resistances is unproductive, but after all true body/this senior powerhouse of this field of endeavor......” “桀桀桀桀,来吧,让本尊吞噬了你的元神,继承你的一切,与你彻底合二为一吧。不要试图反抗,在本尊面前,你的一切反抗都是徒劳的,毕竟本尊可是此道的强者......” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable in the big laughter, must conduct to seize the shed to Jian Chen Primordial Spirit. 千魂魔尊在大笑声中,就要对剑尘元神进行夺舍。 However at this moment, command Thousand Souls Demon Venerable felt that incomparable heart startled destruction aura heads on, sees only in Jian Chen Primordial Spirit Space, wisp of Chaos Force quietly appears. 然而就在这时,一股令千魂魔尊都感到无比心惊的毁灭气息扑面而来,只见在剑尘元神空间中,一缕混沌之力悄然出现。 This... this is destruction aura that......” Chaos Force sends out makes the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable heart tremble, his subconscious staring in the past, whole person was instantaneous. “这...这是......”混沌之力散发出的毁灭气息千魂魔尊心底发颤,他下意识的凝望过去,整个人瞬间呆若木鸡。 Solemn Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse, he naturally knows Chaos Force, even if has never seen true Chaos Force, but vision and experience, made him recognize the origin of this thing instantaneously. 堂堂仙尊四重天强者,他自然知晓混沌之力,纵然是从未见过真正的混沌之力,但眼界与见识,也让他瞬间认出了此物的来历。 This... this is how possible, this is true Chaos Force, is not these false Chaos Force, the strength, how may so appear in your Primordial Spirit.” “这...这怎么可能,这是真正的混沌之力,不是那些伪混沌之力,如此力量,怎么可能会出现在你的元神之中。” „... This is impossible, this absolutely not possible......” “不...这不可能,这绝对不可能......” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable calls out in alarm loudly, feels unbelievable, that because sees at present, has subverted his cognition. 千魂魔尊大声惊呼,感到难以置信,因为眼前所见的一幕,已经颠覆了他的认知。 At this time, one purple, one azure two rays of light flashed before, changed to two illusory person's shadows to appear in front of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 这时,一紫一青道光芒闪现而出,化作两道虚幻的人影出现在千魂魔尊面前。 Purple Azure Dual Swords Sword Spirit! 正是紫青双剑剑灵 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, do you want to seize to abandon our masters?” Purple-Azure Sword Spirits is staring at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Primordial Spirit by a strange vision. 千魂魔尊,你想要夺舍我们的主人?”紫青剑灵以一种古怪的目光盯着千魂魔尊元神 A Thousand Souls Demon Venerable eye stares instantaneously roundly, has one dreadfully panic-stricken stubbornly is staring at Purple-Azure Sword Spirits, said with the sound of shivering: Purple... purple... Purple Azure Dual Swords...... you, are you Purple Azure Dual Swords Sword Spirit?” 千魂魔尊一双眼睛瞬间瞪得圆圆的,带着一股滔天惊骇死死的盯着紫青剑灵,用颤抖的声音说道:“紫...紫...紫青双剑......你们,你们是紫青双剑剑灵?” Regarding Purple Azure Dual Swords, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, because this is one, can cut to kill Supreme Supreme Divine Sword! 对于紫青双剑,千魂魔尊可是如雷贯耳,因为这是一件,能够斩杀太尊至尊神剑 Regarding Purple Azure Dual Swords, immortal evil spirit three worlds powerhouse no one is not greedy, so long as because has this sword, even if not use it, that is also a powerful shock and awe. 对于紫青双剑,仙妖魔三界强者无人不眼馋,因为只要拥有此剑,哪怕是不动用它,那也是一种强大的震慑。 Trivial Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer also dares to seize the shed master, does not know energy where you come.” Also is the old sound transmits together, Highest Beginning Temple quiet reappearing, spread the sound of Item Spirit that taunt. “区区仙尊四重天也敢夺舍主人,也不知你哪来的底气。”又是一道苍老的声音传来,太初神殿悄无声息的浮现而出,传出了器灵那嘲讽的声音。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable such as was struck by lightning, whole person was silly, as Demon Venerable boundary powerhouse, his eyes saw Highest Beginning Temple is Supreme Divine Item. 千魂魔尊如遭雷击,整个人都傻了,作为魔尊强者,他一眼就看出了太初神殿是一件至尊神器 Silly big, whom you seize to abandon is not good, seizes to abandon him, were you brain shattered, made such stupid matter unexpectedly?” Together the clear and delightful sound spreads, Source of Life also appears here. “傻大个,你夺舍谁不好,偏偏来夺舍他,你是不是脑子坏掉了,竟然做出这么愚蠢的事?”一道清纯而甜美的声音传出,生命之源也出现在这里。 Three big Supreme Divine Item, assume the triangle to siege Thousand Souls Demon Venerable in inside. 三大至尊神器,呈三角形将千魂魔尊围困在里面。 The soul body of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable shivers gently, this is not excited, but was startled. 千魂魔尊的魂体轻轻颤抖起来,这不是激动,而是被惊得。 What did he see? He really only has the person of Immortal Emperor boundary in a Primordial Spirit intensity, discovered three Supreme Divine Item! 他看到了什么?他竟然在一个元神强度仅有仙帝境的人身上,发现了三件至尊神器 It is not limited to this, and a wisp has true Chaos Force in legend. 不止于此,并且还有一缕存在于传说中的真正混沌之力 Where I... I... I... was my arrived?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable absent-minded, whole person somewhat is absent-minded. “我...我...我...我这是来到了什么地方?”千魂魔尊怔怔失神,整个人都有些恍惚。 But at once he awakens suddenly, smiles embarrasedly, the attitude came a shallowturn, said: „...... fellow daoist, is really embarrassed, was the true body/this senior going astray place, un... the going astray place, the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding, this all was a misunderstanding......” 但旋即他猛然醒悟过来,讪讪一笑,态度来了个大转弯,道:“道...道...道友,实在是不好意思,是本尊走错地方了,嗯...走错地方了,误会,误会,这全是个误会......” When the words also said without enough time, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable turns around suddenly, such as grazes to go toward outside as if running from something, wants to be separated from Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness. 话还来不及说完时,千魂魔尊就猛然转身,如逃命般朝着外面飞掠而去,想要脱离剑尘识海 Junior, since came, might as well be dull a meeting.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit that old sound spreads, the pressure that a wisp belongs to Supreme Divine Item arrives loudly, suppresses directly on the soul body of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. “小辈,既然来了,不如就多呆一会吧。”太初器灵那苍老的声音传出,一缕属于至尊神器的威压轰然降临,直接镇压在千魂魔尊的魂体上。 If outside, by the Highest Beginning Temple present condition, naturally not possible to blow Thousand Souls Demon Venerable with a wisp of pressure, but here after all is Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, is not only the Jian Chen domain, is equal, therefore Highest Beginning Temple, Purple Azure Dual Swords as well as Source of Life domain. 若是在外面,以太初神殿如今的状态,自然不可能凭着一缕威压镇住千魂魔尊,但此处毕竟是剑尘识海,不仅是剑尘的地盘,也等同于是太初神殿,紫青双剑以及生命之源的地盘。 Three big Supreme Divine Item prestige can be enlarged, under Thousand Souls Demon Venerable was weakened, is in inverse proportion, naturally makes Thousand Souls Demon Venerable be somewhat hard to contend. 三大至尊神器的威能被放大,千魂魔尊则是被削弱,此消彼长之下,自然就使得千魂魔尊有些难以抗衡。 And, after Highest Beginning Temple, Purple-Azure Sword Spirits also changes to two huge sword glow, similarly suppression on the soul body of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 并且,自太初神殿之后,紫青剑灵也化作两道巨大的剑芒,同样镇压在千魂魔尊的魂体上。 Under the common suppression of these two big Supreme Divine Item, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable this weak soul body creakies immediately. 在这两大至尊神器的共同镇压下,千魂魔尊这虚弱的魂体顿时摇摇欲坠。 Little miss, you also stares is making anything, the so golden opportunity, has not displayed quickly well.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit sees Source of Life not to act as before, opens the mouth to remind. “小姑娘,你还愣着做什么,如此大好时机,还不快好好表现一番。”太初器灵生命之源依旧没有行动,开口提醒。 Source of Life somewhat hesitates, but after hesitates slightly, finally clenches teeth, having several points of would rather not mood to appear above Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, suppresses. 生命之源有些犹豫,但在略微迟疑后,最终还是一咬牙,带着几分不太情愿的心情出现在千魂魔尊上方,进行镇压。 Immediately, under the common suppression of three big Supreme Divine Item, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable by imprisonment stubbornly in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness, was hard to work loose. 顿时,在三大至尊神器的共同镇压之下,千魂魔尊被死死的禁锢在剑尘识海中,难以挣脱。 true body/this senior... true body/this senior is muzzy for a while, the going astray place, you... you do not need so, not to need so......” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable to instigate completely, without the least bit temperament, greeting with a smile. 本尊...本尊一时头脑发昏,走错地方了而已,你们...你们不必如此,不必如此......”千魂魔尊完全怂了,没有半点脾气,一个劲的笑脸相迎。 Your this small Demon Venerable, if outside, our Huan Zhen (really) is not good to act bashful you, but you rush to here recklessly.” Highest Beginning Item Spirit with looking at the fool vision is staring at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, then said to Jian Chen: Master, the state of mind of this person is not weak, if the master instead swallows him, master the strength of Primordial Spirit will certainly rise sharply.” “你这小小魔尊,如果是在外面,我们还真不好拿捏你,可你偏偏不知死活的跑到这里来。”太初器灵用看傻子般的目光盯着千魂魔尊,然后对剑尘说道:“主人,此人的神魂不弱,若是主人将他反吞噬,那主人的元神之力必将大涨。” Seizes the shed the double-edged sword, if successful, naturally can occupy all of opposite party. 夺舍是把双刃剑,若是成功,自然能占据对方的一切。 But if is defeated, was instead swallowed by the opposite party, all that own has naturally also fell into the opposite party hand. 可若是失败,被对方给反吞噬,那自己所拥有的一切自然也落入了对方手中。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable in Jian Chen Sea of Consciousness by three big Supreme Divine Item suppression, his life and death, completely in Jian Chen a thought. 千魂魔尊剑尘意识海中被三大至尊神器镇压,他的生死,完全在剑尘一念间。
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