CSG :: Volume #37

#3683: Extinguishes sect ( 5 )

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Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is seriously battered, in the mouth the blood spits to keep, the imposing manner suffers a disastrous decline. 千魂魔尊遭受重创,口中鲜血吐个不停,气势一落千丈。 If not he cultivates Cultivation Technique to be special, has numerous minute/share of souls, feared that is this sword qi cuts to kill him sufficiently. 若非他所修功法特殊,拥有众多分魂,怕是这一道剑气就足以将他斩杀。 Damn bastard, true body/this senior by great that you harm.” In the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable heart cursed angrily, felt unusual being unjust with aggrieved. “该死的混蛋,本尊被你害的不浅。”千魂魔尊心中怒骂,感到非常的冤枉和憋屈。 This sword qi locked Jian Chen, finally Jian Chen lost the trail, finally turned into Thousand Souls Demon Venerable to withstand. 这一道剑气本来是锁定剑尘的,结果剑尘失去了踪迹,最终变成了千魂魔尊来承受。 This time Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, in the heart was hates in the bone to Jian Chen. 此时的千魂魔尊,心中对剑尘是恨到了骨子里。 In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect high-grade temple, in Jiang Laoshou wooden sword also vanishes does not see. 巨象仙宗上品神殿中,蒋老手中的木剑也消失不见。 These kill greatly are the disposable consumables, used not to have. 这些大杀器都是一次性消耗品,用了就没了。 If to the position of life and death, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse Huan Zhen (really) did not hate to consume these pricelessly, actually rare kills greatly. 如果不是到了生死存亡的境地,巨象仙宗强者还真舍不得消耗掉这些价值连城,却又不可多得的大杀器。 Because can threaten Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage kills greatly, even if places in some top influence hands, can still be called is completely the treasure of town/subdues sect. 因为能够威胁到仙尊中期的大杀器,即便是放在一些顶尖势力手中,也完全称得上是镇宗之宝。 Kills my Giant Elephant Immortal Sect innumerable disciple evildoers, actually to hide where.” In high-grade temple, Jiang vision gloomy, body killing intent ice-cold, the vision takes a fast look around in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect each place everywhere, wants to seek the Jian Chen trail. “杀我巨象仙宗无数弟子的贼子,究竟躲在什么地方去了。”上品神殿内,蒋老目光阴沉,身上杀意冰冷,目光在巨象仙宗的各个地方四处扫视,想要寻到剑尘的踪迹。 In his mind, Jian Chen has become must kill the person, as for Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, was instead unimportant. 在他心目中,剑尘已经成为了必杀之人,至于千魂魔尊,反而不是那么的重要了。 At this time, Jiang hand seal art transformed, in the high-grade temple deep place, the Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp gradually fluttered immediately. 这时,蒋老手中印决变换,在上品神殿深处,立即有一盏白玉油灯缓缓的飘了过来。 Is looking at this Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp, Jiang expression becomes incomparable prudent all of a sudden, his finger does not even dare to touch, but controls by secret skill of Old Ancestor instruction. 望着这盏白玉油灯,蒋老的神色一下子变得无比的慎重,他的手指甚至都不敢去触碰,而是以老祖传授的秘法去掌控。 Because the origin of this Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp is extremely good, it is said when was Sacred Beast Clan in the past when with the Saint Realm powerhouse war, imprisoned to be stranded Saint Realm Highest Beginning Realm 7-layer powerhouse by antiquity secret skill, then this Highest Beginning Realm 7-layer powerhouse living refinement an oil lamp. 因为这盏白玉油灯的来历极其不俗,据说是圣兽一族当年在与圣界强者大战时,以上古秘法囚困了圣界一位太始境七重天强者,然后将这名太始境七重天强者活生生的炼制成一盏油灯。 The Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl, is Saint Realm that Highest Beginning Realm 7-layer powerhouse flesh body. 白玉灯盏,乃是圣界那名太始境七重天强者肉身 The lamp oil, is the fat in that Highest Beginning Realm 7-layer flesh body. 灯油,是那名太始境七重天肉身中的脂肪。 But that bunch of small flame of combustion, is Divine Fire Principle that powerhouse the strength of Primordial Spirit as well as senses. 而燃烧的那一簇小火苗,则是那名强者元神之力以及所感悟的神火法则 Once this lamp bowl uses, its might, is equal to Immortal Venerable boundary 7-layer powerhouse from exploding, true destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth. 此灯盏一旦动用,其威力之强,等同于一位仙尊七重天强者自爆,真正的毁天灭地 If uses this thing, certainly can hiding that evildoer in hidden place writes off, but, this thing might is too big......” is looking at the float in the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl of own top of the head, in Jiang old eyes reveals the hesitant color. “若是动用此物,一定能将藏身在暗处的那名贼子抹杀,只是,此物威力太大......”望着漂浮在自己头顶的白玉灯盏,蒋老眼中露出犹豫之色。 He hates to the marrow of the bones about Jian Chen, is not willing to make Jian Chen live for one minute/share in the world one second, but thinks uses this thing the consequence, in the heart is the cold sweat braves. 他对剑尘恨之入骨,不愿让剑尘在世上多活一分一秒,但一想到动用此物的后果,心中又是冷汗直冒。 Calm, calm, cannot be hated became confused, cannot ruin the entire entrance because of this person, uses this thing, although can write off all enemies, but sect will also be destroyed in a moment.” “冷静,冷静,千万不能被仇恨冲昏了头脑,决不能因为此人而毁掉整个山门,动用此物,虽说能抹杀一切敌人,但宗门也会毁于一旦。” In Jiang heart calms down, the finger pinches finger joints with the thumb at once, controlled the Bai Yu (white jade) lamp bowl to return to the original place by secret skill. 蒋老心中冷静下来,旋即手指掐诀,以秘法控制白玉灯盏回到了原来的地方。 Outside the temple, weak Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is changing to one group of black Demon Qi in stampede, as if had lost the ability of resistance. 神殿外,虚弱至极的千魂魔尊正化作一团黑色的魔气在狼狈逃窜,仿佛已经失去了反抗的能力。 Behind, Xiang Bai is managing great formation, is in hot pursuit to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, is sent out each attack that by formation, can crush Thousand Souls Demon Venerable many minute/share of souls. 后方,象白主持着一座大阵,正对千魂魔尊紧追不舍,由阵法所发出的每一道攻击,都能粉碎千魂魔尊的不少分魂。 When, a Thousand Souls Demon Venerable minute/share of soul are gradually getting fewer and fewer, runs away also even more flustered, is similar to headless fly to result, scurries about in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. 渐渐的,千魂魔尊的分魂越来越少,逃窜时也是愈加的慌张,就如同一只无头苍蝇似得,在巨象仙宗内四处乱窜。 Suddenly, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable drilled into a restricted area. 猛然间,千魂魔尊一头钻入了一处禁地中。 In this restricted area, some Immortal Monarch Realm as well as Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse was imprisoned, has more than ten people. They were regarded the draft animal to rear in a pen by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect obviously here, everyone is complexion wax yellow, life aura is weak. 这处禁地内,有一些仙君境以及仙帝强者被囚禁,足足有十几人。他们显然被巨象仙宗当成牲口圈养在这里,所有人都是面色蜡黄,生命气息微弱。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable arrived here, then changes to one group of black demon cloud Jiang that more than ten powerhouse to cover, when the demon cloud diverges, more than ten Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor boundaries are to all change to withered corpses, their gloomy Primordial Spirit had been swallowed completely. 千魂魔尊一来到这里,便化作一团黑色的魔云将那十几名强者笼罩,当魔云散去时,十几名仙君仙帝境皆是化作一具具干枯的尸体,他们那本就暗淡的元神已经全部被吞噬。 When Xiang Bai controls great formation arrived here, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has made a getaway, appears in another place. 象白操控大阵来到这里时,千魂魔尊早已逃之夭夭,出现在另一处地方。 great formation that more than 100 Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor boundaries compose, can indeed contend with Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse, however in speed as well as on flexible, naturally was well below a goods real value Immortal Venerable. 一百余名仙君以及仙帝境组成的大阵,的确能与仙尊强者抗衡,但是在速度以及灵活上,自然就远远不如一名货真价值的仙尊了。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) hides here and there, Xiang Bai and the others are also at a loss. 千魂魔尊一心东躲西藏,象白等人也是束手无策。 Then, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable scurries about in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, sought one after another covert restricted area, in each restricted area was imprisoned different quantities of powerhouse, the strength was weakest is Immortal Monarch Realm. 接下来,千魂魔尊巨象仙宗内四处乱窜,寻到了一处又一处隐蔽的禁地,每一处禁地内都被囚禁了数量不等的强者,实力最弱都是仙君境 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable patronizes a restricted area every time, was imprisoned in inside immortal lost Primordial Spirit in abundance. 千魂魔尊每光顾一处禁地,被囚禁在里面的仙人纷纷失去了元神 Several restricted areas get down, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has swallowed over a hundred powerhouse Primordial Spirit. 几处禁地下来,千魂魔尊已经吞噬了上百名强者元神 true body/this senior was pursued by you were so long, is it possible that really thinks that true body/this senior did take your to break the formation really no means?” 本尊被你们追了这么久,莫非真以为本尊拿你们这破阵就真的毫无办法了吗?” Now, making you taste to offend this Demon Venerable consequence.” “现在,让你们尝尝得罪本魔尊的后果。” Demon soul sacrificial offering!” “魔魂祭祀!” As Thousand Souls Demon Venerable angrily roars, around his body has over a hundred souls to reappear, shortly after these minute/share of souls just produced obviously, the Primordial Spirit completely fusion with Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has not been one. 随着千魂魔尊一声怒吼,他的身躯周围有上百道分魂浮现而出,这些分魂显然是刚生成不久,尚未与千魂魔尊元神完全融合为一。 The next quarter, all minute/share of souls start to burn, then changes to black advantage arrows, tows the long black contrail to directly soar the shape to cut and the others to go. 下一刻,所有分魂开始燃烧起来,而后化作一根根黑色的利箭,拖曳着长长的黑色尾迹直奔象斩等人而去。 This is over a hundred Immortal Monarch Realm as well as Primordial Spirit of Immortal Emperor that boundary Thousand Souls Demon Venerable just absorbed, uses the law of sacrificial offering by their Primordial Spirit, changes to the powerful offensive. 这是千魂魔尊刚刚摄取的上百名仙君境以及仙帝境的元神,以他们的元神施展祭祀之法,化作强大攻击。 Finally, about hundred souls the sharp sword broke through Xiang Bai and the others by the protection that formation forms, directly soars these Immortal Monarch Realm. 最终,近百根分魂所化的利剑突破了象白等人以阵法形成的防护,直奔那些仙君境 Xiang Bai and the others by the powerful protection that formation forms, exists in name only under Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the law of sacrificial offering. 象白等人以阵法形成的强大防护,在千魂魔尊的祭祀之法下形同虚设。 ! ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗!噗! Over a hundred black sharp swords, submerged more than 40 Immortal Monarch Realm forehead instantaneously, some people withstood 34 Primordial Spirit to attack directly. 上百根黑色利剑,瞬间就没入了四十余名仙君境眉心,有些人直接就承受了三四道元神攻击。 Shortly, forms formation more than 40 Immortal Monarch Realm completely falls/dies, body and soul completely eliminated. 顷刻间,结成阵法的四十余名仙君境全部陨落,形神俱灭 Lost these people, the great formation of Xiang Bai management collapsed all of a sudden. 失去了这些人,象白主持的这座大阵一下子崩溃开来。 „It is not good, great formation broken!” Has Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder to exude the screams, complexion all of a sudden becomes very ugly/difficult to look at. “不好,大阵破了!”有仙帝太上长老发出惊呼声,脸色一下子变得非常难看。 Xiang Bai is complexion is also dignified, but gives out calm angry roaring: Everyone don't be upset, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has put up a last-ditch struggle, even if no formation, we can still suppress him. All Immortal Monarch all return to the central temple, Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder, along with me puts to death Thousand Souls Demon Venerable together.” 象白也是面色凝重,但还是发出镇定的怒吼:“大家不要慌,千魂魔尊已经是垂死挣扎,就算是没有阵法,我们也能镇压他。所有仙君全部返回中央神殿,仙帝太上长老,随我一起诛杀千魂魔尊。” The Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer imposing manner erupts from Xiang Bai, he grasps high-grade Divine Item, killing that happy does not fear to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 仙帝九重天的气势从象白身上爆发而出,他手持一件上品神器,怡然不惧的杀向千魂魔尊 Facing the attack of Xiang Bai, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable has not shown previous like that domineering, has not intended to meet hardly, but avoids by far, then changes to one group of dark clouds to directly soar that crowd of Immortal Monarch to go. 面对象白的攻击,千魂魔尊也没有展现出先前的那般强势,并未出手硬接,而是远远躲避开来,而后化作一团黑云直奔那一群仙君而去。 The Xiang Bai spirit shakes, loudly shouted: Saw, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable weak hence, his present battle strength feared that was I was even inferior, all Supreme Elder acted full power, puts to death Thousand Souls Demon Venerable.” 象白精神一震,大喝道:“看到了吧,千魂魔尊已经虚弱至此,他现在的战斗力怕是连我都不如,所有太上长老全力出手,诛杀千魂魔尊。” More than ten Immortal Emperor make a move, more than ten middle-grade Divine Item as well as high-grade Divine Item cut the horizon, hits to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 十余名仙帝纷纷出手,十几件中品神器以及上品神器划破天际,打向千魂魔尊 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable chooses the avoidance as before, then seizes the chance to appear in front of Immortal Monarch Realm, the opens the mouth attracts, this Immortal Monarch Realm Primordial Spirit on direct exsomatize. 千魂魔尊依旧选择躲避,然后趁机出现在一名仙君境面前,张口一吸,这名仙君境元神就直接离体而出。 „, Saves me, saves me, Supreme Elder saved me...... Primordial Spirit of that Immortal Monarch Realm elder to exude the screams quickly, on the face wrote all over the panic-stricken color. “啊,救我,救我,太上长老快救救我......”那名仙君境长老的元神发出惊呼声,脸上写满了惊恐之色。 He cannot, when rescues, Primordial Spirit was given to inhale in billowing Demon Qi by Thousand Souls Demon Venerable all of a sudden, disappears. 他没能等到救援,元神千魂魔尊一下子给吸入了滚滚魔气中,就此泯灭。 Other dozens Immortal Monarch frighten complexion to be pale, speed suddenly increase, fly general is close to the high-grade temple in upper air toward suspended. 余下的数十名仙君纷纷吓得面色苍白,一个个速度暴增,飞一般的朝着悬浮于高空的上品神殿接近。 Meanwhile, that high-grade temple also started, moved toward this crowd of Immortal Monarch Realm on own initiative, comes to aid them. 与此同时,那座上品神殿也开始动了,主动朝着这一群仙君境移动,前来接应他们。 Suddenly, wipes sword light to flash before, pricked forehead of Immortal Emperor boundary quickly. 陡然,一抹剑光闪现,以迅雷不及掩耳之势刺入了一名仙帝境的眉心 That Immortal Emperor completely attention centralized on Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, under the unexpectedness, was cut to break to pieces Primordial Spirit by sword light at the scene, ends up the body and soul completely eliminated fate. 那名仙帝全部注意力都集中在千魂魔尊身上,在猝不及防之下,当场被剑光斩碎了元神,落得个形神俱灭的下场。 Sees only Jian Chen to wear Heaven Escape Divine Armor, quiet appearance in that Immortal Emperor behind. 只见剑尘身穿遁天神甲,悄无声息的出现在那名仙帝身后 He pulls out to act Divine Sword, the footsteps treads void, such as flickers move to presents in front of farthest that Immortal Monarch Realm at-large, is a sword punctures, cuts to kill it. 他拔出手中的神剑,脚步虚空一踏,如瞬移般出现在逃的最远的那名仙君境面前,又是一剑刺出,将其斩杀。 During this period, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable swallowed Immortal Monarch Realm Primordial Spirit again, his weak soul body, as if obtained some supplements slightly. 在此期间,千魂魔尊再次吞噬了一名仙君境元神,他那虚弱的魂体,似乎稍微得到了些许补充。 However after cutting to kill Giant Elephant Immortal Sect four powerhouse, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect high-grade temple also flew to here, other Immortal Monarch Realm drilled into the high-grade temple as if running from something. 不过在斩杀了巨象仙宗四名强者后,巨象仙宗上品神殿也飞抵了这里,余下的仙君境纷纷如逃命般钻入了上品神殿中。 Xiang Bai, do not prolong contact, all returns to the temple, this person can hide own quietly, if launches the assassination to you, is completely virtually impossible to guard against.” Jiang that old voice spreads from the temple. 象白,你们也不要恋战了,全部回神殿中来吧,此人能悄无声息的隐藏自己,若是对你们展开暗杀,完全防不胜防。”蒋老那苍老的声音从神殿中传出。 hearing that, in the Xiang Bai eye reveals the color of struggling, but a balance, clenches teeth finally, immediately ordered: All returns to the central temple!” 闻言,象白眼中露出挣扎之色,但一番权衡,最终还是一咬牙,当即下令:“全部回中央神殿!” Cannot make them hide in into the temple, that is a high-grade temple, the this King heyday cannot do , to destroy completely them, must prevent.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable is anxious, was saying to Jian Chen: fellow daoist, taking advantage of some true body/this senior heavenly material treasure, true body/this senior goes to stop again them.” “不能让他们躲入神殿中去,那是一座上品神殿,本座全盛时期都奈何不得,要想灭掉他们,就必须阻止。”千魂魔尊语气急切,对着剑尘说道:“道友,再借本尊一些天材地宝,本尊去将他们阻拦下来。” Jian Chen looked at Thousand Souls Demon Venerable one, what words had not said that during waving is dozens God level middle-grade heavenly material treasure. 剑尘看了千魂魔尊一眼,什么话也没说,挥手间又是几十株神级中品天材地宝 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable changes to demon cloud Jiang all heavenly material treasure to be involved, the sound is low and deep: true body/this senior will stop them to enter the temple full power, fellow daoist, you seize the chance to kill several.” 千魂魔尊化作一股魔云将所有天材地宝卷入其中,声音低沉道:“本尊会全力阻拦他们进入神殿,道友,你趁机多杀几个。” Finishes speaking, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable the demon cloud then shoots up to the sky, bringing dreadful Demon Qi rapid to cover toward Xiang Bai and the others. 话音刚落,千魂魔尊所化的魔云便冲天而起,带着滔天魔气飞速朝着象白等人笼罩。 However this seems like that imposing manner fierce Demon Qi, in fact is only concealing of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, his main body not only has not been close to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse, instead quiet appearance side Jian Chen. 不过这看似气势凶猛的魔气,实际上只是千魂魔尊的掩饰,他的本体非但没有接近巨象仙宗强者,反而悄无声息的出现在剑尘身边。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable at this moment, had lost the half body, was only left over waist above flesh body. 此刻的千魂魔尊,已经失去了半边身躯,只剩下腰部以上的肉身了。 He pair of scarlet eyes glitter the exciting color to stare at Jian Chen, remaining upper half of flesh body start to burn, changed to pure soul strength to integrate in the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable soul. 他一双猩红的双眼闪烁着兴奋之色盯着剑尘,剩下的上半部分肉身开始燃烧起来,化作了一股股精纯的魂力融入了千魂魔尊的魂魄中。 Immediately, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Primordial Spirit rises sharply, he discarded own flesh body without hesitation, carried all soul strength to drill into Jian Chen forehead like lightning. 顿时,千魂魔尊元神大涨,他毫不犹豫的舍弃了自己肉身,携带着所有的魂力闪电般钻入了剑尘眉心 Ha Ha Ha, enduring is so long, finally sought the time, so long as occupied you, all your were true body/this senior all, if true body/this senior had this set of Divine Armor, even Giant Elephant Immortal Sect most Old Ancestor, true body/this senior does not fear......” 哈哈哈,忍了这么久,终于寻到了时机,只要占据了你,你的一切都是本尊所有,本尊若是拥有这套神甲,即便是巨象仙宗的最老祖,本尊也不怕了......” So perfect concealment ability, true body/this senior, but see what one has never seen before, hears something one has never heard of, but from now, all these are true body/this senior, Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “如此完美的隐匿能力,本尊可是见所未见,闻所未闻,不过从此以后,这一切都是本尊的了,哈哈哈哈哈......” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable exudes the big laughter that smooth intent drippings. 千魂魔尊发出畅意淋淋的大笑声。
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