CSG :: Volume #37

#3682: Extinguishes sect ( 4 )

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Feels bone-chilling cold killing intent that on Jiang sends out, Jian Chen and Devouring Immortal Monster Flower instantaneous vigilance, starts the entire god to alert. 感受到蒋老身上散发出的凛冽杀意,剑尘噬仙妖花瞬间警觉起来,开始全神戒备。 Jiang strength is not strong, merely Immortal Emperor boundary 7-layer he, to Jian Chen or Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, is no least bit threats. 蒋老的实力并不强,仅仅仙帝七重天的他,无论是对剑尘还是噬仙妖花来说,都是毫无半点威胁。 But dialogue content between he and Xiang Bai, is lets Jian Chen and Devouring Immortal Monster Flower is critical situation. 可他与象白之间的对话内容,却是让剑尘噬仙妖花如临大敌。 From the Heavenly Talisman Venerable mouth, Jian Chen almost knew Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all cards in a hand. 天符尊者口中,剑尘几乎知晓了巨象仙宗的所有底牌。 First is that broken Supreme Divine Item, if stimulates to movement completely, can imprison all foreign enemies, even if Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage is hard to work loose. 第一是那件残破的至尊神器,若是完全催动起来,能够禁锢一切外敌,纵然是仙尊中期都难以挣脱。 Second trump card, is that seven Zouta, in each Zouta contains Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Old Ancestor the strength of full power striking, if seven Zouta's deep sleep strengths were awakened, such as the class/flow of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, will then be suppressed shortly. 第二种杀手锏,是那七座祖塔,每一座祖塔内都蕴含巨象仙宗一位老祖的全力一击之力,七座祖塔的沉睡力量若是被唤醒,如千魂魔尊之流,顷刻间便会被镇压。 But third trump card, is consecrated in the high-grade temple killed greatly. 而第三种杀手锏,则是供奉上品神殿内的大杀器了。 Suddenly, command Jian Chen, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower as well as Thousand Souls Demon Venerable feel a terrifying wave transmission of palpitation, sees only summit of distant that suspended high-grade temple in upper air, Jiang rickets the body is standing above, in the hand is grasping a three cuns (2.5 cm) high statue. 突然间,一股令剑尘,噬仙妖花以及千魂魔尊都感到一阵心悸的恐怖波动传递而出,只见远方那座悬浮于高空中的上品神殿之巅,蒋老佝偻着身躯站在上面,手中握着一个三寸高的雕像。 That is a pictographic statue, by the blue stone carving, the body fills the intermittent strange strength. 那是一只象形的雕像,由青石雕刻而成,身上弥漫出阵阵诡异的力量。 „Is that... the strength of some incantation technique?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable makes the low and deep sound, on the face expression becomes the unprecedented dignity. “那是...某种咒术的力量?”千魂魔尊发出低沉的声音,脸上神色变得前所未有的凝重。 He has a strong feeling, the strength of curse that pictographic statue embodiment contains, even if own is unable to resist in the heyday. 他有一种强烈的感觉,那象形雕像内蕴含的诅咒之力,纵然是自己在全盛时期都无法抵挡。 A small blue stone statue, contains can write off the Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer fearful strength. 一座小小的青石雕像,却是蕴含着能够抹杀仙尊四重天的可怕力量。 However does not wait for them to think, Jiang has lifted up high the top of the head the pictographic statue, expression is grave, in the mouth is reading one ancient and complicated/many Ao the incantation. 不过不等他们多想,蒋老已经将象形雕像高举过头顶,神色庄重,口中念着一段古老而繁奥的咒语。 The next quarter, both eyes of pictographic statue sparkle immediately the strange red glow, a monster different eye is staring at Devouring Immortal Monster Flower suddenly. 下一刻,象形雕像的双目顿时闪耀出诡异的红芒,一双妖异的眼睛猛然盯着噬仙妖花 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower that thousand zhang (3.33 m) high body suddenly one stiff, an invisible strength imprisons it there, making Devouring Immortal Monster Flower be hard to move. 噬仙妖花那千丈高的身躯骤然一僵,一股无形的力量将它禁锢在那里,令噬仙妖花难以动弹。 But at once, on Devouring Immortal Monster Flower then sparkles the intermittent complicated/many Ao texture, seems Grand Dao to deduct, is orderly is connecting, has the new rule born, as if in contends with the imprisoned strength of surroundings. 但旋即,噬仙妖花身上便闪耀出阵阵繁奥的纹理,似有大道在演绎,有秩序在交汇,有新的规则在诞生,仿佛在与周围的禁锢力量进行抗衡。 However when also not waits for Devouring Immortal Monster Flower to work loose, in the Jiang Laoshou pictographic statue suddenly changes to one group of ashes in the sky to sprinkle, but contains the fearful strength in statue, then arrives baseless on Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, completely disregards Devouring Immortal Monster Flower all protection methods, integrated in the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower body directly. 不过还不等噬仙妖花挣脱出来时,蒋老手中的象形雕像突然化作一团灰烬在天空中洒落,而蕴藏在雕像内的可怕力量,则是凭空降临在噬仙妖花身上,完全无视噬仙妖花的一切防护手段,直接融入了噬仙妖花的身躯中。 This is powerful curse, disregards Divine Item defense, disregards cultivation level to protect the body, as if can break through all hindrance, exerts on the goal directly. 这是一种强大的诅咒,无视神器防御,无视修为护体,仿佛能突破一切阻碍,直接施加到目标身上。 In a flash, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower entire body becomes red incomparable, seemed given to be contaminated by the endless blood, seeming like the monster is evil. 一瞬间,噬仙妖花整个身躯就变得通红无比,仿佛被无尽的鲜血给浸染,看上去妖邪无比。 In its body then had the dense and numerous cracks, the dark green liquid covers the whole body, that gorgeous flowers, as if lost all life force / vitality to result, is withering rapidly, lost all gloss. 紧接着,它的身躯上便出现了密密麻麻的裂缝,墨绿色的液体覆盖全身,就连那朵艳丽的花朵,也仿佛失去了所有的生机似得,在迅速枯萎,失去了所有的光泽。 Writes off Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage the strength of curse to wreak havoc in Devouring Immortal Monster Flower within the body sufficiently, in a flash, then makes Devouring Immortal Monster Flower be seriously battered merely. 一股足以抹杀仙尊中期诅咒之力正在噬仙妖花体内肆虐,仅仅一瞬间,便让噬仙妖花遭受重创。 Its Undying and Inextinguishable ability is also displaying, but merely Immortal Venerable boundary 1-layer it, even if there is Undying and Inextinguishable characteristics, but is also hard to contend with the strength of this curse. 它的不死不灭能力也在发挥,但仅仅仙尊一重天的它,纵然是具备不死不灭的特性,但也难以与这股诅咒之力进行抗衡。 Meanwhile, in Jiang behind, sharp Divine Sword such as poisonous snake quiet drilling, like lightning thorn to Jiang. 与此同时,在蒋老的身后,一柄锋利的神剑如一条毒蛇般悄无声息的钻出,闪电般刺向蒋老。 Regarding the behind difference, Jiang not detected completely. 对于身后的异样,蒋老完全毫无察觉。 But in Divine Sword soon will stab Jiang, Jiang high-grade temple erupts a suction, instantaneously Jiang inhaling in temple. 可就在神剑即将刺中蒋老时,蒋老脚下的上品神殿爆发出一股吸力,瞬间把蒋老给吸入了神殿之中。 The Jian Chen form appears, his vision gazes below high-grade temple, in the eye is glittering the indifferent cold glow. 剑尘的身影浮现而出,他目光注视着下方的这座上品神殿,眼中闪烁着冷漠的寒芒。 Purple Night Sword Sect in which three gather the spirit temple, in the temple of under foot. 紫霄剑宗的其中三座聚灵神殿,就在脚下的这座神殿内。 At this moment, Item Spirit of this high-grade temple stared at Jian Chen, a strong suction spread from, wants to tow Jian Chen forcefully to the temple. 就在这时,这座上品神殿的器灵盯上了剑尘,一股强大的吸力从下方传出,想要将剑尘强行拖到神殿内。 This is a perfect high-grade temple, the energy in the peak, once fell into the temple, so long as the boundary does not arrive at the Immortal Venerable boundary, is almost very difficult to work loose. 这是一座完好无损的上品神殿,能量处于巅峰时期,一旦落入了神殿之中,只要境界不到仙尊境,几乎很难挣脱出来。 The high-grade temple, in the normal condition only has Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse just now to destroy. 上品神殿,正常情况下唯有仙尊强者方才能摧毁。 Naturally, but must look at concrete Rank of temple, and concrete strength of this Immortal Venerable boundary. 当然,还得看神殿的具体等阶,以及这名仙尊境的具体实力。 However the when suction of temple just appeared, Jian Chen then leaves to draw back, transfers by Space Principle to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower nearby instantaneously. 不过神殿的吸力刚一出现时,剑尘便抽身而退,以空间法则瞬间挪移到噬仙妖花跟前。 At this moment, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower situation is less optimistic, on it that only flowers have withered, dark green liquid incarnadine whole body, organization in collapse. 此刻,噬仙妖花的情况不容乐观,它身上那唯一的花朵已经枯萎,墨绿色的液体染红了全身,身上的组织在大片大片的崩溃。 Even if there is Undying and Inextinguishable ability, it is also as if hard and invades within the body the strength of curse to contend. 纵使有不死不灭的能力,它似乎也难以与侵入体内诅咒之力进行抗衡。 Decayed aura, gradually fills the air from Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 一股腐朽的气息,逐渐从噬仙妖花身上弥漫开来。 Jian Chen also saw the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower situation obviously, his brow tight wrinkle, complexion brings gloomy gently, the palm according to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, almost said to Source of Life with the sound of angry roaring ; Source of Life, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower situation you also saw, this time, you how, regardless of must rescue it.” 剑尘显然也看出了噬仙妖花的处境,他眉头紧皱,面色带着阴沉,手掌轻轻的按在噬仙妖花身上,几乎是用怒吼的声音对生命之源说道;“生命之源,噬仙妖花的情况你也看到了,这一次,你无论如何也要救它。” Its life essence had changed, without is so easy dead.” The Source of Life sound spreads, be that as it may, but it lent a hand to assist, a pure life strength flooded into Devouring Immortal Monster Flower within the body through the palm of Jian Chen. “它的生命本质已经变了,没那么容易死。”生命之源的声音传出,话虽如此,但它还是出手相助了,一股精纯的生命力量通过剑尘的手掌涌入噬仙妖花体内 This is from the Supreme Divine Item life strength, the level is much higher than the strength of curse, as the strength of life walks randomly in Devouring Immortal Monster Flower within the body, remains is scattered in Devouring Immortal Monster Flower within the body the strength of curse. 这是来自于至尊神器的生命力量,层次远远高于诅咒之力,随着生命之力在噬仙妖花体内游走,残留在噬仙妖花体内诅咒之力纷纷被驱散。 Meanwhile, is a giant crisis transmits, Jiang hides in the high-grade temple, started to use second to kill greatly. 与此同时,又是一股巨大的危机传来,蒋老藏身在上品神殿之中,开始动用了第二件大杀器。 This kills greatly has not locked Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, but locked Jian Chen. 这一件大杀器没有锁定千魂魔尊,而是锁定了剑尘 Jian Chen wrote off Giant Elephant Immortal Sect innumerable disciple as well as many powerhouse, therefore, the hatred of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to Jian Chen must by far strong in Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, does not hesitate to cause heavy losses, even is cuts to kill Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse kills greatly uses on Jian Chen. 剑尘抹杀了巨象仙宗无数弟子以及诸多强者,因此,巨象仙宗剑尘的恨意要远远强于千魂魔尊,不惜将能够重创,甚至是斩杀仙尊强者的大杀器用在剑尘身上。 Walks!” Jian Chen to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower shouted in a low voice, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower of stable injury was just understanding, changes to a grass winding instantaneously in the Jian Chen wrist/skill place. “走!”剑尘对着噬仙妖花一声低喝,刚刚才稳固伤势的噬仙妖花心领神会,瞬间化作一根小草缠绕在剑尘的手腕处。 Jian Chen stimulates to movement Heaven Escape Divine Armor, during bringing Devouring Immortal Monster Flower hidden to enter is void , without the mark may seek. 剑尘催动遁天神甲,带着噬仙妖花隐入虚空之中,无迹可寻。 Person? Where ran?” In the high-grade temple, in Jiang Laoshou is grasping a three chi (0.33 m) wooden sword, the vision by the high-grade temple, is looking around for Jian Chen. “人呢?跑哪去了?”上品神殿内,蒋老手中握着一根三尺长的木剑,目光透过上品神殿,在四处搜寻剑尘 But the wooden sword in his hand sends out dazzling rays of light, has heavens frightening sword glow in the turnover. 而他手中的木剑则是散发出耀眼的光芒,有惊天剑芒在吞吐。 This wooden sword obviously is the disposable consumption kills greatly, inside contains Sword Dao powerhouse strength of the striking, once sends out, will erupt peerless sword qi to cut to kill all invading enemies. 这木剑显然是一次性消耗的大杀器,里面蕴藏着一位剑道强者的一击之力,一旦发出,将爆发出绝世剑气斩杀一切来犯之敌。 „The strength of this sword had been activated, if not hit as early as possible, that time drags for a long time, the sword qi might will become weaker.” Jiang cannot search for the Jian Chen trail, immediately in the heart sinks, the wooden sword in hand locked Thousand Souls Demon Venerable suddenly. “此剑的力量已经被激活,如果不趁早打出去,那时间拖得越久,剑气的威力就会变得越弱。”蒋老搜寻不到剑尘的踪迹,当下心中一沉,手中的木剑猛然锁定了千魂魔尊 Immediately, the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable body trembles, fills the sky dreadful Demon Qi to restrain in an instant, was locked by the wooden sword, he has one type such as by ten thousand sword through feelings, all over the body lives coldly. 顿时,千魂魔尊身躯一颤,弥漫天空的滔天魔气刹那间收敛,被木剑锁定,他有一种如被万剑穿心之感,不禁遍体生寒。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The next quarter, radiant sword light projects from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect high-grade temple together, has delimited from the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable body like lightning. 下一刻,一道璀璨的剑光巨象仙宗上品神殿中射出,闪电般从千魂魔尊的身躯上划过。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable stuffy, dreadful Demon Qi that the whole body surrounds is defeated and dispersed all of a sudden, his body was divided into two from the waist, there are numerous minute/share of souls to be cut to kill. 千魂魔尊一声闷哼,周身环绕的滔天魔气一下子溃散,他的身躯从腰部被一分为二,有众多分魂被斩杀。
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