CSG :: Volume #37

#3681: Extinguishes sect ( 3 )

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Like cutting to change to a dazzling meteor, is close toward seven Zouta by extremely quick speed, he uses all strengths on hurrying along, therefore in in the wink of an eye, him had then been close to Zouta's range. 象斩化作了一颗耀眼的流星,以极快的速度朝着七座祖塔接近,他将所有的力量都用在赶路上,因此在瞬息之间,他便已经接近了祖塔的范围。 At this time, like cutting in the eye also reveals the hope and rousing color, because by his current speed, only requires less than half the time of breath, he can successfully intrude Zouta, awakens seven big Old Ancestor strengths. 此时,象斩的眼中也露出希望与振奋之色,因为以他目前的速度,只需要不到半个呼吸的时间内,他便可成功闯入祖塔,唤醒七大老祖的力量。 Like cutting, dry/does good, the dry/does attractiveness, waited this time to suppress the foreign enemy, when you were recorded the first in merit!” Another side, is also sending out to bellow with Xiang Bai that Thousand Souls Demon Venerable pestered, is in high spirits, as if to see the dawn of victory. “象斩,干的好,干的漂亮,等此番镇压了外敌,你当被记首功!”另一边,正与千魂魔尊纠缠的象白也发出大吼,精神振奋,仿佛已经看到了胜利的曙光。 The other Immortal Monarch Realm elders, as well as Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder are also in abundance so. 余下的仙君境长老,以及仙帝太上长老们也是纷纷如此。 Old Ancestor, regain consciousness your strengths, suppresses chaotic of sect.” Like cutting to send out to angrily roar, is plunging seven Zouta recklessly. 老祖们,苏醒你们的力量吧,镇压宗门之乱。”象斩发出怒吼,正不顾一切的扑向七座祖塔。 But at this moment, like cutting front space twists slightly, sees only Divine Sword to bring brilliant light burning the eyes sword qi to puncture suddenly, the thorn cuts to the shape quickly. 可就在这时,象斩前方的空间微微扭曲,只见一柄神剑带着光华炽目剑气突然刺出,以迅雷不及掩耳之势刺向象斩。 speed of long sword was too quick, under the influence of Space Principle, had exceeded the lightning completely. 长剑的速度太快了,在空间法则的影响下,已经完全超越了闪电。 However like cutting is not flurried, but is Ha Ha laughs, the ferocious name said: Has been guarding against you, but you think you stop I?” Like cutting the both arms blast open suddenly, the innumerable flesh are burning crazily, change to powerful energy storm to collide with coming Divine Sword together. 然而象斩却毫不慌乱,而是哈哈大笑,狞狰道:“早就防备着你,不过你以为你阻拦的了我?”象斩的双臂突然炸裂,无数的血肉在疯狂燃烧,化作一股强大的能量风暴与迎面而来的神剑碰撞在一起。 Divine Sword exudes the sound of clear sword cry immediately, brilliant light burning the eyes sword light rapidly becomes gloomy. 神剑顿时发出清脆的剑鸣之声,原本光华炽目剑光迅速变得暗淡。 The Jian Chen form appears from void, he grasps Divine Sword to withdraw rapidly, the vision takes a fast look around the own body, the brow slightly wrinkle. 剑尘的身影从虚空中出现,他手持神剑飞速退后,目光扫视自己的身躯,眉头微皱。 Sees only on him, has been contaminating black material, these black material doping in the shape cuts from exploding in both arms, when both arms blasting open energy storm sputtering that initiates on own. 只见在他身上,已经沾染着一层黑色物质,这些黑色物质掺杂在象斩自爆的双臂之中,随着双臂炸裂时引发的能量风暴溅射在自己身上。 I know that you will appear at this moment, will become me to be close to Zouta's final stumbling obstacle.” Like cutting complexion shows the smile of ferocious name, said: Although could not completely understand your strength before, but you actually do not dare to contact with our great formation, this explained that you possibly are not Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse.” “我就知道你会在这个时刻出现,会成为我接近祖塔的最后绊脚石。”象斩脸色露出狞狰的笑容,道:“虽然之前一直看不透你的实力,但是你却不敢与我们的大阵接触,这说明你不可能是一位仙尊强者。” So long as is not the Immortal Venerable boundary, that is unable to resist me to take the price by the both arms, burning blood god incantation that displays!” “但只要不是仙尊境,那就无法抵挡我以自身双臂作为代价,所施展的焚血神咒!” Burns the blood god incantation, can disregard your high-grade Divine Armor, disregards all your energies to protect the body, displays on your flesh body directly, so long as the strength does not surpass caster, then a narrow escape.” “焚血神咒,能无视你的上品神甲,无视你的一切能量护体,直接施展到你的肉身上,只要实力不超过施术者,那将九死一生。” Like cutting to voice the cruel smile, his boundary is 8-layer, after combustion Primordial Spirit and blood essence, battle strength stepped into the boundary of 9-layer shortly. 象斩发出残忍的笑容,他的境界是八重天,在燃烧元神精血之后,战力更是短暂的踏入了九重天之境。 The burning blood god incantation that in this state displays, can say that only has the Immortal Venerable boundary to resist. 在这种状态下施展的焚血神咒,可以说唯有仙尊境才能抵挡。 Burns the blood god incantation, is one quite profound ancient incantation technique that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect grasps, caster does not need to grasp Curse Principle, only need pay certain price to display. 焚血神咒,是巨象仙宗所掌握的一种颇为高深的古老咒术,施术者不需要掌握诅咒法则,只需付出一定的代价便可施展。 Once burnt the blood god incantation, then burns through to perish the whole body blood, is withstanding the pain of purgatory. 一旦中了焚血神咒,那将全身血液燃尽而亡,承受着炼狱之苦。 With its voice, sees only the black material that on Jian Chen contaminates to dissipate slowly, all black materials integrated in Jian Chen flesh body quietly, even if Chaos Body is hard to resist. 随着其话音,只见剑尘身上沾染的黑色物质已经缓缓消散,所有黑色物质都悄无声息的融入了剑尘肉身之中,纵然是混沌之体都难以抵挡。 The next quarter, Jian Chen felt immediately the whole body blood as if must boil general, the uncontrolled crazy combustion, is following , a pain of heartrending. 下一刻,剑尘顿时感觉浑身血液仿佛要沸腾一般,在不受控制的疯狂燃烧,伴随在其中的,还有一股钻心的痛苦。 Jian Chen experiences to quench the body 17 times, every quenches the body one time is deeply grieved suffering, in which pain must go far beyond this to burn the pain of blood, therefore a little pain to him is really not anything. 只是剑尘经历过十七次淬体,每一次淬体都是一次惨痛的折磨,其中的痛苦要远远超过这燃血之苦,因此这么一点痛感对他来说实在不算什么。 This god incantation, even can the blood of Chaos burn unexpectedly?” In Jian Chen heart some surprise, but thinks own the blood of Chaos by far said when the blood of true Chaos, in the heart then got over an emotion. “这神咒,竟然连混沌之血都能燃烧?”剑尘心中有些诧异,但一想到自己混沌之血远远称不上真正的混沌之血时,心中便又释怀了。 Like cutting in heart assured Jian Chen falls/dies in the peak pain, therefore is not willing on Jian Chen to waste, even if a wee bit time, he went round Jian Chen directly, such as races against time, flies to plunge seven Zouta generally. 象斩心中已经笃定剑尘会在极致的痛苦中陨落,因此也不愿在剑尘身上浪费哪怕是一丁点时间,他直接绕开了剑尘,如争分夺秒般,飞一般扑向七座祖塔。 This time he, seeming like obviously weaker. 只是此时的他,看上去明显更虚弱了。 !” “噗!” The back of the head that but at this moment, a section of sharp sword point cuts from the shape pricks, drilled from the forehead place. 可就在这时,一截锋利的剑尖从象斩的后脑勺刺入,又从眉心处钻了出来。 Sees only Jian Chen to appear in the shape cuts behind, a sword passes through the head that the shape cut. 只见剑尘出现在象斩身后,一剑贯穿了象斩的脑袋。 The Immortal Emperor boundary 8-layer shape cuts, body and soul completely eliminated! 仙帝八重天的象斩,形神俱灭 No, is impossible, in you burnt the blood god incantation, how possibly a matter?” Witnessed all these Xiang Bai give out unwilling angry roaring, like cutting falls/dies, making the fire of hope in his heart ignites extinguish all of a sudden. “不,不可能,你中了焚血神咒,怎么可能一点事都没有?”目睹了这一切的象白发出不甘的怒吼,象斩的陨落,让他心中燃起的希望之火一下子熄灭。 At this time, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower numerous vines wave, pierced dozens Immortal Monarch Realm bodies again, is pulling in black hole gigantic mouth that entered own. 此时,噬仙妖花的众多藤蔓舞动,再一次洞穿了数十名仙君境的身躯,然后拉扯着进入了自己的黑洞巨口中。 The Immortal Venerable boundary copes with Immortal Monarch Realm, this is completely the dimensionality reduction attack, has the advantage of absolute steamroll. 仙尊境对付仙君境,这完全就是降维打击,有着绝对碾压的优势。 Under twice attacks of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, maintains formation over a hundred Immortal Monarch Realm, was only left over more than 20 people to survive. 噬仙妖花的两次攻击之下,维持阵法的上百名仙君境,仅剩下二十余人存活了。 These twenty Immortal Monarch and more than ten Immortal Emperor boundaries, completely by Devouring Immortal Monster Flower by suction being stranded in same place, is unable to run away. 这二十几名仙君和十余名仙帝境,全部被噬仙妖花以吸力给困在原地,根本无法逃走。 At this time, the Jian Chen form flashes, such as flickers move to appears in front of Immortal Monarch, in the hand Divine Sword cuts at will, lets Immortal Monarch body and soul completely eliminated at the scene. 此时,剑尘的身影一闪,如瞬移般出现在一名仙君面前,手中神剑随意斩下,当场让一名仙君形神俱灭 Then Jian Chen acts again and again, sword, under does not allow to revolt, quick then 11 cuts to extinguish other Immortal Monarch. 接下来剑尘连连出手,一剑一个,在不容反抗之下,很快便将余下的仙君一一斩灭。 Hence, before was headed by the shape to cut formed great formation more than 100 powerhouse, was only left over more than ten Immortal Emperor to support by strenuous efforts, doing utmost resisted Devouring Immortal Monster Flower the strength of swallowing. 至此,之前以象斩为首结成大阵的一百余名强者,就只剩下十余名仙帝在苦苦支撑了,竭尽全力的抵挡噬仙妖花的吞噬之力。 However did not have these Immortal Monarch Realm dispersion strengths, causing Devouring Immortal Monster Flower can all strengths centralized on that more than ten Immortal Emperor. 不过没有了那些仙君境分散力量,使得噬仙妖花可以将所有力量都集中在那十几名仙帝身上。 The next quarter, more than ten Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Immortal Emperor felt the suction that in abundance own withstands rises sharply suddenly, their bodies in rapid are close toward Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 下一刻,十余名巨象仙宗仙帝纷纷感觉自己所承受的吸力骤然大涨,他们的身躯正在迅速朝着噬仙妖花接近。 Not —— “不—— More than ten Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Immortal Emperor send out to angrily roar, they turn into the main body completely, sees only Giant Elephant that more than ten sizes vary to emerge out of thin air, is using all strength to resist full power. 十余名巨象仙宗仙帝纷纷发出怒吼,他们全部变成本体,只见十几头大小不一的巨象凭空出现,在倾尽一切之力全力抵挡。 However without over a hundred Immortal Monarch Realm shared the strength, their resistances are similar to the fly wasp to shake the tree, is pale and weak. 然而没有了上百名仙君境来分担力量,他们的抵抗就如同蚍蜉撼树,苍白又无力。 Finally, Xiang Bai and the others can only look helplessly that more than ten Immortal Emperor 11 were swallowed by Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, life and death unknown. 最终,象白等人只能眼睁睁的看着那十几名仙帝噬仙妖花给一一吞噬,生死不明。 Headed by the shape cuts more than 100 Immortal Monarch Realm and Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse, died in battle completely! 以象斩为首的一百余名仙君境仙帝强者,全部战死! Good that good, Monster Plant fellow daoist made, it seems like that this time destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has been a foregone conclusion.” Another side, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable of fierce battle is exuding the big laughter with Xiang Bai and the others, said: Monster Plant fellow daoist comes at once to help me, your my joint effort, breaks this together!” “太好了,妖植道友做的不错,看来此番覆灭巨象仙宗已成定局。”另一边,正与象白等人激烈交战的千魂魔尊发出大笑声,道:“妖植道友速来助我,你我合力,一同破掉此阵!” Oh, I came late!” At this moment, the old sound conveys from the horizon together, has the sigh, filled was painful and sad. “唉,我来晚了!”就在这时,一道苍老的声音从天际传来,带着叹息,也充满了痛苦与悲伤。 Sees only in the distant place, that suspended in upper air the summit of high-grade temple, is standing at this time an old man who wears the grayish white long gown. 只见在远方,那座悬浮于高空的上品神殿之巅,此时正站着一名身穿灰白长袍的老者。 That old man is very old, on the face the wrinkle pushes a piece, the full silver white long hair has towed the ground, the body sends out decayed aura, being on the verge of death, the feeling of date and time not many. 那名老者十分苍老,脸上皱纹挤成一片,满头银白的长发已经拖到了地上,身上散发出一股腐朽的气息,给人一种行将就木,时日无多的感觉。 „Did sect the destruction, Jiang, how you have?” Xiang Bai sends out angry roaring. 宗门都将覆灭了,蒋老,你怎么才出现?”象白发出愤怒的咆哮。 Is called Jiang old person to sigh gently, said: Three day volcanos were destroyed, Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain stops revolving, causing many formation to be deadlocked, obsolete also abandoned the big strength to untie to seal/confer Lingzhen, this took out Forbidden Item.” 被称为蒋老的老人轻轻一叹,道:“三座天火山被摧毁,聚灵神山停止运转,导致许多阵法已经被锁死,老朽也是废了好大力气才解开了封灵阵,这才将禁器取出。” Xiang Bai, you have been working hard, the following matter gives the old man, our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect soldiers, will not die in vain.” Jiang makes the sorrowful sound, at once the vision locks Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, instantaneous killing intent soars to the heavens. 象白,你们辛苦了,接下来的事就交给老夫吧,我们巨象仙宗的儿郎们,可不会白死。”蒋老发出悲痛的声音,旋即目光锁定了噬仙妖花,瞬间杀意冲天。
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