CSG :: Volume #37

#3680: Extinguishes sect ( 2 )

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Jian Chen speed is quick, when he every step treads, the body is a twinkle, like flickering move to appears beside hundred thousand li (50,000 km). 剑尘速度非常快,他每一步踏出时,身躯都是一个闪烁,如同瞬移般出现在十万里之外。 His taking step by step, is moving in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect by extremely quick speed everywhere. 他一步又一步的迈出,正以极快的速度巨象仙宗内四处移动。 However every his place visited, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect low-level disciple within surrounding area hundred thousand li (50,000 km) range, its body changes to one group of ashes in the silence in abundance. 不过凡是他所过之处,方圆十万里范围内的巨象仙宗低阶弟子,其身躯纷纷在悄无声息间化作一团灰烬。 Everyone wrote off in the flash, cannot feel the pain completely, even the pitiful yell sound has not heard. 所有人都在一瞬间被抹杀,完全感受不到痛苦,连惨叫声都未曾听闻。 What secret technique this... is this?” This strange, looked Thousand Souls Demon Venerable stares dumbfounded. “这...这是什么秘术?”这诡异的一幕,看的千魂魔尊都是瞠目结舌。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect disciple that although these perish is the Golden Immortal boundary following ants, by the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable strength, only need blow the one breath to destroy completely a big piece. 尽管那些灭亡的巨象仙宗弟子都是金仙境以下的蝼蚁,以千魂魔尊的实力,只需吹一口气就能灭掉一大片。 But that must pay to blow the one breath the strength, where looks like Jian Chen so, seems anything not to do, where arrives, where dies a big piece. 但那也要付出吹一口气的力气,哪里像剑尘这般,好似什么事情都没有做,走到哪里,哪里就死一大片。 This person, some are not simple.” In a Thousand Souls Demon Venerable pair of scarlet vision has the strange glow to beat, he lived no several tens of thousands year, is the story is it may be said that rich, regardless of what scene has experienced, but at present such as the Jian Chen so strange murder way, he is real see what one has never seen before, hears something one has never heard of. “此人,有些不简单啊。”千魂魔尊一双猩红的目光中有诡异之芒跳动,他活了无数万年,可谓是阅历丰厚,无论什么场面都见识过,但眼下如剑尘这般诡异的杀人方式,他是真的见所未见,闻所未闻 Compared with the curiosity of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse is eye of zi wants to crack, the eyeball as if must drop to bleed. 千魂魔尊的好奇相比,巨象仙宗的一群仙君仙帝强者则是目眦欲裂,眼珠子仿佛都要滴出血来。 If said that Golden Immortal boundary above disciple falls/dies, damaged the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect nucleus. 若说金仙境以上的弟子陨落,损伤了巨象仙宗的中坚力量。 That present these Golden Immortal boundary following disciple, will directly affect the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect foundation. 那眼下这些金仙境以下的弟子,将直接影响到巨象仙宗的根基。 Stop, stops quickly, stops quickly......” “住手,快住手,快停下来......” „, Your this bastard, the old man pledged, if you fall into our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect hand, the old man must cramp to skin you......” “啊啊啊啊啊,你这个混蛋,老夫发誓,你若是落入我们巨象仙宗手中,老夫一定要将你抽筋剥皮......” ...... ...... Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Golden Immortal boundary following disciple enough 1 million greatness, but at present, this quantity by the speed rapid reduction of inconceivable. 巨象仙宗金仙境以下的弟子足足有百万之巨,但眼下,这个数量正在以不可思议速度飞速减少。 This destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Jian Chen shows unprecedented cruel and merciless, so long as is Giant Elephant Immortal Sect disciple, regardless of strength height, regardless of everybody, same kill without mercy! 这一次覆灭巨象仙宗,剑尘展现出前所未有的心狠手辣,只要是巨象仙宗弟子,无论实力高低,无论男女老幼,一律杀无赦 In the upper air, Jian Chen looks under that piece the ashes that floats against the wind, in the heart has not been sympathizing, has not pitied, in the vision shows, performing is one piece brutal indifferently with no emotion color ice-cold. 高空中,剑尘望着下方那一片正迎风飘洒的灰烬,心中没有同情,也没有怜悯,目光中展现出的,尽是一片无情的漠然与毫无情感色彩的冰冷。 Boundless Senior, did you see? Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is paying the serious price for the action of past......” “无涯前辈,你看到了吗?巨象仙宗正为昔日之举付出惨重的代价......” Boundless Senior, I, since promises you to meet destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all disciple, then this matter, I will certainly achieve, even if has fish slip through today, another day I will still meet 11 to put to death......” “无涯前辈,我既然答应过你一定会覆灭巨象仙宗所有弟子,那么此事,我就一定会做到,即便是今日有漏网之鱼,他日我也会一一将之诛杀......” Jian Chen sends out low and deep twittering the sound, when his brain, recalled again own displays Martial Soul Peeping Soul Technique, conducts exchange with boundless Immortal Emperor obsession. 剑尘发出低沉的呢喃之声,在他脑中,再次回想起自己施展武魂窥魂术时,与无涯仙帝执念进行交流的一幕幕。 Boundless Immortal Emperor disclosed to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude, more or less also infected Jian Chen, causes in the Jian Chen heart to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect the action of extinguishing sect, becomes the incomparable firmness. 无涯仙帝巨象仙宗透露出的刻骨铭心的仇恨,或多或少也感染了剑尘,使得剑尘心中对巨象仙宗的灭宗之举,变得无比的坚定。 Manages a great formation shape to cut is the vision is also red, he discarded Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, is controlling great formation rapidly moves toward Jian Chen. 主持一座大阵的象斩也是目光通红,他舍弃了噬仙妖花,操控着大阵飞速的朝着剑尘移动。 The formation strength erupts, that sufficiently destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth terrifying strength, just like changing to a round huge hot sun pounded toward Jian Chen directly, place visited, void shatter. 阵法的力量爆发,那足以毁天灭地的恐怖之力,宛如化作一轮巨大的烈日直接朝着剑尘砸了过去,所过之处,虚空大片大片的破碎。 However, Jian Chen actually does not contact with it, he stimulates to movement the Heaven Escape Divine Armor strength, whole person all aura disappears in the world, making the shape cut controlled great formation lost the goal. 然而,剑尘却并不与之接触,他催动遁天神甲的力量,整个人的所有气息消失在天地间,让象斩所操控的大阵失去了目标。 The next quarter, the Jian Chen form appears in another position , to continue to eliminate Giant Elephant Immortal Sect low-level disciple by supreme will. 下一刻,剑尘的身影出现在另一个方位,继续以无上意志清除巨象仙宗低阶弟子 Walks, goes to Zouta!” Saw unable to lock Jian Chen, like cutting made the decision decisively, controlled great formation rapidly to be close toward seven Zouta. “走,去祖塔!”见锁定不了剑尘,象斩果断作出决定,操控着大阵飞速朝着七座祖塔接近。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower emerges out of thin air, the body inflates to thousand zhang (3.33 m) greatness, Immortal Venerable boundary aura fills the air, brandishes the vine to stop full power, each vine has the strength of Immortal Venerable level, a hit formation light screen tremor. 噬仙妖花凭空出现,身躯膨胀到千丈之巨,仙尊气息弥漫,挥舞藤蔓全力阻拦,每一根藤蔓都带着仙尊层次的力量,打的阵法光幕一阵颤动。 However Devouring Immortal Monster Flower also withstood the strength of huge counter- shaking, the disparity in boundary, keeping it from such as Thousand Souls Demon Venerable like that can write with a free pen reduces and solves the strength of counter- shaking. 不过噬仙妖花也承受了巨大的反震之力,境界上的差距,使得它无法如千魂魔尊那般,可以挥洒自如的化解反震之力。 Therefore, during attack, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower vine is also breakages one after another, but quick was repaired. 所以,在攻击的同时,噬仙妖花的藤蔓也是一根接一根的破裂,但很快就被修复。 Overruns, how regardless of must be close to Zouta, so long as awakens the strength that Old Ancestor leaves behind, today the turmoil twinkling may put down!” Like cutting to send out to angrily roar, maintains formation more than 100 powerhouse to erupt in abundance, in rushing strength of crazy flooding into formation cultivation level, shows peak the formation might. “冲过去,无论如何也要接近祖塔,只要唤醒老祖留下的力量,今日动乱瞬息可平!”象斩发出怒吼,维持阵法的一百余名强者纷纷爆发,滂湃的修为之力疯狂的涌入阵法之中,将阵法的威力展现到极致 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower also understands, once made them be close to Zouta meaning anything, therefore it did not yield an inch, even if were vine because of the strength of huge counter- shaking, but breaks, it also always persevered in same place, prevented the shape to cut and the others the advances at risk of life. 噬仙妖花也明白一旦让他们接近了祖塔将意味着什么,因此它寸步不让,纵然是身上的藤蔓因巨大的反震之力而一根根的断裂,它也始终坚守在原地,拼死阻挡着象斩等人的前进。 Under crazy attack that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower disregards all consequences, can only stay in same place like formation that cutting and the others formed, is hard advance in the slightest. 噬仙妖花不计后果的疯狂攻击之下,象斩等人结成的阵法只能停留在原地,难以前进分毫 Looks is falling into deadlock Xiang Bai and the others with Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, as well as is keeping writing off low-level disciple Jian Chen in the distant place, like cutting in the eye reveals to wipe the anxious color. 望着与千魂魔尊陷入胶着状态的象白等人,以及正在远处不停抹杀低阶弟子剑尘,象斩的眼中流露出一抹焦急之色。 Suddenly, he made a helpless decision, shouted lowly: Disperses formation, breaks up the whole into parts, everyone uses the shield law completely, being close Zouta who no matter with what method, must succeed.” 猛然间,他做出了一个无奈的决定,低喝道:“散开阵法,化整为零,所有人全部施展盾法,不管用什么方法,一定要成功的接近祖塔。” When the shape cuts makes this decision, immediately several Immortal Emperor feel strange, but like cutting as lord of the lineage/vein, naturally has its dignity, therefore, that several hearts have Immortal Emperor of objection to hesitate slightly, ultimately accepts silently. 在象斩作出这个决定时,立即就有几名仙帝觉得不妥,但象斩作为一脉之主,自然有其威严,因此,那几名心有异议的仙帝略微犹豫,最终还是默默接受。 The next quarter, collapses immediately with huge formation of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower fierce confrontation, maintains formation more than 100 Immortal Monarch Realm as well as Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse scatters in all directions in abundance, they do not resist with Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, but uses various shield laws, charges into Zouta from the different directions by quickest speed. 下一刻,与噬仙妖花激烈对抗的庞大阵法顿时崩溃开来,维持阵法的一百余名仙君境以及仙帝强者纷纷四散开来,他们也不与噬仙妖花对抗,而是施展各种盾法,从不同的方向以最快的速度冲向祖塔。 With Zouta's distance, should be close by speed of Immortal Emperor boundary, because has impediment of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, making this close distance into the gap that is unable to overstep. 与祖塔的距离,以仙帝境的速度本该近在咫尺,然而由于有噬仙妖花的阻挡,使得这近在咫尺的距离变成了一道无法逾越的鸿沟。 Sees only Devouring Immortal Monster Flower that to open just like black hole gigantic mouth, the next quarter, a terrifying suction spreads suddenly. 只见噬仙妖花那宛如黑洞般的巨口已经张开,下一刻,一股恐怖的吸力猛然传出。 Immediately, more than 100 Immortal Monarch Realm that scatters in all directions, as well as more than ten Immortal Emperor boundary powerhouse felt in abundance the body stagnates, starts to pull their body to the irresistible suction huge in rapid withdrawing. 顿时,四散开来的一百余名仙君境,以及十余名仙帝强者纷纷感觉身躯一滞,庞大到不可抗拒的吸力开始拉扯着他们的身躯在飞速的退后。 In the face of this suction, even if powerhouse of Immortal Emperor boundary is unable to work loose. 在这股吸力面前,纵然是仙帝境的强者也无法挣脱。 „It is not good!” Like cutting the complexion disastrous incident, awakened own to make a wrong decision suddenly. If composes formation, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower could not have done to them, but once did not have the strength of formation to bless, at the individual strengths of their group of people, was simply vulnerable in Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. “不好!”象斩脸色惨变,恍然醒悟自己作出了一个错误的决定。若是组成阵法,噬仙妖花还奈何不得他们,可一旦没了阵法之力庇佑,以他们这群人的个体力量,在噬仙妖花简直就脆弱不堪。 The next quarter, sees only the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower innumerable vines to wave, being relentless pierced the Immortal Monarch bodies, then sent in just like in the black hole big mouth. 下一刻,只见噬仙妖花的无数藤蔓舞动,毫不留情的洞穿了一名名仙君的身躯,然后纷纷送入了犹如黑洞般的大口中。 Shortly, then more than 50 Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse vanish, life and death unknown! 顷刻间,便是有五十余名仙君境强者消失,生死未知! But after being short of more than 50 Immortal Monarch, powerhouse of other dozens survivals, felt immediately own pressure was stronger. 而少了五十余名仙君之后,余下的数十名存活的强者,顿时感觉自己身上的压力更强了。 ah! suddenly, like cutting one angrily roars, at this moment, his Primordial Spirit is burning, blood essence is burning, the waist following body is burning similarly, he takes the autonomy as the price, erupts the far ultra Immortal Emperor boundary 8-layer great power, unexpectedly temporary worked loose Devouring Immortal Monster Flower suction restraint, whole person changed to one group of combustion Zouta of flame shoots towards distant place. 啊!”猛然间,象斩一声怒吼,这一刻,他的元神在燃烧,精血在燃烧,腰部以下的身躯同样在燃烧,他以自残为代价,爆发出远超仙帝八重天的强大力量,竟然暂时性的挣脱了噬仙妖花的吸力束缚,整个人化作一团燃烧的火焰射向远方的祖塔。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower as a result of restraint dozens people, the strength is scattered simultaneously, therefore cannot prevent the shape to cut suddenly unexpectedly. 噬仙妖花由于同时束缚数十人,力量分散,因此一时间竟然没能阻止象斩。 Good, like cutting the remote antiquity flushed......” “太好了,象斩太上冲出去了......” Quickly, constrains Devouring Immortal Monster Flower full power, cuts the remote antiquity to win the time for the shape......” “快,全力拖住噬仙妖花,为象斩太上争取时间......” Other dozens Immortal Monarch and more than ten Immortal Emperor in abundance complexion one happy, at once turns around in abundance, attacks Devouring Immortal Monster Flower numerous vines on own initiative. 余下的数十名仙君和十余名仙帝纷纷面色一喜,旋即纷纷转身,主动去攻击噬仙妖花的众多藤蔓。 In their hearts understands, so long as like cutting to be close to Zouta, awakens strength that Old Ancestor left behind, that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower or Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, will be suppressed shortly. 他们心中都明白,只要象斩接近了祖塔,唤醒了老祖留下的力量,那无论是噬仙妖花还是千魂魔尊,都将在顷刻间被镇压。
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