CSG :: Volume #37

#3679: Extinguishes sect ( 1 )

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Monster Plant fellow daoist, between you and me cannot internal fight, otherwise only in vain cheap Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. You could rest assured that true body/this senior certainly not to make things difficult for this fellow daoist, but true body/this senior urgently needed heavenly material treasure restores itself at present, so that better tackled Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, therefore under compels to have no other choice, hopes that can look for this fellow daoist to borrow.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable calm saying, covers that Demon Qi rapid retreat of Jian Chen at once. 妖植道友,你我之间可不能内斗,否则只会白白便宜了巨象仙宗。你放心,本尊绝不会为难这位道友,只是本尊目前急需天材地宝恢复自身,以便更好的对付巨象仙宗,因此才逼不得已之下,希望能找这位道友借一些。”千魂魔尊心平气和的说道,旋即覆盖剑尘的那片魔气飞速退去。 In the eye of Jian Chen is glittering a cold glow, he knows that just Thousand Souls Demon Venerable mostly was only a probe, once own showed weakness, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable feared that is will intend to gobble up own resources without hesitation. 剑尘的眼中闪烁着点点寒芒,他知道刚刚千魂魔尊多半只是一次试探,一旦自己示弱,千魂魔尊怕是会毫不犹豫的出手抢夺自己身上的资源。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, although cannot see my concrete boundary, but roughly estimates the own strength from some traces surely, therefore dares so to threaten me.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, the present Thousand Souls Demon Venerable strength sharp decline, has dropped to the Immortal Venerable boundary 1-layer level, cannot pose any threat to him. 千魂魔尊虽然看不出我的具体境界,但必定从一些蛛丝马迹中大致估算出自己的实力,所以才敢这般威胁我。”剑尘心中暗道,如今的千魂魔尊实力锐减,已经跌落至仙尊一重天层次,对他构不成任何威胁。 But at present, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable Huan Zhen (really) cannot die, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect also several types of cards in a hand, each type kills greatly, these cards in a hand need some people shoulder. 但眼下,千魂魔尊还真不能死,巨象仙宗还有几种底牌,每一种都是大杀器,这些底牌必须要有人来扛。 Although he has Source of Life, Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage is very difficult to kill him, but he always worried that can meet some belts the rare treasure of imprisoned and restraint ability. 虽然他有生命之源,仙尊中期都很难杀死他,但他始终担心会遇到一些带着禁锢和束缚能力的秘宝。 Thinks of here, Jian Chen puts out dozens heavenly material treasure to throw from Space Ring to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 想到这里,剑尘又从空间戒指里拿出数十株天材地宝扔给千魂魔尊 In these dozens heavenly material treasure, more than ten are the God level high-grade levels. 这数十株天材地宝中,有十几株已经是神级上品层次。 Ha Ha Ha, fellow daoist is refreshed, after waiting for the destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, the thing of fellow daoist presenting, this King ten times present also!” The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable spirit shakes, that more than ten God level high-grade heavenly material treasure to him, but is really such as gives opportune help, not only can restore his some injuries, but can also restore his some Primordial Spirit. 哈哈哈,道友爽快,等覆灭了巨象仙宗之后,道友馈赠之物,本座十倍奉还!”千魂魔尊精神一震,那十几株神级上品天材地宝对于他来说,可真是如雪中送炭,不仅能恢复他的部分伤势,而且还能恢复他的部分元神 Immediately, his aura strengthened again, is faint as if restores to the Immortal Venerable boundary 2-layer level. 顿时,他的气息再次增强了一些,隐隐间仿佛恢复到仙尊二重天层次。 By the Grand Dao sensibility of his Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer, even if only has the 2-layer strength, battle strength also far ultra common 2-layer that can display. 以他仙尊四重天大道感悟,哪怕是只具备二重天的实力,那所能发挥出的战力也远超寻常的二重天 Jie Jie Jie Jie, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect statuettes, you really thinks that with formation, can let your Immortal Monarch and ants of Immortal Emperor boundary has with the ability that true body/this senior contends with? Now makes you take a look at the true body/this senior true strength.” In billowing Demon Qi spread the Thousand Souls Demon Venerable big laughter. “桀桀桀桀,巨象仙宗的小象们,你们真以为凭着一座阵法,就能让你们这些仙君仙帝境的蝼蚁拥有与本尊抗衡的能力吗?现在就让你们瞧瞧本尊的真正实力吧。”滚滚魔气中传出了千魂魔尊的大笑声。 Finishes speaking, composes formation more than 100 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse, immediately felt the invisible suctions spread from the top of the head void. 话音刚落,组成阵法的一百余名巨象仙宗强者,顿时感觉有一股无形的吸力从头顶虚空传出。 Was covered under by this suction, reaches including the boundary to Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer Xiang Bai, everyone felt that in own Primordial Spirit spreads a tear pain. 被这股吸力笼罩之下,包括境界臻至仙帝九重天象白在内,所有人都感觉自己元神中传出一股撕裂般的痛楚。 That feeling, was similar the invisible blade to invade in their brains, is cutting the fusion of their Primordial Spirit and flesh body in the violence, as if must go out their Primordial Spirit sorptions forcefully. 那种感觉,就仿佛有一柄无形的刀刃侵入了他们的脑中,正在暴力切割他们的元神肉身的融合,似乎要将他们的元神硬生生的吸离出去。 ah! my head good pain......” 啊!我的头好痛......” My Primordial Spirit... my Primordial Spirit cannot consolidate quickly, must be separated from flesh body to go......” “我的元神...我的元神快稳固不住,要脱离肉身而去了......” ...... ...... Immediately, composes formation numerous Immortal Monarch to call out pitifully again and again, looks the color of pain. 顿时,组成阵法的众多仙君纷纷惨叫连连,面露痛苦之色。 Only has powerhouse of Immortal Emperor boundary, just now can support reluctantly. 唯有仙帝境的强者,方才能勉强支撑。 This is Thousand Souls Demon Venerable secret skill, everyone don't be upset, full play formation, by strength of resistance formation!” Xiang Bai shouted angrily. “这是千魂魔尊秘法,大家不要慌,全力运转阵法,以阵法之力抵御!”象白怒喝。 Jie Jie Jie Jie, even with the aid of the strength of formation, how long you can insist? Maintains this formation, may be many to your consumptions.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable exudes the strange laughter. “桀桀桀桀,即便是借助阵法之力,你们又能坚持多久?维持这座阵法,对你们的消耗可不少。”千魂魔尊发出怪笑声。 hearing that, a complexion paleness of Xiang Bai, the putting out token that but he actually keeps silent, with the aid of covering up of strength of formation, prints together has infiltrated in the token definitely quietly. 闻言,象白脸色一片铁青,不过他却默不作声的拿出一块令牌,借助阵法之力的遮掩,一道印决已经悄然打入令牌中。 Through the token, the secret order has issued to entire sects all disciple together. 通过令牌,一道密令已经向全宗所有弟子下达。 In Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Golden Immortal boundary above disciple, besides Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor, already completely falls/dies. 巨象仙宗内,金仙境以上的弟子,除了仙君仙帝外,已经全部陨落 But Golden Immortal boundary following disciple, actually 1 million numbers. 金仙境以下的弟子,却还有百万之数。 These million disciple, have in the beforehand fight dies in energy fallout much, but still many people escaped death by a hair's breadth, hides completely in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect each secret. 这百万弟子,在之前的战斗中有不少死于能量余波之中,可仍然有很多人幸免于难,全部都躲藏在巨象仙宗的各个秘地中。 When issuance of order of Xiang Bai, all low-level disciple complete hearts of survival have a feeling, pulls out own status token, received immediately secret order that came from Xiang Bai. 象白的命令下达时,幸存的所有低阶弟子全部心有所感,纷纷掏出自己身上的身份令牌,立马就收到了来自于象白的密令。 Goes to Zouta? Does Supreme Elder make us exhaust all means to be close to Zouta?” “去祖塔?太上长老让我们用尽一切办法接近祖塔?” Wanted Zouta, our can Giant Elephant Immortal Sect subside the civil strife?” “只要去了祖塔,我们巨象仙宗便可平息内乱?” ...... ...... When just received this order, these hide in low-level disciple of each place, in many hearts reveals the color of thick panic-stricken and fear, but after short considering, some people had the spirit that fierce is not fearing to walk as before, in rapid was close in seven Zouta's directions rapidly. 在刚收到这一命令时,这些躲藏在各个地方的低阶弟子们,许多人心中都流露出浓浓的惊恐和害怕之色,但在短暂的斟酌之后,依旧有人带着一股悍不畏死的精神走了出去,在飞速的朝着七座祖塔的方向飞速接近。 Although they are away from the fight location to be remote, but Thousand Souls Demon Venerable after all is Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse, the sensation strength is powerful, therefore first then discovered these disciple unusual actions. 尽管他们距离战斗场地非常遥远,但千魂魔尊毕竟是仙尊强者,感知力何等强大,因此第一时间便发现了这些弟子的异常举动。 Un?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable light, the vision looks suddenly, following route that these disciple go forward, locks on distant that seven Zouta all of a sudden. “嗯?”千魂魔尊一声轻咦,目光豁然望去,顺着那些弟子前进的路线,一下子就锁定在远方那七座祖塔上面。 Is you are ordering disciple in secret to that place? Is it possible that in that seven towers, what also does the hidden have?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable smiles gloomily, at once a giant palm that was condensed by Demon Qi finds out suddenly, spanned the horizon, patted directly toward that seven Zouta. “是你们在暗中命令弟子去往那个地方?莫非在那七座塔内,还隐藏有什么?”千魂魔尊阴森一笑,旋即一只由魔气凝聚的巨大手掌骤然探出,跨越了天际,直接朝着那七座祖塔拍去。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, does not want dead stops immediately!” At this moment, Jian Chen flickers to move by Space Principle, prevents nearby the Demon Qi big hand of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 千魂魔尊,不想死就立即住手!”就在这时,剑尘空间法则瞬移,阻挡在千魂魔尊魔气大手跟前。 fellow daoist, are you what meaning?” A Thousand Souls Demon Venerable brow wrinkle, the Demon Qi big hand of rapid spread stops in front of Jian Chen. 道友,你这是何意?”千魂魔尊眉头一皱,飞速蔓延的魔气大手停顿在剑尘面前。 Jian Chen complexion is dignified, sinking sound said: In seven Stone Tower, leaves leeway the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor strengths, once close , the strength of that deep sleep will be awakened, at the appointed time you will face seven big Old Ancestor the strength of full power striking.” 剑尘脸色凝重,沉声道:“七座石塔内,都留有巨象仙宗七大老祖的力量,一旦靠近,那沉睡的力量将会被唤醒,到时你将面临七大老祖的全力一击之力。” „Does this matter take seriously?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable complexion changes, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor, is not everyone is placed in the eye by him. “此事当真?”千魂魔尊面色微变,巨象仙宗七大老祖中,不是人人都被他放在眼中。 But if most Old Ancestor, strikes full power, feared that was directly body and soul completely eliminated that he hit. 可若是最老祖的话,全力一击,怕是直接就将他打的形神俱灭了。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable vision subconscious sweeping to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect numerous powerhouse, discovered that all Immortal Monarch are bewildered, even if some Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder, is an unthinkable color. 千魂魔尊目光下意识的扫向巨象仙宗众多强者,发现所有仙君都一脸茫然,纵然是一些仙帝太上长老,都是一副匪夷所思之色。 As if not know this matter. 似乎根本不知道此事。 Only several position very lofty Supreme Elder, complexion becomes must ugly/difficult to look at ugly/difficult to look at. 唯独几位身份地位非常崇高的太上长老,脸色变得要多难看就有多难看。 In their hearts emitted the big question, in Zouta the hidden has the matter of Old Ancestor strength, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, even if some Supreme Elder know nothing, the so top-secret news, how the opposite party did know? 他们心中冒出了大大的疑问,祖塔内隐藏有老祖力量之事,在巨象仙宗内即便是一些太上长老都毫不知情,如此绝密的消息,对方又是如何得知? At this time, some were away from Zouta very near Giant Elephant Immortal Sect disciple, has been close to seven Zouta. 此时,一些原本就距离祖塔很近的巨象仙宗弟子,已经接近七座祖塔了。 But in the next quarter, is close to disciple within Zouta range, its body changes to ashes in abundance, then ends up the body and soul completely eliminated fate in the silence. 但在下一刻,所有接近祖塔范围内的弟子,其身躯纷纷化作一片灰烬,在悄无声息间便落得形神俱灭的下场。 Jian Chen supreme will has filled the air, making the surrounding area hundred thousand li (50,000 km) range form a stretch of independent domain, everything intruded Giant Elephant Immortal Sect disciple in this domain, wrote off completely infinitely. 剑尘无上意志已经弥漫而出,使得方圆十万里范围形成了一片独立领域,凡是闯入这个领域内的巨象仙宗弟子,全部被无穷抹杀。 These low-level disciple give me to process.” Throws down these words, the Jian Chen footsteps takes a step void, had left the original place, appears in another region. “那些低阶弟子交给我来处理。”丢下这句话,剑尘脚步虚空迈步,已经离开了原来的地方,出现在另一处区域中。 The domain that supreme will changes to also follows him to move, is centered on Jian Chen, covers surrounding area hundred thousand li (50,000 km), the Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) bottom, was given the infiltration by supreme will. 无上意志化作的领域也跟随着他移动,以剑尘为中心,笼罩方圆十万里,无论是苍穹还是地底,都被无上意志给渗透。
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