CSG :: Volume #37

#3678: Demon Venerable threat

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The broken Supreme Divine Item day moon, because was destroyed three day volcanos to lose the energy supply, thus becomes describes nominally, cannot display any function. 残破的至尊神器日月轮,因被摧毁了三座天火山而失去了能量供应,从而变得形容虚设,发挥不出任何功用。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master looks like start/open heaven to lead the jade bottle of entire sect Golden Immortal boundary above disciple with joint forces stimulation of movement, now also falls into the hand of Jian Chen. 巨象仙宗宗主象启天率领全宗金仙境以上的弟子合力催动的玉瓶,如今也落入了剑尘的手中。 In such a short time, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect two can cope with Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse trump card, in abundance by Jian Chen breaking. 在这短短的时间内,巨象仙宗内两件能够对付仙尊强者杀手锏,纷纷被剑尘给破去。 „It is not good, the powerful enemy in secret, like opening day there had an accident......” “不好,还有强敌在暗中,象启天那里出事了......” These disciple? That how many hundred thousand disciple in our sect? How to disappear completely......” “那些弟子呢?我们宗门内的那几十万弟子呢?怎么全部都不见了......” —— damn, damn, some people killed our hundreds of thousands of disciple, all Golden Immortal boundary above disciple, already completely falls/dies......” “啊——该死,该死,有人杀了我们数十万弟子,所有金仙境以上的弟子,已经全部陨落了......” Remembers that person to me, everyone must remember that murderer, must his any characteristics deep inscribing in the bone, the brand mark in the innermost soul, get the memory of eternal not extinguishing, on under poor blue sky Yellow Springs, regardless of he hides in any place, our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect must chase down......” “给我记住那个人,所有人都一定要记住那名凶手,要将他的任何特征都深深的铭刻在骨子里,烙印在灵魂深处,打上永恒不灭的记忆,上穷碧落下黄泉,无论他躲在任何地方,我们巨象仙宗都要追杀到底......” Waits for Old Ancestor returned, even if traveles across entire World of Immortals, must arrest this person, making it suffer world forever and ever severely suffers......” “等老祖归来,纵然是踏遍整个仙界,都要将此人缉拿,让其永生永世都遭受世间最严酷的折磨......” ...... ...... That hundreds of thousands of disciple falls/dies, made Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of powerhouse all fall into immediately crazily, was the hatred is dreadful, enmity in heart must disappear Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), under the innumerable killing intent collections, made in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect blow the intermittent gloomy and cold wind immediately. 数十万弟子陨落,顿时让巨象仙宗的一群强者全都陷入了疯狂,一个个都是恨意滔天,心中的仇怨似要泯灭苍穹,无数股杀意汇集之下,顿时令巨象仙宗内刮起了阵阵阴冷的风。 Because in that hundreds of thousands of disciple, collected in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all Golden Immortal, Great Luo Golden Immortal, Profound Immortal as well as Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, these disciple are not only the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect nuclei, will be the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect future. 因为那数十万弟子中,汇集了巨象仙宗内所有的金仙,大罗金仙,玄仙以及九天玄仙,这些弟子不仅是巨象仙宗的中坚力量,同时也是巨象仙宗的未来。 And yet, all Golden Immortal boundary above disciple all falls/dies, this regarding Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, although is not considered as that extinguishes the sect, but could not miss is too far. 可眼下,所有金仙境以上的弟子尽数陨落,这对于巨象仙宗来说,虽说不算是灭宗,但也差不了太远了。 Jie Jie Jie Jie, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect small monsters, wants to suppress true body/this senior, you also missed a point.” The gloomy and cold laughter transmits in the sky together, sees only black demon cloud to shoot up to the sky along with a deafening bellow. “桀桀桀桀,巨象仙宗的小妖们,想要镇压本尊,你们还差了一点。”一道阴冷的笑声在天空中传来,只见一股黑色的魔云伴随着一股震耳欲聋的轰鸣声冲天而起。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable have broken the suppression of town/subdues soul symbol, the town/subdues soul symbol changed to black talisman to flutter by far, rays of light is gloomy. 千魂魔尊已经冲开了镇魂符的镇压,镇魂符重新化作一张黑色的符箓远远飘飞了出去,光芒暗淡。 This Monster Plant fellow daoist, many thanks you lend a hand to assist, today true body/this senior with you together, kills Giant Elephant Immortal Sect together.” Thousand soul Demon Venerable sounds such as billowing thunderous in sky crack, as if he at this moment, had restored the pure brightness intelligence. “这位妖植道友,多谢你出手相助,今日本尊与你一道,一同杀出巨象仙宗。”千魂魔尊的声音如滚滚雷鸣在天空中炸响,似乎此刻的他,已经恢复了清明的神智。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable, our goals are not kill Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, but wants destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, does not know Demon Venerable Senior to dare with us together, common destruction sect?” The Jian Chen sound spreads. “千魂魔尊,我们的目标可不是杀出巨象仙宗,而是要覆灭巨象仙宗,不知魔尊前辈可敢与我们一道,共同覆灭此宗门?”剑尘的声音传出。 What? Destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?” Hears this word, bountiful by thousand soul Demon Venerable strength in meditation, could not bear staring, but then Jie Jie smiles at once strangely: Several old elephants do not seem to be, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect strength sharp decline, to destroy completely here person, as if is not not possible.” “什么?覆灭巨象仙宗?”听闻此言,饶是以千魂魔尊的定力,都忍不住愣了愣,但旋即便桀桀怪笑:“几头老象似乎不在,巨象仙宗实力锐减,要想灭掉这里的人,似乎也并非不可能。” Jie Jie Jie Jie, if really completed this matter, making the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect chicken dog not remain, after waiting for that several old shape to come back, does not know that what will be mad.” “桀桀桀桀,如果真办成了此事,让巨象仙宗鸡犬不留,等那几头老象回来之后,不知会被气成什么样。” Ha Ha Ha Ha, that several always look like suppresses true body/this senior so many years, true body/this senior gets out of trouble now, was the time makes them pay some interest......” 哈哈哈哈,那几头老象镇压了本尊这么多年,本尊如今脱困,也是时候让他们付出一些利息了......” Thousand soul Demon Venerable complied refreshedly. 千魂魔尊爽快的答应了下来。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect everyone, does not omit a single word listened to dialogue between Jian Chen and thousand soul Demon Venerable, the complexion disastrous incidents, in the heart were the anger are dreadful. 巨象仙宗的所有人,都一字不漏的听完了剑尘与千魂魔尊之间的对话,一个个面色惨变,心中是怒意滔天。 „To extinguish our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, dream of a fool......” “想要灭我们巨象仙宗,痴人做梦......” Thousand soul Demon Venerable, even you in peak condition cannot extinguish our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, you to so the situation, have said so the boast not to fear that let alone now weakly flashed the tongue......” “千魂魔尊,即便是巅峰状态的你也灭不了我们巨象仙宗,更何况你如今已经虚弱到这般地步,说出如此大话也不怕闪了舌头......” „To extinguish our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect unexpectedly?? Really boast shamelessly, but actually actually the old man must have a look is who extinguishes who......” “竟想灭我们巨象仙宗??真是大言不惭,老夫倒要看看究竟是谁灭谁......” Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of Immortal Emperor are also the violent anger, that more than 100 powerhouse that Xiang Bai leads forms formation instantaneously, an attack and defense body, erupts the powerful energy storms and thousand soul Demon Venerable wars in the same place. 巨象仙宗的一群仙帝也是纷纷暴怒,象白率领的那一百余名强者瞬间结成阵法,攻防一体,爆发出强大的能量风暴与千魂魔尊大战在一起。 But Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, then cuts the management another great formation to contend with the shape. 噬仙妖花,则是与象斩主持的另一座大阵进行抗衡。 However this time thousand soul Demon Venerable, obviously also wanted to be weaker than before, before he facing Xiang Bai management great formation, but can also be in the upper hand steadily, and retreating in defeat again and again that the opposite party hit, let all powerhouse that composed formation suffered huge backlash. 不过此时的千魂魔尊,显然比之前还要虚弱很多,之前他面对象白主持的大阵时,还能稳占上风,并将对方打的节节败退,让所有组成阵法强者都遭受了巨大反噬 But at present, he actually can only reluctant well-matched that great formation that manages to hit with Xiang Bai, even has to fall into the leeward stance faintly. 但眼下,他却只能勉强的与象白主持的大阵打的旗鼓相当,甚至隐隐有落入下风的姿态。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, looked like to cut the management great formation hobbling similarly. 噬仙妖花,同样被象斩主持的大阵给牵绊住了。 Beforehand these God level middle-grade Medicine Pill and heavenly material treasure are giving true body/this senior to come some, is true body/this senior taking advantage of your, after destroying completely Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, double gives back to you.” Thousand soul Demon Venerable open the mouth suddenly, must unable to insist appearance that body aura is getting more and more weak. “之前的那些神级中品丹药天材地宝在给本尊来一些,算是本尊借你的,等灭掉了巨象仙宗后双倍还给你。”千魂魔尊突然开口,一副似要坚持不住的样子,身上气息越来越虚弱。 However Jian Chen actually knows that thousand soul Demon Venerable conditions indeed were no better, first to suffer in the jade bottle that fearful sword qi attack, then by the town/subdues soul symbol suppression, he can also maintain present battle strength, was the Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer background is all supporting. 不过剑尘却知道千魂魔尊的状态的确好不到哪里去,先是遭受了玉瓶内那可怕的剑气攻击,然后又被镇魂符镇压,他还能保持现在的战斗力,全是仙尊四重天的底子在撑着。 hearing that, Jian Chen did not put out massive God level middle-grade Medicine Pill as well as heavenly material treasure parsimoniously comes out, throws completely to thousand soul Demon Venerable. 闻言,剑尘毫不吝啬的拿出了大量的神级中品丹药以及天材地宝出来,全部扔向千魂魔尊 Intercepts him quickly, cannot make thousand soul Demon Venerable be supplemented!” Xiang Bai explodes immediately drinks, no longer continues to attack thousand soul Demon Venerable, but is controls great formation to be close toward Jian Chen, wants to prevent that batch of heavenly material treasure and Divine Pill falls into thousand soul Demon Venerable hands. “快截住他,不能让千魂魔尊得到补充!”象白当即爆喝,不再继续攻击千魂魔尊,而是操控大阵朝着剑尘接近,想要阻止那批天材地宝神丹落入千魂魔尊手中。 Jie Jie Jie Jie, your crowd of statuettes when is it possible that true body/this senior is the ornaments?” Thousand soul Demon Venerable exude the strange laughter, the next quarter, his whole person changes to billowing dark clouds to fill Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), almost covered less than half Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. “桀桀桀桀,你们这群小象莫非当本尊是摆设吗?”千魂魔尊发出怪笑声,下一刻,他整个人化作一片滚滚黑云弥漫苍穹,几乎笼罩了小半个巨象仙宗 In in the dark clouds, Xiang Bai and the others lost immediately to all sensations, does not distinguish including the most basic direction clear. 身在黑云之中,象白等人顿时失去了对外界的一切感知,连最基本的方向都分辨不清。 They can only through the formation unceasing emanation attack, present dark clouds scattering bit by bit. 他们只能通过阵法不断的发出攻击,将眼前的黑云一点一点的打散。 Meanwhile, all heavenly material treasure as well as God level that Medicine Pill Jian Chen throws, when touches the dark clouds, melts in abundance, changed to a billowing efficacy to integrate in the dark clouds. 与此同时,剑尘扔出的所有天材地宝以及神级丹药,在一触碰到黑云时,也是纷纷消融,化作一股滚滚药力融入了黑云之中。 Jian Chen own, fell into the dark clouds similarly, was covered by thousand soul Demon Venerable Demon Qi. 剑尘自己,同样陷入了黑云之中,被千魂魔尊魔气覆盖了进去。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable aura, quickly is restoring. 千魂魔尊气息,正在迅速恢复。 Although these heavenly material treasure grade somewhat lowered to true body/this senior, so long as the quantity are many enough, can cause the qualitative change. The little friends, true body/this senior see you to put out so many Divine Pill and divine materials, does not wrinkle the brow unexpectedly, it seems like that the collection of little friend has much. At present the true body/this senior severe wound has not recovered, fierce that the strength slides, is the urgently needed these resources time, was inferior that the little friend first all collections on you lends true body/this senior, more many that the true body/this senior strength restores, can smoother destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.” “虽然这些天材地宝的品级对本尊来说有些低了,但只要数量足够多,也能引起质变。小友,本尊见你一口气拿出如此多的神丹神材,竟然连眉头都不皱一下,看来小友的珍藏定有不少啊。眼下本尊重伤未愈,实力下滑的厉害,正是急需这些资源的时候,不如小友先将你身上的所有珍藏借给本尊,本尊实力恢复的越多,也能更加顺利的覆灭巨象仙宗。” Thousand soul Demon Venerable that gloomy words transmit in the Jian Chen ear, Jian Chen even can obvious feeling thousand soul Demon Venerable arrive at side own, is opening pair of gloomy eyes to stare own. 千魂魔尊那阴森的话语在剑尘耳边传来,剑尘甚至能明显的感觉千魂魔尊已经来到了自己身边,正睁着一双阴森的双眼瞪着自己 Jian Chen knows that thousand soul Demon Venerable have stared at these resources in own hand, but he not only not slightly flurried, instead the corners of the mouth are hanging a calm free smile, said: Thousand soul Demon Venerable, our enemies are Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, in this crucial time, you may not want chaotically primary and secondary, in order to avoid makes own fall into the perdition.” 剑尘知道千魂魔尊已经盯上自己手中的那些资源了,不过他非但没有丝毫慌乱,反而嘴角挂着一丝淡定自若的笑容,道:“千魂魔尊,我们的敌人是巨象仙宗,在这关键的时刻里,你可千万不要乱了主次,以免让自己陷入万劫不复之地。” Moreover, who do not forget is to save you to get out of trouble.” “另外,别忘了是谁救你脱困的。” I even can be clear told you, even did not have you, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect could not do to me. But if did not have me, you thought that by your current condition, really can escape?” “我甚至可以明确的告诉你,就算没了你,巨象仙宗也奈何不得我。可若是没了我,你觉得以你目前的状态,真的能逃出去吗?” Meanwhile, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower also spreads Divine Sense to fluctuate, a Shudo like a sharp sword, pricked in Demon Qi without hesitation, struck to disperse Demon Qi, expressed the own attitude by this. 与此同时,噬仙妖花也传出神念波动,其中一根主藤如同一柄利剑,毫不犹豫的刺入了魔气之中,击散了大片大片的魔气,以此来表达自己的态度。
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