CSG :: Volume #37

#3677: Flickers to kill

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Is cut by the shape the management that great formation will soon be close to the third day volcano, at present this as Giant Elephant Immortal Sect in final a day volcano, then in thunders together heavenshaking thoroughly destroys. 由象斩主持的那座大阵即将接近第三座天火山时,眼下这作为巨象仙宗内最后的一座天火山,便是在一道震天轰鸣中彻底摧毁。 Last day volcano crack , is to make the shape cut to send out to angrily roar in great formation that more than 100 powerhouse, many people are both eyes are red, the expression ferocious name, in the heart has dreadful hate. 最后一座天火山的炸响,也是让象斩所在大阵的那一百余名强者纷纷发出怒吼,许多人都是双目通红,神色狞狰,心中有一股滔天之恨。 Another side, is leading another part of powerhouse stimulation of movement town/subdues soul symbol to suppress thousand soul Demon Venerable Xiang Bai and the others, is complexion suddenly big change. 另一边,正率领另一部分强者催动镇魂符镇压千魂魔尊象白等人,也是脸色骤然大变 „It is not good, the day moon will soon expire, quickly, the stimulation of movement town/subdues soul symbol of doing utmost, must in a big hurry thousand soul Demon Venerable suppression.” A Xiang Bai low roar, is Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer the strength of cultivation level to erupt full power, the strength of rushing twisted void, crazy injection town/subdues soul rune/symbol within/inner. “不好,日月轮即将失效,快快快,竭尽全力的催动镇魂符,一定要将千魂魔尊镇压。”象白一声低吼,属于仙帝九重天修为之力全力爆发,澎湃的力量扭曲了虚空,疯狂的注入镇魂符内。 This moment he, does not have the least bit to retain seriously. 这一刻的他,当真是没有半点保留。 Other powerhouse also know obviously the gravity of matter, other more than ten Immortal Emperor and more than 100 Immortal Monarch Realm erupt the full power in abundance, the vast and boundless energy as if formed the vast expanse of water, was given the absorption by the town/subdues soul symbol all. 其余强者显然也知道事情的严重性,余下的十余名仙帝和一百余名仙君境纷纷爆发全力,浩瀚而磅礴的能量仿佛形成了一片汪洋,尽数被镇魂符给吸收。 Immediately, town/subdues soul rune/symbol Heimang rises suddenly, entire Giant Elephant Immortal Sect covers in darkness. 顿时,镇魂符黑芒暴涨,整个巨象仙宗都笼罩在一层黑暗之中。 In more than ten full power stimulation of movement of Immortal Emperor as well as under more than 100 Immortal Monarch, the true might of town/subdues soul symbol seemed supported finally, the strength of powerful suppression covers thousand soul Demon Venerable, causes struggling and resistance of thousand soul Demon Venerable, gradually becomes weak. 在十余名仙帝以及一百多名仙君的全力催动下,镇魂符的真正威力似乎终于得到了发挥,强大的镇压之力将千魂魔尊笼罩,使得千魂魔尊的挣扎与反抗,逐渐变得无力起来。 Under the town/subdues soul tablet, thousand soul Demon Venerable give out unwilling angry roaring, having an enmity with hating, is only at this moment, even if he past were powerful Demon Venerable, in front of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor, as before unavoidably suppressed fate. 镇魂碑下,千魂魔尊发出不甘的怒吼,带着一股仇与恨,只是此时此刻,纵然他昔日是一位实力强大的魔尊,在巨象仙宗的一群仙君仙帝面前,也依旧免不了被镇压的下场。 In upper air, broken Supreme Divine Item day moon, after losing three day volcanos, immediately results on rubber ball that such as is discouraged, vast pressure that fills just like tidal retreat. 高空中,残破的至尊神器日月轮,在失去了三座天火山之后,顿时就如泄了气的皮球似得,那弥漫出的浩瀚威压正如潮水般退去。 During the day moon also hidden entered again was void, was brought all strength of imprisonment to extinguish by it in invisible. 日月轮也重新隐入了虚空之中,由它带来的一切禁锢之力都消弭于无形。 However although lost a day moon, making the card in a hand that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect current can use be short of one, but is responsible for suppressing thousand soul Demon Venerable Xiang Bai, at this time actually relaxes slightly. 不过虽然失去了日月轮,让巨象仙宗当前所能动用的底牌少了一件,但负责镇压千魂魔尊象白,此时却是稍微松了口气。 Because of thousand soul Demon Venerable, is difficult to escape at this time the suppression. 因为千魂魔尊,此时已经难逃镇压了。 However in the meantime, in the place bottom deep place, suddenly several giant vine pull heaven, having a terrifying strength to pierce void, suddenly then bombardment in town/subdues soul symbol on stone tablet. 不过就在此时,在地底深处,突然有几根巨大的藤蔓拔天而起,带着一股恐怖的力量洞穿了虚空,瞬息间便轰击在镇魂符所化的石碑上。 Bang! 轰! Each vine has the strength of Immortal Venerable boundary level, when several vines stroke simultaneously on the town/subdues soul tablet, immediately spreads thunders dreadfully, town/subdues soul tablet hit sharp shake, that shake, but energy fallout, changed to destruction storm, will collect more than 100 Immortal Monarch Realm around town/subdues soul tablet raises to fly to simultaneously. 每一根藤蔓都带着仙尊境层次的力量,当几根藤蔓同时击打在镇魂碑上时,顿时传出滔天轰鸣,镇魂碑被打的剧烈震荡,那震荡而出的能量余波,更是化作了一股毁灭风暴,将汇集在镇魂碑周围的一百余名仙君境齐齐掀飞了出去。 Sees only in the place bottom deep place, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower floating slowly empties, its all rhizome simultaneously wave, each rhizome as if changed to a sharp sword, hitting time and time again on town/subdues soul tablet. 只见在地底深处,噬仙妖花缓缓的浮空而起,它的所有根茎齐齐舞动,每一根根茎都仿佛化作了一柄柄利剑,一次又一次的打在镇魂碑上。 The town/subdues soul tablet creakies, should thoroughly suppressed thousand soul Demon Venerable, welcomed some respites at this time, he gives out low and deep angry roaring, struggled again furiously. 镇魂碑摇摇欲坠,本该被彻底镇压的千魂魔尊,此时也迎来了一些喘息,他发出低沉的怒吼,再次奋力挣扎了起来。 Like cutting, comes at once the support!” Xiang Bai shouted angrily, at once his vision looks at Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master of rearward, said with the order tone: Like start/open heaven, gives you three time of breath, killed this Devouring Immortal Monster Flower!” “象斩,速来支援!”象白一声怒喝,旋即他目光看向后方的巨象仙宗宗主,用命令般的口吻说道:“象启天,给你三个呼吸的时间,杀了这株噬仙妖花!” Like start/open heaven, is Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master. 象启天,正是巨象仙宗宗主 At this moment, in his legitimate governing sect hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple, what continuous is the jade bottle irrigates the strength of cultivation level. 此刻,他正统御宗门数十万金仙境以上的弟子,正源源不断的为玉瓶灌溉修为之力。 After hearing the order of Xiang Bai, like opening the day of instantaneous complexion round painstakingly, he witnessed the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower vitality to have how tenaciously, before is withstanding sword qi of jade bottle to attack, can in a short time restore. 听到象白的命令后,象启天瞬间面色发苦,他可是亲眼目睹了噬仙妖花的生命力有多么的顽强,之前在承受了玉瓶的一次剑气攻击,都能在极短的时间内恢复过来。 This recovery ability, to write off the opposite party in three time of breath, easier said than done. 这种恢复能力,要想在三个呼吸的时间内将对方抹杀,谈何容易。 What is most essential, saves the energy with the jade bottle at present the condition, in three breath, is very difficult to make the jade bottle launch the attack again. 最关键的是,以玉瓶目前积攒能量的状态,三个呼吸内,也很难让玉瓶再次发动攻击。 Like start/open heaven after the short silence, fierce clenching teeth, is shouting to clear the way to below hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple anger: All disciple obey orders, no matter the head-family you are combustion blood essence or combustion Primordial Spirit, in brief in three breath, must launch the third attack.” 象启天在短暂的沉默过后,猛的一咬牙,对着下方数十万金仙境以上的弟子怒喝道:“所有弟子听令,本宗不管你们是燃烧精血还是燃烧元神,总之在三个呼吸内,必须发动第三次攻击。” When the words have not said that like opening the day then fills one group of rich blood fog, the body imposing manner increases suddenly. 话还未说完时,象启天身上便弥漫出一团浓郁的血雾,身上气势骤然攀升。 His earliest possible time combustion own blood essence, is holding a if I can not do it , who can courage with decidedly, is at cost of completely the life to jade bottle irrigation energy. 他第一时间燃烧自己精血,抱着一股舍我其谁的勇气与决然,拼尽老命的向玉瓶灌注能量。 The solemn lords set an example, hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect was also encouraged, immediately, many disciple give out fervent angry roaring, in the vision has one decidedly with firm, combustion own without hesitation blood essence, combustion own Primordial Spirit, those who exhaust the strength of life to be crazy is the jade bottle irrigation energy. 堂堂一宗之主都以身作则,巨象仙宗内的数十万金仙境以上的弟子也是纷纷受到了鼓舞,顿时,许多弟子纷纷发出慷慨激昂的怒吼,目光中带着一股决然与坚定,毫不犹豫的燃烧自己精血,燃烧自己元神,穷尽一生之力疯狂的为玉瓶灌注能量。 Immediately, aura that ancient jade bottle fills is gradually rich, in jade bottle that void energy erect quick supplement. 顿时,那古老的玉瓶弥漫出的气息逐渐浓郁起来,玉瓶内那空虚的能量正飞快的补充。 Invisible internal energy, has gradually locked Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 一股无形的气机,已经逐渐锁定噬仙妖花 sword qi that once by jade bottle locking, in that jade bottle was sent out will be closely associated, let alone Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, even if cultivation level reaches to Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer thousand soul Demon Venerable cannot avoid. 一旦被玉瓶锁定,那玉瓶内发出的剑气将如影随形,别说噬仙妖花,即便是修为臻至仙尊四重天的千魂魔尊都躲不开。 But at this moment, most powerful sword intent appears suddenly, shortly will then cover side universe. 可就在这时,一股至强剑意骤然出现,在顷刻间便笼罩一方天宇 The appearance of this sword intent, as if divided this side to be void, changed to a stretch of independent domain. 剑意的出现,就仿佛分割了这一方虚空,化作了一片独立的领域。 In this domain, all Grand Dao Principle seemed to be pushed aside, only sword intent lasts forever. 在这个领域内,一切大道法则似乎都被排挤了出去,唯独剑意永存。 In this moment, everything in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect disciple in this domain, so long as the boundary to Immortal Monarch Realm, had not all lost to the sensibility and control of the world Grand Dao. 在这一刻,凡是处于这个领域内的巨象仙宗弟子,只要境界未至仙君境,皆是失去了对天地大道的感悟与掌控力。 However when also not waits for them to recover, the next quarter, combustion blood essence as well as Primordial Spirit, use full power for all disciple of jade bottle irrigation energy, its body changes to a plastering to fly to dissipate in void in abundance. 不过还未等他们回过神来时,下一刻,正在燃烧精血以及元神,倾尽全力为玉瓶灌注能量的所有弟子,其身躯纷纷在虚空中化作一抹灰飞消散开来。 hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple, falls/dies in the silence, without the pitiful yell, has not whinned completely, without pain. 数十万金仙境以上的弟子,全部在悄无声息间陨落,没有惨叫,没有哀嚎,没有痛苦。 As if everyone in that flash, cut off life force / vitality by a mysterious and irresistible great strength. 似乎所有人都在那一瞬间,被一股神秘且不可抗拒的伟岸力量斩断了生机 „Are you doing, why stops Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master above people top of the head to look like start/open heaven, at this time had not detected that hundreds of thousands of disciple falls/dies, has been cursed angrily his subconscious lowering the head, the words stops suddenly. “你们在干什么,为什么都停”位于众人头顶上方的巨象仙宗宗主象启天,此时还并未察觉到数十万弟子已经陨落,怒骂中的他下意识的低头,话语戛然而止。 Sees only under him, hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple has vanished does not see, after only being left over flesh body disappeared, forms ashes to fly on in the air to fall floatingly. 只见在他下方,数十万金仙境以上的弟子已经消失不见,只剩下肉身泯灭后形成了一片灰飞在空中飘飘而落。 And, hundreds of thousands of is maintaining free falling Space Ring and various Immortal Item. 以及,数十万枚正保持着自由坠落的空间戒指和各种仙器等。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master whole person dumbfounded, he looked below that dumbfoundedly, in the heart was raising the difficult situation. 巨象仙宗宗主整个人都呆住了,他瞠目结舌的望着下方的那一幕,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 No, after this is not possible partly to make a sound, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master scared exudes twittering the sound, by his experience and story, where has not understood hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple that vanishes, already completely falls/dies. “不,这不可能”半响后,巨象仙宗宗主才失魂落魄的发出呢喃之声,以他的见识和阅历,哪里还不明白那消失的数十万金仙境以上的弟子,已经全部陨落了。 Completely by the strength that share of he does not understand, in cleanness that the flash writes off. 全部被一股他不理解的力量,在一瞬间抹杀的干干净净。 !” “噗!” Suddenly, before Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master forehead, one wipes the blood to jump, wisp of sword qi passed through his entire head, like opening a day of enemy is who does not know, direct body and soul completely eliminated. 突然,在巨象仙宗宗主眉心前,有一抹鲜血蹦出,一缕剑气贯穿了他的整个头颅,象启天连敌人是谁都不知道,就直接形神俱灭 Sees only Jian Chen to stand in the shape quietly opens day of behind, strikes to kill the shape to open the day that wisp of sword qi, sends out from his fingertip. 只见剑尘正悄无声息的站在象启天身后,击杀象启天的那一缕剑气,正是从他指尖发出。 Like opening the day corpse drops from the upper air, but the Jian Chen vision, actually consistently condenses in suspended in that jade bottle in void, cut to kill the shape to open the day to him, as if makes insignificant matter to result. 象启天的尸体从高空中跌落,而剑尘的目光,却是始终都凝聚在悬浮在虚空中的那个玉瓶上,斩杀象启天对他来说,就仿佛是做了一件微不足道的事似得。 This jade bottle actually good treasure.” Jian Chen talked to oneself in a soft voice, at once the palm wields, unrestrained/no trace of politeness jade bottle receiving. “这玉瓶倒是个不错的宝物。”剑尘轻声自语,旋即手掌一挥,毫不客气的将玉瓶给收了起来。
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