CSG :: Volume #37

#3676: day moon

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Bang! 轰! Rush-leaf fan big hands of thousand soul Demon Venerable with great formation touches, immediately such as two huge meteorite high speed impacts in together, erupt the startled day loud sound. 千魂魔尊的蒲扇大手与其中一座大阵相触,顿时如两颗巨大的陨石高速撞击在一起,爆发出惊天巨响。 The protection rays of light fierce vibration of great formation, composes great formation more than 100 powerhouse is complexion flushed, many Immortal Venerable boundary corners of the mouth have the blood to overflow. 大阵的防护光芒剧烈抖动,组成大阵的一百多名强者皆是面色一阵潮红,许多仙尊境嘴角有鲜血溢出。 great formation by the repetitive retreat that thousand soul Demon Venerable stroke. 大阵被千魂魔尊一击打的连连后退。 However thousand soul Demon Venerable also receive the certain extent backlash, that giant palm trembles fiercely, at once then restores, then calmly one step treads, approaches formation that withdraws rapidly again, launched the second attack. 不过千魂魔尊也受到一定程度的反噬,那巨大的手掌剧烈一颤,旋即便恢复了过来,然后若无其事的一步踏出,再次逼近那座飞速退后的阵法,发动了第二次攻击。 !” “噗!” Second strikes, maintains great formation all Immortal Monarch Realm simultaneously to spout a blood, complexion became pale. 第二击,维持大阵的所有仙君境齐齐喷出一口鲜血,面色变得苍白了起来。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable after all are Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse, even if he be at the weak condition, a strength can only display 30% to come out now, but also enters Devouring Immortal Monster Flower of Immortal Venerable boundary more powerful than initially. 千魂魔尊毕竟是仙尊四重天强者,哪怕他如今处于虚弱状态,一身实力只能发挥出30%出来,但也比初入仙尊境的噬仙妖花强大许多。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect these two possessing both offense and defense operational requirement, let powerful formation that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower has no alternative, appeared in front of thousand soul Demon Venerable is somewhat beset with problems. 巨象仙宗这两座攻防兼备,让噬仙妖花都无可奈何的强大阵法,在千魂魔尊面前就显得有些捉襟见肘了。 Two great formation by retreating in defeat again and again that thousand soul Demon Venerable hit, suddenly can only protect oneself reluctantly. 两座大阵被千魂魔尊打的节节败退,一时间只能勉强的自保。 At this moment, day moon suddenly rays of light burning the eyes in upper air, a pressure that belongs to Supreme Divine Item fills the air in the world, follows, huge to irresistible imprisoned strength, rapid in thousand soul Demon Venerable whole body collections. 就在这时,高空中的日月轮突然光芒炽目,一股属于至尊神器的威压弥漫在天地间,伴随在其中的,还有一股庞大到不可抗拒的禁锢力量,正飞速的在千魂魔尊周身汇集。 Thousand soul demons stopped the attack, his raise one's head looks suddenly to that Supreme Divine Item in upper air, at once the facial expression twists fiercely, pure brightness in both eyes vanishes does not see, by a chaotic and cruel mood about. 千魂魔停止了攻击,他霍然抬头看向高空中的那件至尊神器,旋即面部表情剧烈扭曲起来,双目中的清明消失不见,被一片混乱而暴戾的情绪所左右。 You also want to imprison true body/this senior unexpectedly, damn, damn, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, you completely damn, dies thousand soul Demon Venerable to send out crazy shouting to true body/this senior completely, the strength of Immortal Venerable boundary erupts, the billowing Demon Qi direct impact horizon, is acting crazily. “你们竟然还想禁锢本尊,该死,该死,巨象仙宗,你们全部都该死,全部给本尊去死”千魂魔尊发出疯狂的嘶吼,仙尊境的力量爆发,滚滚魔气直冲天际,在疯狂出手。 But at this moment, in thousand soul Demon Venerable surroundings, as if has invisible barrier to result, he was imprisoned in same place, all attacks by surroundings that not visible barrier resisting. 但此刻,在千魂魔尊的周围,就仿佛存在着一个无形的屏障似得,他被禁锢在原地,所有攻击都被周围那一层看不见的屏障给抵挡了下来。 Moreover, with the lapse of time, thousand soul Demon Venerable surrounding barriers are getting more and more reliable. 而且,随着时间的推移,千魂魔尊周围的屏障越来越牢固。 ——! —— Thousand soul Demon Venerable in violent anger as if know that the own following destiny, face upwards to give out unwilling angry roaring, that dreadful hatred made Giant Elephant Immortal Sect high and low all disciple is scared. 暴怒中的千魂魔尊似乎知道自己接下来的命运,仰天发出不甘的怒吼,那滔天的恨意令巨象仙宗上下所有弟子都是一阵胆寒。 In thousand soul Demon Venerable will soon be imprisoned by the day moon thoroughly, sees only the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect three day volcano, exudes the fierce explosive sound suddenly, everywhere flame such as flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky spurts generally everywhere. 就在千魂魔尊即将被日月轮彻底禁锢时,只见巨象仙宗的三座天火山,其中一处突然发出剧烈的爆炸声,漫天火焰如天女散花一般四处飞洒。 This day volcano, was thoroughly destroyed! 这一处天火山,被彻底摧毁! Lost a day volcano, exists in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, its revolution speed stagnates immediately. 失去了一座天火山,存在于巨象仙宗的那三座聚灵神山,其运转速度顿时一滞。 The unusuality of Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, naturally also affected in the day moon to sky, saw only rays of light of day moon to become gloomy several points, to thousand soul Demon Venerable restraint also weakened. 聚灵神山的异常,自然也影响到天空中的日月轮,只见日月轮的光芒变得暗淡了几分,对千魂魔尊束缚也随之减弱 Damn, some people destroyed a day of volcano!” Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all Immortal Emperor in abundance violent angers, many been mad straight stamping one's foot, in the heart killing intent is dreadful. “该死,有人摧毁了天火山!”巨象仙宗的所有仙帝纷纷暴怒,许多人都被气的直跳脚,心中杀意滔天。 This day volcano has an accident, may be entirely different from before. 这一次天火山出事,与之前可截然不同。 The day before yesterday volcano riot, was because internal energy lost balanced, has not injured and basis, has not caused the serious destruction. 之前天火山暴乱,是因为内部的能量失去了平衡,并未伤及根本,也没有造成严重的破坏。 But now, that day volcano was destroyed thoroughly. 而现在,那座天火山则是彻底被毁。 When next Immortal Emperor powerhouse Spiritual Consciousness looks around around that day volcano, as if wants the chief criminal who found to destroy a day of volcano, however had not actually discovered. 当下一股股仙帝强者神识在那座天火山周围四处搜寻,似乎想要找到摧毁天火山的罪魁祸首,然而却没有丝毫发现。 At the same time, in that the bottom of destroyed day volcano, Jian Chen wears Heaven Escape Divine Armor, the whole person perfect hidden in void, the vision is gazing at the Supreme Divine Item day moon in upper air stubbornly. 同一时间,在那座已经被摧毁的天火山之底,剑尘身穿遁天神甲,整个人完美的隐藏在虚空之中,目光死死的注视着高空中的至尊神器日月轮。 After detecting day moon the strength of imprisonment has weakened, in his heart stretch/leisurely catches one's breath immediately, because the day moon imprisoned was not only thousand soul Demon Venerable, meanwhile had entire sect all outcomers. 在察觉到日月轮的禁锢之力有所减弱之后,他心中顿时舒缓了一口气,因为日月轮禁锢的不仅仅是千魂魔尊,同时还有整个宗门的一切外来者。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable were really dazzling, he entered the stage attracted injections of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all powerhouse, naturally also becomes one that was looked after by the day moon specially. 只是千魂魔尊实在是太耀眼了,他一出场就吸引了巨象仙宗所有强者的注入,自然也成为了被日月轮特殊关照的一个。 day moon the most strength of imprisonment, regarding around thousand soul Demon Venerable, besides thousand soul Demon Venerable, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and Jian Chen of bottom deep place, feel strength of the powerful imprisonment similarly in the surroundings rapid formation, is being stiffened weakly. 日月轮的大部分禁锢之力,都围绕在千魂魔尊周围,除了千魂魔尊之外,地底深处的噬仙妖花剑尘,同样感受到一股强大的禁锢之力在周围飞速的形成,正由弱变强。 Even if Jian Chen puts on Heaven Escape Divine Armor, is unable to avoid the suppression of strength of this imprisonment. 即便是剑尘穿上遁天神甲,也无法躲避这股禁锢之力的镇压。 In fact is not only they, refines a Divine Pill numerous pill air/Qi immortal sect disciple in the Pill Refining building, similarly also received the disturbance of day moon, their cultivation level and actions were gradually being suppressed, cause to be in Medicine Pill in refinement to send out to explode the furnace. 实际上不仅仅是他们,就连远在炼丹楼内炼制神丹的一众丹气仙宗弟子,同样也受到日月轮的干扰,他们的修为与行动正逐渐被镇压,使得正处于炼制中的丹药纷纷发出炸炉。 Worthily is Supreme Divine Item, under the broken condition has such invincible might.” In the Jian Chen heart expresses the heartfelt exclamation. “不愧为至尊神器,残破状态下都有如此神威。”剑尘心中发出由衷的惊叹。 However he is also clear, the day moon has such power and influence, that surely by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect unsurpassed Old Ancestor, even had been arranged by Sacred Beast Clan powerhouse carefully. 不过他也清楚,日月轮之所以拥有如此威势,那必定被巨象仙宗的无上老祖,甚至是被圣兽一族强者精心布置过。 Otherwise, only depending on three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, feared that also being hard makes Supreme Divine Item display so the power and influence on come out. 否则的话,仅凭三座聚灵神山,怕也难以让一件至尊神器发挥出这般威势出来。 Destroys a day volcano also by far insufficiently, the imprisoned strength of day moon in continuous enhancement, must in the shortest time, totally destroy three day volcanos as before.” Jian Chen rushes to the next day volcano immediately. “摧毁一座天火山还远远不够,日月轮的禁锢力量依旧在源源不断的加强,必须在最短的时间内,将三座天火山全部摧毁。”剑尘立即赶往下一处天火山。 Bang! 轰! After a breath , the startled day bellow spread over entire Giant Elephant Immortal Sect together, saw only Jian Chen to arrive at bottom of the second day volcano quietly, the direct sword cut, destroyed the second day volcano. 一个呼吸之后,又是一道惊天轰鸣声传遍了整个巨象仙宗,只见剑尘已经悄然来到第二座天火山底部,直接一剑斩出,摧毁了第二座天火山。 Immediately, the strength of day moon is feeble, the strength of thousand soul Demon Venerable surrounding imprisonments nearly vanishes, next one flickers, he curls up dreadful Demon Qi immediately, starts crazy attack front two peerless great formation. 顿时,日月轮的力量再次衰弱,千魂魔尊周围的禁锢之力近乎消失,下一瞬,他立即卷起滔天魔气,开始疯狂的攻击面前的两座绝世大阵 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and Jian Chen similar feeling one light, the strength of imprisonment that gradually strengthens, as if vanishes all of a sudden does not see. 噬仙妖花剑尘同样感觉身上一轻,那股逐渐增强的禁锢之力,仿佛一下子消失不见。 As for Giant Elephant Immortal Sect one crowd of powerhouse, then angrily roars in abundance again and again, gets angry cannot rest, formation that but pitifully, they form retreats in defeat again and again under the attacks of thousand soul Demon Venerable, can only protect oneself reluctantly, could not care about other. 至于巨象仙宗的一群强者,则是纷纷怒吼连连,怒不可歇,但可惜,他们结成的阵法在千魂魔尊的攻击下节节败退,只能勉强自保,根本顾及不了其他。 Suddenly, that dreadful sword light appears again, sees only Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master to lead sect hundreds of thousands of Golden Immortal boundary above disciple, instilled into to fill the energy for the jade bottle for the second time. 突然,那滔天剑光再一次出现,只见巨象仙宗宗主率领宗门数十万金仙境以上的弟子,第二次为玉瓶灌输满了能量。 sword light spouts from the jade bottle together, cuts thousand soul Demon Venerable. 一道剑光从玉瓶内喷出,直斩千魂魔尊 Cuts to kill Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse sword light facing this sufficiently, thousand soul Demon Venerable are unable to move aside similarly. 面对这道足以斩杀仙尊强者剑光,千魂魔尊同样无法躲闪。 Saw only sword light to drill into thousand soul Demon Venerable within the body in an instant, dreadful Demon Qi that around thousand soul Demon Venerable filled, will then crash a big piece shortly, revealed his big tall and strong body. 只见剑光刹那间钻入了千魂魔尊体内,千魂魔尊周围弥漫的滔天魔气,顷刻间便崩塌了一大片,露出了他那高大魁梧的身躯。 —— thousand soul Demon Venerable painful shouting, his just like the big body of young giant, was divided into two from the position of waist. “啊——”千魂魔尊一声痛苦的嘶吼,他那犹如小巨人的高大身躯,从腰部的位置被一分为二。 The wound place, has swift and fierce sword light to jump everywhere shoots, nearby flesh in the by visible speed ablation. 伤口处,有凌厉的剑光四处迸射,附近的血肉在以肉眼可见的速度消融。 In fact drills sword light that from the jade bottle, Immortal Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse to the threat that poses is extremely limited. 实际上从玉瓶内钻出的剑光,对仙尊四重天强者构成的威胁极其有限。 Because of thousand soul Demon Venerable is the body of severe wound, a strength at most only then about 30% of peak, therefore facing the sword light resisting ability, naturally weakened. 只是因千魂魔尊乃重伤之躯,一身实力顶多只有巅峰时期的30%左右,所以面对剑光的抵挡能力,自然就变弱了许多。 Subdue soul symbol!” Suddenly, manages Xiang Bai sonic boom of great formation to drink, the next quarter, has talisman together to depart in the commodity temple in upper air from suspended immediately. “镇魂符!”突然,主持一座大阵象白一声爆喝,下一刻,立即有一道符箓悬浮于高空中的商品神殿中飞出。 Xiang Bai grasps the town/subdues soul symbol, maintains great formation all powerhouse to refer to town/subdues soul rune/symbol Gekong simultaneously, immediately the pure energies jump to shoot from their fingertip, in continuous injection town/subdues soul symbol. 象白手持镇魂符,维持大阵的所有强者同时对着镇魂符隔空一指,顿时有一股股精纯至极的能量从他们指尖迸射而出,源源不断的注入镇魂符中。 Under the energy attention of over a hundred powerhouse, the town/subdues soul symbol blooms immediately flood darkness glow, is changed to huge stone tablet to drop from the clouds by the talisman condition at the same time, suppression ruthlessly on thousand soul Demon Venerable. 在上百名强者的能量关注下,镇魂符顿时绽放出滔天黑芒,而后由符箓状态化作一面巨大的石碑从天而降,狠狠的镇压在千魂魔尊身上。 Bang! 轰! Was seriously battered thousand soul Demon Venerable, was changed to stone tablet that to press in the bottom by the town/subdues soul symbol from the sky, the trim land was vibrating violently. 本就遭受重创的千魂魔尊,被镇魂符化作的石碑从天空压入了地底,整片大地都在猛烈震动。 Under the town/subdues soul tablet, thousand soul Demon Venerable angry roar again and again, under his crazy struggles, the entire town/subdues soul tablet is swaying fiercely. 镇魂碑下,千魂魔尊怒吼连连,在他的疯狂挣扎之下,整个镇魂碑都在剧烈摇晃。 Xiang Bai has led part of powerhouse to appear around the town/subdues soul tablet, everyone continuous to the town/subdues soul tablet deposited energy, does utmost to suppress thousand soul Demon Venerable. 象白已经率领一部分强者出现在镇魂碑周围,所有人都在源源不断的向镇魂碑注入能量,竭尽全力镇压千魂魔尊 Like cutting, fast goes to the last day volcano, there cannot have an accident.” Xiang Bai raise one's head said to the upper air. “象斩,速去最后一座天火山,那里决不能出事。”象白抬头对高空说道。 In the upper air, second great formation is cut the host by the Immortal Emperor boundary 8-layer shape, hears this word, like cutting not to have the moment to hesitate, controls great formation to be close toward the third day volcano fast. 高空中,第二座大阵正是由仙帝八重天的象斩主持,听闻此言,象斩没有片刻迟疑,控制着大阵飞快朝着第三座天火山接近。 The day moon needs a day of volcano to start, if three day volcanos were destroyed completely, then before Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Old Ancestor returns, the day moon is unable to use. 日月轮需要天火山才能启动,若是三座天火山全部被毁,那在巨象仙宗老祖归来之前,日月轮将无法使用。 At this moment, the bottom of third day volcano, Jian Chen has appeared quietly here, perhaps he detected that anything, stood in the fierce day fire looks into the distant upper air, at once the corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer, said: „To protect this day volcano? What a pity, already without enough time.” 此刻,第三座天火山之底,剑尘已经悄无声息的出现在这里,他或许察觉到了什么,站在凶猛的天火中眺望远方高空,旋即嘴角露出一丝冷笑,道:“想要保护这一座天火山?可惜,已经来不及了。” He wields begins Divine Sword, powerful sword qi jumps to shoot. 他挥动手中的神剑,强大的剑气迸射而出。 Bang! a loud sound, the third day volcano was also destroyed. 轰!”一声巨响,第三座天火山也被摧毁。
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