CSG :: Volume #37

#3690: Road of going out

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Respectively is Xiang Bai, Jiang as well as Immortal Emperor boundary 5-layer Supreme Elder. 分别为象白,蒋老以及一名仙帝五重天太上长老 Their three people can live, is not because strength strong, but some luck make it so. 他们三人能活下来,并不是因为实力有多强,而是有部分运气使然。 But so, their three people still suffered even affected, all ends up the fate of heavy losses, aura was weak. 可即便如此,他们三人也遭受了一些波及,皆是落得重创的下场,气息虚弱无比。 In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect sky, the giant void crack is unable to heal, Chaos Force is too overbearing for a very long time, was too powerful, in a short time prevented the repair capability of the world Grand Dao to world. 巨象仙宗的上空,巨大的虚空裂缝久久无法愈合,混沌之力太霸道,也太强大了,短时间内阻止了天地大道对世界的修复能力。 Does the Jian Chen body also sway, his whole body is bathed in blood, aura is weak, unusual dispirited. 剑尘的身躯也是摇摇晃晃,他浑身浴血,气息虚弱,非常的萎靡。 backlash that Dual Sword Combination, he receives is not only the injury on flesh body, similarly also has the Primordial Spirit wound. 双剑合璧,他所受到的反噬不仅仅是肉身上的伤害,同样还有元神的创伤。 The injury on his flesh body, cannot be regarded anything under the cure of Source of Life, but the Primordial Spirit wound can only seek his law in addition. 肉身上的伤势,在生命之源的治愈下倒也算不得什么,可元神的创伤就只能另寻他法了。 „Is this Dual Sword Combination might? Really is the extreme fearfulness.” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable hides in the distant place, the body in slight trembling. “这就是双剑合璧的威力吗?果然是极端的可怕。”千魂魔尊躲在远方,身躯在轻微的战栗。 Although this might to cutting to kill Supreme to compare, was still far, but also makes his mind vacillate as before. 尽管这种威力离斩杀太尊比起来,仍然相差甚远,可也依旧让他心神动摇。 The body of Jian Chen has the pale-green rays of light twinkle, Source of Life is repairing Jian Chen flesh body rapidly, his slowly falls gently from the upper air, appears in the Xiang Bai three people of front. 剑尘的身上有淡绿色的光芒闪烁,生命之源正在飞速的修复剑尘肉身,他缓缓的从高空飘落,出现在象白三人的面前。 The Xiang Bai three people have dropped from the upper air, at this moment whole body weak lying down on a mountain top of break, three people of vision is startled and anger is staring at Jian Chen. 象白三人已经从高空跌落,此刻正浑身无力的躺在一处断裂的山头上,三人的目光皆是又惊又怒的盯着剑尘 Purple Azure Dual Swords reappears, are your you successor of that old ordinary man?” Xiang Bai eye of band of light dreadful enmity is staring at Jian Chen, sends out sound that clenches jaws. 紫青双剑重现,你你你是那老匹夫的传人?”象白目光带着滔天仇怨的盯着剑尘,发出咬牙切齿的声音。 Jiang stared at Jian Chen to watch the meeting, the facial expression gradually was then absent-minded, just like losing soul resulted, sent out the unconsciousness twittering the sound: Purple Azure Dual Swords was Purple Azure Dual Swords they vanished unexpectedly for 3 million years, came back eventually 蒋老盯着剑尘看了会,而后神情逐渐恍惚,宛若失了魂似得,发出无意识的呢喃声:“紫青双剑竟然是紫青双剑它们消失了三百万年,终究还是回来了” At this point, Jiang as if remembered anything, suddenly stupidly smiled, said: „The Purple Night Sword Sect successor, you date and time not many, how long you could not have lived. Ha Ha Ha Ha, you, if so has been low-key, perhaps in World of Immortals also no one knows existence of Purple Azure Dual Swords, but you exposed Purple Azure Dual Swords here.” 说到这里,蒋老似乎想起了什么,忽然傻傻的笑了起来,说道:“紫霄剑宗的传人,你已经时日无多,你活不了多久了。哈哈哈哈,你如果一直这么低调下去,仙界中恐怕还无人知晓紫青双剑的存在,可你偏偏在这里暴露了紫青双剑。” Purple Azure Dual Swords aura, although receives sect to protect a protection, no spreads to outside, but our sect Old Ancestor most three years may return, the short three years, aura after Purple Azure Dual Swords combination is how regardless of not to dissipate.” 紫青双剑气息,尽管受到宗门护阵的守护,没有扩散到外面去,但我们宗门老祖最多三年就可回归,短短三年,紫青双剑合璧后的气息是无论如何也不会消散的。” Ha Ha cough cough coughs the Purple Night Sword Sect successor, although today you can destroy completely our these people, but our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, so long as has Old Ancestor, that has one day of staging a comeback sooner or later, you, wait to be chased down actually 哈哈咳咳紫霄剑宗的传人,今日你虽然能灭掉我们这些人,但我们巨象仙宗只要有老祖在,那迟早有东山再起的一天,倒是你,就等着被追杀吧” Listened to this saying, the Jian Chen corners of the mouth to reveal wipes the meaningful smile to come, said: You underestimated me, since I dare Dual Sword Combination, that naturally to have the means to cancel here residual trace and aura here, relax, after your falls/dies, even sect Old Ancestor returned, they will not know the Purple Azure Dual Swords matter.” 听了这话,剑尘嘴角露出一抹意味深长的笑容来,道:“你们太小看我了,我既然敢在这里双剑合璧,那自然就有办法抹去这里残留的痕迹与气息,放心,等你们陨落之后,就算是宗门老祖归来,他们也不会知道紫青双剑的事。” Even, they do not know that was actually whose destruction this place.” “甚至,他们都不知道究竟是谁覆灭了此地。” hearing that, on Jiang Laolian expression solidifies suddenly. 闻言,蒋老脸上的表情骤然凝固。 The next quarter, three sword light flash before, Supreme Elder that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect these three survive by luck, complete body and soul completely eliminated. 下一刻,三道剑光闪现,巨象仙宗这三位侥幸存活下来的太上长老,全部形神俱灭 Then, Jian Chen arrived in the wreckage of central temple, recompensed to find three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain that hoped in stretch of ruins. 接下来,剑尘来到了中央神殿的残骸中,在一片废墟中得偿所愿的找到了三座聚灵神山 Three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain shrink small accomplishment one meter high, seeming like seems three ordinary big stones, fortunately above has not left behind any scar, Purple Azure Dual Swords combination Chaos sword qi, has not hit these three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain. 三座聚灵神山都缩小成一米高,看上去就仿佛是三块普通的大石,所幸上面没有留下任何的伤痕,紫青双剑合璧所化的混沌剑气,并没有击中这三座聚灵神山 Besides three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, Jian Chen still found a Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp in the ruins, from the Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp, he felt a huge threat. 除了三座聚灵神山,剑尘还在废墟中找到了一盏白玉油灯,从白玉油灯上,他感受到了一股巨大的威胁。 This thing, should be Giant Elephant Immortal Sect final trump card.” Is looking in the hand this Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp that sends out the startled day fluctuation, Jian Chen expression, is very with deep veneration dignified. “此物,应该是巨象仙宗的最后杀手锏了。”望着手中这盏散发出惊天波动的白玉油灯,剑尘神色肃然,无比凝重。 But at this time does not study the time of Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp, he Bai Yu (white jade) oil lamp cautious place Highest Beginning Temple, starts to continue to search for in the ruins of central temple. 但此时也不是研究白玉油灯的时间,他将白玉油灯小心翼翼的放在太初神殿中,开始在中央神殿的废墟中继续搜寻。 , Space Ring fell into the hand of Jian Chen gradually. Jian Chen takes great pains, each Space Ring conducts an inspection. 渐渐的,一枚枚空间戒指落入了剑尘的手中。剑尘不厌其烦,每一枚空间戒指都进行一次检查。 Finally, he sought two quite special tokens from one pile of Space Ring finally. 最终,他终于从一堆空间戒指中寻到了两块较为特殊的令牌。 Later, he cuts in two people of Space Ring from Xiang Bai and shape, put out two same tokens. 之后,他又从象白和象斩二人的空间戒指内,拿出了两枚同样的令牌。 Finally, he also took on the Xiang Zhiru that token together. 最后,他将象之如身上的那一块令牌也拿了出来。 These five tokens, represented the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect five big branch veins. 这五块令牌,代表了巨象仙宗的五大支脉。 Five big token collections were uneven, the issue of going out was also solved.” Looks at these five tokens in hand, the Jian Chen corners of the mouth is showing the light smile. “五大令牌集齐了,出去的问题也解决了。”望着手中的这五块令牌,剑尘嘴角露出淡淡的笑容。 Heavenly Talisman Venerable told him hiding about Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, similarly also told Jian Chen one to leave here method. 天符尊者告诉了他一些关于巨象仙宗的隐蔽,同样也告诉了剑尘一个能够离开这里的方法。 That is ordering of volume of simultaneous/uniform five big branch vein, through ordering to control to protect closing of great formation. 那便是集齐五大支脉的主令,通过主令来操控守护大阵的闭合。 However Jian Chen departure, he has not been informing Highest Beginning Temple Item Spirit put anxiously Elder Nong and Chen Shifang two people. 不过剑尘还不急着离开,他通知太初神殿器灵农长老陈世方二人放了出来。 Sect Master, where is this?” Elder Nong and Chen Shifang two people all are puzzled is staring all around everywhere in confusion, but they then keen detection to weak of Jian Chen, expression serious gets up at once in abundance. 宗主,这是什么地方?”农长老陈世方二人皆是一脸疑惑的盯着四周的满地狼藉,但旋即他们便敏锐的察觉到剑尘的虚弱,神色纷纷严肃起来。 Here Giant Elephant Immortal Sect sect station.” Pale Jian Chen smiles is looking at their two people. “这里正是巨象仙宗宗门驻地。”剑尘淡笑的望着他们二人。 What? Is here Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?” Hears this word, Elder Nong and Chen Shifang two people have a big shock immediately, the subconscious entire god alerts. “什么?这里是巨象仙宗?”听闻此言,农长老陈世方二人顿时大惊失色,下意识全神戒备。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, this was on Respectful Celebration Heaven dominated 1 million years of colossus, as long as raised Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Respectful Celebration Heaven no one not for it look changes. 巨象仙宗,这可是恭庆天上称霸了百万年之久的庞然大物啊,但凡提起巨象仙宗,恭庆天界无人不为之色变。 Does not need to be anxious, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect besides seven big Old Ancestor, disciple that as well as few parts go out, other everyone already all falls/dies. From now henceforth, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect on Respectful Celebration Heaven, it can be said that survived in name only.” The Jian Chen words, buzz Elder Nong and Chen Shifang two people of shaking heads. “不必紧张,巨象仙宗除了七大老祖,以及少部分外出的弟子外,余下所有人已经尽数陨落。从今以后,巨象仙宗恭庆天上,可以说是名存实亡了。”剑尘一番话,将农长老陈世方二人震的脑袋嗡嗡作响。 In Giant Elephant Immortal Sect also has the huge quantity resources, Elder Nong, Chen Elder, I let Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable coordinate you, here those can move out, do not fall.” Jian Chen said to two people. 巨象仙宗内还有海量的资源,农长老,陈长老,我让噬仙妖花千魂魔尊配合你们,这里凡是能搬走的,一个不要落下。”剑尘对二人说道。 Crossed good long while, Elder Nong and Chen Shifang recover from this earth-shaking news, a face still shaken accepted the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction fact reluctantly. 足足过了好半天,农长老陈世方才从这石破天惊的消息中回过神来,一脸惊魂未定的勉强接受了巨象仙宗覆灭的事实。 Then, under the arrangement of Jian Chen, Elder Nong, Chen Shifang, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable rushes to various places in abundance, starts to collect here all resources. 接下来,在剑尘的安排下,农长老,陈世方,噬仙妖花千魂魔尊纷纷赶往各处,开始收集这里的一切资源。 Although the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect area is big, the resources are numerous, but in two Immortal Monarch as well as two big Immortal Venerable under acts personally, to evacuate here is not the major problem. 尽管巨象仙宗面积不小,资源众多,但在两名仙君以及两大仙尊的亲自出手下,要想搬空这里并不是什么大问题。 After all regarding the powerful immortal, moving mountains to fill the seas has had words at fingertips and written with facility. 毕竟对于强大的仙人来说,移山填海已是信手拈来。 Moreover there is Devouring Immortal Monster Flower to assist, even 而且有噬仙妖花相助,即便
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