CSG :: Volume #28

#2727: The strength of beautiful woman ( 3 )

Is congealed by the Jian Chen vision that the Bai Jin sword potential covers suddenly, frames immediately on Bai Jin, reveals wipes the astonished color. 白尽剑势所笼罩的剑尘目光骤然一凝,立马定格在白尽身上,露出一抹惊异之色。 His Sword Dao Principle has reached to Sword Immortal Realm, and sensed Supreme Sword Dao, making his cognition to the Sword Dao Principle achieve an extremely profound boundary, therefore Bai Jin acted, exposed Sword Dao Principle made very clear, found out the Bai Jin complete strength that Jian Chen understood clearly inside and outside. 他的剑道法则已经臻至剑仙境,并且又感悟了无上剑道,使得他对剑道法则的认知已经达到了一种极为高深的境界了,因此白尽一出手,展露的剑道法则就让剑尘里里外外洞悉的十分清楚,摸清了白尽的全部实力。 This reminded him unrestrainedly of initially in that Peerless Generation God King named Zhu Wen in Azure Sea Divine Palace met. 这让他情不自禁的想起了当初在沧海神宫内遇见的一个名叫朱文绝代神王 Zhu Wen, in Saint Realm is Peerless Generation God King that has the extremely high popularity, its strength, overhangs the God King Ranking list second, is next to Qing Shan, then has by the God King Realm strength is not weak in Everlasting Beginning Realm 1-layer battle strength. 朱文,在圣界是一个拥有极高知名度的绝代神王,其实力之强,高挂神王座榜单第二,仅次于青山,以神王境的实力便拥有不弱于无极始境一重天战力 But strength that Bai Jin shows at this moment, in Azure Sea Divine Palace were more than Zhu Wen even more powerful of past, only had in God King Ranking Qing Shan ranked the first, just now can press a Bai Jin head. 白尽此刻展现出的实力,比当年在沧海神宫内的朱文还要强大不少,唯有在神王座排名第一的青山,方才能压过白尽一头。 Bai Jin acted, lets besiege in 108 king in abundance hearts of Jian Chen calm, many people relax secretly, some distances of subconscious withdrawing, are keeping enough space to give Bai Jin and Jian Chen two people. 白尽出手,让围攻剑尘的一百零八王纷纷心中大定,许多人都暗暗松了一口气,都在下意识的退后的一些距离,留出足够的空间白尽剑尘两人 The Dark Night City City Lord Bai Jin strength, is can only describe with immeasurably deep in 108 king eye, 108 kings are 36 Monarch, to Bai Jin is docile, almost can with always following to describe, no one dares to provoke the Bai Jin dignity. 暗夜城城主白尽的实力,在一百零八王眼中是只能用深不可测来形容,无论是一百零八王还是三十六君,对白尽都是服服帖帖,几乎是可以用言听计从来形容,无人敢挑衅白尽的威严。 „The sensibility of City Lord to Sword Dao Principle as if promoted, City Lord from the Beginning Realm road, is evidently close 城主剑道法则的感悟似乎又提升了,看样子城主距离始境的路,已经是近在咫尺了” City Lord from Beginning Realm, because of this/should only bad shooting, even half feet had strided in 城主距离始境,因该只差临门一脚了,甚至是已经有半只脚跨入了进去” Is feeling the prestige of Bai Jin this sword, in 108 kings, many people are secretly the heart startled, but they also understand, even if Bai Jin is really half foot strided in Beginning Realm, but is not true Beginning Realm, to walk out this completely, that is hard the last blue sky, wants difficult thousand times of ten thousand times compared with Martial Artist. 感受着白尽这一剑之威,一百零八王中,许多人都是暗自心惊,不过他们也明白,即便是白尽真的已经是半只脚跨入了始境,但也并非真正的始境,要想完全跨过这一道门槛,那可是难于上青天,比外界武者要困难千倍万倍。 Bang! 轰! , A startled day bellow interrupted the train of thought of people suddenly, one that at once an intense energy storm volume seat comes, making the bodies of 108 kings cannot stop rock. 戛然间,一声惊天轰鸣声打断了众人的思绪,旋即一阵强烈的能量风暴卷席而来,令的一百零八王的身躯纷纷止不住的一阵晃动。 Sees only the great axe in Jian Chen hand to collide in the Bai Jin long sword together, Strength Principle fierce disputes on that swift and fierce sword qi and great axe, Jian Chen Strength Principle revealed the shape of rout finally, was struck the powder by Bai Jin sword qi all. 只见剑尘手中的巨斧已经与白尽的长剑碰撞在一起,那凌厉的剑气与巨斧上的力量法则激烈交锋,剑尘力量法则终于露出了溃败之象,被白尽剑气给尽数击散。 But Bai Jin own is the entire right hand arm is also tingling with numbness, grasps the palm the hand fingers place of sword, even spreads the intermittent pain. 白尽自己也是整条右手臂都在发麻,握剑的手掌虎口处,甚至都传出阵阵痛楚。 But the next quarter, his body then erupts soaring sword glow, this sword glow, insertion horizon several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, looks from afar, seems a towering great sword is hanging in the world, the blooming endless god splendor, is then cutting directly toward the Jian Chen overhead. 但下一刻,他的身上便爆发出一股冲天剑芒,这剑芒之强,插入天际数千丈高,远远看去,就仿佛是一柄参天巨剑悬挂在天地间,在绽放无尽神辉,而后直接朝着剑尘当头斩下。 Immediately, transmitting that the pressure between world blots out the sky, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow has delimited void, resembles gives the division the world. 顿时,天地间的威压铺天盖地的传来,数千丈长的剑芒划过虚空,似将天地都给分割。 Bai Jin the strikes, initial-stage has the Everlasting Beginning Realm 1-layer might. 白尽的这一击,已经初步具备了无极始境一重天的威力。 Touching type that Jian Chen is under the huge threat, he face upwards to exude one to angrily roar, his entire body inflated, the Strength Principle crazy collection between world comes, then resembles to do utmost, fierce threw the great axe in own hand to the sky. 剑尘一副受到巨大威胁的摸样,他仰天发出一声怒吼,他整个身躯都膨胀了一圈,天地间的力量法则疯狂的汇集而来,而后似竭尽全力,猛的将自己手中的巨斧扔向了天空。 Bang! 轰! When a loud sound, by the both hands great axe that Jian Chen throws close to sword glow that Bai Jin cuts, explodes loudly, Bai Jin this might endures compared with the attack of Everlasting Realm 1-layer, in the great axe after the energy storm impact that under exploding forms, rapid weakened. 一声巨响,被剑尘扔出的双手巨斧在接近白尽斩下的剑芒时,轰然爆裂开来,白尽这威力堪比无极境一重天的攻击,在巨斧自爆后形成的能量风暴冲击之下,正飞速的减弱 But best-quality Saint Item from exploding, cannot counter-balance this to strike as before completely, sword glow that is remaining chops from the Jian Chen top of the head, left behind a tiny bloodstain in his forehead center. 但一柄极品圣器的自爆,依旧是没能完全抵消这一击,残余下来的剑芒剑尘的头顶劈下,在他的额头中心留下了一道细小的血痕。 Naturally, this wound is Jian Chen desirably for it, perhaps because of should say that is his own attaches by Supreme Sword Dao sword qi on the Bai Jin sword mark gives own to stay behind, otherwise, at his Chaos Body intensity, let alone Everlasting Realm 1-layer, even Everlasting Realm 2-layer cannot break his flesh body defense. 当然,这伤口是剑尘刻意为之,或许因该说是他自己无上剑道剑气附着在白尽的剑痕上给自己留下的,否则的话,以他混沌之体的强度,别说无极境一重天,即便是无极境二重天都破不了他的肉身防御 The hand turns, in the Jian Chen hand presents a great axe again, although unlike former that contour, but Rank as before is best-quality Saint Item. 手一翻,剑尘手中再次出现一柄巨斧,虽然与之前那一把外形不一样,但品阶依旧是极品圣器 He collected numerous Space Ring in Two Worlds Mountain, best-quality Saint Item obtained much, axe class best-quality Saint Item enough 56 handles, therefore he did not worry Saint Item that has not taken advantage of available. 他在两界山中收集了众多空间戒指,极品圣器就获得了不少,其中斧类的极品圣器足足有五六柄之多,因此他并不愁没有趁的圣器可用。 However when he just about to continues to attack to Bai Jin, expression moves suddenly, he had detected that 36 Mr.'s Heavenly Net Formation have prepared to finish, will soon form might good powerful killing formation. 不过就在他刚要继续攻向白尽时,神色突然一动,他已经察觉到三十六君的天罗阵已经准备完毕,即将形成一座威力不俗的强大杀阵 Dark Night City bottom deep place has 144 spirit lineage/vein, Heavenly Net Formation that 36 Monarch forms, coordinates with each other across a great distance with 36 spirit lineage/vein unexpectedly, formed energy resonance, both unify, causes this Heavenly Net Formation might, cutting easily kills Everlasting Realm 1-layer powerhouse sufficiently.” Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness understands clearly all, Bai Jin they in hundred king great formation that in City Lord's Mansion discussed that Heavenly Net Formation has not escaped his ear. 暗夜城地底深处有一百四十四处灵脉,三十六君形成的天罗阵,竟然与其中的三十六处灵脉遥相呼应,形成的能量共鸣,两者结合起来,使得这天罗阵的威力,足以轻易的斩杀无极境一重天强者。”剑尘神识洞悉一切,无论是白尽他们在城主府中谈论的百王大阵,还是天罗阵都没逃过他的耳朵。 However this Heavenly Net Formation might, lets his knitting the brows head, although this formation crosses each family is not different in his eye neutralization child, now but he acts is God King Realm late-stage Martial Artist, he showed to be able with the strength that Bai Jin fought already enough heaven defying, Heavenly Net Formation that if even Beginning Realm can kill could not do to him, that somewhat was excessive. 不过这天罗阵的威力,却是让他皱了皱眉头,虽然这阵法在他眼中和小孩过家家没什么两样,可他现在扮演的是一位神王境后期武者,他展现出能与白尽一战的实力已经够逆天了,倘若连始境都能杀的天罗阵也奈何不了他,那就有些过头了。 „After two breath, Heavenly Net Formation forms completely, must fight a battle to force a quick decision.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, his vision stared at Space Ring in Bai Jin hand, next quarter, life aura of his whole person rapid feeble, the weak color between foreheads was getting stronger and stronger, in that tall and strong body, presented light flame. “两个呼吸后,天罗阵完全形成,必须速战速决。”剑尘心中暗道,他的目光盯上了白尽手中的空间戒指,下一刻,他整个人的生命气息迅速衰弱了下来,眉宇间的虚弱之色越来越浓,就连那魁梧的身躯上,也是出现了一股淡淡的火焰 This flame, seems the fire of life is burning, as the flame fever is more prosperous, his life aura is also more and more weak, trades, was one compared with a former more powerful fearful imposing manner. 火焰,就仿佛是生命之火在燃烧,随着火焰越烧越旺,他的生命气息也是越来越弱,换来的,则是一股比之前更加强大的可怕气势。 „It is not good, he price in by damaging uses the powerful secret technique, everyone was careful, at this time may not let him escape.” In 108 kings, there is a King to send out big loudly shout. “不好,他在以自损的代价施展强大秘术,大家小心,这个时候可千万别让他逃了。”一百零八王中,有王者发出大喝声 Immediately, all King acted, strictly observes each direction, they know that Heavenly Net Formation will soon form, in this crucial point, but cannot make this Martial Artist sliding. 顿时,所有王者都行动了起来,严守各个方向,他们都知道天罗阵即将形成,在这节骨眼上,可千万不能让这名外界武者给溜了。 Dark Night City City Lord Bai Jin is unemotional, in his hand the long sword vibrates, forms a piece of sword net to cover Jian Chen, he has decided that regardless of this Martial Artist must go all out also well, runs away, he must keep here this person, cannot be separated from the Heavenly Net Formation range. 暗夜城城主白尽面无表情,他手中长剑震动,形成一片剑网将剑尘笼罩,他已经打定主意,无论这外界武者是要拼命也好,逃走也罢,他都必须将此人留在这里,不能脱离天罗阵的范围。 Also missed two to breathe Heavenly Net Formation to form, this time, you must die without doubt.” In Bai Jin heart secretly thought. “还差两个呼吸天罗阵就形成了,这次,你必死无疑。”白尽心中暗道 However, in Bai Jin just thought of here, complexion suddenly big change, an unprecedented intense crisis suddenly raids his heart, sees only in his front, a giant axe blade, having a dreadful prestige to divide like lightning. 然而,就在白尽刚想到这里时,脸色骤然大变,一股前所未有的强烈危机突然袭上他心头,只见在他前方,一道巨大的斧刃,带着一股滔天之威闪电般劈来。 Cutting Principle Sword Art!” The response of Bai Jin is also extremely rapid, his drinks greatly, God level battle skill displays, sends out together frightening sword qi and axe blade bumps into the same place, exudes the thundering loud sound sound. 斩道剑诀!”白尽的反应也是极为迅速,他一声大喝,神级战技施展而出,发出一道惊天剑气与斧刃相撞在一起,发出轰鸣巨响声。 However this is still insufficient, the axe blade routed Bai Jin God level battle skill, remaining prestige cutting with irresistible force on the right hand of Bai Jin, gives to cut off his entire right hand arm. 不过这依然不够,斧刃击溃了白尽神级战技,余威势如破竹的斩在了白尽的右手上,将他的整条右手臂都给斩断。 Bai Jin exudes one stuffily, looks that from right hand arm that in the air falls, in his eye immediately one anxious, because on this right hand also brings Space Ring, this ring, makes no mistake certainly. 白尽发出一声闷哼,看着自空中掉落下去的右手臂,他的眼中顿时一急,因为这右手上还带着一枚空间戒指,这枚戒指,绝不容有失。 When he just about to holds the right hand arm that own is cut off, the Jian Chen form suddenly appears, holds the right arm that Bai Jin is cut off, then leaving without hesitation draws back. 他刚要去抓住自己断掉的右手臂时,剑尘的身影突然出现,一把抓住白尽断掉的右臂,然后毫不犹豫的抽身而退。 You damn, leave behind my arm.” Bai Jin is unable to maintain the beforehand demeanor again, the whole person flies into a rage, reckless pursues in the direction that Jian Chen vanishes, simultaneously is hurried drinks greatly: Space Ring in his hands, cannot make him run away.” “不你该死,留下我的手臂。”白尽再也无法保持之前的风度了,整个人暴跳如雷,不顾一切的朝着剑尘消失的方向追去,同时急忙大喝:“空间戒指在他手中,千万不能让他逃走了。”
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