CSG :: Volume #28

#2728: Introduces Two Worlds Mountain

All around 108 king simultaneously are startled, their vision subconscious looked that to the right arm that Bai Jin that is cut off, in the eye reveals wipes the panic-stricken color. 四周的一百零八王齐齐一怔,他们目光下意识的看向白尽那断掉的右臂,眼中露出一抹惊骇之色。 But at once, they then realized after Bai Jin Space Ring discards, will have what consequence, this made their complexion change immediately. 但旋即,他们便意识到白尽空间戒指丢掉之后会有什么后果,这顿时让他们所有人的脸色都变了。 This all of a sudden, is not only Bai Jin, the other 108 kings, as well as form Heavenly Net Formation to arrive at 36 Monarch of last act, everyone's complexion becomes incomparably ugly/difficult to look at, among expression covered entirely the anxious and startled color. 这一下子,不仅仅是白尽,余下的一百零八王,以及结成天罗阵已经到尾声的三十六君,所有人的脸色都变得无比难看,神色间布满了焦急和惊慌之色。 Their too clear Bai Jin Space Ring had was precious, this was not because in had many resources, but was drop of Divine Beast blood essence that Dark Star Great Emperor distribute got down in inside. 他们太清楚白尽空间戒指有多么宝贵了,这并不是因为里面有多少资源,而是暗星大帝分配下来的一滴神兽精血就在里面。 This drop of Divine Beast blood essence is relates is offering a sacrifice to the success ratio greatly the important thing, makes no mistake, otherwise, once had the influence on the big sacrifice, they will become the criminal of entire clan. 这一滴神兽精血乃是关系着大祭成功率的重要东西,不容有失,否则,一旦对大祭造成了影响,那他们都会成为全族的罪人。 Really to that step, their own falls/dies instead was an insignificant minor matter, because of their families, even is the family member will restrain to involve. 真到那一步,他们自己陨落都反而是一件微不足道的小事了,因为他们的家族,甚至是亲人都会收敛牵连。 In brief, discarded Divine Beast blood essence ? The consequence will be very serious! 总之,丢掉了神兽精血,?后果会十分严重! Blocks him......” “拦住他......” Intercepts his way quickly, cannot this to leave Dark Night City......” “快截住他的去路,千万不能让此人离开暗夜城......” ...... ...... This all of a sudden, 108 king flustered completely, several vice- City Lord and some high levels that but also guarding has not acted in City Lord's Mansion also flustered, everyone departs from City Lord's Mansion in abundance, pursues toward Jian Chen by quickest speed, the sound that the vice- City Lord blood kills spreads by far: Dark Night City all God King obey orders, makes a move to intercept this person completely, if some people not, since, kill without mercy, does not forgive......” 这一下子,一百零八王全部都慌了,还驻守在城主府内没有出手的几位副城主和一些高层也同样慌了,所有人纷纷从城主府内飞出,以最快的速度朝着剑尘追去,副城主血杀的声音更是远远传出:“暗夜城所有神王听令,全部出手拦截此人,若有人不从,一律杀无赦,绝不饶恕......” The blood killed issued the dead order directly, used the vice- City Lord right order entire city. 血杀直接下了死命令,动用副城主的权利命令全城。 His orders one, making Dark Night City God King of some unclear inside stories stay one dull, many people suspected that the ear of own misunderstood, was not copes with Martial Artist, although this Martial Artist strength was very strong, but as for dragged in lots of people, not only need make entire city all God King make a move, and didn't intend to return kill without mercy? 他这道命令一出,让一些不明内情的暗夜城神王都是呆了一呆,许多人都怀疑自己的耳朵是不是听错了,不就是对付一名外界武者嘛,尽管这名外界武者实力很强,但至于这么兴师动众吗,不仅要让全城所有神王出手,并且不出手还杀无赦 Good and evil of our these God King in the clan have existence of certain position, this blood kills, although vice- City Lord, but when vice- City Lord had such big right, controlled our living to kill the power unexpectedly directly......” “我们这些神王在族中好歹也是有一定地位的存在,这血杀虽然副城主,但副城主什么时候有这么大权利了,竟然直接掌控我们的生杀大权......” Yes, we have not made mistakes, let alone his blood kills, Bai Jin City Lord does not have this right to control our living to kill the power, his blood kills vice- City Lord is anything......” “就是,我们又没犯什么错,别说他血杀,就连白尽城主都没有这个权利掌控我们的生杀大权,他血杀一个副城主算什么东西......” ...... ...... The words that the blood kills, stir up in many God King hearts immediately discontented, indignant, kills very big resentment to the blood. 血杀的话,顿时惹得不少神王心中不满,一个个都愤愤不平,对血杀有很大的怨气。 For all this, but still some numerous God King shoot up to the sky, sends out the powerful imposing manner fearless toward Jian Chen grazes to go. 尽管如此,但依然有众多神王冲天而起,散发出强大气势毫无畏惧的朝着剑尘飞掠而去。 Opens!” “阵开!” At the same time, 36 Monarch expression incomparable serious, only listen to their one to drink greatly, in Heavenly Net Formation also misses in the situation that half breath forms completely to start ahead of time. 同一时间,三十六君一个个神色无比严肃,只听他们一声大喝,在天罗阵还差半个呼吸才完全结成的情况下提前发动。 Their complexion rapidly became pale, some people spouted several blood, ahead of time started Heavenly Net Formation, they also withstood heavy backlash. 他们的脸色飞速变得苍白了起来,更有人喷出了几口鲜血,提前发动天罗阵,他们也承受了不轻的反噬 The fluctuation of energy that the Dark Night City bottom deep place, rushes extremely spreads suddenly, hidden in the 36 spirit lineage/vein of place bottom deep place, some massive energy spraying, formed 36 giant energy light beams to shoot up to the sky, under Heavenly Net Formation 36 Monarch with the arrange/cloth fused, seemed like, 36 Monarch was covered by a giant energy light beam every people, descended to earth just like Heavenly God, the military might was incomparable. 暗夜城地底深处,一股极其澎湃的能量波动骤然传出,隐藏在地底深处的三十六处灵脉,有大量能量喷射而出,形成了三十六道巨大的能量光柱冲天而起,与布下天罗阵的三十六君融合,看上去,三十六君每一人都被一道巨大的能量光柱笼罩,宛若天神下凡,威武无比。 Huge energy shield is centered on 36 Monarch, since the sky lets fall rapidly, covers to go toward entire Dark Night City. 紧接着,一个巨大的能量护罩以三十六君为中心,自天空迅速垂落而下,朝着整座暗夜城覆盖而去。 Any by the region that energy shield covers, space seems to be frozen rapidly, abundant source strength seemed to be also coagulated. 凡是被能量护罩所笼罩的区域,空间似乎被迅速冻结,充沛的本源之力似乎也被凝固。 This energy shield has a mysterious strength, the place visited, all were coagulated. 能量护罩似带着一股神秘的力量,所过之处,一切都被凝固。 Jian Chen sees the great strength of this energy shield, its defense strength, even if Everlasting Beginning Realm 1-layer is extremely difficult to break, he was clear that this energy shield merely is a beginning that Heavenly Net Formation forms, as Heavenly Net Formation continues to evolve, behind also has fiercer killing formation to be evolved. 剑尘一眼就看出这能量护罩的强大,其防御力之强,即便是无极始境一重天都极难打破,并且,他更是清楚这能量护罩仅仅是天罗阵形成的一个开端,随着天罗阵继续衍变,后面还有更厉害的杀阵被演化出来。 This, solely cannot surround Everlasting Realm 1-layer powerhouse, and can cut to kill! 此阵,不单单是能困住无极境一重天强者,并且能够斩杀! speed of huge energy shield whereabouts Heavenly Net Formation forms was quick, covered entire Dark Night City, but at this moment, Jian Chen, although in grazed to go toward the city outside, but has not been separated from the range of city. 天罗阵形成的巨大能量护罩下落的速度非常快,覆盖了整座暗夜城,而此刻,剑尘虽然在朝着城外飞掠而去,但还没有脱离城池的范围。 And in his front, presented many Dark Star Clan God King interception there, prevents his way. 并且在他前方,更是出现了不少暗星族神王拦截在那里,阻挡他的去路。 However Jian Chen after strength breakthrough, is hard to withstand the strength of his striking including 108 kings, let alone these common God King Realm Expert. 不过实力突破后的剑尘,连一百零八王都难以承受他的一击之力,更何况这些寻常的神王境高手 Sees only in his hand the great axe to open greatly gathers greatly, brandishes, gave to divide to fly numerous God King, massive high-grade Saint Item were cut broken by his axe, changed into the fragment lasing, the war cry was shocking. 只见他手中巨斧大开大合,挥舞间,将众多神王都给劈飞了出去,大量的上品圣器被他一斧斩碎,化为碎片激射了出去,喊杀声震天。 The blood kills to summon that entire city God King intercepts Jian Chen, but cannot affect the Jian Chen footsteps as before, even slows faint trace speed unable to achieve. 血杀号召全城神王拦截剑尘,但依旧未能影响到剑尘的脚步,甚至连拖慢一丝丝速度都无法做到。 Because the strength disparately was really big! 因为实力悬殊实在是太大了! Quickly, again quickly!” Saw that Jian Chen is getting more and more near from city gate, Dark Night City City Lord Bai Jin anxious, loudly exclaimed to to lay a formation 36 Mr . “快,再快一点!”眼看剑尘距离城门口越来越近,暗夜城城主白尽不由的急了起来,冲着结阵的三十六君大吼道。 36 Monarch is also an irritable color, but they form Heavenly Net Formation, the body is unable to move, can only in be controlling Heavenly Net Formation same place, doing utmost speed that speeds up energy shield to let fall. 三十六君也是一脸急色,只是他们形成天罗阵,身躯无法动弹,只能驻留在原地控制天罗阵,竭尽全力的加快能量护罩垂落的速度 Their all efforts are doomed to be in vain, because they face, is not true God King Realm late-stage, but is one is hiding the strength from beginning to end Beginning Realm powerhouse! 只是他们的一切努力注定要白费,因为他们面对的,可不是一位真正的神王境后期,而是一位从头到尾都在隐藏实力的始境强者 Sees only Jian Chen speed to be getting quicker and quicker, in energy shield will soon block the entire city, his speed rises suddenly suddenly, the air that the tall and strong body hits exudes the fierce explosive sound, quick such as the cutting expansive sky of lightning, was almost the scalp scratches letting fall energy shield to run out of Dark Night City. 只见剑尘速度越来越快,就在能量护罩即将封锁住全城时,他的速度骤然暴涨,魁梧的身躯撞的空气都发出剧烈的爆炸声,快如闪电的划破长空,几乎是头皮擦着垂落的能量护罩冲出了暗夜城 In the Dark Night City City Lord Bai Jin heart hates greatly, only almost, only almost can stop that Martial Artist, but things have gotten to this point, he also has no alternative, because Heavenly Net Formation only may use in the city, must with the aid of the spirit lineage/vein of place bottom deep place, just now be able to support this revolution. 暗夜城城主白尽心中大恨,只差一点,只差一点就能将那外界武者阻拦下来了,但事已至此,他也无可奈何,因为天罗阵只可在城内动用,需借助地底深处的灵脉,方才能支撑此阵的运转。 Pursues!” Bai Jin makes the sound that clenches jaws, leading 108 kings to be in hot pursuit to Jian Chen. “追!”白尽发出咬牙切齿的声音,率领一百零八王对剑尘紧追不舍。 Behind, 36 Monarch is regretting of whole face and is also unwilling, abolished formation reluctantly, followed closely Bai Jin behind to chase down. 后方,三十六君也是满脸的遗憾和不甘,无奈的撤销了阵法,紧随白尽身后追杀了出去。 The blood kills and other vice- City Lord not to idle, they started the clan God King in city, leading a group of God King Realm Expert to go to the city. 血杀等几位副城主也没有闲着,他们发动了城内的本族神王,率领一大群神王境高手离城而去。 Immediately, large quantities of God King Realm Expert left Dark Night City, walked seven 8-layer, making the Dark Night City strength tumble to an unprecedented void period. 顿时,大批大批的神王境高手离开了暗夜城,足足走了七八层之多,使得暗夜城的实力跌倒至一个前所未有的空虚时期。 In the city, many Martial Artist by this being startled dumbfoundedly, they look at that dense person's shadow that in the sky is going far away rapidly, for a very long time is unable to recover. 城中,许多武者都被这一幕给惊得目瞪口呆,他们望着天空中飞速远去的那一片黑压压的人影,久久都无法回过神来。 Had/Left Dark Night City, the Jian Chen wind spreading electricity held up, grazed to go in the Two Worlds Mountain direction, Bai Jin Space Ring had fallen into his hand. 出了暗夜城,剑尘一路风驰电擎,朝着两界山的方向飞掠而去,白尽空间戒指已经落入了他的手中。 When his Spiritual Consciousness searches into Space Ring, when found Sheng Yu that drop already is contaminating Dark Star Clan aura blood essence, immediately becomes the surface , if frost. 只是当他的神识探入空间戒指内,找到圣羽的那一滴已经沾染着暗星族气息精血时,顿时变得面若冰霜。 He turn head looked at eye being in hot pursuit Bai Jin and the others, in the eye murderous intention is intense, secretly thought: Also dares with, very good, this suited me, waits for Two Worlds Mountain, was your times of death.” 他回头看了眼紧追不舍的白尽等人,眼中杀机强烈,暗道:“还敢跟来,很好,这正合我意,等进了两界山,就是你们的死期。”
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