CSG :: Volume #28

#2726: The strength of beautiful woman ( 2 )

Jian Chen cuts to kill Sword-Wielding King and Proud Ice King method, 36 Monarch is the clarity that looks, his great strength, making 36 Monarch who these hold the post of the Dark Night City protector have to dread. 剑尘斩杀仗剑王傲冰王的手段,三十六君都是看的清清楚楚,他的强大,让这些担任暗夜城守护者的三十六君都是心生忌惮。 36 Monarch, although ranking in the position, dominates above 108 kings, but in their all person hearts was clear, by having the strength comes, they compared with 108 king strong many, will not present the power gap oversized steamroll form absolutely. 三十六君,虽然无论是排名还是在地位上,都是凌驾于一百零八王之上,可他们所有人心中都清楚,论起实力来,他们也比一百零八王强不了多少,绝对不会出现实力差距过大的碾压形式。 Even is among 108 king some characters, battle strength compares to them to come is also has no time to let, but Sword-Wielding King, takes advantage of the powerful offensive of Sword Dao Principle, then can be called one of them reluctantly. 甚至是一百零八王当中的个别人物,战力之强比起他们来也是不遑多让,而仗剑王,依仗剑道法则的强大攻击,便勉强称得上其中之一。 They could not be weaker than many Sword-Wielding King falls/dies so rapid, conversion was their 36 Monarch, perhaps can also call several rounds. 比他们弱不了多少的仗剑王陨落的如此迅速,换成是他们三十六君,恐怕也就是能多称个几回合而已。 In other words , this Martial Artist strength, any people in their 36 Monarch to, can form the absolute steamroll! 换言之,这名外界武者的实力,对上他们三十六君中的任何一人,都能够形成绝对的碾压! Bai Jin also understands this point obviously, after slight nod, then ordered, making the other 108 kings tie down Jian Chen immediately, but 36 Monarch prepared to arrange Heavenly Net Formation in the surrounding immediately. 白尽显然也明白这一点,微微点头之后,便立即下令,让余下的一百零八王缠住剑尘,而三十六君则立即在外围准备布置天罗阵 In the Dark Night City upper air, Expert of enough 106 God King Realm peaks is launching an intense war with Jian Chen, the deafening bellow is lingering on faintly, the powerful energy wreaks havoc in the world, forms violent shock-waves to sweep to all directions. 暗夜城的高空中,足足一百零六位神王境巅峰的高手正与剑尘展开一场激烈大战,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声不绝于耳,强大的能量肆虐在天地间,形成一股股猛烈的冲击波扫向四面八方。 When this energy fallout affects below city, the construction in city is the collapse, is innumerably rustically shaped, changed into the ruins with pavilions of years, protects these constructions formation, is unable to bear so fierce energy impact. 当这能量余波波及到下方的城池时,城内的建筑是大片大片的倒塌,无数造型古朴,久经岁月的亭台楼阁化为了废墟,保护这些建筑的阵法,根本就无法承受如此猛烈的能量冲击。 In Dark Night City has made a mess, numerous Dark Star Clan Martial Artist bring a face in abundance startled escapes toward the city, arrives general just like the end. 暗夜城内已经乱做一团,众多暗星族武者纷纷带着一脸的惊慌朝着城外逃去,宛如末日降临一般。 Dark Night City corner, sat in the God King Realm old man who in a restaurant drinks before, at this moment also stands on the roof of restaurant, in the hand takes a wine pot, staring dumbfounded stared with Jian Chen that 108 kings battled, in the heart was raising the startled day monstrous waves. 暗夜城的一个角落处,之前坐在一间酒楼内喝酒的神王境老者,此刻也站在酒楼的房顶上,手中拿着一个酒壶,瞠目结舌的盯着正与一百零八王交战的剑尘,心中掀起了惊天巨浪。 bang clatter!” 嗒!” Fell to fall the smashing with the wine pot in his hands on the ground, the liquor water that splashed soaked the cloth shoes on his foot, but old man actually quite the same as ignorant, but is staring pair of old eyes, covered entirely panic-strickenly is staring at the distant place. 拿在他手中的酒壶掉在地上摔成了粉碎,飞溅出的酒水浸湿了他脚上的布鞋,而老者却浑然无知,只是瞪着一双老眼,布满惊骇的盯着远方。 Actually this person... this person is, unexpectedly... unexpectedly as powerful as this situation,... is the Supreme successor is inadequate?” Old man unconsciousness exudes twittering the sound, in his cognition, perhaps also only then the Supreme successor had such heaven defying battle strength, although he has never seen the Supreme successor. “此人...此人究竟是谁,竟然...竟然强大到这种地步,难道...难道是太尊传人不成?”老者无意识的发出呢喃之声,在他的认知当中,恐怕也只有太尊传人才拥有如此逆天战力了,尽管他从未见过太尊传人。 At this time, the distant place transmitted a startled day crack, God level battle skill that the King of Dark Night City 108 kings displayed was routed in the midair, the powerful energy shock-wave proliferated to come, to push the retreat that from the distant place the body of old man could not stop, every step fell, trod out a deep footprint. 这时,远方传来一声惊天炸响,暗夜城一百零八王的一名王者施展的神级战技在半空中被击溃,强大的能量冲击波从远方扩散而来,推得老者的身躯止不住的后退,每一步落下,都踩出一个深深的脚印。 But the position that the old man is at this moment, have several far of ten miles from the place of war. 而老者此刻所在的位置,距离大战之地足足有数十里之远。 This war makes Dark Star Clan be shamed, perhaps after this war, Dark Star Clan will perhaps aim at our these Martial Artist, Dark Night City is not the long-term place.” The old men reveal the hesitant color, struggled the moment, then turns around to fly toward the city outside. “此战让暗星族蒙羞,恐怕此战之后,暗星族恐怕会更加针对我们这些外界武者了,暗夜城已经不是久留之地了。”老者露出犹豫之色,挣扎了片刻,然后转身朝着城外飞去。 Another side, is centered on Jian Chen, battlefield unceasing is close toward City Lord's Mansion, he among the fights with 108 kings, has been in the stage of superheating, both sides dozen unusual is intense. 另一边,以剑尘为中心,战场正不断的朝着城主府接近,他与一百零八王之间的战斗,已经进入白热化的阶段了,双方打的非常激烈。 Copes with Jian Chen this intensity, the Dark Night City 108 kings has not retained, all methods completely leave, various powerful secret skill and God level battle skill blooms dazzling rays of light in the upper air, displays the startled day power the might. 对付剑尘这种强度,暗夜城的一百零八王也是没有丝毫保留,所有手段尽出,各种强大的秘法神级战技在高空中绽放出耀眼的光芒,发挥出惊天动力的威力。 This time, they could not attend to below city, how even if the city destroyed, because in their all person hearts understands, cutting to kill Jian Chen is the current most important important matter, most important, such person did not kill, making him continue to keep in Dark Star Clan, that then threated Dark Star Clan was really big. 这种时刻,他们都顾不得下方的城池了,哪怕城池毁了又如何,因为他们所有人心中都明白,斩杀剑尘才是当前首要大事,重中之重,这样的人不杀,让他继续留在暗星族内,那对暗星族构成的威胁实在是太大了。 Jian Chen also fiercely competes and successfully competes, the both hands great axe in his hand was twined by Strength Principle, each axe is rudely, the divided air exudes the sound of explosive, each axe can flying upside down that a powerful King chops, the Dark Night City 108 kings, no one can meet a below his axe. 剑尘也是越战越勇,他手中的双手巨斧被力量法则缠绕,每一斧都势大力沉,劈的空气都发出爆响之声,每一斧都能将一名强大的王者劈的倒飞出去,暗夜城一百零八王,没有人能接的下他一斧。 If not 108 kings are diverting him mutually, does not make him follow up a victory with hot pursuit to the same person launches the second attack, perhaps 108 kings the casualties are serious. 若非一百零八王都在互相牵制着他,不让他乘胜追击对同一人发动第二次攻击,恐怕一百零八王早已伤亡惨重。 Hateful, if Proud Ice King and Sword-Wielding King are also living, how could to make this external person live the present......” “可恶,若是傲冰王仗剑王还活着,岂能让这外来之人活到现在......” Proud Ice King and Sword-Wielding King died, keeping our million great formation from forming, otherwise, killing this person is similar to pinches ants is so simple......” 傲冰王仗剑王死了,让我们的百万大阵无法形成,否则的话,杀此人就如同捏死一只蝼蚁这么简单......” Exudes the sound of violent anger with 108 kings who Jian Chen battles, many of them were divided to fly by a Jian Chen axe, this lets usually in keep aloof, status honored they feel incomparable vexed and aggrievedness. 剑尘交战的一百零八王纷纷发出暴怒之声,他们许多人都被剑尘一斧头劈飞了出去,这让平日里高高在上,身份尊贵的他们都感到无比的窝囊和憋屈。 ah! 啊! At this time, a pitiful yell sound transmitted, sees only a King who grasped long spear, in the hand that in long spear of best-quality Saint Item Rank was deducted two sections by a Jian Chen axe, axe remaining power does not reduce in the slightest, having the powerful strength to divide on his chest. 这时,一声惨叫声传来,只见一位手持长枪的王者,手中那杆在极品圣器品阶长枪剑尘一斧头劈成两截,斧头余势不减分毫,带着绝强的力量劈在他的胸膛上。 But his pitiful yell sound continued then to stop suddenly merely instantaneously, passes Strength Principle that the body entered to crush his Primordial Spirit directly, body and soul completely eliminated! 但他的惨叫声仅仅持续了瞬间便戛然而止,透体而入的力量法则直接粉碎了他的元神,形神俱灭 The third King, falls/dies! 第三位王者,陨落 Extinguishing Spear King!” 灭枪王!” Surroundings ? Many King send out to call out in alarm, three King behind Jian Chen, then launched the surprise attack directly, three best-quality Saint Item all are blooms the powerful fluctuation of energy thorn to the head and heart of Jian Chen. 周围,?不少王者发出惊呼,三名王者在剑尘背后,则是直接发动了突袭,三柄极品圣器皆是绽放出强大的能量波动刺向剑尘的头颅和心脏。 The axe in Jian Chen hand moves along, turns around suddenly, in the hand the axe delimits a semicircle to bump into with three best-quality Saint Item in the midair in the same place. 剑尘手中的斧头随身而动,猛然一个转身,手中斧头在半空中划过一个半圆与三柄极品圣器相撞在一起。 His body is entirely still, but that three King, unceasing backing up that was all shaken by the powerful strength. 他身躯纹丝不动,而那三名王者,则皆是被强大的力量震的不断倒退。 However, in Jian Chen repels three King, a long sword just like the poisonous snake, quiet appearance in his behind, if quickly the thorn of lightning, is indistinct, can see the one of the shadow behind him to flash to pass together. 然而,就在剑尘击退三名王者时,一柄长剑犹如毒蛇,悄无声息的出现在他的后面,快若闪电的刺出,隐约间,可以看见一道影子在他背后一闪而逝。 This is Shadow King is acting, his body illusory shadow, restrains aura hidden to enter void, starts strikes suddenly. 这是暗影王在出手,他身化虚影,收敛气息隐入虚空中,发动突然一击。 The Jian Chen corners of the mouth reveal to sneer, does not turn round, the backhand holds the long sword that behind punctured, an axe followed close on to divide. 剑尘嘴角露出冷笑,也不回身,反手就抓住了背后刺来的长剑,一斧紧跟着劈了过去。 !” “噗!” Shadow King cannot evade this axe, the body cleft in two, Primordial Spirit cannot escape similarly, body and soul completely eliminated. 暗影王没能躲过这一斧,身躯被劈成两半,元神同样没能逃出,形神俱灭 The fourth King, falls/dies! 第四位王者,陨落 After Shadow King, King falls/dies one after another. 暗影王之后,一位又一位的王者先后陨落 Seventh...... 第七位...... Eighth...... 第八位...... Ninth...... 第九位...... ...... ...... 13 th...... 第十三位...... ...... ...... Short in a minute, then 20 King falls/dies, so many King falls/dies, caused the other that dozens King, is all over the body lives all coldly, an eye of reveal fears intent. 短短片刻间,便有二十位王者先后陨落,如此多的王者陨落,使得余下的那数十位王者,无不是遍体生寒,目露惧意。 This Martial Artist was too strong, the strong anomaly, fights now, many King have to draw back intent. 这名外界武者太强了,强的变态,战到现在,不少王者都已经心生退意了。 But 36 Mr.'s Heavenly Net Formation, have not formed. 而三十六君的天罗阵,还未形成。 Suddenly, entire horizon rays of light suddenly one bright, sees only electricity of intense sword glow from City Lord's Mansion to shoot, just like one to flash to pass in the world like lightning, in an instant then arrives in front of Jian Chen, swift and fierce sword intent sweeps the world, resembled to form an invisible prison Jian Chen Seal to be one of them, had a sword to decide the prestige of universe. 骤然间,整个天际的光芒猛然一亮,只见一道强烈的剑芒城主府中电射而出,就犹如一道闪电般在天地间一闪而逝,刹那间便来到剑尘面前,凌厉的剑意卷席天地,似形成了一个无形的囚牢将剑尘封困在其中,拥有一剑定乾坤之威。 Dark Night City City Lord Bai Jin acted, acts, is earth-shaking, sword qi fills in the world, has to rule the potential of the world. 暗夜城城主白尽出手了,一出手,便是惊天动地,剑气弥漫天地间,拥有君临天下之势。
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