CSG :: Volume #28

#2701: Two Worlds Mountain rain

Tsuruwa Divine Formation, is powerful defense formation, being used for defense Devouring Life Beast is not good, may be used to resist the attack of Martial Artist, impregnable bastion that can be said. 鹤羽神阵,是一种强大的防御阵法,用来防御噬生兽不行,可用来抵御武者的进攻,那可以称得上的铜墙铁壁。 If several hundreds, and even over a thousand people ready dead form Tsuruwa Divine Formation together, condenses thousand people of strength, even can resist some just to step into Everlasting Beginning Realm the attack of powerhouse. 若是有数百,乃至上千名死士一同结成鹤羽神阵,凝聚千人之力,甚至可以抵挡一些刚踏入无极始境强者的攻击。 Emperor Lotus Sword Sect is respective, immediately forms lotus flower sword formation!” 帝莲剑宗所属,立即结成莲花剑阵!” Hundred Battles Family is respective, the rapid composition does not have the enemy ranks!” 百战家族所属,迅速组成无敌阵!” Sun Family......” 孙家......” Green peasant family clan......” “绿田家族......” ...... ...... Follows, other supreme talent also responded, simultaneously issued the order. 紧随其后,余下的天骄也纷纷反应过来,同时下达了命令。 Immediately, the powerful defense lineups rapidly are completed, resist the attack of enchanted person ready dead. 顿时,一个个强大的防御阵型迅速完成,抵挡疯魔死士的攻击。 With a formation formation, the attacks of these enchanted people ready dead, could not threat the normal person ready dead finally. 随着阵法一形成,那些疯魔死士的攻击,终于对正常的死士构不成威胁了。 But is this short moment time, has created falls/dies about thousand people ready dead. 但就是这短短片刻时间,已经造成了近千名死士的陨落 Ended, ended, then ended, complete......” Chu Jie and the others had tears streaming down the face, a face pale wan, because they were subordinate all people ready dead are completely not only enchanted, and they inhaled many gray dense fog, although now temporary had not discovered that the body had any not right place, but the fates of these people ready dead, have made in their hearts cast a shadow. “完了,完了,这下完了,全完了......”楚杰等人是泪流满面,一张脸苍白的毫无血色,因为他们不仅是麾下所有死士全部都疯魔了,并且就连他们自身都吸入了不少灰色迷雾,尽管现在暂时性的还没有发现身体有任何不对劲的地方,可这些死士的下场,已经让他们心中蒙上了一层阴影。 They do not know when own will also turn with these person ready dead same insanity in suddenly. 他们谁也不知道自己什么时候也会突然变成和那些死士一样的疯魔之中。 Some supreme talent have been starting in gulps swallows various Medicine Pill, will try to inhale the within the body thick fog pursuing. 一些天骄已经在开始大口大口的吞服各种丹药,试图将吸入体内的浓雾给驱逐出去。 When these person ready dead insanity appearances, making them be afraid truly, gave birth to the heart of fear. 这些死士疯魔时的样子,让他们真正的害怕了,生出了恐惧之心。 Those who make them touch somebody's sore spot, these protect the body at the energy, without inhaling dense fog supreme talent already subconsciously far away from them, and alert, will be the time guards against them to fall into the insanity possibility in secret obviously. 更让他们扎心的是,那些以能量护体,没有吸入迷雾的天骄们已经在下意识的远离他们,并且暗中戒备,显然是时刻都提防着他们会陷入疯魔的可能。 Good friend who even if was on intimate terms with them before, at this time still in mean alienates them, does not dare to depend with them is too near. 即便是之前与他们称兄道弟的好友,此时也都在有意的疏远他们,不敢与他们靠的太近。 Dandan, you could rest assured that I will not have the matter, on me brings massive Medicine Pill, this trivial thick fog, but also cannot stump me......” a supreme talent complexion blanch from respected family was saying to a female. “丹丹,你放心,我不会有事了,我身上可是带着大量的丹药,这区区浓雾,还难不住我......”一名来自大家族的天骄脸色发白的对着身边的一名女子说道。 Shao strange, to my distant point, do not approach me.” Then thousand Jin Li horse scream named Dandan, far away from him, met the god of plague immediately, keeps at a respectful distance. “邵奇,你离我远点,不要靠近我。”那名叫丹丹的千金立马一声尖叫,立即远离他,一副遇见了瘟神似地,敬而远之。 In Shao Qixin a pain, a deep regret floods in the mind: Really is damn, if the one had only known, I believed Yang Yutian because of this/should choice initially, I unexpectedly to save an energy, made own fall into so the position, was really damn, was really damn.” Was the regret intestines is blue in Shao Qixin. 邵奇心中一痛,一股深深的后悔充斥在心灵:“真是该死,要是早知如此,我当初就因该选择相信羊羽天了,我竟然为了节省一点能量,就让自己陷入了如此境地,真是该死,真是该死啊。”在邵奇心中是悔的肠子都青了。 Jin Hong Young Master, what to do we should, these lose the person ready dead of control now, how should we because of process?” The Man Family supreme talent Man Yunjun sinking sound said, she is a female, the seemingly 20-year-old age, pretty like the flower, the body is gallant, has several points of hero female style, in most supreme talent the field is more outstanding, in the situation facing field, she is few several can also maintain one of the calm supreme talent. 金宏公子,现在我们该怎么办,这些失去了控制的死士,我们因该如何处理?”曼家天骄曼云君沉声说道,她是一名女子,看上去20岁的年纪,貌美如花,身上英气逼人,带着几分侠女风范,比场中大多数天骄都要优秀许多,面对场中的突发情况,她是为数不多的几位还能够保持镇定的天骄之一。 Jin Hong has not spoken, because he does not know how should process, feels first two big. 金宏没有说话,因为他也不知该如何处理,感觉一个头两个大。 He has attempted, the people ready dead in these insanity are unable to awaken. The words of powerful suppression, facing over ten thousand enchanted people ready dead, price obviously very big that their sides pay, even is big to the situation that they are unable to withstand. 他已经尝试过了,这些疯魔中的死士根本就无法唤醒。强力镇压的话,面对上万名疯魔的死士,他们这方付出的代价显然会非常之大,甚至是大到他们无法承受的地步。 But if killed these people completely, that loss will also be huge, will make their side strengths damage greatly, is unable to resolve Hundred Saints City that unknown crisis. 可若是将这些人全部都杀了,那损失同样会非常巨大,会让他们这方实力大损,无法应对百圣城那未知的危机。 Like this was being pestered, we are unable to withdraw to leave here, this way is not the means that must draw up a plan to come as soon as possible.” The Emperor Lotus Sword Sect Ping Yisheng sinking sound said. “这样被纠缠着,我们也无法脱身离开这里,这样下去不是办法,必须要尽快拿出个方案来。”帝莲剑宗平一生沉声说道。 Our person ready dead energies have that moment of exhaustion eventually, and behind must face the threat of Devouring Life Beast, we cannot have too the loss here.” The green Tian Jia zu green field says. “我们的死士能量终究有耗尽的那一刻,并且后面还要面对噬生兽的威胁,我们不能在这里有太多损耗。”绿田家族的绿野开口说道。 Things have gotten to this point, we also had no other alternative, all people ready dead who lost the control killed completely.” Dark Family supreme talent also spoke, his whole body covers in the black robe, cannot see clearly the facial features, is passing several separate soul secret Gan. “事已至此,我们也别无他法了,将所有失去了控制的死士全部都杀了吧。”黑暗家族天骄也说话了,他浑身都笼罩在黑袍之中,看不清面容,透着几分神秘感。 This is a quiet person, is very low-key in the crowd, rarely starts talking. 这是一个沉默寡言的人,在人群中十分低调,很少开口说话。 However actually no one dares to despise this person, because this person is the King in night, fights directly perhaps is not strongest, may discuss the technique of assassination, is to make all same rank powerhouse scared. 但是却没有人敢小看此人,因为此人是黑夜中的王者,正面打斗或许不是最强,可论刺杀之术,却是让所有同阶强者都胆寒。 This is a great idea, and must begin as soon as possible, the move that here makes was too big, if Devouring Life Beast of distant place attracting, that pleasure may be big, does not do well, all of us must die here.” Immediately some people second the motion. “这是个好主意,并且必须要尽快动手,我们这里弄出的动静太大了,万一将远方的噬生兽给吸引了过来,那乐子可就大了,弄不好,我们所有人都要死在这里。”立即有人附议。 „It is not good, cannot kill, these people ready dead are our families train laboriously, cannot die in your hands, actually Hundred Tribulations God King Pill has is precious you are clear, if you dare to begin, after that left Fallen Beast World, our back families will be will not give up absolutely, must look for your back influences on ask for an explanation inevitably.” A Gong Ruize scream, spoke immediately the opposition, was excited. “不行,不能杀,这些死士都是我们家族辛辛苦苦培养起来的,绝不能死在你们手里,百劫神王丹究竟有多么珍贵你们是一清二楚,如果你们敢动手,那等离开了陨兽界后,我们背后的家族是绝对不会善罢甘休,势必要找你们背后的势力讨个说法。”宫锐则一声尖叫,立即出言反对,情绪非常激动。 Suddenly, the people fell into boundary in a dilemma, they in people ready dead by over ten thousand insanity were given to tie down, wants to walk cannot get away. 一时间,众人陷入了进退两难之境,他们被上万名疯魔中的死士给缠住,想走也走不了。 Beyond hundred li (0.5 km), a build has the hundred zhang (333 m) fully greatly carves in the upper air greatly is circling, after carves that broad greatly conducts the back, sits cross-legged Jian Chen that sits also to frown, twittering talked to oneself: These thick fog, can control the God King intelligence unexpectedly, imagines compared with me also or simple.” Jian Chen puts out a hand to grasp, sees only his front space suddenly search, had the thick fog to be inhaled in the palm by him, finally in he held to condense a thumb size the white bead. 百里之外,一只体型足有百丈之巨的大雕正在高空中盘旋,在大雕那宽阔的后背上,盘膝而坐的剑尘也是皱起了眉头,呢喃自语:“这些浓雾,竟然能控制神王的神智,比我想象中的还要不简单啊。”剑尘伸手一抓,只见他前方的空间骤然一阵搜索,有大片大片的浓雾被他吸入了掌中,最终在他掌中凝聚成一颗拇指大小的白色珠子。 He stared at this bead to observe for quite a while with rapt attention, then emits own Spiritual Consciousness, careful, earnest, by outside, but in went to research bit by bit, wanted to discover these thick fog the secrets. 他凝神盯着这颗珠子观察了半天,而后更是放出自己神识,仔仔细细,认认真真,由外而内的去一点一点的研究,想要找出这些浓雾的秘密。 The secrets of these thick fog were are not found that easily, bountiful integrated Chaos Force to produce variation Primordial Spirit by Jian Chen that after undergoing peeling the silk to pull out the cocoon inspection, did not have the too big harvest, similarly has not sought the law of decoding. 只是这些浓雾的秘密并不是那么容易就被发现的,饶是以剑尘那融入了一丝混沌之力而产生了变异的元神,在经过剥丝抽茧般的检查之后,也是没有太大的收获,同样也没有寻求到破解之法。 After a double-hour, Jian Chen opened the eye, condenses the white bead in his hands to change into one group of smog to integrate in the world. 一个时辰之后,剑尘睁开了眼睛,凝聚在他手中的白色珠子重新化为一团烟雾融入天地之间。 It seems like, these were controlled Martial Artist of intelligence, basically is unable to rescue.” Jian Chen heaves a deep sigh, when his Spiritual Consciousness once while these people ready dead fell into the insanity, sneaks in their Primordial Spirit to observe, therefore his deep understood these thick fog hard to deal with. “看来,那些被控制了神智的武者,基本上无法解救了。”剑尘摇头叹息,他的神识曾趁着那些死士陷入疯魔中时,神不知鬼不觉的潜入了他们的元神之中观察了一番,因此他深深的明白这些浓雾的难缠。 In his present method, is not at least able to rescue these to fall into the person ready dead in insanity. 至少以他如今的手段,是无法解救那些陷入了疯魔之中的死士。 At this moment, in the Two Worlds Mountain upper air, fluttered suddenly continuous drizzle, covered a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) range. 就在这时,在两界山的高空中,突然飘下了一层绵绵细雨,覆盖方圆百里范围。 This rain, no one went to care, thinks that is only common rain, but Jin Hong their these supreme talent, protect the body energy by these directly the rainwater to separating, making the rainwater not moisten the body. 这一场雨,谁都没有去在意,都以为只是一场寻常的雨,而金宏他们这些天骄,更是以这些护体能量直接将雨水给弹开,让雨水不沾身。 But these fall into the person ready dead in insanity soaked through by these penetrating of rainwater, what making everyone not pay attention, some rainwater when contaminating their body, integrated in their bodies unexpectedly quietly, then changed into pure running water to integrate their blood directly, the meridians, in the flesh as well as Primordial Spirit. 而那些陷入疯魔中的死士则是被这些雨水给淋了个透彻,让所有人都没有注意的是,一些雨水在沾染到他们的身躯时,竟然悄无声息的融入了他们的身体之中,而后化为一股清流直接融入了他们的血液,经脉,血肉以及元神之中。 This pure running water, as if there is strength of purification, can purify world some evilly, the pure running water, had been inhaled the within the body gray thick fog to start to dissipate by these people ready dead. 这股清流,似乎带有净化之力,能净化世间一些邪恶,清流所过,被这些死士吸入体内的灰色浓雾纷纷开始消散。 Merely several time of breath, are attacking the defense formation person ready dead crazily, the movement in hand becomes more and more slow, is getting more and more slow, finally gradually stopped unexpectedly, the green lights in their eye start to abate, both eyes start to glow the normal period the appearance. 仅仅几个呼吸的时间,正在疯狂攻击防御阵法的死士,手中的动作则变得越来越慢,越来越迟缓,最后竟然逐渐的停了下来,他们眼中的绿光开始消退,双目开始重新焕发正常时期的神采。 Not far away, dozens supreme talent were discussing must lose the person ready dead of control to give to destroy completely these, at this time also discovered here unusuality, the vision collected, under this looks, in many eyes reveals the happy expression. 不远处,数十名天骄正在商讨着要不要将这些失去了控制的死士给灭掉,此时也是发现了这边的异常,目光纷纷汇集了过来,这一看之下,不少人眼中都露出喜色。 You looked, they woke unexpectedly, the appearances in their eye, restored normally, good, they sobered finally.” Loud calling out in alarm that Chu Jie cannot bear, started to dance with joy, very excited. “你们看,他们竟然醒过来了,还有他们眼中的神采,都恢复正常了,太好了,他们终于清醒过来了。”楚杰忍不住的大声惊呼,开始手舞足蹈了起来,十分的兴奋。 These people sober, not only explained these thick fog have the law of decoding, means that under him several hundred people ready dead return to him to control, he does not need to become one -man army. 这些人清醒过来,不仅说明了这些浓雾还有破解之法,同时也意味着他麾下的数百名死士又重归他掌控,他无需成为一个光杆司令了。 Was this rain saved them, these rain, can restrain these thick fog unexpectedly.” The Jin Hong vision looks to the sky throws in the continuous drizzle of falling gently, reveals the strange glow. “是这一场雨救了他们,这些雨,竟然能克制那些浓雾。”金宏的目光看向天空中扔在飘落的绵绵细雨,露出奇异之芒。
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