CSG :: Volume #27

#2700: Insanity

Spreading of this pitiful yell, in this people by passes message exchange, appears in the exceptionally peaceful environment especially grating, is as good as startling thunderclap baseless crack. 这一声惨叫的传出,在这众人都是以传音交流,显得异常安静的环境中是格外的刺耳,丝毫不亚于一颗惊雷凭空炸响。 What's the matter, what happened......” “怎么回事,发生什么事了......” „, The rear area received the attack of Devouring Life Beast......” “难道,后方又受到噬生兽的袭击了......” ...... …… In an instant, dozens stand in the supreme talent in abundance heart before cave one tight, here place first has massive Devouring Life Beast bewildered disappearances, strange that this is hard to explain made in their hearts feel weak, transmits a pitiful yell in this time suddenly, immediately made their nerve stretch closely, was extremely anxious. 刹那间,数十名站在山洞前的天骄纷纷心中一紧,此处地方先是有大量的噬生兽莫名其妙的消失,这难以解释的诡异一幕本来就让他们心中发虚,在这种时刻突然传来一声惨叫,顿时令得他们所有人的神经都绷得紧紧的,万分紧张。 After pitiful yell sound, then transmits an unrest in the rear of team, the fluctuations of energy transmit, the sound of fighting also resounds. 惨叫声过后,在队伍的大后方便是传来一阵骚乱,更是有一股股能量波动传来,打斗之声随之响起。 Jin Hong complexion changes, the body remnant shadow, vanishes does not immediately see, grazes to go toward the rear area by quickest speed, other dozens supreme talent, after hesitates slightly, was with. 金宏脸色一变,身化残影,立即消失不见,以最快的速度朝着后方飞掠而去,余下的数十名天骄,在略微迟疑之后,也是先后跟了上去。 When Jin Hong arrives at team the place of unrest, happen to sees several to be braved dark green rays of light by person ready dead both eyes that in Hundred Tribulations God King Pill trains, the body sends out chaotic and cruel aura, crazy is attacking brutally to person. 金宏来到队伍的骚乱之地时,正好看见数名被百劫神王丹培养起来的死士双目中冒着墨绿色的光芒,身上散发出一股混乱和暴戾的气息,正疯狂的对着身边的人大打出手。 armor Cloud Dragon, you sends what insanity, why sneak attacks me suddenly......” “甲云龙,你发什么疯,为何突然偷袭我......” Liu Chengshui is, you doing, good brothers who we share hardships, you why suddenly under killer to me......” “刘成水,你在干什么,我们可是患难与共的好兄弟,你为什么突然对我下杀手......” Old Zhou, how you were, you have not stopped quickly, do not forget us are what status, your by the Young Master execution......” 老周,你这是怎么了,你还不快停下来,你别忘了我们是什么身份,你这样会被少主处死的......” ...... …… More than 20 are also unexpected for Martial Artist of person ready dead status, has experienced personally the heavy losses under this sneak attack, looks to injure the own companion by the incredible vision, exudes the angry and puzzled angry roaring sound. 二十余名同样为死士身份的武者猝不及防,在这偷袭之下已经身受重创,纷纷是以不可置信的目光看着打伤自己的同伴,发出愤怒和不解的怒吼声。 But in that several both eyes sends out the dark green rays of light person ready dead as if not to hear their speaking voices quite the same as, in the mouth sends out to be similar to wild animal roaring, all-out attack nearby all Martial Artist. 而那数名双目中散发出墨绿色光芒的死士似乎浑然没有听到他们的说话声,口中发出类似于野兽般的咆哮,正全力攻击附近的所有武者 Jin Hong stands on a nearby big tree is frowning to look at this, in the eye rays of light is sparkling, an appearance looking pensive. 金宏站在附近的一棵大树上皱着眉头望着这一幕,眼中光芒闪闪,一副若有所思的样子。 Other leaders of dozens big influence also come here, they or stand on the big tree, or suspended in midair, vision amazed is looking that several people ready dead who provode the unrest. 余下的数十个大势力的领头人也纷纷来到这里,他们或是站在大树上,或是悬浮在半空中,一个个都目光惊诧的望着引发骚乱的那几名死士。 One person is our Chu Family person ready dead, how he... was his?” Chu Jie suspended in the midair, looks at that to be his subordinate, cannot be distinguishing friend and foe, attacks the person ready dead of own person crazily, complexion became somewhat ugly/difficult to look at. “有一人是我们楚家的死士,他...他这是怎么了?”楚杰悬浮在半空中,望着那一名属于他的麾下,正敌我不分,疯狂攻击自己人的死士,脸色变得有些难看了起来。 Snort, to me catches the people who these rebel.” Hundred Battles Family Baizhan Xiong drinks coldly, immediately orders. “哼,把这些作乱的人都给我擒住。”百战家族百战雄一声冷喝,立刻下令。 Immediately, belongs to Hundred Battles Family many ready dead simultaneously to act , quick lost the sane person ready dead to suppress that several with joint forces completely. 顿时,属于百战家族的众多死士齐齐出手,合力之下,很快就将那几名失去了理智的死士给全部镇压。 These person ready dead although suppressed moving cannot fear, the meaning of but slightly peaceful, dark green rays of light that in their eyes emits is getting stronger and stronger, going all out struggling, in rays of light with eye is gradually powerful, the strength that they struggle are also in a big way getting more and more, is faint, the unexpectedly one type must surpass making use of their strength. 只是这几名死士尽管被镇压的动惮不得,但是却丝毫没有安静下来的意思,他们眼中冒出的墨绿色光芒越来越浓烈,正在拼命的挣扎,随着眼中光芒的逐渐强盛,他们挣扎的力气也越来越多大,隐隐间,竟然有一种要超出他们本身实力的趁势。 Some suppression continuously, quickly, comes several people again.” “有些镇压不住了,快,再来几个人。” The person ready dead who participates in the suppression starts loud requesting reinforcements, immediately was several people ready dead participated. 一名参与镇压的死士开始大声的求援,立刻又是几名死士参与了进去。 Finally, enough eight person ready dead joint efforts, suppressed one of them. 最终,足足八名死士合力,才镇压住了其中一人。 This is a shocking matter, because these people ready dead were trained completely by Hundred Tribulations God King Pill, the power gap is not very big, only needs 2-3 people with joint forces, but then suppresses one person with ease. 这是一件骇人听闻的事情,因为这些死士全部都是被百劫神王丹培养起来的,相互之间的实力差距都不是很大,仅需要2-3人合力,便可轻松镇压一人。 But at this moment, actually needs enough eight talents to achieve this point! 而此刻,却需要足足八人才能做到这一点! This indicated that these lost the sane person ready dead, battle strength at least strengthened 2-3 times. 这说明这些失去了理智的死士,战力至少增强了2-3倍。 This, this outcome what's the matter, why they... will they turn into this appearance?” Chu Jie is somewhat at a loss, the vacant color of whole face. “这,这究竟是怎么回事,他们...他们为什么会变成这个样子?”楚杰有些六神无主,满脸的茫然之色。 No one can reply that he this issue, in fact, changes at this moment, making here many people not understand actually to have anything. 没有人能回答他这个问题,事实上,此时此刻发生的变化,让这里许多人都不明白究竟发生了什么。 The Jin Hong vision does flicker stares at that several people ready dead to send out the eyes of dark green rays of light, expression gradually became dignified, later he as if determined anything, complexion suddenly changed, immediately exploded drinks: Quickly, everyone protects the body at the energy immediately, isolates these thick fog.” 金宏目光一瞬不瞬的盯着那几名死士散发出墨绿色光芒的双眼,神色逐渐变得凝重了起来,随后他似乎确定了什么,脸色戛然一变,当即爆喝:“快,所有人立即以能量护体,隔绝这些浓雾。” What? Are all these here thick fog cause? Is only this to be how possible......” “什么?这一切都是这里的浓雾引起的?只是,只是这怎么可能......” This is how possible, this is the common mist, how to have the so strange ability?” “这怎么可能,这不过是再寻常不过的雾气而已,怎会有如此诡异的能力?” Jin Hong this sonic boom drinks, lets dozens supreme talent simultaneously mind entirely shakes, everyone one face cannot believe is staring at these thick fog, the doubts, suspected that and other vision appear in abundance in their eyes. 金宏这一声爆喝,让数十名天骄齐齐心神俱震,所有人都一脸不敢相信的盯着这些浓雾,疑惑,怀疑等目光纷纷浮现在他们眼中。 Even if some people were still doubtful, but does not have the exception, everyone protects the body at the energy immediately, starts to isolate these thick fog. 即便是有人仍然心存怀疑,但毫无例外,所有人都立即以能量护体,开始隔绝这些浓雾。 These God King Realm people ready dead also always follow, immediately, the fluctuation of energy in abundance broken body bright with many colors, that gorgeous rays of light this piece by bright with many colors of mountain forest exaggeration the thick fog covers. 那些神王境死士也是言听计从,顿时,五光十色的能量波动纷纷破体而出,那绚丽的光芒将这片被浓雾笼罩的山林渲染的五光十色。 Is better late than never, is too late, because of this line, has almost half people to think that Jian Chen is saying things just to frighten people, has not obeyed the proposition of Jian Chen to protect the body at the energy, causing among this several days to inhale a lot of thick fog to enter within the body. 只是亡羊补牢,为时已晚,因为这一路行来,足足有差不多半数之人认为剑尘是在危言耸听,没有听从剑尘的提议以能量护体,导致这几日间吸入了大量的浓雾进入体内 At this moment, the hidden dangers of these thick fog erupted finally completely. 此刻,这些浓雾的隐患终于完全的爆发了出来。 Sees only the order of Jin Hong to issue two time of breath, in that group of people ready dead, then also has Martial Artist to start insanity, as if annihilated the intelligence, in both eyes burst out dark green rays of light, crazy attack nearby companion. 只见金宏的命令才下达两个呼吸的时间,在那一群死士之中,便又有武者开始疯魔化,似乎湮灭了神智,双目中迸发出墨绿色光芒,再疯狂的攻击附近的同伴。 They as if were fuse result, follow, more and more people ready dead fell into the insanity, in short time, quantity from the beforehand several people, to dozens people, 他们就仿佛是一根导火线似得,紧随其后,越来越多的死士陷入了疯魔之中,短短时间内,数量就从之前的数人,到数十人, Again to several hundreds, several thousands, and even over ten thousand people. 再到数百,数千,乃至上万人。 Finally, among all God King Realm people ready dead, that part has not protected the body to isolate the dense fog at the energy Martial Artist, was completely enchanted, no one can escape by luck. 最终,所有神王境死士当中,那一部分没有以能量护体隔绝迷雾的武者,全部都疯魔了,没有人能幸免。 Immediately, in the wooded mountains erupted a war, the person ready dead in insanity becomes cannot distinguish friend and foe, starts to attack even the normal person ready dead, but even the normal person ready dead is going all out to resist, this has the enormous and powerful team of several tens of thousands person fully, at this moment made a mess, started killing one another. 顿时,山林间爆发了一场大战,疯魔中的死士变得敌我不分,开始攻击甚至正常的死士,而甚至正常的死士则是在拼命抵挡,这一支足有数万人的浩荡队伍,此刻乱作一团,开始了自相残杀。 How like this, how ..... to see this like this, many supreme talent were the both eyes delay, among expression was full of the shock, unbelievable and other expression. “怎么会这样,怎么会这样.....”看到这一幕,许多天骄都是双目呆滞,神色间充满了震惊,难以置信等神色 Wakes to me, áo!” Jin Hong complexion is pale, his body changes into zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang golden small Wolf King immediately, Antiquity Heavenly Wolf that fuzzy illusory shadow appears in his behind, then face upwards to send out a penetrating sound horizon the wolf howling sound, the sound puts on gold/metal Lieshi, shakes the person heart and soul, will try to fall into the person ready dead in insanity awakening. “都给我醒过来,呜!”金宏脸色铁青,他的身躯立即化为一只丈许长的金色小狼王,远古天狼那模糊的虚影出现在他身后,而后仰天发出一声彻响天际的狼嚎声,声音穿金裂石,震人心魄,试图将陷入疯魔中的死士给唤醒。 However actually does not help matters! 然而却无济于事! He Qianqian is complexion is also pale, Heavenly Crane Family all people ready dead obeyed the advice of Jian Chen although, no falls into the insanity, but happening in present one, still this princess from top large clan frightening heavily. 鹤芊芊也是脸色苍白,尽管天鹤家族的所有死士都听从了剑尘的建议,没有一个陷入疯魔之中,但发生在眼前的一幕,依然将这位来自顶尖大族的千金小姐给吓得不轻。 She sees the Heavenly Crane Family person ready dead to suffer these enchanted people ready dead to attack, immediately ordered decisively: Heavenly Crane Family everyone, forms Tsuruwa Divine Formation immediately!” 她见天鹤家族的死士正遭受那些疯魔死士攻击,立即果断下令:“天鹤家族的所有人,立即结成鹤羽神阵!”
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